Adventures Log

Chapter 7: Adventures log -3.2 (Rimmel’s training part 2)

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Then suddenly a small white furry creature jumped out of the bush, it was a rather cute looking creature with a small bunnies tail, Tref inwardly laughed at himself for being scared of such a creature 'how could I have been scared by this thing, it's actually quite cute'. Rimmel was about to try and pet the small fluffy creature but the creature started to transform? Its original cute demeanor has now completely vanished and what was left was a small creature with huge sabretooth fangs. 

Tref was surprised by this sudden change, the ugly creature leaped at the small half elf, Tref quickly grabbed his shortsword and attempted too block the oncoming attack, the creatures fangs were just about blocked by Tref's shortsword but he had been pushed back slightly by the ugly thing. 'What is this thing? one second its something I want too keep as a pet, the next its a ferocious beast!'. ('thing' was in fact a changeling, but Tref won't need to know this until later)

The mutated creature continued to attack Tref, it would attempt to pierce through Tref's body with its huge tusks but each time Tref had managed to dodge, although by the skin of his teeth, The creature suddenly slammed its body into Tref, but the half elf was not caught offguard by this, he dodged to his left and then sliced at the former cute being, this left the beast lightly wounded. Tref took the initiative and slashed down at the creature, slicing into it and causing a horrendous screech to leave the beasts mouth.

Tref finished off the creature by stabbing right into its skull, 'I can't believe I did that.' Tref was surprised by how he had killed the strange creature, although he light injuries he had managed too make it out of the situation fairly unscathed. "Well well well, I certainly didn't expect you too pull that off" Tref swiftly turned around to where he head heard the voice. "I thought you'd ran off of wise teacher" 

Rimmel scratched the back of his head, "I was just testing you kid, I had too see what you could and don't worry if anything major had happened then I would have stepped in" 'yeah sure you would' Tref was going to say this out loud but decided too keep this to himself.

"That was impressive Tref, I didn't expect you to finish off a changeling like that, though we better get out of here, that scream will cause other changelings too get here real soon." 'A changeling what the hell is that?', "Tref I'll explain more once we get back too the camp, but we really should start moving, those changelings will be here any moment now" 

Rimmel was sure he could take on a few changelings but he wasn't so cocky as to believe he could take on more then 5 "You suddenly run away to 'test me' and then expect me too follow you back to camp? how can I trust your words, you said you were going to train me not leave me in a life and death situation" Tref was annoyed at Rimmel, first he makes him do some weird exercise and then abandons him in a forest, why should he trust this man" 

"Kid this really isn't the time to be doing this, I'll apologize all you want once we get back but come on we have too get moving!" Rimmel was starting to slightly panic at the thought of dozens of changelings suddenly appearing 'why is this kid being so stubborn, this was how I was taught' 

"I'll find my own way back, I don't need your stupid training if it means you leaving me in the forest!" Tref ran off deeper into the forest attempting to run away from Rimmel. "Kid where are you going, its dangerous out there!" Rimmel ran after Tref hoping to catch up too him.

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