Acting Spoiled In His Indifferent Arms

Chapter 12: 12

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Ji Bai was also brought into the police station as an eyewitness to give her statement.

“It was those people. I saw them with my own eyes with knives trying to…to hurt him!”

“He’s innocent and a victim.”

“Mm-hm, Uncle policeman, you must not let the bad people off the hook.”

“He is my classmate, um…he usually behaves very well.”

No sooner had Ji Bai said those three words did Xie Sui’s irritable voice emerge from the next interrogation room——

“How many times do I have to say it, no parents, both fucking dead!”

The corners of the mouth of the female officer taking her statement twitched, “He’s behaving well?”

Ji Bai stammered and explained, “Just…a bad temper, other than that, everything else is good.”

After completing the transcript it was already 7:00 p.m. The female officer gently patted Ji Bai’s shoulder, “Student, you were right to call the police in a timely manner today. Everything is fine, go home and have dinner.”

Ji Bai hurriedly asked, “Then when can he leave?”

“His problem is more serious, let’s wait for his parents to come over and pick him up.”

Ji Bai nodded and walked out of the police station with her school bag on her back.

But she didn’t leave immediately, instead, she ordered a plate of leek-filled dumplings at the dumpling shop across the street, and waited for Xie Sui while eating.

Even if Xie Sui was beaten to death he would still refuse to disclose his parents’ information. However, there was nothing in this world that the Uncle policemen couldn’t find out. In the end, they found out that Xie Sui’s father was involved in a crime in his early years and was sentenced to life imprisonment.

The mother was still there, but had remarried.

She was immediately contacted by the police.

Soon after, Xie Sui’s mother, Madam Cheng, rushed to the police station, went through the formalities and picked him up.

Madam Cheng looked quite young, her facial features were seven or eight points similar to Xie Sui. She looked very beautiful and was essentially a beauty.

As if she was afraid of being seen, Madam Cheng led Xie Sui into a narrow, damp and dirty alley. Her long and slender fingers poked his hard chest, “I’ve already said it a long time ago, bridges return to bridges and roads return to roads1. You’re almost an adult, so how long are you going to harm me!”

Xie Sui kept a cold face and didn’t speak.

Ji Bai was seated at the dumpling shop across the road and looked into the alley. The alley was dark and his figure was shrouded in a shadow, only a vague outline could be seen.

He extended his hand to fumble with a cigarette, Madam Cheng knocked the cigarette packet to the ground, “My husband’s family is extremely sensitive to the fact that I have married someone before. My mother-in-law told me to make a clean break with you. If it weren’t for your brother, I would have had a really bad time. I beg you, please don’t approach me anymore, and just pretend I didn’t give birth to you!”

Xie Sui remained silent, and Madam Cheng took out a wad of money from her Gucci handbag and stuffed it into his pocket, “You want money, right? I’ll give it all to you, as long as you don’t cause me any harm.”

His spine curved into a stretch and tight bow, abruptly, he threw all the money into the air. He murmured one word in a somber and cold voice——

“Get lost.”

He turned around, his side profile emerged from the shadows with bone-deep hatred in his eyes.

Bright red bills were scattered throughout the sky.

“Little bastard! Why don’t you go to hell!”

The woman’s curses echoed in the empty alley, “It would be better for everyone if you just die!”

Xie Sui walked out of the alley without looking back.

Ji Bai, who was carrying a box of packed dumplings, stood by the crosswalk on the opposite side of the street and looked up at him.

The neon lights on the side of the road flickered, and a shadow of light fell on her fair face, shining on her finely curled eyelashes.

She was just about to take a step forward when the red light came on at which point the vehicles stopped in front of the crosswalk started. She hesitated, withdrew her foot, and waited anxiously for the traffic light.

Xie Sui didn’t cross the road, he turned around with a blank face and walked along the other side.

When Ji Bai saw him leave, she also hurriedly went in his direction. Separated by a stream of an endless highway, she chased after his figure, her eyes burning with urgency, as if she was afraid she might lose him.

When they arrived at the crossroads, Xie Sui turned right without thinking, but the road had guardrails so Ji Bai couldn’t cross directly. By the time she hurriedly crossed through the overpass to the other side of the road, Xie Sui had already disappeared.

Ji Bai stood at the crossroads, sighed softly, and fished out the erotic silver handcuffs with pink fur from her bag, along with her keychain.


