Adventures of an Ancient Space Battleship

Chapter 81: Interlude A Glimpse into Kiru’s ‘Nights’ of school

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Kiru sighed and glanced at her VR gear. The special gear she had gotten from the ship. Qelu was already asleep, curled up next to her. The young Iniri could be fairly mature at times, but at other times she behaved very much like a child. Although she wasn’t sure why. Megumi had told her that the Iniri had a relatively short childhood genetically speaking. They would reach physical maturity at roughly the same time as a ‘naturally born’ biomech. She certainly knew that her ‘sisters’ could be quite childish at times as well. Megumi had told her not to worry about it. That such behavior was normal for the very young.

Anyway, that line of thought was just a distraction. She was just hesitating to put the gear on. Kiru knew very well why she was. The Solean school experience was rather... different. With a sigh, she put it on her head, and went to sleep. As different as it was, she did have to admit the program was illuminating. She was learning things.

As usual, upon falling asleep, she found herself appearing in the school courtyard. It was a nice courtyard if a little unique. The Soleans lived their lives out on ships. This school was no different. It was built inside a massive cityship, but this city was inside a large artificial environment. Not that the program really let her explore it. It did give her a chance to see Solean architecture. The school was a decent example. Soft flowing lines combined with etched metal construction. It was surrounded by high walls that featured the same soft lines, and odd etchings. It was a mixture of form with beauty.

One the simulation didn’t give her much time to appreciate. As she was not the only student here. Young Solean girls were streaming into the courtyard, heading for their respective classes. The ages varied quite a bit, given this was a Solean Elementary school with the youngest being a mere three years old. While the oldest were twenty-eight years old. Not that any of them actually looked like they could be nearly thirty. Just one more little sign about the Solean lifespan. Not to mention it helped plot out their school year, and put the age of her own simulated classmates in perspective. The girls in her class were around eleven or twelve. 

She headed for class and tried not to think about the fact that she was stuck in a classroom with a bunch of twelve-year-olds. It helped that they certainly didn’t act their age or look it. A fact she was reminded of, when she reached the classroom. A trio of girls to her left were exchanging gossip of the high school variety. Love gossip to be specific. She wasn’t all that interested so, she tuned it out, heading for her seat.

Not long after, she settled into her chair, a young woman made her way into the room. Kiru sighed when she noted that she was topless. Utterly unacceptable in Neku society, but the Soleans were much freer when it came to clothing styles. This woman was of course, her teacher. Like most Soleans she was fairly short, but she had a good figure, a cute face, and Kiru thought she had a cute pair of boobs too. She stared at them for a moment, and then blushed when she realized she was doing it.

Her teacher settled at the head of the classroom, near her own desk. The teacher set a few objects down, and turned to the class. “Alright class time to start. Activate your terminals, and open your textbooks to page 22379. We are going to pick up where we left off yesterday. For those of you who missed yesterday, we are covering Hyperspatial physics, chapters 437, 444, and 521. I suggest you quickly review those chapters, as I am not going to go over them again. I also have homework for those of you who missed class yesterday. Come see me after class for it.”

Kiru nodded along, and activated the terminal. This was one of the reasons why she ultimately chose to wear the headset. The virtual environment would have skipped today’s lesson if she had, which sucks. Perhaps that was there to encourage her to actually wear it every night. She hated to admit it, but that little factor certainly worked. Since she was here yesterday, she wasn’t going to have to collect extra homework after class, which was great. There was another problem though. 

She put that aside, choosing not to dwell on it for as long as she could. Instead, she tapped the keys and brought up her holographic textbook. She loved this and wished she had this the first time she had gone to school. Unfortunately, her Neku schooling experience had been... behind the times even for her own people. Everyone was expected to actually carry heavy physical textbooks, and her old school made zero use of computers. Here that would have been an utter nightmare. Imagine having to lug around these textbooks. Her physics book alone had nearly fifty thousand pages, which would have made it a pain to lug around. As it was, it was a pain in a different sense.

Being a virtual book, it only took her moments to find the page the teacher requested. Marking the page, she also opened her notebook app, along with the worksheet app the class used. Having been here often enough she needed no prompting to do this, and wasn’t going to get it either. She had just finished when the teacher launched into the lesson. Turning to the holo-board, she began to write. Her movements making her exposed boobs bounce. It was kind of distracting, but Kiru tried to ignore it. Instead trying to listen to the lecture.

Yesterday they had been covering the depths of hyperspace. It was honestly hard for her to wrap her head around that. The Neku made use of hyperspace, but frankly she had learned more about hyperspace in the last week than she had during her entire career as a naval officer. The Imperium didn’t really know hyperspace. Not the way the Solean’s did.

