Advent Of The Chaos King

Chapter 3: Ch 3 Would you please die for me?

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After that a week went by in a flash and Sunday arrived before he knew it. Sora was currently standing on a street corner waiting for the silly girl to show up. He was wearing a plain black v neck with matching jeans and a gray jacket. He looked more annoyed than anything as people continued to pass by him.

"Great on top of me not knowing my own identity I get to deal with a horny school girl too." He was frustrated. "It's fine I just have to get through one afternoon, and then let her know I'm not looking for a relationship."

As he thought that a girl wearing some kind of devil costume came up to him.

"Here take a flier." she said cheerfully, handing him a brown piece of paper.

Sora examined the piece of paper with some kind of strange symbol that he couldn't read on it. As he read he noticed it said something like "Your wish will be granted." Sora felt some kind of weird feeling coming from the paper and was about to return it when he noticed the woman was gone.

"Well whatever." He mentally shrugged as he pocketed the paper into his jacket pocket.

After that Yuuma came running up to him.

"Sora hey." She said happily, "Sorry to keep you waiting."

"No, no it's fine I just got here." He lied through his teeth.

She wore a short black dress with a small light purple jacket on top. Sora had to admit she was kinda cute, and any guy would love to be in his position right now.

After that the pair went down the different stalls and shops. She dragged him into a clothing store and had him look at different funny shirts that she thought he would look good in. She ultimately decided on getting a pink scrunchy for a bracelet.

After that they decided to get something to eat and went and found a booth. She ordered some kind of ice cream dessert while he just got a shake. She sat there happily eating her sweet snack while Sora just studied her. Despite her cheerful demeanor he could shake this rancid feeling he was picking up.

"Are you alright Sora?" she asked him, her large breasts bouncing as she moved.

"Oh, yes yes I'm fine." He said turning away with a slight blush while chugging down his drink. 

Afterward they walked around for a few more hours looking at other shops when the sun started to go down. They were walking arm and arm down the park when Sora noticed a large fountain up ahead.

"I sure had fun today." she said

"Yeah it wasn't half bad." Sora conceded.

"So have you changed your mind?" She asked innocently as both of them stopped walking

At that question Sora became silent. Although he enjoyed the date more than he thought he would, and any man would be lucky to have such a pretty girl interested in them it didn't change his mind. He had enough on his plate as it was he couldn't add a girlfriend onto the list. Also he couldn't shake this feeling he was picking up from her. He didn't know if it was just his paranoia or what but he could feel like something was off.  

"Look Yuuma." He started to say. "You seem nice and are very lovely but-" He was about to say something when Yuuma ran out ahead of him toward the giant park fountain before turning to face him.

"Hey Sora, can I ask you a question?" She asked. "In honor of our date there is something I'd like you to do."

"Um, alright what is it?" He asked, confused.

Yuuma began to slowly approach him until he was right in front of him looking down. Sora just watched her, still confused.

"Would you please die for me?" She asked softly, almost imperceptive.

"Excuse me?" 

She then looked up and leaned into his ear "I want you to die for me." She repeated.

Suddenly her clothes ripped apart exposing her large breasts and naked skin. Then long black crow-like wings sprung from her back, and new clothing began to wrap around her. She was now noticeably taller and more mature. With black leather like straps around her boobs and a thong-like piece held by three thin straps around her hips. 

Sora just stood there shocked by the current change of events.

"Well I have to admit I did have some fun today considering how aloof and standoffish you are things could have been much worse." She said her voice is now much lower than before. "Especially if I had to go out with that spiky haired pervert, yeah I'd say you were the much better choice."

Sora began to regain his composure trying to analyze this new development, strangely enough he didn't feel any fear at the clearly hostile woman.

"Thanks a lot for the gift too." She said looking at and appreciating her wrist. "It was very sweet but even so." She then held her palm up with a red light and began to materialize.

She then held a weird red lance type weapon in her hands. "It's time for you to die." she said as she twirled the lance in her hand and jabbed it toward Sora.

Just as it was about to connect Sora instinctively jumped backward to avoid the wound piercing him too deeply. it still cut his abdomen slightly and he knelt down and feigned weakness. All the while he continued to remain calm despite being under attack.

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"I'm sorry but the fact is you pose too great of a risk to us, I had no choice but to dispose of you." She said mockingly standing over him. "If you want to be mad at someone be mad at him he is the one who told me to switch to you."

Sora remained kneeling covering his wound with his hand as he felt some blood leaking out of his body. "What the fuck is this bitch talking about?"

