Adventures of an Ancient Space Battleship

Chapter 78: Chapter Sixty-Eight Offers, Inspections, and Considerations

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Qelu blushed, when she heard the words she wanted to hear. It was actually happening, she was going to be a mother. It had been a dream of hers for years, and many of her friends also wanted a child of their own. There was just something special about that, but she knew plenty who would rather care for someone else’s child than their own. She remembered how fulfilled her own mother had felt raising her, and soon she would be able to feel that herself rather than through someone else. Even better, it would be her own child.

She pulled Kiru close to her, and pressed her lips against the Neku girl’s lips. Her tongue slipped between the barrier, and after a moment Kiru returned the kiss. Sparks passed, and she reached out with her mind. To her shock, something in Kiru responded for once. She couldn’t just feel her presence, but something more. Not thoughts, not memories like she could with other Neku. Something far simpler, but equally precious to her. The sensations sent her right over the edge. In her heart, she had known it, and in her head suspected it, but now she knew. Kiru was far too precious to let anyone else touch her.

As she came back from the edge, she wrapped a pair of her tentacles around Kiru’s breasts, even as Kiru’s fingers found her way to her own. Specifically her middle pair of boobs. It felt nice, electric even to have them gently teased like this. She redoubled her efforts, and brought a second set of tentacles to bear to tease Kiru’s entrance. She was rewarded with a moan, which felt quite pleasant against her still dueling tongue.

Pleasant enough that they broke the kiss for a moment. Before diving right back into it. At this moment she knew she could plunge her reproductive tentacle right into Kiru’s entrance, but she didn’t quite yet. It was too soon, and she wanted to feel more. At this moment, she could feel exactly how Kiru was feeling, and not just her own sensations. With a thought, she pushed against Kiru’s mental barrier. Sending everything she was feeling right back at her partner. 

At first she didn’t seem to be getting through, but after a moment she felt Kiru open up a little more. Sparks exploded in her head as the pleasure suddenly doubled. A bond was forming between them, and now they both could feel everything the other was feeling. They both went over the edge, sticky fluids pooled on the seats below them. In the heat of the moment, she cared not about that. Besides, she wasn’t going to be cleaning it up later anyway, some Neku would be doing that.

She arched her back, and moaned loudly in sync with the more flexible Neku girl above her. As the sparks died, she became aware of the growing burning heat in her loins. Heat that only grew all the more due to the strong psionic link they had formed. She increased the speed of her movements, kneading her partner’s breasts more, and even twisting the nipples a little. Sending powerful bursts of pleasant electricity through Kiru, bursts that she felt returned through the link. She moaned, and again went over the edge. Her mind blanked, turning white as even more fluids pooled beneath them.

By this point she was quite aware of how ready the two of them were, and as her high subsided, she finally drove the tentacle into the wet folds of her partner. It slid in easily without even a hint of resistance. She began stroking it back and forth, each movement sent spikes of intense pleasure through the both of them. With each movement they both climaxed lightly.

She relished the heated pleasure of the sensations, letting her instincts guide her, as her mind simply stopped thinking about anything but the moment itself. Qelu was loving every second of this, enjoying the way she was being bombarded by the sensations, and feelings of her partner. Enjoying the delightful feel of her partner’s breasts under her writhing tentacles. Enjoying the feel of fingers teasing the nipples of her own breasts, and rapidly moving between them. Each little flicker and touch sent delightful sparks up her spine. Her pleasure soaked mind was also relishing in the way Kiru’s folds squeezed and compressed and writhed around her sensitive reproductive tentacle.

Finally the heat and pleasure coursing through them both hit a crescendo, and she let out a loud moan. As a rush left her from below, and her partner joined her in voicing the great pleasure she was feeling. Her tentacle swelled up below as her load entered Kiru, and she fell back tired. Kiru collapsed on top of her, and her reproductive tentacle remained firmly inside her partner. At the same moment, she became aware of Kiru’s mind withdrawing from her own, and hers from Kiru. It seemed that they could no longer maintain that link. It didn’t matter to her, she felt nothing but joy and pleasure from the experience they had shared. A part of her regretted not doing this sort of thing earlier. Most of her simply relished in the contented afterglow and feelings, at least until she fell asleep with Kiru snuggled on top of her.

May followed the pair down the corridor, while she considered the documents she had just watched Riku sign. Documents that had effectively signed away her kid. Hell, Yiria could, thanks to that document, legally kidnap her daughter. It just went to show how thoroughly they had brainwashed her already. Hell, she didn’t even blink at the method of payment outlined or the cost. The contract for the Iniri Caretaker Service stated it had an unfixed rate. Her caretaker could change the price at her own discretion.

While it was indeed stated that the funds would be used mainly for the care of her daughter and any other services either mother or daughter may be enrolled in. There was a whole section stating that the funds may be used at the discretion of the caretaker. In addition, she was not entitled to any refunds or allowed to even request one. Of course with the whole bit about not being allowed to notice her money disappear or being allowed to touch it, that was kind of moot. Another item she noted, but Yiria didn’t mention, was a line about how Riku would not be allowed to request termination of the service. The service can only be terminated at the discretion of the caretaker, and if terminated the caretaker retains the right to take Riku’s baby with her. Just one more in a long list of little items that were designed to favor the caretaker.

Still the fact that she had signed that just went to show how deeply brainwashed she was, and the reason she was here was to deepen that brainwashing. It left one to wonder how much more poor Riku could lose to the Iniri. Likely not much, since she was practically a slave at this point. As the Iniri now controlled just about everything that mattered, and there wasn’t much more they could take from her. Especially since they had effectively taken her mind from her as well.