“Okay, now as we covered yesterday, ships can’t safely traverse hyperspace below the 96th layer. However, that is with hyperdrives, which include Altean Hyperdrives which are rather unique among hyperdrives. There is one drive type that does allow ships to travel below the 96th layer. Can anyone tell me what that drive is?”

Kiru raised her hand. She wasn’t entirely sure why, but she was pretty sure about the answer.

The teacher turned to her, and said, “Alright Kiru. Tell us what drive it is.”

“Hyperwarp drives.”

She smiled, “very good Kiru. Now can you tell me why they allow safe transit?”

“Um, something about uh, subspace folding?” she replied trying to remember what she had heard.”

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The teacher giggled, “The words you were looking for were subspace tunneling not folding. I’ll give you points for trying.”

“Now can anyone tell the class how subspace tunneling actually works?”

Kiru scaned the page, trying not to stare at the teacher, hoping to see something. However, one hand shot up. A hand the teacher soon acknowledged.

“Subspace tunneling is a bit of a misnomer, as there is no digging involved. Hyperwarp drives allow passage through deep hyperspace by twisting the upper dimensional hyperspace into the lower dimensions. This creates an unusual, but stable conduit through hyperspace that allows faster than light travel in the order of several million times the speed of light. Once formed the conduit is a stable passage not unlike a tunnel, where ships can only enter or exit at defined points. Any attempt to enter elsewhere can destabilize the conduit, and may cause the twisted dimensional layers of the conduit to unravel.”

“Very good, Iris. A bit basic but you covered everything important.” the teacher paused, and turned to the board where she quickly wrote out several complex equations. The kind you only saw with multidimensional physics, and were often a headache to deal with. Kiru hurried to copy them while trying not to let the teacher's bouncing boobs distract her. She would have thought that with all the naked Neku, and Iniri she sees during the day this wouldn’t be a problem, but apparently, it was. 

She blushed slightly when she realized she was letting herself get distracted again. While the teacher began explaining the equations. She took a few notes, as she listened as well. Making sure she listed down what each variable meant. The entire time she was also wishing her teacher would just wear a top. Anything even just a bra would have been better.

Kiru blushed when she realized, that her notes included a free-hand sketch of her teacher. With a focus on her bouncing boobs. That was embarrassing. Why was she doing this? It wasn’t like her at all. Well not the current her. She had done this a lot back in high school. Except it had been boys then not girls. It made her wonder what had changed? She knew she could ask Megumi, but so far she had been hesitant to do that.

Forcing her mind back on the lesson, she eventually made it through class. Even managing to complete the in-class work. Despite her mind constantly wandering to her teacher. Ah, she really wanted to touch those boobs, they looked so soft. The way they bounced while the teacher was using the board was so delicious as well. Shaking her head, she pressed the submit button for her completed classwork. Thankfully before the bell rang. If she had pressed it after, the assignment would have been marked as late, and she would have lost points.

Kiru let out a breath and logged out of her terminal before turning it off. She would be back in this classroom later. Now that the first period was up, she had a bit of a break. It was free period right now. Most students used this time to either relax or catch up on their work. There were a few girls already talking to the teacher to get the classwork they had missed. She hadn’t missed any, so she could leave. She was free for the next hour. At least she thought she was. However before she could leave, the teacher spoke, “Kiru. Stay after class for a bit. I need to talk to you.”

That sent a shiver up her spine. It was never good when the teacher asked you to stay after. Maybe she had been caught staring?

Kiru didn’t have that long to wait since only four girls had missed class yesterday. Why she didn’t know, but they were out of the room with their missed classwork. The free period would give them plenty of time to catch up on it.

The teacher then turned to her with a calm smile on her face. She pulled out a pad, and showed it to Kiru. On it was a copy of her work, a graded copy. In red letters in the upper right corner was a big 35 out of a hundred marked on it. “So Kiru. I know you can do better than this. Mind telling me what is going on?”

She flushed, not quite sure how to explain what was going on. How exactly was she supposed to explain that her slipping grade was due to her being too busy staring at her teacher’s boobs? That was just downright embarrassing. Even if the teacher was a virtual creation. It was also utterly unbecoming since she was acting like a horny teen, and not a person her age.

Her teacher looked her over, her smile changing. She felt a strong shiver go down her spine. Moments before the teacher shift her stance. Her boobs bounced sexily, and Kiru couldn’t help but watch them. An action that did not go unnoticed. “Ah, I see.” said the teacher, as she deliberately raised her own boobs. “You want to touch them don’t you?”

She looked away her face red. The teacher sighed, “Come on. Its best if you get this out of your system. Can’t have you slipping any further.” Next thing Kiru knew she had been pulled against the teacher. What followed was one of the more interesting experiences she had while using this program.


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