Acting Spoiled In His Indifferent Arms

Chapter 6: 6

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Chapter 6: Getting Drenched in the Rain

In the evening, Ji Feifei posted a Weibo——

“My fans, thank you for all of your concerns, I have recently passed the dangerous period. Although it was very painful, as long as I think of all the support I have received from you guys, I will have the courage to fight against my condition. Thank you for being with me all the way, love you guys ah!”

The comment section was the same as before.

“I feel touched by Fei Bao.”

“Fei Bao is so strong.”

“Fei Bao, Fighting! We’ll always be by your side.”


Someone in the comments asked, “Fei Bao, how did you escape from danger ah?”

Ji Feifei replied, “Everyone’s support helped me restore my hope in life.”

Her reply garnered thousands of likes, yet she never mentioned the matter of Ji Bai donating blood for her.

During the night, Ji Bai was lying on her bed browsing through her comment section with no expression.

There were so many people who like and care about her… In their eyes, Ji Feifei was a sunny and inspirational goddess.

Ji Bai has heard the saying of having one’s good image destroyed by something scandalous.

[T/N: (人设崩塌) rénshè bēngtā – collapse of one’s public image]

Ji Bai also sent a Weibo post, it was accompanied by a photo taken by her as she was having her blood drawn. In the photo, there was a thin red blood tube inserted into her pale wrist, which was shocking to look at——


She cleared out all the trivial content she used to post in the post. Now, her Weibo was for others to see and not for venting her emotions.

The others are simply suffering from hell. Every fan that Ji Feifei deceives now will later turn into her own hell.

[T/N: not quite sure how to translate 他人即地狱, so I went with my gut]

After Ji Bai posted the Weibo, she went to lay on her bed to sleep.

Sleep gives her temporary relief from her headache.

Two hours later, Ji Bai received a few comments, most of which were words of encouragement from her girl friends.

In addition there were two comments from strangers——

“Yi, is it true that you’re Fei Bao’s meimei?”

[T/N: (咦)yí – expression of surprise]

“Look what I found! It’s actually the Weibo of Fei Bao’s meimei, ai!”

[T/N: (哎) āi – interjection used to attract attention or to express surprise]

Ji Bai replied to each of them with a smiley face.

On that autumn night, it rained with bursts of thunder. In the early morning, Ji Bai woke up, opened the window, and felt the chill of autumn so she wore a fleece hooded sweatshirt.

During the break, Yin Xiaxia scurried into class and excitedly told Ji Bai, “Xie Sui is in trouble, he was late this morning and the school leader caught him red-handed. Now he is standing in the rain at the school gate!”

Since that day when Xie Sui sought trouble with Ji Bai for no reason, Yin Xiaxia treated him as an enemy, and as long as there was any bad news about Xie Sui, she would happily rush over to tell Ji Bai.

Ji Bai turned her head to look out the window.

Large raindrops “pitter-pattered”, beating against the large leaves of the Paulownia trees outside the window.

Getting drenched in rain?

“Finally, someone has cleaned him up!” Yin Xiaxia was very pleased, “He really thought he was lawless.”

Ji Bai asked, “Why is Xie Sui late?”

Today was flag-raising day, with leaders patrolling, clever students will by no means fool around at such a time. Even more so for Xie Sui, who will be unlikely to act on his impulses as he was more profound and knowledgeable of the ways of the world than others.

[T/N: Flag-raising day – it’s basically a day where they raise the flag in order to honor and show their respect and love to their country]

Yin Xiaxia carelessly said, “Does the big guy still need a reason to be late.”

It makes sense when you think about it

After school, Ji Bai carried her school bag and walked towards the school entrance with her lace umbrella.

It was raining today so Tao Jia Zhi told her not to ride her bike and asked her to go home with her jie jie so they can be driven back by the driver. However, Ji Bai didn’t want to wait for Ji Feifei, as whenever she was with her group of girl friends, it took her a long time to get out of the school gate.

Ji Bai felt that it was a waste of time.

She approached the school gate by herself and found that Xie Sui was still standing in punishment throughout the day.

He stood in front of the security room’s door, considerable raindrops pouring down on his body. His black hair was wet and “stuck” on his forehead. The rain landed on his eyebrows, and onto his eyes which caused him to have difficulty in opening them.

He cut a sorry figure.

[T/N: (狼狈) láng bèi – To cut a sorry figure – make a poor impression or present oneself poorly]

Students pointed and whispered as they passed by.

The wind carried a slight chill as autumn set in during the night.

Xie Sui’s thin T-shirt was soaked through and clinging to his body, outlining the contours of his toned and muscular figure, which looked quite sexy.

