Advent of the Monster God

Chapter 1: 1

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At a sunny day, when everyone was going along with their mundane tasks, something was happening in the Kingdom of Lightstate.


“Hey, did you hear? The heroes seem to be going for their first raid today.”


One of the vendors on the roadside said. He was selling fruits and bread.


“Ho?~ That’s amazing! It’s only been six months since they have been summoned, right?”


The shopkeeper beside him said.


“Yeah, normally it takes two to three years of training even for the elite soldiers to raid a dungeon.”


“Well, it’s not very surprising if you consider that all of them have a special skill.”


“But that fact itself is very special, no?” He said as he chuckled.


“That aside…” He looked around as if to confirm that no one was near them and said, “…My wife found out that I occasionally visit the brothel.”


He whispered.


“Oh? That’s amazing!”




“Ahem, I mean, Oh? That’s troublesome.”


He glanced at him for a moment before he said, “Hey, aren’t you my friend? Tell me. What do you do in times like these? She’s asking for a divorce.”


“What?!” He was pleasantly surprised. He did not have a wife and was always jealous of his friend who had one…


“What to do?” He glanced at him with one eye closed as he said, “Just tell her that everybody does that and she must have done it once or twice.”


…That’s why he purposefully gave the wrong advice.


‘Let’s see how this unfolds. Kekeke…’ He thought.


Meanwhile, the summoned heroes were making their way towards the entrance of the dungeon.


The hierarchy was well-visible from their attire.


Some of them wore shining full body armors while some of them had light armor but there were even some who did not have any fancy thing like armor and had covered their important parts with metal pads. It did not look helpful at all.


But the thing that was same among them was the fact that they all had young faces. They looked like they were teenagers and in fact, they were.


They were just students in their previous world.


While they were in the class, suddenly, the floor emitted colorful light and they could see the magical pattern that was burned on the floor.


They were greeted by two people, the King and the Commander of Knights, Tyle. They were trained in their respective fields for six months and they were ready for their first raid.


Among them, there was a boy with black hair and black eyes. He had a proportional face but not to the extent that he would be called handsome.


His name was Katagiri Ryuuichi.


He was one of the people who had little to no armor, meaning, at the bottom of the class hierarchy.


He, like everyone, had a skill. But he did not know how it functioned. Even though it had a fancy name, it did not give him any strength and he could be described by anyone with one word.




Everyone’s skills came with a fair amount of physical or magical empowerment but in his case, it wasn’t so.


He was the only one in the group of heroes with a normal, unstrengthened human body. His fighting prowess was comparable to a goblin’s.


‘Still, I tried my best to learn the techniques I could from the adventurers.’


Who knew when one of them could save his life?


He learnt dagger techniques from the assassin of a famous adventurer group.


From the plethora of weapons, the only weapon he could wield with his human body and was comfortable with, was a dagger.


‘It was really fortunate that I encountered Lady Anna.’


Anna was the assassin who taught him. Her group was very kind to him unlike the people of the class who treated him like a leech.




A light blue translucent panel opened up in front of him.

Name: Ryuuichi Katagiri

Titles: The Masquerader

Skill: [Monster God]


He looked at the panel with a calm face but inwardly, he was sighing.


‘Even though it has such a fancy name…’


He was surprised when he had opened the status panel for the first time because of the title section.


To blend in with the classroom and lead a peaceful life, he had been pretending to be a kind and cheerful person.


‘Even though it’s the opposite in reality… Anyway, the title has an effect which makes acting easier and I can manage my facial expressions quite easily.’




You are reading story Advent of the Monster God at



Maehara, the class delinquent, hit him on the back of his head.


“Walk fast! You small fries are slowing us down!”


He shouted and the atmosphere turned even more intense.


Ryuuichi could only glare at him sneakily. He did not have the power to do anything.


‘Sigh, no need to dwell on it too much. My first priority should be to figure out my skill’s nature!’ He thought. ‘From the name, it looks like it has something to do with monsters.’


The only way to grow stronger in this world was skills. The stronger your skills are, the stronger one will be.


‘So, not knowing my skill is same as not having one.’


Some of them gave him looks of pity but soon looked away.




Just then, there was a large roar from the direction in front of them.


Bang! Bang!


The sounds of its footsteps were akin to the sound of earthquake.




It came forward and roared once again.




“S-So big…!”


It had a large and tall muscular body with red skin. Two brown striped horns protruded from the sides of its head. Its eyes were completely red as if it had gone berserk.


Clank! Clank!


Metallic noises filled the area when it clashed its hands equipped by gauntlets.


It… was a Minotaur.


“Let’s attack it!”


“Yeah, just like we have been practicing!”




Everyone was filled with fighting spirit.




But… only Ryuuichi took a step back.


‘It’s reckless! We can’t beat it with our current level!’


Without a moment of hesitation, he ran away from the area.






A goblin attacked from the shadows but he barely dodged its attack. He could feel a tingling pain from the cut he received on his cheek.




He quickly took his dagger and stabbed the goblin in the head.




But the attack hit its eyes and the goblin fell to the ground while clutching its eyes.


“Tch! Even though I aimed for the head…”


Goblins were sneaky and used daggers, and with their naturally child-sized and agile body, they were difficult opponents for normal humans, especially in dark places.


“They can see in the dark while we cannot.”


He muttered as he calmed his breathing.


He then smiled and started stabbing the squirming goblin in multiple places.


Kiiiiii! Kiiieeeek! Krriiiieee!




The combination of the goblin’s pitiful and painful cries mixed with the heartless laughter of Ryuuichi, who seemed to be enjoying the situation, was really terrifying.


{Ding! Skill [Goblin God] acquired!}






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