In the gloomy garage, the air was filled with a faint smell of engine oil, this slightly tinged with a certain rusty smell almost constitutes the entirety of Xie Sui’s life.

Crossing the garage, there was a run-down rental building in the courtyard. He walked up the moldy passageway, stood in front of the unit door, and felt around his pocket.

His pocket was empty.

At that moment, his phone rang, and Ji Bai’s avatar popped up on the screen——

“Xie Sui, just now you walked too fast, I couldn’t catch up with you. The keys are still here with me, can I send it to you?”

It turned out that she was desperately trying to catch up with him just now, simply to return his keys to him.

Xie Sui let out a soft snort, didn’t respond to the message, put away his phone, headed downstairs, and made his way into an all-night Internet cafe on the side.

Jibai walked down the street alone, unable to wait for his reply.

She understood Xie Sui’s temperament too well. When he didn’t want to talk to you, he would never say more than a word to you.

Without further delay, Ji Bai went straight home

Xie Sui hardly mentioned his family, to the extent that Ji Bai almost instinctively assumed that he was alone from the beginning to the end.

But he’s not Sun Wukong that popped out of nowhere2, how could he live alone?

From the argument between him and the madam, Ji Bai learned that Xie Sui’s father should have committed a crime and gone to jail. His mother remarried, and with her current appearance and mental state, she should have married very well, but the other family was apprehensive of Xie Sui’s existence. Hence, his mother also didn’t want to acknowledge her son.

He was like a lonely ghost walking on the edge of the city, homeless, dark and lonely.

Ji Bai sat by the window, looking at the bright moonlight outside and let out a quiet sigh.

After being reborn in this life, she thought it would be better to distance herself from Xie Sui. Paranoid love oftentimes leads to great tragedy, Ji Bai didn’t want herself and him to suffer again.

Even if she was called selfish and heartless, it was all right.

No one said that love must be intense, life and death, she just desired to have a warm and ordinary life, there was nothing wrong with that.

At seven o’clock in the morning, Xie Sui came out of the Internet cafe, his clothes were a little wrinkled, and the corners of his eyes were obviously tired. His indifferent eyes grew more and more wild and unrestrained.

An all-nighter at an Internet cafe, with countless souls dead from his gun, has dispelled most of his irritation.

Walking to the classroom door, he found that Ji Bai was already waiting by the balcony.

She was wearing a neat, loose blue and white school uniform, he hair was tied in a high ponytail. The morning breeze was light, and a few strands of her hair swayed between her temples, ruffling her fair and small earlobes3.

Her jet-black eyes were concentrated on gazing down the stairs, uncertain of who she was waiting for.

Xie Sui passed by her and whistled nonchalantly.

Ji Bai heard the familiar whistling sound and hurriedly called out to him, “Xie Sui, wait a minute.”

Xie Sui stopped but didn’t turn around.

Ji Bai lowered her school bag, awkwardly spent a good deal of time searching inside, and eventually found his keys.


She returned his keys back to him.

The corner of his mouth raised slightly, and he reached out to take it.

Ji Bai noticed that the back of his hand was fair, his fingertips were thin and long, yet his palm had calluses and complex lines. There was a glaring scar that pierced the lifeline and came to an abrupt end on his palm…4

His palm lines already indicated his bumpy life in the future.

The only difference, however, was Ji Bai.

She carefully put the keys back into his hand.

Xie Sui looked down at the keys in his hand. On the keychain, hung a small colorful accessory. It was a fierce puppy pendant, with the puppy crouching, staring, baring its teeth and scaring people.

“Why are you giving me this?”

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He lifted the puppy pendant and sized it up, feeling that it was rather childish and that he might look like a sissy when he wore it on his keys.

“I think it resembles you in terms of its ferocity.”

Xie Sui was stunned and reacted, “To call me like a dog, believe it or not this Laozi will beat you.”

Xie Sui looked at the cartoon pendant for a long time, the corners of his mouth couldn’t help but rise, feeling a little sweet in his heart.

He very carefully put the keychain back in his bag and went back to class with satisfaction.


Teacher Luo Qing’s audition was scheduled to be held in mid-October. In the early morning, Ji Bai carried her cello over on her back and placed it in the rehearsal room for the competition.