"Thanks again for the lovely date, I'm sure my next one with that brown haired idiot won't be as fun." She said cheerfully while preparing another lance and approaching the kneeling boy. "It was fun ta ta." She said as she thrust the lance again this time aimed at his head.

Suddenly Sora shot to his feet, his body moving automatically. The bird woman in her arrogance thrust the spear half-assed and to Sora it was like she was moving in slow motion. His mind was calculating everything: the velocity, the angle, everything. He slipped past the lance and grabbed a hold of her arm with both hands.

"Huh?" The bird woman reacted surprised at the sudden movement.

Then in an instant he threw her over her shoulder and into the ground as hard as he could. She coughed out in pain when her back hit the pavement, but she was more embarrassed than anything. 

"Why you petulant little-" just as she was about to insult him Sora made another move.

Still holding onto her outstretched arm Sora threw her arm into an elbow lock and without giving her time to react snapped her elbow.

"OWWW!" the woman screamed in pain as the bone pierced through her skin.

Sora then jumped back from her as she spun the lance at his ankles. While all this was happening Sora didn't have a fucking clue what was happening. 

"What the fuck is this bird woman? Why was she trying to kill me? How did I know how to move like that?" 

Whatever the case he wasn't complaining he decided to just let his body do the thinking for him so he could stay alive. The bird woman then stood back up facing towards him with both confusion and anger plastered on her face. 

"Who the fuck are you?" She asked as she groaned holding her arm which began to heal. "I thought you were just a regular shitty human." she said ashamed that a mere insect had actually managed to hurt her.

"I wish I knew the answer to the question too." He thought but just remained silent not answering the crow lady. He remained vigilant keeping a close eye on her movements.

"Oh not interested in talking huh?" She asked angrily. "That's fine I don't really need answers, I just have to turn you into minced meat." She said preparing another lance.

  As Sora crouched ready to move when she made another thrust the woman changed tactics, this time she hurled the lance at him aiming for his heart.

"Shit" he shouted as he dove to the right dodging the blade by a hair. As he landed on the ground the woman didn't give him any time to rest and threw another one she had already prepared. She was clearly taking this a bit more seriously now that Sora had pissed her off.

Before the lance could hit him he pushed off the ground and rolled away from the blast using the momentum to get back to his feet. He then charged forward all his instincts telling him to close the distance and not give her any room if he wanted to survive.

The woman smirked at this as she summoned another spear, and when the boy got into range she swung it aiming for his neck to sever his head. Sora ducked under the swing and got as close as possible to her body. Letting his body move on its own he hit her with a jab then a cross followed by a left hook before she could even retract the spear. When she tried to take a step back to get some distance Sora beat her to the punch.

He ran towards her and then hit her with a back flip kick to her face sending her crashing back into the fountain. Sora managed to land on his feet and raised both of his hands ready in a fighting stance. 

"YOU INSOLENT INSECT!!!" She screamed as she picked herself up out of the water. "NO MORE GAMES!!!" Then suddenly a bunch of red spears began to appear around her.

"Oh shit" was all Sora could think as he breathed out knowing full well he couldn't dodge this next one.

Then suddenly the strangest thing happened. The brown flier he had kept in his pocket from earlier flew out and a giant red seal appeared in the air. It then slowly lowered to the ground and out of it materialized a young woman. She had crimson red hair, wore the same uniform that Sora had seen the girls wear at Kuoh, But most of all she had two large bat wings coming out of her back.

"What the?" Was what both Sora and the crow bitch said at the same time.

"That's enough of your trespassing in my territory, fallen one, in the name of the great house of Gremory begone or meet your death." The red head proclaimed to the bird woman.

The crow woman looked pissed to no end but ultimately decided to cut her losses and withdraw.

"You got lucky this time brat but next time I see you nothing will remain of your corpse!" She shouted toward Sora before spreading her black feathered wings and flew away.

With the crow bitch gone it was just left with him and this red head. She then turned to face him, her giant rack bouncing and swaying as she did. The instant he got a look at her face he recognized her as the red haired girl that was staring at him from the window sill before. She then slowly started to walk towards him, her bat like wings retracting back inside her. She stopped when she was just a few feet away from him.

"Um-" Sora started to say not knowing how to handle this new development from bird woman to bat woman when she spoke to him.

"I ask you." She said, looking at him with a kind gentle gaze. "Would you become my family and live your life for my sake?"

"Huh?" Was all Sora could say.


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