Acting Spoiled In His Indifferent Arms

Chapter 5: 5

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ASHIA: Chapter 5: Ji Bai’s Counterattack

September 5, 2022Queen Dei Mos

Translator: Queen Dei Mos

September 5, 2022

I will be taking up this novel seeing as the translators haven’t updated since last year. Wish me luck and enjoy the read! (/ ‘з’)/

It was currently the peak time of eating in the canteen so many students noticed the accident happening at the intersection and stopped to watch.

Ji Feifei and her sisters came out of the canteen and also saw the confrontation between Ji Bai and Xie Sui.

She didn’t know how Ji Bai had offended this big guy but with so many people watching, as her jie, she still has to step in to help her out.

[T/N: (姐) jiě – older sister]

At the same time, she can also find an opportunity to talk to Xie Sui. In her heart, Ji Feifei is very fond of Xie Sui but she didn’t dare let anyone know

“Xie Sui, my meimei wasn’t sensible, if she has provoked you, I will apologize to you on her behalf.”

[T/N: (妹妹) mèi mei – younger sister]

Ji Feife’s attitude was neither humble nor arrogant.

All of the classmates in school didn’t dare to offend Xie Sui, whenever they saw him in their paths, they would all take a detour but Ji Feifei felt that she needed to do something different so that Xie Sui would notice her.

Xie Sui turned his gaze away from Ji Feifei and simply ignored her. Still staring at Ji Bai he asked, “What do you think?”

Ji Bai whispered, “What do you mean?”

He raised his eyebrows and sneered, “You asked me what I was going to do, and I answered, do you agree?”


The surrounding boys let out a few low malicious chuckles.

This kind of thing, he still has to ask for their consent, what a fucking talent.

Although these words were said to Ji Bai, Ji Feifei couldn’t help but blush with shyness. Xie Sui with his wild and bad boy image could always make good students like her blush with his naughty words.

[T/N: (自作多情) zì zuò duō qíng – to imagine that one’s love is reciprocated or to shower affection on an uninterested party. This was hard to translate (-_-)ゞ but basically she misunderstood his words thinking he was saying it to her…]

“Xie Sui, don’t talk nonsense, or I’ll tell the teacher!” Ji Feifei warned him pretending to be calm.

Her “protective sister” act also made her fellow classmates praise her repeatedly. In their minds, it goes without saying that Ji Feifei is an inspiring Goddess brimming with positive energy.

Xiao Suio finally glanced at Ji Feifei impatiently, “What are you? Roll.”

[T/N: (东西) dōng xī – He refers to her as a literal thing or object here. Roll – get out of my way]

There has never been a person that has said such harsh words to Ji Feifei, moreover, the other party was her beloved Xie Sui.

She seemed to have been wronged by the sky, her eyes reddened, even though the person being bullied wasn’t her at all.

[T/N: wronged by the sky – suffered a great grievance]

Instantly, girls came around to console Ji Feifei.

In regards to suddenly having someone jump in and add their own drama, Xie Sui was extremely irritated and at the same time bored.

He walked over to Ji Bai, took her by the collar and pulled her close to him, and in a low tone coldly whispered ——

“If you don’t want to notice me, don’t fucking appear in front of me in the future, or I will see you once and ‘bully’ you once.”

Ji Bai was so frightened of him that she shrank back and nodded repeatedly.

Xie Sui let go of her, casually fixed her somewhat messy collar, and turned to leave.

Looking at his grumpy and stoic back, Ji Bai released a sigh of relief, but at the same time, more complicated emotions weighed on her mind.

She didn’t want to provoke Xie Sui and make her plans more complicated than they should be.

Later that afternoon, Ji Feifei posted a Weibo——

“My meimei provoked the bad boys at school and was bullied. I was very angry and went up to help my meimei and was scolded for speaking up, woo woo woo, asking for comfort.”

[T/N: (呜) wū or woo– onomatopoeia for whimpering]

The comment section was flooded with words of comfort for Ji Feifei

“Fei Bao is really a very good jie.”

[T/N: (宝) bǎo – precious, treasure etc, basically a nickname for her]

“Yes, our Fei Bao is very warm-hearted.”

“Why does meimei casually provoke the bad boys at school?”

“Who knows ah, but if you don’t do it, you won’t die, you get into trouble, then let your jie clean up the mess.”

“I feel sorry for Fei Bao.”


Ji Bai is also going to start her own Weibo now, although her Weibo popularity is low, no, it should be said that she isn’t popular at all as only the few people she knows are following her.

But a small zombie account like this may become the lever that moves the earth in the future.

[T/N: The zombie thing could mean an account that one doesn’t use or a dead account. If anyone knows please do let me know TTuTT. Other one means that she could become famous in the near future.]

Ji Bai casually took a photo of the school yard at dusk, and sent a Weibo to encourage herself, “Cherish health and be grateful for opportunities, Xiao Bai must strive to live! The future is promising! [Fighting]”

The chance to do life all over again is really hard to come by, and she will definitely cherish it.

