Acting Spoiled In His Indifferent Arms

Chapter 7: 7

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Chapter 7: You care about me

An Kerou was at her wit’s end, therefore she reached out to Ji Bai, hoping she could help explain.

Now, the number of Ji Bai’s Weibo followers has increased nearly tenfold, with countless netizens asking her to clarify the blood-sucking matter. There were also a few dim-witted netizens sternly questioning her over why she and An Kerou were in cahoots to frame her jie jie.

Ji Feifei’s Weibo has millions of fans, but not everyone was concerned about Ji Feifei’s matter. The older fans didn’t comment, while the younger fans who were more easily incited were the ones who were agitated and jumped to their feet.

In just one day, Ji Bai’s Weibo has reached 40,000 followers.

Translated by your lovely Queen Dei Mos. Please read at her site!

Netizens were waiting for Ji Bai’s response.

However, to their disappointment, Ji Bai didn’t respond to anything.

Firstly, An Ke Rou once targeted her like a mad dog; secondly, it was still too early.

After being reborn, Ji Bai understood a very profound truth. When you can speak of your grievances, they would not be considered grievances, but arguments. It is only when other people feel your grievances that they can really become grievances.

Therefore she won’t complain like she did in her last life.

Ji Feife was a little bit scared as Ji Bai’s Weibo account had been discovered by many fans. She was extremely worried that her mei mei would say something that would tarnish her image.

Fortunately, Ji Bai’s Weibo account was quiet and didn’t respond to An Kerou.

Most of Ji Bai’s posts in Weibo were about positive and pleasant contents, such as partying at her best friend’s house, or shopping and drinking milk tea…….Although she occasionally revealed her reluctance towards blood transfusions, her words weren’t too harsh, nor had she spoken badly about Ji Feifei, so there was no negative impact on her.

If you read this please read the novel at deimostranslations.wordpress(.)com. It’s free!

Ji Feifei was very relieved, and the stalemate between her and Ji Bai also eased up considerably. She began to hypocritically show affection and care for her again.

Their parents were naturally pleased to see such a situation.

Half a month later, An Kerou’s parents arrived at their door and personally apologized to Ji Feifei, hoping that she could let their daughter go. At present, An Kerou was in a state of confusion all day long, and the doctor said that she may have developed depression tendencies.

All of this was thanks to Ji Feifei, An Kerou’s parents hated Ji Feifei so much that they gnashed their teeth. Nonetheless, in order for their daughter to get out of this nightmare, they still personally went to their house and shamelessly apologized to Ji Feifei.

Ji Feifei accepted the elders’ apology and stepped in to soothe her restless fans, saying that the incident was all a misunderstanding and now that An Kerou has recognized her mistake, she hoped they would stop attacking her personally and just let it all go.

After several days of abuse from fans, they finally stopped scolding and calmed down. An Kerou also removed @Ji Bai’s Weibo, and the matter finally came to an end.

Half a month later, An Kerou returned to school and her original cheerful personality became somewhat gloomy.

Translated by your lovely Queen Dei Mos. Please read at her site!

In late September, Xie Sui and a few of his buddies walked out of the building and passed by the newly renovated bike shed.

A few large guys ran by like a gust of wind paying no mind to things, knocking over a row of bikes and causing passers-by to turn around and watch the chain reaction from the sidelines.

Xie Sui rubbed his ears and gazed at a pink and white colored bike that had fell on the ground.

The bike was foldable, its body was clean and polished. It also had a refreshing little white wire basket hanging in front.

Several large guys in black T-shirts were oblivious to their thoughtless mistakes. They were laughing and joking around as they made their way out. However, Xie Sui abruptly sidestepped and blocked the road in front of them.

The guys looked guarded and asked, “What are you doing?”.

Xie Sui looked at the pink and white bike. He raised his grave and stern eyebrows, and with a low and cold voice–

“Pick it up.”

If you read this please read the novel at deimostranslations.wordpress(.)com. It’s free!

A boy in a black T-shirt mockingly said, “You meddle too much.”.

Xie Sui slightly turned his head sideways by moving his neck, the action was slightly domineering.

“Don’t make me repeat myself a second time .”

The guys in the black T-shirt couldn’t afford to mess with Xie Sui, they were so scared that they just gave in. They went to the bike shed and picked up the bikes that had fallen over one by one.

“That’s it.”

Xie Sui stepped out of the way, his voice was calm but with a hint of nonchalance –

“Watch where you’re going.”

After the guys left, Cong Yuzhou sneaked up to the bike, stroked his chin and observed for a while, “Let me take a good look with my discerning eyes, this bike belongs to… a girl?”.

Xie Sui ignored him, took out a wet wipe from his bag and wiped the mud and dust from the bike’s saddle.

“No way! It’s just this little bike, yet to still trouble you to wipe it personally, leave it up to me.”

When he was about to take the wipes, Xie Sui pushed him away, “No need.”

The corners of Cong Yuzhou’s eyes flickered with laughter, crossing his arms and leaning on the side with his brothers to observe the bustle: “Sui ge, her bike’s wire basket appears to have become crooked.”