May pushed that thought aside, and considered the contract again. It basically allowed them to steal her earnings. Them having consolidated her money into a black account had given them easy access, but this just legalized them taking it. She could already picture it. Riku would be given a job with absurdly long hours where she is expected to practically work her butt off for effectively no pay. As everything she earns will go into that black account, where it would promptly disappear into the hands of whatever ‘services’ they have her enrolled in. Forcing her to use that spending account she would have been given for anything she needs, and that account would only allow her to buy things they approved.

Of course, this was only possible because of the foolish things they had brainwashed her into doing for them. Some of this just didn’t sit right with her, but she knew Kiru would have a larger problem with it.

May noted their course was taking them towards a room, she was familiar with. So she put that line of thought aside. She had a growing list of things she wanted to chat with Megumi about, but at the moment she figured it best to focus on the task at hand. Observing what they were doing to Riku. Already it was providing invaluable insights into their brainwashing program, and what they were doing to the Neku. It was clearly more than just a brainwashing program going on here, as the procedures done to both mommy and unborn baby indicated.

Yiria opened a familiar door, and led Riku into the room. May followed and noted it was the same room she had her initial exam and her procedure in. A familiar face was waiting as well, she smiled, “Ah, Riku. Glad to see you are on time. Sit down, so I can start the exam. Now this will be a highly invasive set of scans, so you will feel some discomfort. That is perfectly normal with scans this invasive, and nothing for you to worry about. We just need to see how exactly you and your baby are progressing after your procedure earlier today.”

Riku nodded, and settled into the chair. Where the doctor immediately began hooking up probes to her body, and inserting devices. Riku’s expressions showed some clear discomfort as some of those items were inserted, but it only got worse from there when the devices were turned on. Yet she didn’t complain, even though she was clearly quite uncomfortable. Meanwhile she noted both Iniri paying far more attention to the wealth of detailed medical information streaming across the monitor. May kept an eye on it as well, mostly for Megumi’s benefit. Her mind however wandered to the mention of a spa appointment after this. She had this feeling that it was much more than just a simple spa appointment, there was likely something more to it.

Kiru shifted a bit, as she woke up. It took her a moment to realize that she had fallen asleep almost immediately after having sex with Qelu. In fact she could still feel Qelu’s tentacle lodged in her pussy. Beneath her, Qelu who had also fallen asleep was stirring. She took a glance at her internal clock. She hadn’t been asleep too long, but they were now a couple of hours behind schedule.

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Qelu looked up at her with a smile, and then Qelu pressed a tentacle up against her belly. Her face lit up with a beaming smile, and clear joy. She practically whispered, “It worked!”

Kiru needed to ask no questions to know what she was referring to. Her own hud had already informed her that an embryo was developing in her womb. One that Qelu was going to carry, not her. It occurred to her that she wasn’t sure how the transfer process was supposed to work. “Glad to hear that. So how does this transfer process work?”

Qelu looked her in the eye and gave her a naughty look. “It would be easier to show you.”

Suddenly she felt the tentacle still in her pulse and move. Heat quickly began to build in her belly. As the pulsing tentacle moved deeper. Each little movement and pulse sent pleasant tingles up her spine, and she could feel herself growing moist down there again. She began to pant.

Moments later, she could feel the tentacle push into her womb just as she felt a particularly pleasant tingle running through her, and her vision turned white. When her high dropped back down moments later, the tentacle was retreating into Qelu’s body, and her hud informed her that she no longer had the embryo. The whole process had been far faster and more pleasurable than she would have guessed. The way Qelu was rubbing her belly was enough to tell her that the transfer had worked properly, but she ran a scan just to be sure. It was indeed in her belly, and now establishing connections in Qelu’s womb.

Qelu smiled, “Thank you! Anyway I think we better get started on the inspection.” then she sighed, “I guess we will be up late today, but it was worth it. Don’t you think?”

She nodded. It had been quite the experience actually. Although that reminded her that she had a few questions to ask Megumi. Questions related to a certain aspect of that experience. Pushing those aside for the moment, she let Qelu up, and helped her out of the vehicle.

Moments later they made their way to the first door. One they should have knocked on around noon, not two hours into the afternoon. A young woman answered the door, shortly after she knocked.

Qelu smiled, “This is an inspection. Allow us in, and leave the door open.”

The woman nodded, and opened the door fully to admit them. Leading the way into the house. Where Kiru could smell something cooking. She showed them a sofa, and then said, “I’ll go get my daughter, and turn off the oven. This might take a while won’t it?”

Qelu nodded, “Not too long, but yes you probably should turn that off. Don’t want your food to burn.”

The woman nodded, and hurried to collect her daughter, and turn off the oven. She was back moments later, and both of them were soon nude. Kiru noticed the slight bulge of her daughter’s stomach after she stripped. It raised a few questions, given her age. If Kiru had to guess she was fourteen maybe fifteen, but that was only an estimate, she could be older. In any case, she was obviously a couple months pregnant.

As Qelu was inspecting the younger girl, she asked, “So have you two been out of town recently?”

Her mother nodded, “Yeah, we had a beach vacation not too long ago. Visited a lovely resort down south.”

Qelu nodded, “I see. I take it your daughter played around a lot with the boys.”

The woman nodded.

Kiru glanced at the girl and wondered if her being pregnant meant anything special. So she asked Qelu what would happen to the pregnant girl.

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