Advent Of The Chaos King

Chapter 6: Ch 6 Deal or No Deal

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After Sora entered the club room he quickly looked over his surroundings. The room was dimly lit by candles, there were two sets of couches across from each other with a brown table between them, and a large wooden desk at the back of the room. There were antiquities and portraits decorating the room and the walls.

As he walked in further he noticed the same white haired girl eating some kind of snack on one of the couches he remembered she said her name was Koneko. Sitting on one of the other couches was the same blonde haired pretty boy that tried to bring him here the previous day. If he recalled correctly his name was Kiba. Standing all the way in the back was the black haired beauty that saved him from the trench coat guy the previous night she introduced herself as Akeno. And sitting at the big wooden desk was the red haired girl he met before they said her name was Rias.

"Welcome and thanks for coming." Said the red haired girl. "I'm the president of the Occult research club and I believe you've already met the other members." She said gesturing to the others.

"Please have a seat." She said pointing at an empty spot next to Kiba.

Sora made his way over and sat down compliantly. He could tell they didn't have any hostile intentions so far plus none of them had that rancid smell he got from the crow bitch and trench coat guy. For now he was going to play it by ear he could always say no to them, and if they wanted to harm him they would've done it the second he entered. Rias then got up and took off her glasses as she came around the other side of the desk to face Sora.

From what he could tell they were obviously boxing him in just in case things got out of hand. Kiba was to his left, Koneko was in front of him, and Akeno was standing right behind him.

"Well they are obviously not amateurs, that's for sure." He thought not frightened in the least.

"Well then I would like to-" Rias started to say before she was stopped by Sora.

"I don't want to appear rude or impolite, but could we skip all the useless pleasantries and tell me what's going on."  Sora said in a frank tone.

He could feel the other 3's moods sour slightly by his comment; they were probably annoyed by his frank attitude that he took with their Buchou.

"Oh of course we should get to the more serious topics." Rias stuttered, taking just a second to regain her composure. "Sora, tell me how much do you know about heaven or hell?"

"Well I suppose as much as the next guy." He said, pondering. "I know according to the Christian faith that Lucifer rebelled and there was a huge civil war and all that." He said going over the basics teachings of the Christian bible.

Rias waited for him to finish and then said "What if I told you it was all real?"

"Then I would tell you that you should be attending a different type of institution." Responded Sora.

Both Rias and Akeno giggled at his response while Kiba flashed a small smile and Koneko sat with an emotionless face not reacting. 

I figured it would be a hard pill to swallow but it's true." She said with a smile. " Heaven, hell, angels and demons, they are all real." 

"Right" Sora said uncomfortably as he slowly moved to get up. " I think maybe I should go."

It was then that Rias and the other members all brought out their huge bat wings. He stood there mesmerized by the sight before they all retracting them at once.

"See," she said with a smile. "Did you think that I was the only one?" 

"I actually thought you were some kind of cosplayer." He said honesty, leading the girls to laugh again.

"I know that the club is called the Occult research club but in reality it's just a front. It's supposed to look like this is some kind of hobby." She said,

"I see, was that guy yesterday an angel then?" He asked.

"Close like I said before he is what you would call a fallen one or fallen angel to be more precise." She said calmly.

Sora recalled what Rias told him the night they met he had just shrugged it off as nonsense from some high school girl.

"Some think we are the same but that isn't true." She continued "They still want to serve god but it's too late for them; their dark emotions have already forced them into the underworld."

Rias then proceeded to explain the history and the facts of the three great factions to Sora who just stood there and listened. Sora let her explain as much as possible the whole time trying to process these shocking revelations.

"Is something the matter you look a little overwhelmed?" Rias wondered.

"No it's just that it's a lot to process is all." He said "So was that girl that attacked me a fallen angel then?" 

"Correct" Rias confirmed. 

"But why go through all that nonsense about a date only to try to kill me?" He asked "Was it just some kind of sick game?"

"No she needed to get close to you to determine whether or not you were actually a threat." Said Rias "She needed to be close to you to figure out if there was something inside of you that was dangerous or threatening. Once that was verified she tried to stab you through the middle with a spear of light." She continued.

Sora thought back on what Yuuma had said about him posing a threat to her.

"That explains why she said I was a threat to her plans or something." He said, wondering to himself.

