Adventures of an Ancient Space Battleship

Chapter 82: Chapter Seventy-One Spa Massage, and Fun Times

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May followed the relaxed and dazed Riku to the massage room. Her eyes were still kind of glassy after the mineral bath and scalp massage. Yiria wasn’t even touching her at the moment, but it seemed she still wasn’t all there. Perhaps an effect of that relaxant in the air. Worse, it was apparently present in this room as well. As such, she was still forced to keep her shields active, which was wreaking havoc with her batteries. Thankfully she still had a few minutes before her power levels dropped to critical levels.  She did, however, request that Megumi hurry up on that fix to the drugged air.

Riku looked around, while May noted the room. It was a small side room, with a massage table, several counters, and what looked to be a shower room. There was also one other Iniri in the room, who seemed to be cleaning something. Before May could even guess as to the purpose of these items, or what this was for. Yiria said, “Go ahead, and step in the shower first. It will apply your first coat of special oils.”

Riku simply nodded and stepped into the shower. It activated instantly, as several moving arms began to spray her naked body with an even coat of light pink oil. The shower cubicle also seemed to fill with some kind of gas. Although only for a moment. It vanished quickly, and the oiling took only a few seconds before automated brushing arms started moving. Helping brush the oil into her fur, and skin. By the time she stepped out, the only sign she had been oiled was a slight glistening to her skin. 

Yiria smiled as Riku stepped out, while picking up a tool. May noted it was a type of wide area injector, with numerous small and short needles. “Alright, hold still. The next step before the massage is a series of injections. They contain special compounds that will speed up the uptake of the mineral oils and enhance the experience. You may feel some slight discomfort during the injections, but it will be totally worth it.”

The two Iniri then followed up, by using the injectors to deliver a series of injections. Each injector made use of a low-power dermal laser to accelerate the healing of the minor punctures all the needles made. They didn’t spare a single inch of skin from the experience, and Riku didn’t resist. Other than some wincing when they got to her more sensitive bits. That and a few complaints about them touching that area.

Yiria gave her a look, but Riku didn’t seem to notice the look. May did, however, and noted it down. It might mean something. A moment later, she was guided to the table and helped onto it. Where May noted the special feature it had to accommodate pregnant females. The table stretched and deformed as her belly pressed into it. Molding itself to fit her belly. May got closer for a better look, and noted that it gave to the touch, yet seemed to also offer support for her belly. It appeared to do the same for her breasts. This was interesting. She recalled that the Solean people used programable nano-polymers for the same sort of effect.

As soon as Riku was securely settled on the table, the pair of Iniri began applying a golden oil to her back and working it in. They started with her upper back, between her shoulders, working slowly. Even in her rather glassy-eyed, and dazed state Riku seemed to enjoy the massage. As they slowly worked their way down over a period of several minutes.

After a couple of minutes of the massage, May noticed Riku twitch, and juices began to glisten and mix with the oil down there. It was barely noticeable given the light, and the oils, but May realized that she had already cum. Several more followed that, and they hadn’t even touched any of her sensitive bits.

At first they stayed away from those. The massage seemed pretty normal, as Riku melted like putty under the gentle yet firm touch of their tentacles. They worked her muscles, and skin in a fashion that seemed very relaxing. Especially judging by the way she was moaning under their touch, even occasionally orgasming. With every passing moment, she seemed to relax further, her eyes eventually glazing to the point that May doubted the pregnant Neku really knew what was going on anymore.

It was at this point that Yiria finally spoke, “Alright, your backside is feeling very loose now. We are going to flip you over and start working on your front. Okay?”

Riku was slow to respond, very slow. They had already flipped her over, when she finally said, “...Yesss, of course.”

Yiria smiled and rubbed her head for a moment. Then the two of them began massaging her belly. They stayed there for a few moments, while constantly applying their oils. Slowly they moved apart working to get every inch of skin on her front side as they had for her rear. Riku didn’t even protest when they started working on her boobs, and thighs. May noted them avoiding her pussy. Although she suspected they would not for long.

She proved right, as they did eventually work their way there, and at that point, it didn’t even look like a massage. They were quite deliberately working her up into orgasm, after orgasm. Riku didn’t even protest their attention but instead seemed to welcome it. Not that she was really in a state to protest anything. Yiria started whispering to her, but May didn’t quite catch it. It was at that moment, that Megumi informed her that she was ready to implement her solution. The timing was excellent too, since her batteries were running low. She had mere minutes left before she would have had to drop her shields to conserve power.

The update to her systems and the alterations took only moments allowing her to drop shields and focus on what she was observing. Riku's pussy was not the only part of her body they were lavishing attention on. They were also playing with her boobs and other sensitive bits. With the clear goal of bringing her to climax as quickly and often as possible. Both Iniri seemed to be paying a lot of attention to her responses. The second one pulled out an injector and suddenly used it on Riku's clit. Riku whimpered but did nothing to resist.

The injector was refilled and set aside while they went back to teasing the sensitive little nub. Gauging her reaction to the stimulation. Obviously not satisfied, they used the injector on her again. This time she reacted a little more, but again did nothing to resist the treatment. This time they didn't just stop with her clitoris but followed up with several injections to her labia, her boobs, and her nipples.

Again they set it aside and focused on stimulating her, gauging her reactions. This time they must have been happy with her responses as they put the injector away. A few gels were rubbed into the skin of her sensitive bits a moment after that. Before they helped her to her feet and prompted her into the shower.

The shower again sprayed her with that pink oil, and worked her over. It didn't end there this time but moved on to apply a light red and a purple-tinged set of oils. Oils it let set for a few seconds before finally washing her off. A blast of warm air was used to dry her off and then the door opened to let her out. Strangely, she seemed a little more awake, when she stepped out of the shower, but not by much.