Xie Sui went around to the front to check. The bike’s wire basket was really crooked and hanging loosely on the handlebars.

Translated by your lovely Queen Dei Mos. Please read at her site!

This is easy, just bend it the right way.

He reached out and bent it, “clang”, bike’s wire basket actually fucking fell off!

Xie Sui looked at the wire basket he was holding then raised his head to look at a few of his brothers, the corners of his mouth twitched.

Cong Yuzhou was also confused, “This… Sui ge is worthy of being the boxing champion, with such powerful hands.”

It just so happens that at that very moment, Ji Bai came out of the school building with her school bag on her back and stopped by the bike shed.

Her wire basket was still in Xie Sui’s hand.


With a pair of black deer eyes gazing at him, the fearless Xie Sui, for a brief moment, actually fucking had a guilty conscience.

“Xie Sui, why would you do this?”

Ji Bai’s voice had a natural hoarseness to it, and her tone was as calm and unaffected as her expression.

For some unknown reasons, Xie Sui was very fond of hearing her call him by his name, Xie Sui, Xie Sui, in a very calm voice, but with an exceptionally careful quality.


One can lose everything, except one’ s face.

” Xie Sui instantly became indifferent and said fiercely, “What’s this piece of shit, it’s in the way of this laozi.”

[T/N: (老子) lǎo zi – father; daddy; “I, your father” (in anger, or out of contempt); I (used arrogantly or jocularly)]

After he was finished, he even threw the wire basket, which rolled a few times on the ground and tumbled to Silent White’s feet, becoming even more bent.

The corners of Cong Yuzhou’s mouth twitched and swallowed his spit with great difficulty.

If you read this please read the novel at deimostranslations.wordpress(.)com. It’s free!

Da ge ah, you do not pursue girls like this ah!

Ji Bai looked at the wire basket which rolled to her feet. She squatted down and picked it up, patted the dust and dirt, walked to her bike without saying a word, and tried to attach to the handlebars.

”Xie Sui saw her indifferent attitude, and couldn’t resist his frustration, ” Why don’t you try and get angry with laozi?”

”Ji Bai honestly replied, “I’m afraid you’ll hit me.”

“Why do you fucking always think I’m going to beat you up.”

”Ji Bai lifted her head and swept her black eyes towards him, “You hit me with your mountain bike.”

Xie Sui’s adam’s apple rolled up and down, and for a long time, his eyes turned to the side. After holding it in for a long time, he failed to bring out an apology.

When has Xie Sui ever apologized to anyone.

Ji Bai saw that the wire basket couldn’t be attached again, so she could only give up and hang the it on the backside of the bike. Anyway, there was a repair shop right outside the school.

Translated by your lovely Queen Dei Mos. Please read at her site!

Ji Bai pushed her bike to leave, and when she passed by Xie Sui, the latter suddenly reached out and grabbed her shoulder.

The material of the shirt was made of chiffon, which was very soft and thin, and he could even feel the shape of the shoulder straps through the fabric.

It was a bright and sunny day with a warm temperature accompanied by a dry wind.

”He noticed that his palm was a little damp and looked at his hand in surprise and blurted out, “Why are you so wet?”.

No sooner had the question been asked when the group of boys behind him immediately showed a deep meaningful smirk.

He’s asking such ambiguous questions.

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Ji Bai’s cheeks became crimson, her physique was different from other girls, even in the height of summer, other girls’ bodies don’t sweat as much.

Contrary to expectations, even in winter, she would still break out a sweat whenever the temperature was slightly warm.

As a result, she takes a shower every day, but nevertheless, her body can’t resist the “fullness”.

In her previous life, Xie Sui would always ask her, why, why is your body so wet?

Ji Bai would grit her teeth in humiliation, and she would never tell Xie Sui that when it was hot, she really wanted to…

If you read this please read the novel at deimostranslations.wordpress(.)com. It’s free!

But Xie Sui, who had been injured in his lower body, couldn’t.

Ji Bai took a couple of cautious steps backwards as the shed was cramped and she nearly tripped while pushing her bike.

Xie Sui quickly reached out and grabbed her, and with this catch, she was directly tucked into Xie Sui’s embrace, while her head slammed heavily into his hard muscular chest.

The smell of his body filled her nose, it was a faint scent of mint that reminded her of a restless summer day.

He was only wearing a thin T-shirt yet his body was scalding hot. Ji Bai felt the full thickness of his muscles…

She promptly broke away from him and defensively retreated away.

Xie Sui looked at his hands, which were even more wet, and a sudden jolt ran up the back of his spine.

Her body was too wet, right?

Ji Bai believing he was too dirty, turning bright red as she gritted her teeth and pushed her bike to leave, “Don’t you dare touch me.”

Xie Sui watched her back, his heart nearly exploding.


Ji Bai cursed Xie Sui in her heart for being rude and unreasonable, but on second thought, when has he ever been reasonable, he has always been such an annoying troublemaker.

She pushed her bike to the repair shop right outside the school, “Master, could you look at my wire basket and see if you could attach it?”

The mechanic came over in a black leather apron and picked up Ji Bai’s wire basket and said, “Your basket is too busted up to attach it , so let’s just replace it with another one.”

