Adventures Log

Chapter 6: Adventure log -3.1 (Rimmel’s training part 1)

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"Come on you can do better then that!, even my great grandfather could swing a sword better then that! Put your strength into it!" Rimmel was shouting at a young looking half elf, the half elf swung the shortward they were gripping down then up and this process has been going on for half an hour. Tref at the end of the sword swinging session was drenched in sweat, he had never done a workout that intense before.

Tref was given a few mins too take a break, he took the towel offered too him by Rimmel and started wiping his body down, "How was that for your first training session kid?" Rimmel had agreed to teach Tref the basics of using a sword and Tref obviously had accepted, "That was intense..." the young teen was still trying too get his breath back after completing his first training session.

"If you think that's all I'm going to be making you do today then you are sorely mistaken, you have a long day ahead of you" Tref had expected this would be the case but he still groaned in annoyance. "Look Tref, if you want too be a great adventurer one day then you have to work hard for it, no one ever earnt anything without earning it, well except for them damn councilors." Rimmel muttered that last bit under his breath, Tref sighed once again, he knew what Rimmel was saying was the truth but that didn't mean he had too like it. 

Rimmel seeing the annoyed pout of Tref's decided to cheer him up "Tref do you want to learn a super cool sword technique that no one else here knows?" Tref's expression morphed too one of excitement "Yes of course I want to learn it!" 'Hook line and sinker' Rimmel thought.

"Well I'll teach you this super cool sword technique if and only if you continue the training and you try your best with it, do we have a deal?" Tref although annoyed at the extra condition instantly agreed "Yes we have a deal" 'haha all I have too do is continue this training to learn a technique from Rimmel? this is the best deal ever!' Tref had witnessed how Rimmel fought in his battle against the hobgoblin, the way he had moved seemed as if he were dancing and this had caught Tref's attention. He had asked Rimmel about how he did it but Rimmel just said that his lips were sealed.

After the short break Rimmel taught Tref how to do push ups and sit ups, Tref then proceeded to do 100 of each although he did this reluctantly. while he was doing this training he was being shouted at by Rimmel, "COME ON YOU CAN DO BETTER THEN THAT, EVEN A TODDLER CAN DO 100 OF THESE" once Tref had completed 100 of both he then took the exhausted half elf deeper into the forest.

"Here you will fight monsters, good luck kid" Rimmel then proceeded to run away from Tref, "Hey where are you going, I thought you were going to train me!" Tref was mildly annoyed at this sudden betrayal by his 'teacher' 'wow what a great teacher he turned out too be'.

Tref observed his nearby surroundings, he looked around too see if there was a clear exit out of the forest but the more he looked around the more lost and confused he got "I see trees, more trees and more fucking trees...ALL I SEE ARE TREES!" 

Tref who had been looking around for a good 15 minutes at this point realized something vitally important 'I'm lost aren't I...' at this sudden realization Tref started shouting  "Rimmel oh great and wise teacher, WHERE ARE YOU!", as the annoyed young teen finished shouting absurdities at Rimmel he noticed that a small bush was rustling then suddenly... 

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