In the school yard, Xie Sui was playing basketball and as it was a dry late summer, the boys were sweating profusely.

Xie Sui’s physical strength has always been stable and his offensive swift and violent. The whole person seemed to have endless energy to vent which caused several of the boys to be exhausted with his play and sat down to gasp for breath.

Under the basket, Cong Yuzhou swiped his phone and suddenly said, “Oh, someone took a photo of us.”

Jiang Zhongning curiously stretched his head out to look at his mobile phone, “This photo was taken at the right time along with Sui ge’s slam dunk!”

[T/N: (哥) gē – older brother]

The angle of the photo was taken from the upper floor of the teachers’ building directly across the street. Its timing was extremely coincidental as it was able to capture the handsome figure of Xie Sui going for a slam dunk.

However, because the distance was quite far, the photographer may not have even noticed it.

Jiang Zhongning asked, “Where did you see that?”

Cong Yuzhou pointed out to him, “In the post of the person nearby. It’s only been two minutes since it was posted, which is really a coincidence.”

Jiang Zhongning read the words of the Weibo post, “‘Cherish health and be grateful for opportunities, Xiao Bai must strive to live! The future is promising! [Fighting]’. Tsk, it’s quite inspirational, ah, I bet a packet of spicy strips that she’s a pretentious girl since she’s saying it as if she’s dying”

[T/N: (啧) zé – Tsk – click one’s tongue]

The Weibo avatar was a cartoon photo of Xiao Bai in《Crayon Shin-chan》. Cong Yuzhou followed the post and went through the Weibo profile of this “Xiao Xin’s Xiao Bai”.

[T/N: (顺藤摸瓜) shùn téng mō guā – to track / following clues, basically Cong Yuzhou went detective or stalker mode on Ji Bai’s Weibo]

“This girl seems to be a fan of Ji Feifei. It’s all about Ji Feifei’s Weibo, and the only follower she has is Ji Feifei.”

“Fuck, she even forwarded Ji Fei Fei’s Weibo post scolding us ne!”

[T/N: (呢) ne – particle indicating strong affirmation]

“What, Ji Feifei scolded us?”

A few boys couldn’t even be bothered to play basketball, and rushed to surround Cong Yuzhou and frantically peered at the screen.

“Click on it and see what the comments say.”

“It says we committed school violence, we never bullied people in school, where is the school violence!?”

“We didn’t in the past, but what Sui ge did today was indeed mean. To the uninformed eyes, that was school violence.”

“Sui ge was too impulsive. It’s too much to hit other girls with a bicycle.”

“It’s really really was too much!”

The boys also began to turn their backs and criticize Xie Sui.

Suddenly, a basketball came flying over with a strong force on the concrete ground of the school yard next to Cong Yuzhou, Xie Sui said in a cold voice, “Are you finished?”

[T/N: The raws said plastic school yard but that kind of doesn’t make sense so I just went with concrete]

The youngsters all shut their mouths together.

Xie Sui picked up Cong Yuzhou’s phone, and slid his thumb down to read the comments.

Cong Yuzhou was filled with anxiety, fearing that Xie Sui would get furious and run off to beat Ji Feifei.

Fortunately, though, he didn’t say anything.

That night, Ji Bai discovered that she gained another fan.

The reason why she noticed this is because the avatar of this fan was 《Crayon Shin-chan》.

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Her Weibo name is “Xiao Xin’s Xiao Xiao Bai” and at the first glance of this fan’s avatar it looked like it was the same as hers making it look like they were a couple.

However, there are many netizens who use Xiao Xin’s avatars so Ji Bai shrugged and didn’t particularly care about it.


Two days later in physical education class.

An Kerou ridiculed Ji Feifei for being a sick child. Ji Feifei became so angry that she insisted on competing with her in the high jump. As a result, she fell and broke her knee, which caused it to bleed profusely.

Because she is a hemophiliac, in the event of an injury, it would be very dangerous and even life-threatening if the bleeding could not be stopped.

[T/N: Hemophilia – a bleeding disorder in which the blood does not clot properly.]

Ji Feifei was quickly taken to the hospital by her classmates and teachers. The doctor said that she had lost too much blood and needed to stop the bleeding and replenish fluids to increase her blood volume immediately.

Ji Bai, who was still in class, was also called to the hospital by her parents who had rushed over and asked for blood to be drawn.

When the accident happened, Ji Bai was completely unprepared, and was taken to the infirmary, where 200cc of her blood was drawn.

Although she was extremely reluctant in her heart, she had no choice, Ji Feifei was in a critical situation, her bleeding had stopped, however, if she didn’t receive blood immediately, she might remain unconscious.

The period between the ages of seventeen and twenty-three should have been a period of good health for Ji Feifei. Therefore, there were not many blood draws as she seldom fell ill. However, Ji Feifei deliberately wants to kill herself just so she could compete with other people in high jump.

Then an unexpected disaster came.

At 8 o’clock in the evening, Ji Feifei became conscious. Her parents surrounded her and warmly and with great care asked about her well-being.