“Can’t it be fixed?”

Translated by your lovely Queen Dei Mos. Please read at her site!

“It can’t be fixed, it’s all busted up.”

“So how much would a new replacement cost?”

“There are fifty and seventy, if you want a decent one, there’s also a hundred and two.”

“That’s too expensive.”

Although the Ji Bai’s family wasn’t short on money, she decided to be financially independent before the age of twenty-three, so she would normally refrain from squandering money. Pocket money, living expenses, and etc., were all saved, as extra cent counts.

When Ji Bai was at a loss, a man came over, picked up the wire basket on the ground, and pushed Ji Bai’s bike away without a word.

“Hey!” Jin Bai chased after him and held down the bike’s handlebars, “Xie Sui, what are you doing!”

Xie Sui tilted his head and said, “I’ll take you to a place where you can get it fixed.”

Ji Bai half-heartedly followed Xie Sui and walked beside him.

He was tall and looked quite out of place as he pushed her little pink and white bike.

After walking for several miles, Ji Bai couldn’t resist and asked, “Where can we get it fixed?”

” What a load of bullshit.”

Ji Bai paused, and decided to give up if he didn’t want to talk about it then he wouldn’t. He was so shady and unpredictable, that no one could figure out what he was thinking.

After a few minutes of silence, she remembered something else and couldn’t help but ask, “Xie Sui, why did you gave me painkillers?”

“No idea.”

If you read this please read the novel at deimostranslations.wordpress(.)com. It’s free!

“Oh, well… Thanks.”

“Shut up.”


He was such a strange person that Ji Bai had already given up communicating with him.

Xie Sui pushed the bike onto the sidewalk of the Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge. To the left was the traffic lane while to the right was the turbulent river.

The river breeze was strong, and blew Ji Bai’s bangs in front of her forehead. It fluttered and stroked the tip of her nose, which was slightly itchy, so she reached out and scratched it.

With her head turned, she noticed that Xie Sui was looking at her.

Caught in the act, Xie Sui instantly looked away, and pretended to look straight ahead in a casual manner.

Ji Bai saw the obsidian studs in his left ear which cut through the sunset rays. It was blindingly beautiful.

Usually, boys wearing stud earrings were very flirtatious, but he wasn’t, he had a tough temperament, and his stud earrings showed off his unique manliness.

“This is all past the river, where exactly are you taking me?”.

Xie Sui remained silent, and after crossing the river, he parked the bike at the auto repair shop by the bridge.

Ji Bai surveyed the shop which was located by the crossroads at the bridge. There was a lot of smoke and dust, but the location was quite good.

There were two extremely impressive remodeled supercars parked in the shop and a few workers were working underneath the cars.

“Xiao Sui is here.”

[T/N: (小) xiǎo – small; little; tiny; young; (a) few; child]

Translated by your lovely Queen Dei Mos. Please read at her site!


Xie Sui entered the shop with familiarity, Took out a tool which were wire pliers, squatted down and tinkered with the wire basket for a while. Afterwards, he assembled the wire basket on the bike’s handlebars and secured it with a wire then he pulled out a welding gun and even took out the welding gun and started welding ‘crack, crack, crack’

Ji Bai apprehensively asked, “Is this okay?”.

Xie Sui completely ignored her and welded the wire basket to the handlebars.

“The man was scamming you.” He spoke up and said, “It can be fixed, he was just scamming you into buying a new one.”


“In the future, if your bike gets busted, you can come find me.” He paused and added, “Looking for someone else will get you being screwed over.”

Ji Bai didn’t know that Xie Sui had such skills. She only knew that he could modify race cars, but she didn’t expect that he could also fix bikes.

The wire basket was firmly attached to the handlebars.

“Xie Sui, this place is owned by your family, huh?” Ji Bai got a good opportunity to look at the auto repair shop. It had a large shopfront and a number of remodeled cars inside.

“No.” Xie Sui indifferently said, “I work part-time here and manage the accommodation.”

“Oh.” She had almost forgotten that Xie Sui came from humble backgrounds and was poor.

For some reason, Ji Bai’s heart felt a bit sour, in fact, she had known early on that he has suffered hardships. However, knowing is knowing, it was another thing to witness it with her own eyes.

Xie Sui, who had such a keen mind, could with a glance see what the young girl was thinking in her head.

”His face sank, “Looking down on laozi?”

Ji Bai shook her head repeatedly, No!

She may look down on Ji Feifei’s hypocrisy, An Ke Rou’s arrogance, and even her parents’ incompetence and favoritism, but the only thing she won’t look down on in this world was Xie Sui.

The truth was that Xie Sui deliberately intimidated her, he could feel that Ji Bai was very different from other girls. Her eyes were warm and beautiful, so he couldn’t help but want to get closer.

“I know that.”

”Ji Bai immediately asked, “What do you know!”.

”The youth lowered his head and the corners of his mouth curled up in a smile, “You care about me.”

[T/N: (你心疼我) xīn téng – love dearly, feel sorry for, regret, grudge and distressed, seeing as they have just interacted a couple of times, I went with care]

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