Acting Spoiled In His Indifferent Arms

Chapter 8: 8

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Chapter 8: Live Stream

Ji Bai vaguely knew that in high school, Xie Sui earned a lot of money, however, after the tragic accident, all of his money was spent on medical treatment and compensation, so he was in a lot of debt.

Ji Bai has always felt that fate was too harsh on Xie Sui, he didn’t have a decent background, even having a normal and ordinary family was a luxury for him.

He endured, and worked hard, all by himself to make money.

Yet fate played a big joke on him, and he lost his dignity and had absolutely nothing else to lose.

Fate has never been fair to anyone. In her prime of life, Ji Bai lost her health and her life, should this be her fate?

Translated by your lovely Queen Deimos. Please read at her site!

Ji Bai was unwilling to let tragedy repeat itself, whether it was her…or Xie Sui.

At this time, several boys rode to the auto repair shop, Cong Yuzhou said: “Sui ge, get ready, tonight’s rally race is at Tiger Mountain Road. We have an agreement with Qin Shao, one race will have a five-figure number.”

Ji Bai took two steps, pressed the brakes again and turned to look back.

Xie Sui stood in front of the supercar, the remnants of sunset, dyed his back a large crimson hue. His left hand was casually tucked in his pocket while his figure became a long silhouette, unable to read the expression on his face.

She gripped her bike’s handlebars, with one foot propped on the ground, she called out to him, “Xie Sui.”

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Xie Sui turned back to look at her.

Can you please stop racing ah?”

Before Xie Sui could answer, several people from Cong Yuzhou’s side laughed: “What, little classmate wants to ask our brother Sui out to have fun?”

“No, I just… think it’s dangerous.”

Ji Bai also had no idea what to say, if she told Xie Sui, if you continue to race, you will certainly get in trouble in the future, and even be unable to perform as a man.

[T/N: Unable to have 6 or do the deed]

Translated by your lovely Queen Deimos. Please read at her site!

Would he think she was insulting him ah?

That would really get her beaten up, right?

“Little classmate, are you concerned about Sui ge?”

“No… No.” Ji Bai really didn’t know what to say, “If you have to go, then you should drive slower.”

His accident shouldn’t be that quick because in her memories, she often saw Xie Sui in school, but after his accident, he took a break from school and since then they no longer saw each other.

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Calculating the time, it should be at least before the entrance exams.

Xie Sui slightly turned sideways, the sunset poured on the side of his face, with his bangs covering his eyes, the corners of his mouth lifted: “Drive slower, how can I win?”


Ji Bai felt that he shouldn’t lose his life for the sake of gaining money.

Meanwhile, Xie Sui teasingly smiled, admiring her flushed cheeks, “If I don’t win, will you raise me, ah?”

Translated by your lovely Queen Deimos. Please read at her site!

” Ji Bai’s little paws clutched the shoulder strap of her schoolbag: “There are many ways to make money, it doesn’t have to involve risking one’s life”

“You can’t earn big money without risks.”

If he can’t make big money, he won’t be able to support the woman that he wants.

“Hurry up and go back, Ji Bai.”

Xie Sui gently called her name, then without further ado pulled open the door of the supercar and got in.

Please read the novel at deimostranslations.wordpress(.)com. It’s free!

The supercar accelerated significantly and drove past her with a humming sound.

When Ji Bai arrived home, her parents and Ji Feifei were already eating dinner, because her sister was not well, they never waited for Ji Bai to eat.

All the energy of this family was devoted to Ji Feifei.

Tao Jiazhi asked, “Why did Bai Bai only come back, where have you been?”

“My bike was busted up.” Ji Bai explained, “I went to get it repaired.”

Translated by your lovely Queen Deimos. Please read at her site!

“Go and get your food, and after you eat, accompany your sister to practice.”


Tao Jiazhi said, “Your sister is going to participate in the talent audition, so you play the cello to accompany her.”

“It’s Mr. Luo Qing’s audition.” Ji Feifei explained, “If you get selected, then you can perform in the city, and you can also get extra points in the college entrance exam.”

Ji Bai indifferently remarked, “I want to participate in that competition alone.”

Please read the novel at deimostranslations.wordpress(.)com. It’s free!

“Why do you want to participate by yourself, what’s wrong with participating with your sister? Anyway, both of you will be registered, so you won’t suffer any loss.”