During the 30-minute class break in the morning, Ji Feifei dragged Ji Bai to the rehearsal room for practice.

Ji Feifei didn’t practice much during all this time, she wasn’t dedicated in practicing her dance5, therefore at the end of the day she tried to make a last minute effort6 in preparing for the competition.

When Ji Bai went to the washroom, the girls from Ji Feifei sister group came up and gathered around Ji Bai’s cello and sized it up, “Ji Feifei, this cello wasn’t cheap, was it?”

“Of course.” Ji Feifei arrogantly lifted her chin, “It’s Kaslo’s brand, so it costed more than a hundred thousand!”

The girls sighed and said, “Feifei, why didn’t you learn the cello?”

“I can’t help it, my younger sister wanted to play the cello, so I had to let her.”

“But seriously, your younger sister’s cello skills aren’t very good, and you really dare to ask her to accompany you?”

Ji Feifei assumed that her sisters hadn’t heard what Ji Feifei had just performed, and that’s why they said that.

She also didn’t know what happened, but Ji Bai’s cello skills have improved tremendously in the past few months, her performance was much better than before, and that’s the main reason why Ji Bai asked her to accompany her.

She faked a laugh and said, “Who let her be my younger sister, I have to take her to obtain a ranking ah.”

“Feifei you are so nice, always thinking of others.”

The sisters exchanged pleasantries for a while and left, after which Ji Bai returned to continue rehearsals with Ji Feifei.

Later, Ji Feifei said she was tired and went out to buy a cup of milk tea. After she wiped her sweat and left, a girl called out to Ji Bai.

Ji Bai turned around and found that it was Tang Xuanqi who called out to her.

Tang Xuanqi was the president of the school’s Cultural and Entertainment Department. She has excellent dancing skills, and this time she prepared the ballet [Swan Lake]. Just now Ji Bai watched her performance where she danced wonderfully.

Tang Xuanqi and Ji FeifeiBloo were both goddesses of the school, and thus have always been rivals.

“What can I do for you?”

Ji Bai wiped the beads of sweat on her forehead with a tissue.

“I just watched you and your older sister’s performance, it was really good.” Tang Xuanqi politely praised them.

“Thanks, and your performance was excellent.”

“It’s like this, when I said it was good, I was simply referring to your cello performance.”

Tang Xuanqi’s beautiful almond eyes swept over Ji Bai’s cello, “I have a proposal, in any case, it is all accompaniment. why don’t you come to accompany me ah, my performance will definitely be chosen, but Ji Feifei’s may not be.”

It turned out that she was here to poach someone.

Ji Bai smiled, “Not necessarily.”

In her previous life, Tang Xuanqi wasn’t chosen by Teacher Luo Qing for the reason that her place was taken by Ji Feifei. Teacher Luo Qing also considered Ji Feifei’s special status which was very inspirational and chose her.

Ji Feifei’s status as a hemophiliac seemed to be like a green pass for her, making her life easy and effortless.

Tang Xuanqi’s body radiated with an air of confidence as she proudly remarked, “Are you kidding me, Ji Feifei always performs the same dance for every show, she only knows one dance and it’s unbearable to watch7, do you think she can compete with me?”

Ji Bai shrugged, “I don’t know.”

Tang Xuanqi was provoked and raised her head, “So you are unwilling to cooperate with me for the sake of sisterhood.”

Ji Bia hopelessly laughed, “Time is already tight, you and I have never practiced before, how can we work together?”

“Can you play the piece from [Swan Lake]?”


“That’s fine, you don’t have to worry about me, when the time comes, you can just play your song and I’ll keep up with you.”

Tang Xuanqi had been listening to Ji Bai playing a song, and she was really fascinated by Ji Bai’s cello skills. Ji Feifei, that fool, still didn’t know she had picked up a treasure. Having such an excellent younger sister performing the cello for her, would definitely be able to achieve the effect of astonishing the entire audience.

Even if she didn’t cherish it, dancing like a ghost, it’s simply an eye sore ah.

If Ji Bai can accompany her, then she could definitely win the competition!

“I’m sorry, I can’t agree to that.” Ji Bai politely refused her.

“Are you sure?” Tang Xuanqi face went cold, “I heard that you and your older sister have a very good relationship, but I personally feel…that she isn’t as good as what the rumors say out there. Right, we are all girls, who still can’t see it?”