"Yes it's true." She said, confirming his words. "The truth is you hold a great power inside of you, it's called a sacred gear."

Sora looked at her confused.

"It's basically a rare and intense power that's found in very few." Akeno interjected "And the only people I have known to possess it are historical figures, so you're kinda a big deal around here."

"The thing is this power can be so uncontrollable that some who have it become a threat to those in the underworld." Rias said "Hence why the fallen are so keen on disposing of you."

"I see," Sora pondered to himself.

"But worry not all you have to do is join my household and we will provide you with protection." She said with a confident smile. "Then those pesky fallen angels won't be able to lay a finger on you."

"Uh huh and how do I do that exactly?" Sora asked skeptically.

Rias then began to explain to Sora about peerages and evil pieces.

"So basically I will become your servant right?" He asked.

"Correct" she confirmed.

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"And I won't be able to refuse any of your commands?" 

"Well technically yes but I won't make any outrageous demands. I consider my servants family after all." She said, trying to relieve his suspicion.

"Was this why you tried to let the crow bitch kill me so you could claim my soul and by extension my sacred gear for yourself?" Sora asked with a tinge of disdain.

"What?" Rias asked, a little nervous.

"Oh don't play dumb." Sora said now a little angry that some of his suspicions were confirmed. "I noticed that the brown flier only activated when my blood touched it."

Rias was becoming more and more nervous by the minute. 

"And I only got that flier right before the date from a mysterious girl." Sora continued "Did you think I would just consider it a strange coincidence. I mean when I saw you teleport at the time I thought my mind was just playing tricks on me, but seeing these two do the same thing last night I know it was real.

Rias began to squirm uncomfortably as Sora continued with his deductions.

"I'm guessing that your plan was to let her kill me then you'd appear, and claim me and my power before I die for yourself and it wouldn't cost you a thing right?" He asked

"Yes, that was originally the plan." She conceded seeing that there was no point in denying it at this point.

"And judging by their faces they were in on it too right?" Sora asked, gesturing to the other uncomfortable club members.

"Yes" Rias confirmed his accusations.

"So why the fuck would I agree to join your peerage or whatever its called?" Asked Sora angrily.

"Because the fallen angels will never stop targeting you and without my help they will succeed." Said Rias sternly shocking Sora. "It's true my original plan was to let her kill you then I would have resurrected you into my servant. But now I'm willing to make a deal with you and have you join me of your own free will."

"A deal?" Sora asked, confused.

"Yes, a contract to be more precise and all contracts are binding to us devils." She said in a very matter of fact tone. "One that will guarantee the protection of you and anyone else that you care about." 

Sora began to ponder this new piece of information his anger was slowly receding. 

"What can I ask for in this contract exactly?"

"You can list the names of the people you want kept safe, and I swear under my household name of the great house of Gremory they will be protected."

"I see" Sora began to think to himself an idea popped into his head. "Can I make requests in this contract?"

"Yes," She confirmed.

"And you have to fulfill it right?"

"As long as it's within my power and reason then yes."

"Within her power huh." Sora began to think to himself.

"Tell be Rias that fallen angel guy called you the next head of the great house of Gremory right?"

"Yes I'm the next head of my house, why?" Rias asked, confused.

"How powerful is the house of Gremory exactly?

"House Gremory is one of the top houses of the 72 pillars of the underworld." Said Akeno interjecting again. "It is at the rank of Duke which is second in authority to the 4 great Satans the rulers of the underworld."

"I see." Sora began to think about his memory issues and he might have just found a solution. "Alright then here's the deal." He said.

Both Rias and the others perked up when he said that half expecting him to refuse to join after he uncovered the truth.

"I want you to swear to protect me and my sister from any supernatural harm." 

"Of course." She nodded in agreement.

"And I want you to promise to fulfill 1 request of mine when the time comes and you have to use every power at your disposal to fulfill it."

Rias and the others looked at Sora with slight suspicion.

"May I know what this request is?" She asked.

"No," Responded Sora flatly. 

Rias looked at him and pondered the implications of his proposal.

"As long as it's within my power and reason then yes I swear I will fulfill it." She said,

"Oh it will be, I promise." He said with a reassuring smile. "Do we have a deal?" He asked, extending his hand.

"We most certainly do." She said, taking his hand and shaking it. "Welcome to the Occult research club." She said with a smile.

   "I'll be in your care." He said


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