Advent of the Monster God

Chapter 2: 2

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{Ding! Skill [Goblin God] acquired!}




‘What the hell is this?’


Ryuuichi calmly shifted his focus to the flying panel. Anyway, he did not have to worry. The goblin was already dead.




He grunted as he sensed the changes that were occurring in him.


“What?! Why can I see in the dark?!”


The most obvious change and the one that he first discovered was this. He was now able to see clearly in the dark, as if it were day.


As time passed, he sensed more of his changes in his body.


His body felt lighter. He felt that his speed had increased tremendously and his strength had increased slightly.


Swish! Swish!


He tried out few of the moves he learnt from Anna and it worked miracles. He was able to perfectly execute it and he was even faster than Anna in terms of speed and precision.


“Night vision, enhanced agility and dexterity… I have gained the traits of the goblins! And those, too, are enhanced!”


Ryuuichi gasped when he realized.


‘So, as long as I kill a monster, I can get its traits? Is this the effect of my skill? Then the fancy name is indeed worthy… Kekekek…’


“Wait a second. What if I killed that Minotaur…?”


Suddenly, a thought struck him.


If he killed that Minotaur then he would have enhanced strength which would definitely be helpful to him in future. Minotaurs are monsters that rarely came out in the light so it was very difficult to encounter them.


‘It is impossible for me to kill that Minotaur by myself.’ He thought.


But then, he smiled evilly, ‘If I was by ‘myself’, though. My dear classmates should be fighting that Minotaur right now. A Goblin’s traits are suited for assassination and I also have a dagger with me.’


“Hehe… Hahaha…”


Some of his laughter leaked out.


‘While they are fighting, I will kill that Minotaur and obtain its traits. Anyway, I have no reason to be with the heroes or the Kingdom. All I need now is the monsters… Kekeke…!’


With that decided, he quickly went back the way, to the area from where he ran away.


He was careful and did not make sounds as he moved. He made sure to walk only in the dark patches of the dimly lit cave.


Blech! Boom!


He stopped at a point and observed the situation. The most handsome and popular student and the most beautiful and popular student, Kenshiro and Hana, were fighting side by side.


Kenshiro was fighting in golden and dazzling armor with an equaling dazzling sword while Hana was firing various magic spells towards the giant Minotaur with a curvy wooden staff.


Kenshiro had brown hair and eyes and he was the top caste of the school. He was number one in grades, looks or sports. While Hana was number two in everything.


‘Well, she liked to say that she was number one among the girls of the school. But she was annoying, nonetheless.’


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Hana also had beautiful looks and a curvy body. Even now, if not for the ongoing battle, many eyes would be drawn towards various parts of her body. One of the reasons, though, was because of her extremely revealing outfit.


‘Sigh, no matter how protected the mage is, isn’t it too much to bring one’s fetishes in the dungeon?’


Even mages had their own sets of special armor.


‘Anyway, it’s not the time to think about her.’ Ryuuichi focused his mind. ‘After killing the Minotaur, I will be in deep trouble with the Kingdom, considering Kenshiro’s personality. He does not like someone taking his prey so… the next day, I think there will be wanted posters of me flying everywhere in the Kingdom with a good amount of bounty.’


Ryuuichi could not attempt to find another Minotaur. It would be risky if he found a group of them when he was having trouble fighting one of them. And even if he chose not to fight, he cannot return to the group once again. Many of them had already noticed that he ran away at the start of the fighting.


Ryuuichi looked over at the area where the fight was ongoing.


The Minotaur already looked at the last moments of its life. Its breathing was haphazard and it limped around with it only hand left. Its own pink blood and a good amount of red blood from the heroes painted its whole body. Its eyes were still red and it was glaring at Kenshiro.


‘Good, it seems focused on Kenshiro. It won’t even notice that its head flew off with my level of skill.’ Ryuuichi thought. ‘That aside, the heroes fought good. If not for my interference, they would have been able to kill the Minotaur.’


When he looked at the side, he saw many corpses of his former classmates. They were scattered around like pieces of dirty rags.


‘If I had not run away at that time, I may have been one of them.’ Ryuuichi clenched his fists. ‘And… I may not have obtained this power.’


As the bottom class of the caste system, he would not have been able to kill a monster his whole life.


Clank! Clank!


Just then, the sound of metal gauntlets and sword clashing was heard.


‘A chance!’


At that time, Ryuuichi found a chance.


Hana was replenishing her mana and Kenshiro was fighting the Minotaur. The rest were just garbage so he need not worry.




He ejected from the dark portion at tremendous speed. To the people except Kenshiro, he looked like a blurry image of a cloth.


The dagger in his hand drew a beautiful bloody arc in middle of the air as he cut through the neck of the Minotaur.


Kenshiro could see what happened but he could not move. His speed was not yet at that level. He could only observe Ryuuichi’s movements from his eyes.


While the rest of the people were confused and stunned.


What happened? Why did the Minotaur’s head suddenly fell? Was it the Hero Kenshiro’s new skill?




Just as the head fell to the ground, Ryuuichi, once again, transformed into a blur and travelled away to the depths of the darkness of the dungeon.


“R-Ryuuichi…? Didn’t he die ‘last’ time?”


Kenshiro was perplexed…


{Ding! Skill [Minotaur God] acquired!}


…while Ryuuichi glanced at the panel in front of him with a grin.




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