Meanwhile, Ji Bai, due to dizziness, has been leaning on the side of the sofa with no one bothering to care about her.

“Meimei, are you all right?” Ji Feifei asked her, pretending to be concerned.

“I’m fine, thank you for your concern, jiejie.”

Seeing the two sisters getting along so well, their parents looked relieved. Tao Jiazhi even sat next to Ji Bai and caressed her face.

“Bai Bai has another headache, right? Mom will rub it for you.”

Whenever this kind of situation happened in the previous life, Ji Bai would sternly reprimand her jie for not cherishing her body causing her to suffer as well.

In the end, as one can well imagine, Ji Bai was scolded by her parents for being heartless and ignoring the affection of her jie.

She repeatedly disappointed her parents, which led to the loss of the last bit of gratitude they had for her.

Now, Ji Bai won’t be so stupid, she understands that only children who can cry will have candy.

Ji Bai closed her eyes, “Each time my blood gets drawn, I get dizzy. I’ll be fine if I take it easy so don’t worry about me, mom.”

Tao Jiazhi apologetically said, “Bai Bai suffered, go home tonight, I will make you a delicious meal to make up for it.”

“It doesn’t matter, let’s see what jie wants to eat.”

“Bai Bai is really sensible ah.”

The smile on Ji Feifei’s face had disappeared, and she looked at Ji Bai with a complicated expression.

Ji Bai suddenly raised her dark bottomless eyes to look at her, which made her feel chills.

She immediately regained her smile and joked, “Bai Bai is still acting like a child, acting coquettishly to mom.”

Ji Bai snuggled up to her mother’s side and mentioned smoothly, “Mom, I heard that jie broke her leg today at school when she deliberately competed with An Kerou of our class in the high jump.”

Tao Jiazhi’s face changed and she looked at Ji Feifei, “Is that true?”

Ji Feifei explained to her parents that she wasn’t careful when she was walking and accidentally fell. Suddenly being exposed by Ji Bai, her expression became unnatural.

“Yes…that’s what happened.”

Her father, Ji Mingzhi, became a bit angry, “Feifei, how is your condition? You, yourself know it. Fortunately, Bai Bai arrived on time, if Bai Bai hadn’t arrived, what would happen if you lost a lot of blood and lost your life!?”

Ji Feifei has rarely been reprimanded so harshly by her parents so she couldn’t hold back and cried, “Why can’t she come? She’s just at school, she’s just a phone call away, why are you guys so mean? Woo woo woo!”

Tears were Ji Feifei’s most powerful weapon, since childhood, as soon as she was scolded by her parents she would cry. She cried with pearly tears which made people feel distressed. Then her parents would immediately soften and comfort her, this was a trick that was tried and tested.

Before their parents’ attitude could soften, Ji Bai spoke, “Jie, I was indeed able to come in time to donate blood for you, but every time I gave blood, I also had a hard time. I don’t know why I have to pay for your mistakes.”

As she spoke, she actually cried as well.

When she cried, Ji Feifei was so shocked that she even forgot to cry.

She is Ji Bai ah! When has Ji Bai ever cried, a child who doesn’t cry despite suffering all kinds of grievances.

When she was a child, she was scolded by their parents. She bit her lower lip so hard that the flesh of her lips was bleeding, but no tears came out of her eyes.

She’s actually crying!

In the tropical regions, where it often rains, people treat rain as a common thing, however, for those who live in the desert, a single drop of water from the sky will make them feel like it was a miracle of the world.

Ji Feifei and Ji Bai’s tears have completely different effects.

Their parents panicked and instantly became aware of the severity of the problem.

“Ji Feifei! You are still arguing!” Ji Mingzhi stood up, pointed at her and angrily said, “Your meimei gave you a blood transfusion because of her concern for the family but she is not obligated to pay for your mistakes! If something like this happens again, we won’t care about you, and you’ll be left to fend for yourself!”

Of course, father Mingzhi only uttered those words in the heat of the moment, nevertheless, the effect that Ji Bai wanted was achieved.

Ji Feifei was stunned as she had never been scolded so harshly by her parents. Most of the time in the past, within their home, she was the one who stood on the sidelines and laughed as her parents scolded Ji bai.

Now, everything is reversed.

“Dad, how can you say that to me, I… I don’t want to live anymore!”

Ji Feifei wept and made trouble, without pause.

On the other hand, Ji Bai furrowed her eyebrows, “Mom, I have a headache.”

Mother Tao Jiazhi was upset with all the trouble that Ji Feifei was making and said, “You should stop making trouble, your meimei is still suffering from a headache.”

Ji Feifei is not an easy person to deal with. As soon as she realizes that the wind is not blowing in the right direction, she puts a stop to her crying and just glances at Ji Bai in anger.

Ji Bai stared at her bluntly, she had to make Ji Feifei understand that she was no longer the soft bun that was at her disposal in the past.

[T/N: (包子) bāozi – soft bun – a cowardly and shy person]

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