Acting Spoiled In His Indifferent Arms

Chapter 11: 11

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An underground bar mixed with fishes and dragons1.

Cong Yuzhou ordered a bottle of beer, handed it to Xie Sui, and advised, “Hey, Brother Sui, what do you have in mind, constantly making a little girl’s life difficult, is it interesting? It’s not good to get a reputation for bullying girls.”

Xie Sui took the beer and drank it in one go.

The clear yellow liquid filled his parched throat bringing forth a fine and refreshing sensation. He thought about the girl’s fair skin again, as if a gentle pinch would leave a mark.

Xie Sui tossed the bottle away, his mind somewhat restless.

Some well-dressed young girl came over and sat next to Xie Sui, frivolously grabbing his bottle and pouring herself a drink, “Brother Sui, it’s rare for you to drop by and play, I’ll drink to you ah.”

The girl’s voice was delicate, and after drinking, she left a crimson lip mark on the glass.

Xie Sui twitched the corner of his eyes and felt a sudden wave of disgust. Without saying a word, he lifted his leg and kicked the high chair that the girl was leaning on.

The girl’s center of gravity became unsteady and she nearly fell. All of the drink in her hand was spilled on her chest and within moments the flimsy material of her dress revealed her skin, leaving behind a mess.

She covered her chest and left in a fit of rage.

Xie Sui looked at Cong Yuzhou, blandly said, “See, this is what’s called fucking bullying. This Laozi is only gentle towards her.”

Cong Yuzhou grinned and had nothing to say.


Ji Bai hid the handcuffs inside her sleeves as she slowly walked back home.

In the well-lit living room, father Ji Mingzhi, mother Tao Jiazhi and older sister Ji Feifei were seated on the sofa with a solemn look as if they were having a three-way meeting.

As soon as Ji Bai entered the house, she heard Tao Jiazhi ask in a long tone, “Where have you been, coming back so late?”

Ji Bai replied truthfully, “I went to play with my classmates.”

“Male or female classmates?”

Ji Bai looked at Ji Feifei and guessed that she must have added fuel to the fire by telling her parents so she could only give an honest answer, “Male classmates.”

With a “bang”, Ji Mingzhi slammed the teacup on the coffee table, “Do you know what time it is?! You went out with your male classmates and came back only now. Do you still have any sense of shame?!”

She has no sense of shame? I wonder who cried out to go for a ride with Xie Sui and dragged her by force.

Ji Feifei fiddled with her curly hair and piped up, “Dad, don’t be angry with younger sister. I’m sure she’s just having fun for a while, and there’s nothing else going on, let alone being in love at a young age.”

“She still dares to fall in love early! Hmph, if I find out, I will definitely break her leg!”

Tao Jiazhi scolded Ji Bai, “Bai Bai, you are too naive to come back so late. Do you know how worried mom and dad are about you? On top of that, your older sister has been waiting for you to practice all night.”

Ji Feifei looked at Ji Bai. She thought that she would eat this dumb loss in silence. After all, the old Ji Bai was slow-witted and awkward. She wasn’t very good at turning the tables and was always under her thumb. Also, she never knew how to defend herself in front of her parents.

Who would have thought that Ji Bai would sit beside Ji Feifei, hold her hand and say, “Older sister, I have to ask you, why did you leave me alone with those people? Do you know how scared I was when I got off the bus and saw that you weren’t there?”

“You…I don’t understand what you’re saying.”

Ji Bai told Tao Jiazhi, “I don’t know those boys at all. When I was walking out of school, I saw older sister talking to them. I wanted to go home with older sister, but older sister actually wanted to go racing with those boys. I tried to persuade her, but she wouldn’t listen. I was worried that something would happen to older sister, so I decided to accompany her. I didn’t think that older sister would push me to one of the bad boys and run away by herself instead.”

Ji Bai said with red eyes.

The parents looked at Ji Feifei with doubts, apparently believing Ji Bai’s words because Ji Feifei did come back late. Furthermore, Ji Bai has been gentle and honest since childhood, and has never lied.

“Fei Fei, what’s going on?”

“Is your younger sister telling the truth?”

Ji Feifei calmly explained, “Mom, Dad, I am sure that my sister said that because she was afraid of punishment. Ai, who let me be the older sister, I didn’t take care of her, it’s my fault. You guys just punish me.”

Ji Bai fished out her phone and clicked the photo gallery. Inside there was a photo of Ji Feifei standing in front of a race car, which Ji Bai captured casually.

“Older sister, you even asked me to take a picture of you.”