Ji Bai of course knew what scheme Ji Feifei had in mind. Although the two people worked together in the competition, and announced both their names, Ji Feifei danced while she played the cello, so the audience was most definitely captivated by the visual movements, and ignored their sense of hearing.

Ji Bai continued to be the sidekick of Ji Feifei.

“Mom, I want to play solo this time.”

Tao Jiazhi hadn’t spoken yet, but Ji Feifei spoke up: “Mei mei, you’re so stupid, there must be a lot of participants that will dance and play the piano. If we perform separately, we may not be able to compete with them. However, if we join forces, it will be one plus one greater than two, and we will definitely be able to stand out.”

Translated by your lovely Queen Deimos. Please read at her site!


“Bai Bai, don’t be willful, just listen to your sister this time.”


“Your jie is a patient, so you should give way to your sister.”


Here we go again, from childhood to adulthood it’s always the same speech. Your jie is in poor health, so you should let her do everything; your jie is in poor health, so you should give her blood transfusions; your jie is in poor health, so all the best things in the family should belong to her…

Please read the novel at deimostranslations.wordpress(.)com. It’s free!

Ji Bai knew that she couldn’t argue with Tao Jiazhi and Ji Feifei, her thoughts never mattered, and as long as they decided on something, they wouldn’t change it.

Ji Bai originally thought to leave a way out for Ji Feifei, so she could perform with her own strength, and whether she could be chosen or not was her fate.

Since Ji Feifei decided to force her to cooperate with the performance, Ji Bai would no longer show mercy.

After dinner, the two went to the practice room, Ji Feifei changed into a skin-tight costume, applied on makeup, and wasted time for half an hour to get ready.

Ji Bai played the piano while watching her apply makeup.

Translated by your lovely Queen Deimos. Please read at her site!

It was just an audition, it was unnecessary to wear makeup and change into a dance outfit. After completing her look, Ji Feifei fished out her phone, turned on the beauty filter and began shooting selfies.

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Ji Bai knew that she was going to release a Weibo post.

“We’re going to audition for the competition next month, so let’s train hard and hope for good results, huo huo! Ganbatte!!”

[T/N: 嚯 (huò) – (onom.) expressing admiration or surprise, 干巴爹! (gān bā diē) – かんばって (ganbatte) – Give it my all]

Comment section——

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“Go for it Fei Bao!”

“Is there a voting section, Fei fans will go and vote for you!”

“With us here, we’ll definitely help you get selected!”

Ji Feifei: “Thank you Fei fans, there will be an open WeChat vote, but it’s doesn’t matter, I’m not participating in the competition to win the award, it’s merely because of interest, never forget the original intention! 【】”

“Fei Bao really deserves to be our goddess! What a great mindset!”

Translated by your lovely Queen Deimos. Please read at her site!

“Fei Bao, don’t worry, we will definitely go to vote!”

“Love you always”

Ji Bai knew that every Weibo post of Ji Feifei had a hidden objective. Although she said she didn’t want people to vote, the more she said that, the more her fans would go to help her.

In her last life, she was among the finalists by virtue of her status as a hemophiliac. Her fans voted her into the finals, pushing out many girls whose talent was better than hers.

It was very unfair, who let her be Ji Feifei. Since she was sick, supposedly the whole world should give in to her.

Please read the novel at deimostranslations.wordpress(.)com. It’s free!

“Sis, have you finished posting your Weibo yet, can we start.”

It’s been almost forty minutes of wasting time.

Ji Fiefei smiled and put down her phone. She got up and started to dance on her tiptoes as Ji Bai began to play the cello, dancing as the melody slowly rang out.

Dancing wasn’t her specialty, it wasn’t even a hobby, she just thought it would add to her charm, so she kept on dancing for many years.

Ji Feifei never put in any effort to practice hard, so the dance was very average. She was unable to do many of the professional maneuvers, merely a false appearance, which the professional dance instructor was able to see at a glance.

Translated by your lovely Queen Deimos. Please read at her site!

After practicing for just half an hour, Ji Feifei felt tired and decided to stop practicing, turned around and went out of the practice room to take a shower.

After she left, Ji Bai also stopped her movements and looked at the crimson cello in her arms, which was lying quietly by her lap, silently staring at her…

She put her phone on the opposite stand of the sheet music and turned on the live Weibo feed.

Thanks to An Kerou’s blessing, Ji Bai now has a few tens of thousands of followers, as soon as she opened her live stream, some fans began to poke in.

“Huh? Sure enough, it’s Fei Bao’s meimei.”

