Adventures of an Ancient Space Battleship

Chapter 77: Chapter Sixty Seven Iniri Flirting, and Clues in Contract

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May stretched a little, as she watched Riku being released from the Iniri brainwashing her. Yiria stepped forward with a smile on her face. She reached forward with a tentacle and began stroking Riku’s head. Riku leaned into the tentacle with a pleased look on her face, while her eyes glazed right back over. After a couple of moments, Yiria removed the tentacle, and let Riku stand up. Riku carefully slipped out of the chair, as Yiria told her, “Alright, you have a spa session coming up. But before that, we will need to conduct a few very invasive scans to see how you and your baby are doing after your procedure. Nothing to worry about, in the meantime we have a little free time to make our little agreement more formal.”

Riku nodded, “Of course, let's get that done.”

May noted that she seemed almost eager to get that done. While Yiria began leading her out of the room. May followed her. Allowing her to listen in on their conversation.

Yiria inquired, “So how do you feel about the prospect of terminating your relationship with your husband?”

Riku smiled, “I’d gladly do it if asked.”

May blinked, it seemed her feelings on that had already changed. They were clearly working on making her more willing to terminate that relationship. The question was why?

Yiria seemed to like her answer, “Great! I’m glad to hear it. We’ll be asking you to terminate that later. In the meantime, I’d like you to forget I asked you about it.”

Riku nodded, “Alright, consider it forgotten.”

Yiria smiled, and gestured to turn left leading the way through the complex. May continued to stick close and listen to their conversation. Making note of what items she considered to be interesting. Before too long they ended up in a small office.

Yiria led Riku over to the desk, and had her sit down in front of it. While pulling something off a stack of nearby papers. She smiled, “Alright, while the others were working on your mind, I went ahead and prepared a few forms for you to sign. Now we will be simply going over these, and then you simply sign them for me. We aren’t going to be negotiating, just me dictating, and you agreeing. Alright?”

Riku nodded, without even protesting, instead she said, “Yes, that sounds agreeable.”

Yiria’s smile widened, seeming almost predatory, as she said, “Excellent.” Before placing the first item in front of Riku. “Alright, this one is simply the formal version of our arrangement. It simply states that you agree to hand over your right to name your baby to me.”

Riku nodded, leaned over and looked at the paper. May also did, and noted that with the way it was phrased, she was handing Yiria that right permanently, which Yiria then mentioned, “As you can see, this also outlines that I will retain that right for your future children as well. So just sign here, and it will be official.”

Riku grabbed the pen, and signed where indicated with little hesitation. Yiria seemed quite happy about that. Yiria reached forward with a tentacle again, then asked her, “Out of curiosity, can you still remember those names you said you picked out earlier.

A beaming Riku shook her head, “Nope! I can’t remember them at all. Just like you asked me to, I forgot them.”

Yiria’s predatory-looking smile widened further, “Good. Glad to hear that, and how do you feel now that you have officially given me your right to name your baby?”

Riku frowned for a moment, “Strangely glad, but a little worried. You aren’t going to name her something weird right?”

“Don’t worry about it. Remember this is meant to help you learn to trust me. Just trust that I won’t name your daughter something weird, okay.”

Riku nodded, “I’ll try.”

Yiria shifted, “And I am here to help you.” She then pulled out a larger stack of papers. Yiria placed it before Riku, while saying, “Now this is the big item. This outlines the Iniri Caretaker service, which we are enrolling you in.”

Riku glanced at the first page, “I see.”

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“This document largely outlines our relationship. Saying that you agree to allow me to care for, and raise your child. This also outlines what rights you have to the child. While also outlining what rights I have over your child.”

Riku nodded. Clearly starting to pay more attention to the page. May looked over her shoulder and started to read it. She also noted that it clearly favored the appointed caretaker, greatly favored the caretaker. As she was reading it, Yiria began going over it, detailing the rules and rights it outlined. In other words, how exactly this ‘service’ functioned. If you could call something that takes your baby from you and gives you absolutely zero control over how she was raised a service.

“Now the Iniri caretaker service provides you a caretaker, who in this case will be me. As caretaker, I will be granted primary control in the raising of your kids. This means, I will make all the decisions about how they are raised for you, from the moment they are born. Out of curiosity, how do you feel about that?”

Riku frowned, “Strangely relieved. It’s kind of nice not having to worry about raising her.”

Yiria smiled, “Good. You should be feeling that way at this point in your conditioning sessions. Now as outlined here, you will be spending plenty of time with your baby when she is first born, but once I deem she is strong enough to not need you, I will be restricting your access to her. You may not see her for months or even years at a time. As caretaker, I will have full discretion on when you are allowed to see your baby, but you and I will be meeting regularly. During those meetings you have the right to information on how your daughter is doing in my care. This includes the possibility of videos and/ or memory implants detailing important milestones in your baby’s development. However I will have full discretion in what I share about her development, and I can ask you to waive that right if I so desire. If asked, you are required to waive it. You can not refuse anything I ask of you in that regard. Understand?”

