Advent Of The Chaos King

Chapter 4: Ch 4 Not Interested

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The next morning Sora's head was pounding as he woke up to turn off his alarm. He breathed out a labored breath then when he turned to get up he flinched in pain. He looked down to see the light puncture wound had almost bleed through the bandage. 

"So It wasn't a dream huh." He thought a little exhausted by the previous nights events.

He slowly rolled out of bed and made his way to the bathroom. After removing the bloody bandage and gauze he applied fresh ointment and added fresh wrappings to his right side. 

"Well it should heal in a few days." He determined. "At least I don't have to visit a hospital. This type of wound would be kinda hard to explain." 

After he finished treating his wound he made his way back to his room and proceeded to get started with his day. After he got ready and ate a light breakfast he started his long walk to school. A lot of questions were going through his head from the previous night.

"Who was that crow bitch and why did she want to kill me? What was the big boobed bat woman's deal and what did she mean by joining her house? Where did I learn how to fight like that?" All of these questions rang through his head and he was coming up with nothing.

Based on the real Sora's memories he hadn't wronged anyone, and as far as he could tell he never talked with either of those girls before yesterday.

"Great so on top of my identity issues now I got a homicidal bird woman with lightsabers trying to kill me." He thought exasperated. "Yup that's about my luck."

After walking for a bit he arrived at the front of his school. He blended in with the crowd of students as he made his way inside. On the way he noticed the same short haired girl with glasses and her club members at the entrance. As he made his way through he noticed the almost imperceptive glare coming from both the girl and her fellow members. As for him he was picking up the same "scent" from her and her club members that he got from the red head. 

It wasn't rancid or foul like he got from the bird woman, it was dark but calm like a pleasure night cruise, but more than anything it was strong especially from the short haired girl with glasses. He decided to ignore them for now after all there wasn't much either of them could do in proud daylight. After that he made his way to his homeroom and found his way to his desk. He was surrounded by the same rowdy teenagers as before. It was kosher for the most part other than the girls throwing disparaging words at the trio of morons in the back.

That's when the teacher walked in and issued the start of the lesson. The class went by pretty quickly and without any incidents then before he knew it was over. After it ended though Sora felt strange, like a subtle but strong presence was approaching the classroom.

Then a handsome young man entered the room. He had short blond hair and blue eyes. He wore the standard Kuoh academy uniform except he wore a short sleeved dress shirt without the blazer. Noticing all of the girl's reaction upon his arrival it was clear he was quite popular. He then made a move that shocked everyone Sora included. He walked straight toward Sora's desk and stopped right in front of him.  He stood there looking down at Sora while Sora just looked up at him.

"Can I help you?" Asked Sora confused.

"Your Sora Azuma correct?" He asked politely with a smile. 

"Yeah that's me." He responded

"Excellent, I'm here on an errand from Rias Gremory, would you mind coming with me?" 

"Who?" Sora blurted out.

"EEEHHH" The whole room exclaimed.

"You gotta be kidding me, this douche." Shaved pervert number 1 said.

"Yeah one of the two great ladies of Kuoh Academy is calling for him and he doesn't even know who she is?" Yelled goggles pervert number 2.

"This sucks, why couldn't it be me instead of this antisocial nut bag." Exclaimed brown spiky hair pervert number 3.

Sora just ignored all the commotion coming from the idiots in his class and focused all his attention on the blond haired boy. The boy just continued to look at him with a kind polite smile on his face.

"I'm sorry but who are you again?" He asked.

"Oh my apologies for the late introductions, my name is Kiba Yuuto." He said, giving a light bow.

"Alright and who is this Miss gremory that sent you here to fetch me?" 

"Lady Gremory is president of the Occult research club and she has some business that concerns you." He replied calmly.

"I see she wouldn't happen to be the crimson haired lady I encountered recently would she?" He asked, coming closer and closer to the truth.

"That is correct sir and she would like to continue discussing some things with you."

"Oh in that case we don't have any business at all." He said breathing out a relieved breath after understanding the whole situation, then he stood up from his desk grabbing his bag.

"What do you mean?" asked Kiba, clearly confused.

"Please go back and inform her that my answer hasn't changed." He said as he stretched a little. "My answer is still no." He then turned and began to leave when he passed by Kiba who grabbed his bicep as he passed him.

"I'm afraid I must insist you accompany me to the club room sir." He said clearly more annoyed and hostile than before.

Sora could feel this young boy trying to release more pressure on him to make him submit to his demands. Unfortunately for him Sora wasn't one for going along.

"And I'm afraid I must insist that if you want to keep that hand you'll remove it immediately." He said in a low, clearly hostile voice looking Kiba straight in the eye.