Girls did not dare to look at him more than once.

Ji Bai paused in her steps and warily strode past him.

Xie Sui had warned her not to appear in front of him anymore, Ji Bai also obeyed his warning and avoided him when she was walking.

But she has to go home, ah, it can’t be helped.

She blended in with the crowd and walked out of the school with her head down, hoping for the best that Xie Sui wouldn’t see her.

But unexpectedly, when passing by him, Xie Sui suddenly smashed a bag of stuff onto her chest.

The action carried a bit of roughness.

Ji Bai subconsciously reached out and accepted it. There was still the residual warmth of his body on the bag, which was not even the slightest wet by the rain, and was obviously well protected by him.

She opened the bag and found a box of Ibuprofen slow-release painkillers.

Jibai looked up in surprise, “For…me?”

Xie Sui mumbled unhappily: “If you don’t want it, throw it away, if you dare try to give it back to me, I will beat you to death.”

He finished menacingly and left with a stride.

The security guard at the entrance of the school came after him, “Hey! I haven’t told you to leave yet! Xie Sui! Who told you to leave! Stop! You stop!”

Xie Sui’s head didn’t turn back.

Ji Bai froze and looked at the box of ibuprofen, her whole person was confused.

So… he was late because he bought medicine?

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In the afternoon, the heavy downpour didn’t show any signs of stopping at all as it pitter-pattered. As a result, the turquoise leaves outside the window were cleaned and shining green.

Autumn and winter in the south never change their dyes of orange and yellow. The four seasons are always like spring and summer.

Ji Bai dazedly looked out the window, wondering how Xie Sui knew she was suffering from a headache, and gave her a box of ibuprofen slow-release.

In her previous life, Ji Bai would get dizzy every time because of anemia so Xie Sui would put her head between his legs and massage her temples.

His hands had defeated some of the greatest boxers, were covered in blood, and had held the steering wheel and drifted in extreme and deadly curves but when he held her head and massaged her, his fingertips carried his remaining bit of tenderness.

All of it was for her

It wasn’t until the English teacher called the roll call that Ji Bai suddenly came back to her senses.

The English teacher rudely asked her in fluent English what she was thinking about when her mind drifted off in class.

Ji Bai opened her mouth and also spoke a string of fluent English words, explaining that she was a bit uncomfortable and that’s why she was lost in thought.

The English teacher froze as soon as she finished speaking. The level of her English fluency was astounding, and the way she spoke wasn’t at all like an ordinary high school student, but rather like someone who had lived abroad for several years.

In her last life, Ji Bai majored in simultaneous interpretation studies at university, so her English skills may be better than her English teacher.

After she finished, the English teacher was kind of convinced and could only tell her to sit down, and said she could go to the infirmary if she felt uncomfortable.

Ji Bai replied that it was okay, as it was just the after-effects of the blood transfusion, and that she would get better after taking a rest.

The surrounding students looked at Ji Bai in amazement, even the best English class representative froze. Ji Bai spoke fluent English, completely different from the students who usually studied together, she spoke too well!

The English teacher interpreted her words, and her classmates threw sympathetic glances at Ji Bai.

Ji Bai, of course, just blurted it out, not thinking that the English teacher would interpret her words, especially since she didn’t want the sympathy of the students around her.

After class, An Kerou, the English representative sitting in the back row, suddenly snapped, “Jie jie acts like a pretentious bitch, but I didn’t expect her mei mei to be more pretentious than her jie.”

[T/N: (装逼)zhuāng bī – (vulgar) pretentious bastard (literally “cunt)”, person who pretends to be bigger or richer than they are – (Wordsense) so I went with the word bitch since she is female]

Ji Bai turned around, An Kerou was looking at her with her chin raised, her face full of contempt.

The earlier conflict between An Kerou and Ji Feifei, incidentally, made her begin to hate Ji Bai, and she had already created trouble for Ji Bai in class more than once or twice.

Ji Bai didn’t want to pay attention to her.

Yin Xiaxia was furious and stepped in to help Ji Bai, “What are you talking about, don’t think we can’t hear you!”

“I’m talking about you, Ji Bai.” An Kerou pointed out her name and said, “You just know a few English words, so what’s the point of showing off.”

“Our Bai Bai’s English is just better than yours, not convinced ah, bear with it!”

“Who said her English is better than mine! She wasn’t even as good as me in last semester’s English test! I don’t know where she learned a few conversational words from to show off in class, but that’s disgusting.”

“You have such a filthy mouth!”