Riku nodded, “Yes, I understand. As my appointed caretaker you will make all decisions regarding the care of my children. You will also take my baby from me, and restrict my access to her once you deem she is able to leave my side. I have the right to information on how she is doing, but you have full discretion on what is shared and may request that I waive the right. If requested I must waive that right. Also while you and I may meet regularly, I may not see my baby for months or even years at a time after you take her from me.”

Yiria nodded, “Good, you do understand. Now I’ll tell you a bit about how the program works. Normally the child is left with mommy to nurse for a few weeks.” she paused and lifted one of her own tits, “However we don’t let her nurse solely on mommy, her caretaker often offers her own milk as well. Once the caretaker deems she is ready, your baby will be taken away. After that, you will have restricted access to her, until she is around ten years old. The exact age is up to the discretion of the caretaker, she may let this happen at either a younger or older age. At which point your baby will be allowed to move back in with you. Even at this point you are required to defer to your caretaker's wishes in all decisions regarding your daughter. In addition, the caretaker retains the option to restrict your access to her at any time. How do you feel about that?”

Riku frowned, and sighed, “I’m not sure I like the fact that I might miss so much of my baby’s development.”

Yiria leaned forward and placed a tentacle on her head, “Most mothers don’t, not at first. Removing her from you however is critical, as it allows you to focus more on your assigned work. Besides, doing it this way ensures she will bond first to me, rather than you. Something that is quite important given that I will be her primary caregiver. Trust me, you will feel better about this later.”

Riku’s eyes glazed over, as she nodded. Then moments later, she was directed to sign the multi-page Iniri Caretaker Service contract in several places. May watched her effectively sign her child away. Not that she could do anything about that just yet. She wasn’t idle, however, as she relayed everything she saw to Megumi, who would make sense of everything they saw. The only page not signed when Yiria pulled the pen away was the last one.

Yiria smiled calmly, “Alright then. Now, this last part deals with how the service will be paid. In short, you don’t have to worry about a thing, simply deposit your money as normal in your account, and we will withdraw money to pay for it when needed. You will not be informed of the withdrawals, and they will occur regularly. We ask you to continue not paying attention to the money that disappears from the account and to continue refraining from touching your money until stated otherwise. The service uses an unfixed rate, and the cost of the service may change from a day-to-day basis at my discretion. While withdrawals will occur on a regular basis, I may take additional money if needed. The money taken will be used mainly for the care of your daughter and other services we may enroll either you, or your daughter in. Understand?”

When Riku nodded and acknowledged her understanding a moment later, she was asked to sign that page twice.

As for Kiru, she was having a rather unexpected experience. She had just landed the truck while having a somewhat unusual conversation with Qelu. A conversation that took a weirder turn when Qelu nervously mentioned wanting to show her something. So now she was in the back of the truck, with Qelu flushed bright, and lying on her back.

Her gaze was locked on something extending out of Qelu’s engorged folds. It was a tentacle that was fairly short, but reasonably thick yet looked quite flexible. Where her other tentacles were a pale green, this one was rather pink with streaks of purple in it. The skin looked much more delicate as well.

Qelu shyly put her fingers together, and with a cute panting breath said, “This is my reproductive tentacle, we don’t normally show it to others. Only to those we intend to mate with.” Then she paused and flushed more brightly, and looked away for a moment. “I um... uh like you, and want to have a baby with you.”

Kiru didn’t know what to say, and she certainly wasn’t used to others being this... direct. She had remembered a bit about what Megumi had told her about this process, but she wasn’t sure she was ready to be a mother. She didn’t even realize she had voiced that concern until Qelu said, “If it helps, I am more than willing to both carry the child and care for her, but please consider granting my request.”

Feeling unsure about this, she contacted the only person she could think of that could grant her advice. Megumi replied quickly. “She can indeed have a child with you and be the one carrying it. Since she has a tentacle and you don’t, the baby would be created in your womb, but it can be easily transferred afterward to Qelu’s womb. Her tentacle is perfectly capable of doing that. Especially now that I fixed a little problem for her. Something about the Iniri not being able to carry their own young to term. Qelu can though, and she knows it instinctively since I coded her that way.”

Megumi paused, and then after a moment said, “Anyway, I would recommend giving her what she wants. The Iniri move quickly in their relationships, and we could use having a strong bond with her. However, if you don’t want to do this, I suggest being very careful with how you reject her. As she will take your not granting the baby she asked for as a rejection.”

That bit of advice left Kiru in an awkward place, but after a moment more of thought, she made her choice. She certainly had never considered this to be a decision she might have to make, but she was able to make one.

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