Please read the novel at deimostranslations.wordpress(.)com. It’s free!

“Meimei is on live.”

“What is it going to be?”

Ji Bai didn’t speak, while sitting under the soft light, she closed her eyes and started to play the cello.

A melodious and mellow melody slowly rose. The unrestrained movement is filled with a sense of desolation, bringing back memories of steam-age railroads rolling white smoke across golden wheat fields and lake.

” Sounds wonderful!”

Translated by your lovely Queen Deimos. Please read at her site!

“I didn’t expect Fei Bao’s sister to play the cello so well!”

“I’ve become a fan, I’ve become a fan!”

Ji Bai saw the notification on screen that the fan with the Xiaoxin avatar had also entered the live stream.

But he never said a word from the beginning to the end.

Tiger Mountain Road was built on a steep and winding cliff, which became known as “The eagle does not cross the peak while the tiger does not cross the cliff”.

[T/N: Basically saying that road was dangerous af]

Please read the novel at deimostranslations.wordpress(.)com. It’s free!

Several flamboyant supercars roared and raced down the narrow roads, leaving black drift marks on the winding curves.

In the driver’s seat, Xie Sui held the steering wheel with one hand, his gaze leveled at the treacherous path ahead.

Hanging on the steering wheel side was a phone that showed a girl wearing a white dress, sitting quietly under a lamp with the soft light wrapped around her. She had loose, thin and soft bangs hanging at her temples, her skin looked fair and translucent.

Outside the window, the speeding wind whistled away in a frenzy.

She became the only light in his eyes in the infinite darkness.

Translated by your lovely Queen Deimos. Please read at her site!

As he drove, his fingertips prodded the screen and casually rewarded her with a four-figure gift.

Afterwards, Ji Bai gaped at the thousands of money that had inexplicably appeared in her account.


Ji Feifei likes Xie Sui and has hidden it so profoundly that no one in the school knows about it.

Only Ji Bai knew.

Xie Sui wasn’t a good guy. He smoked, drank and fought, wandering in the darkest and lowest level of the fringe, and had a very disagreeable and violent character.

Please read the novel at deimostranslations.wordpress(.)com. It’s free!

Ji Feifei had a sunny and cheerful goddess persona, so of course she didn’t dare to get too close to such a guy.

But God knows, she just fell in love with Xie Sui in such a way that even one more glance at him in school would make her blush.

She was cautious and careful. She would never show any signs that she likes Xie Sui enough for people around her to know.

After all, she wants to save face.

That afternoon, Ji Feifei had asked Ji Bai to go home with her to practice her music. The two sisters heard a soft and melodious whistle coming from the roadside as they walked out of the school.

Translated by your lovely Queen Deimos. Please read at her site!

Xie Sui and a few guys were riding mountain bikes and leaning against a camphor tree. Xie Sui supported the mountain bike with one hand while the other hand held a half finished cigarette.

He raised an eyebrow and glanced at Ji Bai.

Ji Feifei thought Xie Sui was looking at her and blushed a little. She walked over to Xie Sui with the stance of a goddess and righteously declared, “Xie Sui, I hope you won’t harass us sisters in the future.”

Before Xie Sui could say anything, Cong Yuzhou and Jiang Zhongning behind him happily replied, “Goddess Feifei, where did that come from ah, when did our Sui ge… well, harassed you.”

“Whether you did it or not, you guys clearly know it in your own hearts.” Ji Feifei looked at Xie Sui in the eyes and said aloud, “Xie Sui, I sincerely hope you can change for the better and work your way up instead of just bullying others all day long.”

Please read the novel at deimostranslations.wordpress(.)com. It’s free!

She knew that a lot of girls in the school were obsessed with Xie Sui, including An Kerou. But Xie Sui didn’t take them seriously, so if she could do the opposite, she might be able to get Xie Sui to notice her.

Isn’t that what a lot of school dramas are like? The female lead at the beginning had various conflicts with the male lead, which in turn made the male lead like her more and more.

The half finished cigarette in Xie Sui’s hand was crushed on the camphor tree by him with a wave of his hand. He lifted his lower jaw, looked at her with anger, and sneered: “Did I bully you?”

Before Ji Feifei could say anything, Xie Sui muttered again, “Do you think you’re fucking worthy?”

Sorry its late, its our midterms and still currently swamped with requirements as of now 

As usual, please tell me if there are any mistakes or better translations to some words as I am not proficient in Chinese, I will edit it whenever I can! (●´ω`●)ゞ

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