“It’s none of your business.”

Although Ji Feifei was bad, this Tang Xuanqi wasn’t any better, it’s just the pot calling the kettle black 8.

What’s more, Ji Bai had her own plans and didn’t want anyone to disrupt it.

Not long after Tang Xuanqi told Jibai about it, an accident happened.

Ji Bai’s cello was missing.

There were a lot of musical instruments in the rehearsal room, and generally speaking, it was unlikely that they be missing, however, at noon when Ji Bai went to the room to practice, she found that everyone’s instruments were there, except for her cello, which was missing.

She panicked and approached the aunt of the building manager, saying that she had lost her cello. The aunt also said that people were coming and going in the rehearsal room today, so she didn’t pay attention to it. Could it be that a student had taken it by mistake?

There was only one cello in the whole room, so it was impossible to get the wrong one.

The cello was missing, in Ji Bai’s heart, the biggest suspect in this incident was naturally Tang Xuanqi.

Ji Feifei went to Tang Xuanqi with great excitement and asked her why she had stolen the cello.

Tang Xuanqi, of course, flatly denied that she had stolen it, and this incident reached the Academic Affairs Office, with both parties arguing against each other.

Ji Feifei accused Tang Xuanqi, “She tried to recruit Ji Bai and was rejected, so she deliberately retaliated by stealing the cello, just to ruin my performance!”

Tang Xuanqi flatly denied it, “I have indeed said a few words to Ji Bai, asking her to cooperate with me. However, I, Tang Xuanqi, will never do something as underhanded as theft!”

When Ji Feifei saw Tang Xuanqi’s convincing words, she offered up her strongest weapon——wiping tears from her eyes.

“Teacher, I…I know that it’s not suitable for me to participate in the competition with my current condition, but I want to be like a normal girl, singing and dancing, I…I really don’t know where I have offended Tang Xuanqi, that she would harm me like this, boo hoo.”

The dean of Academic Affairs was a middle-aged man who, like Ji Bai’s parents, appeared to accept this approach from Ji Feifei. With a straight face, he said to Tang Xuanqi, “Student Tang Xuanqi, did you take Ji Bai’s cello or not, if you did, return it immediately! I can let bygones be bygones, otherwise I will make you pay the price if I discover that you did!”

“I didn’t!” Tang Xuanqi’s face turned pale, “I can swear to the heavens! I really didn’t!”

“Tang Xuanqi, do you want to be the second An Kerou?” Ji Feifei wept and said, “That’s exactly how she bullied me ah. All of you are bullying me.”

“You…are you threatening me! I will not be as weak as An Kerou!”

Ji Bai looked at Tang Xuanqi, who was so emotional that her lips were trembling, and then looked towards Ji Feifei, who was crying with pearly tears, and her face went cold.

She didn’t tell Ji Fei at all about Tang Xuanqi’s poaching. Where did she know about it?



(桥归桥路归路) – qiáo guī qiáolù guī lù – which means that things that have nothing to do with each other should be strictly separated. Meaning: She doesn’t want anything to do with him :<


Sun Wukong is a monkey born from a stone who acquires supernatural powers through Taoist practices.


(通透) – tōng tòu – penetrating or transparent – kinda don’t get why would an earlobe would be transparent so I went with small…will get back to this when I can ヽ(_ _ヽ)


一道突兀的断痕刺破了生命线,在命中戛然而止… – completely confused on this part will get back to this…Lifeline on the palm is this:  


(三天打鱼,两天晒网) – sān tiān dǎ yú , liǎng tiān shài wǎng – to fish for three days and sun-dry the nets for two days (proverb) / fig. not to persevere in doing sth / to do sth by fits and starts


(临时抱佛脚) – lín shí bào fó jiǎo – to clasp the Buddha’s feet when danger arises (idiom); fig. to profess devotion only when in trouble doing things at the last minute to make a hasty last-minute effort (often refers to cramming for exams)


(辣眼睛) – là yǎn jīng – unbearable to look at, to hurt the eyes; to be an eyesore.


(五十步笑百步) – wǔ shí bù xiào bǎi bù – the one who has retreated 50 steps laughs at the one who has retreated 100 steps (idiom) / the pot calls the kettle black – Compare yourself to others with the same shortcomings and mistakes, only to a lesser degree, but ridicule others without knowing it

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