Ji Feifei’s face suddenly changed, for a moment it was red and then white, she looked at Ji Bai in disbelief.

How could the little white rabbit who used to be foolish and was always manipulated by her have such a scheming heart and secretly took pictures of her!

Ji Mingzhi looked at the photos on the phone and was absolutely enraged, “Ji Feifei, what the hell is going on here!?”

“Dad, let me explain!”

Tao Jiazhi echoed impatiently, “How can you leave your younger sister alone! What if something happens to her!?”

“Mom, I didn’t!”

“Just now when you came back alone, I was suspicious. I knew Bai Bai’s character since she was a child, she would never lie, much less have interactions with those bad boys. I really don’t understand anything anymore. Feifei, what’s going on inside your mind, why do you want to hurt your younger sister?”

“Mom, is that how you think of me?” Ji Feifei’s eyes turned red and her tears fell out, “Why would I do that? It’s … it’s not because … it’s because …”

Ji Feifei pretended to be sad, covered her face and wept, “Because I was jealous of my younger sister, you guys love her so much. It made me feel sad, I was afraid you guys wouldn’t want me anymore. I got sick and you guys didn’t want me anymore after giving birth to my sister, boo hoo.”

Tears were Ji Feifei’s ultimate weapon, as long as she cried every time she was scolded, and pretended to be pathetic, her parents would be soft-hearted, and everything would be reduced to minor and trivial issues.

As expected, Tao Jiazhi’s attitude loosened up, “Feifei, ah, how can you think like that, how can mom and dad not want you?”


“Yes, mom and dad love you the most.”

At this time, Ji Bai spoke appropriately, “Older sister, didn’t our parents give birth to me in order to cure you. You knew this a long time ago, so why say such heart-breaking words?”

Ji Feifei gave Ji Bai a sharp look.

When Ji Mingzhi heard Ji Bai mention this, it made him feel even more guilty, “Bai Bai, you mustn’t think like this, you and Feifei are both our children. Nobody is more important, you are both important.”

Such words, they also said in the previous life, yet it was only to appease Ji Bai. When she hears it, she no longer takes it seriously.

Ji Mingzhi turned to Feifei and said sternly, “What’s the use of crying when you’ve done something wrong. Quickly apologize to your younger sister, and then stay in the piano room for three hours before you can come out!”



Ji Feifei gnashed her teeth as she looked at Ji Bai and very reluctantly uttered the words “I’m sorry”. Then stomped upstairs and entered the piano room, closing the door with force.

Tao Jiazhi said, “This Feifei’s temper keeps getting bigger and bigger.”

Ji Mingzhi looked at Ji Bai with a complicated expression, “Bai Bai, I really wronged you.”

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Ji Bai shook her head, and also got up to return to her room.

A self-directed play concluded with a miserable end for Ji Feifei.


Every Friday afternoon, the last two classes at Dexin High School are the general cleaning days. Students who don’t participate in the general cleaning leave early, and Ji Bai was no exception. She hurriedly packed her school bag, got on her bike, and sped off towards the mountain lake at the back of the school.

She was wearing a baggy blue and white school uniform that barely covered the handcuffs around her hands. The handcuffs were erotic looking as they came with pink fur.

Ji Bai was drunk too.

Every time she raised her hand, a rattling sound would come from her sleeve, drawing Yin Xiaxia to look at her over and over.

At any rate, Ji Bai must find Xie Sui to unlock the handcuffs.

The mountain lake behind the school was deserted, overgrown with weeds and inaccessible. It’s a place where delinquent boys often gather to smoke.

It was a windy day. The grass, as tall as half a person, was swaying with the wind. Xie Sui dispersed his gang of brothers and squatted by the lakeside alone, with a straw in his mouth, calmly gazing at the lake.

In fact, he wanted to leave several times, as he had no idea what he was doing, what was the point of asking her to come……

After all was said and done, he still couldn’t control his body’s… crazy desire to see her.

Just as he was lost in thought, a stone unexpectedly came flying over and landed in the lake, splashing him with ice cold water.

Xie Sui turned around and saw a few boys dressed up in a very Shamate style2 walking over. One of the boys who had a mohawk3 was leaning next to… the same girl who had suffered a loss by trying to please Xie Sui in the bar yesterday.

“Brother Xie, how come you’ve been left alone?” The boy with the mohawk was the first to speak up, “Where are your brothers who are inseparable from you?”

Xie Sui spat out the straw in his mouth and slightly moved his right hand, clearly having no desire to deal with their bullshit, “Say what you really want to say.”