[T/N: 嘴脏 – zuǐ zàng – filthy mouth – speaking in an indecent and offensive way.]

“Yin Xiaxia, seeing as other person is a wealthy young lady, your posture of rushing to hug her thighs is so ugly.”

“You… You’re talking nonsense!”

Yin Xiaxia was so furious that her cheeks turned red, Ji Bai reached out to tug on Yin Xiaxia’s sleeves, and turned her head to look at An Kerou, “I suggest that you don’t mess with me.”

“Oh, you’re threatening me! What’s wrong with me messing with you! I even dare to mess with your jie, why can’t I mess with you?”

An Ke Rou approached Ji Bai, grabbed her delicate chin, squeezed her face, and threatened, “I can put your jie in the hospital and crush you just like crushing an ant.”

A classmate informed the homeroom teacher, who arrived in time to scold An Kerou and stop the fiasco.

As it turns out, one should still leave a way out for oneself.

The first thing Ji Feifei did after recovering from her injury was to return to school to settle the score with An Kerou. Right now, Ji Feifei’s most lethal weapon was her huge fan base, so she sent out a Weibo post ——

“I thought about it for a long time, and have decided to confess to you, Fei Baos. The accident that day was not an accident, it was because I had a little verbal argument and quarrel with @Coco Coco Coco Soft Classmates, which led to the matter. Under the coordination of the teacher, we shook hands and reconciled. I was at fault in this matter, and have apologized to her, so everyone shouldn’t pursue the matter ha. I love you guys【】”

[T/N:  – to form a finger heart (gesture in which a person forms a heart shape using their fingers) I can’t see any finger heart signs to copy so I went with this]

As soon as Ji Bai swiped to Ji Feifei’s Weibo post, she knew that An Kerou was finished.

As expected, the comment section of the Weibo post had changed from its usual warm and loving style to one filled with comments swearing at An Kerou.

“Fuck, what kind of person is this… Our Fei Bao is a patient, yet you have no conscience!”

“I feel sorry for Fei Bao, the victim actually has to apologize to the perpetrator, what kind of world is this!”

“Please be a decent human being!”

“I, your father, will organize a cyber manhunt for this slut. Instead of her parents, I would discipline her properly!”

[T/N: 人肉 – rénròu – to human flesh search engine (Wordsense). Hard time translating as this “人rou” was written in the raw instead of 人肉. Basically the person wants to hunt down the person thru the internet hence “Cyber manhunt” instead of the direct translation]

“What’s the point of a cyber manhunt! Isn’t this slut Fei Bao’s classmate.”


Ji Bai went to An Kerou’s Weibo, which was the same as any other girl’s Weibo, where she liked to post some food and selfies, but after the accident, she deleted all the past content, including photos, and disabled her Weibo comment section.

For several days, An Kerou didn’t even show up at school. It was the right thing to do, as there were some unfamiliar faces of both young men and women constantly seen outside the school gates on those days.

Ji Bai suspected that they were all “Fei fans” who had come to trouble An Kerou.

An Kerou came from a wealthy family and was also a spoiled young lady. She has always hated Ji Feifei and was disgusted with her hypocrisy and pretentiousness.

That time in physical education class, she also just casually mocked Ji Feife with a few sentences. Ji Feifei was arrogant, wasn’t willing to be outdone in everything, and proposed to compete with her in the high jump, which is what caused the accident.

Ji Feifei’s Weibo post, with its ambiguous tone, was obviously polite, but in fact she put all the fault on An Kerou, and even hinted to her fans that she was pressured to apologize to An Kerou.

The protective and eager fans immediately exploded.

Regarding the spontaneous cyber violent acts by fans, it was all unrelated to Ji Feifei. She even urged the netizens to stay calm and to not hurt others for her, however, the more she said this, the crazier the netizens’ abuses became ……

Ji Feifei’s methods of inducing her fans, Ji Bai had experienced it painfully in her previous life.

However, three days after the issue began to ferment, An Kerou suddenly sent out a Weibo post, wherein she resentfully accused Ji Feifei of bad behavior, and at the same time, she actually included Ji Bai’s Weibo as well!

“You guys think she’s some kind of good person! She is simply a demon that sucks human blood. You guys can just ask her mei mei Ji Bai @Xiaoxin’s Little White. What did Ji Bai do wrong to be madly drained of blood by Ji Feifei for so many years. Ji Feifei is simply a liar, who has deceived all of you!”

When this Weibo post was sent to the public, An Kerou received a new round of frenzied abuse.

Meanwhile, there were also many people waiting for Ji Bai’s response.

Ji Bai placed her phone down and proceeded to listen in class with a blank face.

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