It was only for a moment but Kiba clearly felt a surge of power coming from those eyes that made him want to back off and not make any sudden movements. Slightly sweating from Sora's aura, Kiba released his grip from his arm, and could only watch his back as he walked away along with the rest of the stunned classroom.

Sora just continued his way down the hallway. The only thing on his mind was when was he going to be able to eat his lunch.


Rias Gremory POV

"He refused my invitation?" She asked calmly as she sat at her desk.

They were currently in the Occult research club building, in a dimly lit room. In the room was currently Koneko who was sitting on a couch eating small cookies. Standing in front of the giant desk was the boy Kiba who was reporting his failure. Next to the desk to her right was a dark haired beauty whose hair was tied into a ponytail named Akeno. And sitting at the desk was the crimson hair beauty Rias Gremory.    

"Yes Buchou I apologize for my incompetence." He said, giving her a deep bow.

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"It's fine after my discussion with him last night I knew things wouldn't be simple with him." She said, waving it off.

"Ara ara It seems we have a very willful boy on our hands huh." Akeno said with a giggle.

"Annoying." said Koneko who continued to eat.

"It seems so." Responded Rias who brought her hands together and closed her eyes as if in deep thought. "Kiba, what did you make of him during your interaction?" She asked, opening her eyes.

"Well he is definitely human." He said recalling their short standoff. "But you were right Buchou there is something different about him and it's strong whatever it is."

"True there aren't many humans who could fight a fallen one and walk away." Added Akeno.

Koneko just ignored the current line of discussion and continued to eat while Rias contemplated the current events. She had felt something different about that boy from the moment she laid eyes on him. Whatever it was it was powerful and it attracted her to him like a moth to a flame. That's why when she heard the fallen angel was making weekend plans with him she had to remain close in case something happened. After all she couldn't afford such a find going to waste not when she could welcome him into her peerage with open arms.

Rias began to think back on the night when she saved him from the fallen angel.

 After she drove off the fallen angel when the flier that contained her personal summoning seal activated she had approached the young boy. She had expected to find him in a more miserable state, but from what she could see not only did he fight back against the crow he managed to actually hurt her.

"Thats interesting he shouldn't have access to it yet." She thought before she started to walk towards him.

It was at that moment she knew he was exactly what she was looking for and she had to have him. Stopping a few feet from the young man she could see confusion written all over his face.

"Um-" The boy went to speak.

"I ask you." She said, looking at him with a kind gentle gaze. "Would you join my family and live your life for my sake?"

"Huh?" The boy responded, growing more confused by the second. "I'm sorry but what do you mean?" He asked

Rias wanted to slap herself on the forehead; it was clear this boy didn't know anything about the supernatural, and she was only adding to his confusion.

"I see where should I start?" she said, wondering aloud.

"How about with telling me what the fuck that thing was." Said Sora

"Oh, right, that was a fallen one, more specifically a Grigorian." She replied "You might know them better as fallen angels."

"An angel right." Sora said sarcastically.

"Fallen angel." She corrected.

"And what are you exactly?"

"Oh I'm what you would call a demon or more precisely a devil." 

"Oh great we have demons now too." Said Sora exasperated by the evening's events.

"Yes and I would like to personally invite you to join my household." She replied in a kind tone.

"Uh huh" Sora replied "Look red head I don't really know what's going on here but I'm not interested in joining anything."

 "Excuse me?" Replied Rias, a little surprised by his frank response.

"Look you seem nice or at least better than that bird bitch, but I have a feeling getting involved with you would bring me nothing but trouble." He said calmly in a very matter of fact kind of tone.

Rias could only look at him surprised with wide eyes; it was the first time a boy had ever said no to her.

"Thanks for the assist but I'm gonna head home now." He said walking away before giving her time to respond. 

"Wha-" Rias thought as she stood there watching the young boy walk away from her without giving her a second glance.

"So how should we proceed from here Buchou?" Asked Akeno bringing Rias out of her flashback.

"For now I want you and Koneko to keep an eye on him." Rias Responded "I have a feeling that the fallen ones will make another move on him."

Both Akeno and Koneko bowed lightly agreeing to her orders.

"But Buchou, what about the other boy from 2B?" Asked Kiba "What should we do about him?"

"Right, Kiba, I would like you to keep tabs on him as well." She said "I'm sure that woman will back off from him now that I've made my presence known, but I'd rather be safe than sorry." 

Kiba lightly bowed to her after hearing her order.

"For now we will focus on bringing this boy Sora into my peerage." She proclaimed as she stood up from the desk.

"Ara ara could our Buchou be coveting this young boy?" Asked Akeno teasingly.

"I just don't want to see his potential go to waste." She replied smiling "And its true what they say the more your refused something the more you seek it."


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