“You bullied my woman yesterday. How can we settle this matter?”

Xie Sui looked briefly at the girl and said indifferently, “You have a green hat on your fucking head, it’s none of this Laozi’s business.”

The girl immediately sobbed and defended, “No, Brother Chao, he molested me.”

Xie Sui grinned, ” Laozi’s eyes aren’t blind. I despise people like you.”

“What the fuck are you talking about! Watch your mouth!”

Xie Sui was accustomed to being arrogant and domineering, and had no good temper towards anyone. Several of the boys usually didn’t have the guts to mess with him but seeing him alone now, they weren’t afraid.

“Want to fight then hurry up, Laozi still has things to do today.”

The Shamate boy pounced on him in a frenzy.

They had no rules when fighting so it was chaotic as some used brute force, a hammer here and a stick there…Xie Sui was completely different because he did black boxing4 before, he was trained and skilled. He was a first-class boxer and was able to knock down several people around him in minutes.

The Shamate boy was beaten up by him and wailed. Several boys around the boy with the mohawk saw that the situation wasn’t good, fished out knives from their bags and rushed towards Xie Sui.

The gleaming knife had a pointed edge, Xie Sui was only fighting hand to hand, and knew that he had to avoid it, so he retreated repeatedly and dodged a few knives.

The teenagers didn’t hit lightly and kept aiming for the stomach, one careless mistake could lead to his stomach being pierced and his intestines to spill out.

At that moment, Xie Sui heard the sound of a bicycle bell that he least expected to hear.

Xie Sui turned his head, only to see a girl wearing a loose blue and white school uniform, pushing her bike with her hand. She was standing by the side of the trail, staring dumbstruck at what was happening in front of her and trembling lips.

Scared to death.

Xie Sui was a ruffian, no matter how many times he brushed past the border of death he didn’t feel scared for one moment, but now, looking at the girl’s frightened look, he was actually a little scared.

The cold glint of the knife, arms stained with blood, and cruel and fierce violence…..

All of this was enough to scare away any well-behaved and obedient girl.

Xie Sui took the opportunity to dodge in between, picked up a stone on the ground and threw it at Ji Bai’s feet, hoarsely shouted 5, “What are you looking at, get lost!”

Only then did Ji Bai react and hurriedly got back on her bike, riding off at a sloppy angle.

Xie Sui let out a sigh of relief and also began to run for his life.

The boys behind them were obviously out for blood6, and wouldn’t rest until Xie Sui spilled his blood on the spot.

After running for an unknown amount of time, in the overgrown woods, the group of people heard the whirring and hooting of police car sirens.

“Motherfucker… Someone called the police!”

“Brother Chao, what should we do!?”

“What should we do, RUN!”

Several boys ran away in a blink of an eye, while the police rushed into the woods and caught an exhausted Xie Sui.

Xie Sui was handcuffed and led out by the police officer. Next to the police car, Ji Bai was breathing heavily and intermittently explained the circumstances to the police officer.

The gentle light of the sunset fell on her face, she had beads of sweat oozing from her forehead and her bangs were wet and sticky on the side of her ears.

When she saw Xie Sui, she stopped gesturing, her furrowed little brow suddenly relaxed, as if she was greatly relieved.

Xie Sui hasn’t been in police custody for so many years. This time can be regarded as a ship capsized in the gutter7. But… at least he got his life back.

The police officer pressed Xie Sui’s head and told him to sit in the police car, but Xie Sui didn’t give in easily and fiercely yelled , “Don’t touch Laozi!”

He raised his jaw at Ji Bai and shouted, “Come here.”

Ji Bai ran towards him in a hurry, yet before she could speak, Xie Sui turned sideways——

“Keys, left pants pocket, feel it for yourself.”



(鱼龙混杂) – yú lóng hùn zá – dragons and fishes jumbled together—good and bad people mixed up


(杀马特) – shā mǎ tè – Chinese subculture of young urban migrants, usually of low education, with exaggerated hairstyles, heavy make-up, flamboyant costumes, piercings etc (loanword from “smart”)


(飞机头) – fēijītóu – hairstyle which resembles the shape of an airplane when viewed sideways; mohawk; ducktail; quiff


Black Boxing = Illegal Boxing like underground type :3


(声嘶力竭) – shēng sī lì jié – shout oneself hoarse;shout oneself blue in the face


(杀红了眼) – shā hóng le yǎn – murderous – eyes turning red to murder


(阴沟里翻船) – yīn gōu lǐ fān chuán – to meet with unexpected failure (idiom) / to fail miserably (where failure was not expected)

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