Advent Of The Chaos King

Chapter 5: Ch 5 Freak in a Fedora

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After school had finished Sora decided to take a detour through the park. He wanted to go back and see the area where he saw the crow and bat woman the night before. As he walked he had a feeling he was being followed. He swore he could feel two distinct presences following him ever since he had left school. Though every time he looked back there was no one there.

After walking for some time he ended up in front of a very familiar fountain. 

"Huh" he thought when he saw it. 

He slowly walked toward the pool of water and looked at his reflection from over the side.

"This is where it happened right?" He asked himself. "Why did I feel so compelled to come back to this place?"

As he wondered why he had come back to a place where he almost died, another feeling hit him. He could feel a very strong presence heading straight toward him. Whatever it was, its "scent" was foul and rancid. It was just like that girl’s. As these thoughts went through his head that's when it landed. 

A tall man in a trench coat wearing a fedora was standing in front of him. He was a middle aged man with short black hair and dark blue eyes, but the most distinctive thing about him was the crow black wings coming out of his back.

"Ah a human I see but there seems to be something different about you." The man said "She seems to consider you a real threat to us I wonder why?" He pondered aloud.

Sora just looked at the man a bit confused by his comments not having a clue who he was talking about. He then readied himself to run the moment the opportunity arose. From what he learned last time he couldn't face these bird people head on. The man took notice of this however.

"Oh, eyeing an escape route huh." He said as a blue light lance appeared in his hand. "I'm not as careless as her you wont be going anywhere."

At that moment he threw the lance aimed at Sora's head Sora threw his school bag into its trajectory. The moment they connected the spear detonated destroying the bag. From the explosion a giant smoke screen appeared. Sora used the opportunity and used all the strength his legs could muster and ran the opposite way.

"Huh" the trench coat man was surprised by the boy's sudden movement but anger soon replaced surprise. "She told me you were a good fighter the hell you running away for!" He shouted.

Sora ignored him as he continued to sprint away as fast as his legs could carry him.  

"It's not about who's right but who's left." He shamelessly thought as he ran.

Just as he thought he had made some good distance between them he saw little black feathers falling out of the sky. Sora then looked up to see the trench coat weirdo following him.

"Oh come on, flying is just plain cheating." He cried out in both annoyance and frustration.

If he didn't know any better he thought he could have popped into one of those manga's that the real Sora loved to read.  Suddenly he came to a halt when the man landed in front of him.

"You're good at running, why don't you try fighting back instead." He said disdainfully preparing another lance.

"And how exactly am I supposed to fight back against you unarmed you fedora wearing freak?" He asked

"Huh if you want to be angry at someone be angry at your god for making you worthless piles of shit so weak." He laughed getting ready to run him through.

Just as Sora was preparing to dodge something unexpected happened. Suddenly the man in the trench coat was blasted from the side with some kind of lightning. He hit the ground hard and slid away hitting a tree. Both him and Sora turned to face the direction the attack had come from. 

"Ara ara could you not lay your hands on that boy." Said a soft feminine voice. "After all, our Buchou is quite interested in him."

Out of the left two young ladies had appeared, both wearing the Kuoh academy girls uniform. One was a beautiful young woman with long black hair tied into a ponytail, and had the biggest rack Sora had ever seen. The other was a petite young girl with white hair and golden eyes.

"It seems Buchou was right about keeping an eye on him huh." Said the white haired girl.

"Fufufu seems so." Responded the black haired one.

The trench coat man then picked himself up off of the ground and dusted himself off and put his hat back on.

"Who are you two?" asked the man, annoyed.

"Ara ara sorry for the late introductions." She said "My name is Akeno Himejima, queen to Rias Gremory of the house of Gremory." She said, giving a light bow. 

"And I'm Koneko Toujou." said the silver haired girl emotionlessly

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"And who are you besides a fallen angel?" Akeno asked

"Well,well this town is currently under the control of the next head of the great house of Gremory huh." He said with a sigh. "So is he a part of your household? I don't sense any demon energy from him." He gestured toward Sora.

Both Koneko and Akeno looked toward Sora who was just standing by with a look of confusion. He didn't have a clue what any of these people were talking about. Houses,Queens, or demonic energy. But he did pick up on the word fallen angel that the black haired one said.

"That's the same thing that red haired girl called the crow bitch before." He thought "So there is more than one."

All the while Sora was racking his brain the two girls and trench coat man continued their discussion.

"Fufufu not yet but we are currently in the middle of welcoming him." She said with a giggle. "So if you attempt to bring any harm to him I'm gonna have to punish you." She said with a sadistic smile.

"Well then I apologize for the misunderstanding I didn't know he had claimed." The man said. "Though it's unwise to let your pets run loose without a collar, next time he's out for a stroll he might run into someone less cordial like myself."

"I appreciate the advice but bear in mind if anything like this were to happen again, and you'll regret the day you cross paths with the peerage of the house of Gremory." Said Akeno calmly.

"HM, no offense to your noble household but you should bear in mind the same thing could be said to you." He said as he spread his black feathered wings and began to rise. "My name is Dohnaseek. I pray that you and I never again cross paths. He said as he disappeared and the strange blue barrier along with him.

After the bird man left the two young ladies turned and faced Sora. He didn't run away after all these two girls did just to save his life. He also had some questions that he needed answered. 

"Um thanks for the save." Sora said, giving the ladies a light bow.

"Ara ara don't worry about it our master ordered us to keep an eye on you." Said Akeno with a giggle. "If you want to thank someone, thank her."

"Master?" He asked aloud.

"You've met her already, her name is Rias Gremory of the great house of Gremory." She said,

"Ah I see." Sora said, pondering the information. "I take it she didn't take no for an answer?"

"Fufufu. She just wants to sit and have a discussion with you, that's all." 

"I see." He paused. "Please tell her I will come to her Club room tomorrow after school and we can have that little chat." He said with a polite smile.

"My, my you conceded easier than I expected, that's rather disappointing." She said in a teasing tone.

"Well it's just I have some questions that I need answered and I don't think I'll find a better option that's all." He said secretly hoping that they might have answers to his memory problems.

"Very well I'll inform her immediately and we will be waiting for your arrival." She said, giving him a slight bow before turning to leave.

Koneko just looked Sora up and down without saying a word before turning to leave with Akeno. Both the ladies disappeared into a red circle before Sora's eyes.

"Things are getting more and more complicated." He thought to himself when he turned to leave the park.

The next after school. 

Sora had arrived at the occult research club right after school ended. He was standing before a big antique wooden door that was the entrance to their club room. He decided to knock before he entered.

Knock Knock Knock

"You can come in." Said a soft feminine voice.

Sora then pushed open the doors and walked inside.


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