Yiria stepped close to her, and started rubbing her head. After a moment she spoke to Riku in a calm authortative tone, “Okay Riku, I need you to listen. While you are here we are going to be doing a lot of strange things to you, I want you to think of it as normal. Also while you are in our facility you are allowed to remember, but not dwell on anything we do. Understand?”

Slow as usual Riku replied, “...Yes”

Yiria smiled, “Good. One more thing, when we leave the facility, you are to forget everything that happened here, and merely remember you had a good time. Understand?”

Riku replied in the same manner. May figured that in her current state she was absolute putty in their hands. “Great. I’m going to start messing with your mind a little. Just let me in, and don’t even try to resist anything I do. Okay?”

“... Okay.”

Yiria’s smile widened, and then her face changed. Seeming to lose focus on the world. She was doing something, something at a far deeper level. What she was doing, May didn’t know, but could guess. She had been watching Yiria long enough to get a general idea what her mind focused on. If she was a betting girl, and everyone knew she was, she would bet that Yiria’s actions were mainly focused on Riku’s unborn child. Altering Riku’s mind to be more amenable to Yiria’s demands on the subject. At the moment, she was certainly not in a state to even resist that. Yiria didn’t stay in her mind for long, after about a minute and a half she released the poor Neku.

“Alright we have one last appointment here, and then its time to get you to bed.”

Riku nodded. After a moment, Yiria told her, “Its merely a consultation with the spa’s beauty director. She will be looking you over and deciding what treatments will get you looking your most attractive, and responsive. Don’t worry about a thing, we will be deciding all the important details for you. Just relax and let us do the work, okay?”


That predatory smile returned, and she was rushed out of the room. May followed, but the consultation was quick. It was in a small office attached to the building, but none of the Iniri spoke much. Other than Riku being examined like a prized animal, there was nothing of note. Little surprise there given how easily the Iniri could bend the Neku to their will. It was just a sign of the current relationship between the two species.

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Kiru strectched as she stepped out of the latest house. It was getting late, and the truck was nearly full. There was only one last house on the list, and then they would be done for the day. Qelu had been pretty happy the whole time, likely due to the experience they had so recently shared. One she still had questions about, but hadn’t yet asked Megumi about them.

Qelu slipped out behind her. Kiru noted her dreamily rubbing her belly. Likely dreaming of the day that little one was born. Qelu could be such a child at times, but at this moment it seemed she was meant to be a mother. How good of a mother she would be remained to be seen.

Kiru did have a few questions. She had to wonder, would the child be an Iniri, a Neku, or a hybrid. With most races, the result would be a hybrid, but since she hadn’t seen any before, she had to wonder if that was the case with the Iniri. There was also that question about what happened while they were having fun. Kiru had felt everything that Qelu was feeling, and it seemed like Qelu had been feeling everything that Kiru felt. The sensations had bounced between them magnifying to be quite powerful. That had been the most intense experience she had ever had. More intense than even her virtual teacher.

Reminded of that encounter, she pushed it aside. However she could not help but think about her trips to school. Everytime she went there, she found herself acting like a horny teenager. Why she wasn’t entirely sure, and it was so embarrasing she was afraid to ask. Then she remembered that in her last class, she had been wondering why she was suddenly so attracted to girls. Now that she was more clear headed, she was able to pick out what had changed. Before she could really focus on that however, Qelu frowned.

“Something wrong?”

She quickly shook her head, “No, nothing’s wrong.”

Qelu gave her a look. “If you don’t want to talk about it, that is fine, but please don’t lie.”

Kiru’s first impulse was to protest and say she wasn’t lying, but she quickly squashed it. Instead she turned away from Qelu, and sighed, “Okay, maybe something is wrong, but how...”

Qelu interupted her, “Did I know? Easy, what ever it is has you unbalanced enough that your mental barrier is slipping. I’m feeling your emotions.”

She flushed, and a check realized it was true. Somehow Kiru had let the mental shield protecting her mind relax. That was embarrassing. Made worse by the fact that it was an implant responsible for that. Which made her wonder why it was suddenly dropping on her. Things had unsettled her before, and this hadn’t happened. With a thought she asked Megumi.

Easy, it responds to your subconscious. Deep down, you wanted Qelu to feel what you feel.

She immediately protested that, but no further response came from the ship.  Suddenly she felt tentacles rubbing her back. Looking over her shoulder, she saw Qelu, who said, “I don’t know what has you feeling both unsettled and embarressed, but its okay. If you want to tell me about it. I’ll listen. I promise I won’t tell anyone about either.” 

Something told Kiru she was serious about that, but Kiru was not sure where to begin. Qelu did not even know about Megumi, much less her own past or any of what bothered her really. How the hell was she supposed to even begin explaining that? After a moment, she decided maybe she didn’t really need to explain everything. Maybe just a little. After more thought she decided to explain only the headset. Qelu had seen it before, but she had told her nothing about it.

“Um, well you know that headset I like to wear at night?”

“Yeah, I’ve seen that strange item what about it?”

“I’m not sure I can tell you how I acquired it, but its a Solean artifact. It contains a virtual school, and I’ve found going there rather illiminating...” she began, as she moved towards explaining her problems. Qelu listened attentively. She was silent for a few moments after finishing, and then she said, “Sounds kind of fun. Think I could join you in there?”

“I don’t...” she trailed off. As Megumi suddenly informed her it was possible. Then she said, You know if you had asked me, I could tell you exactly why you are regressing back to high school. I’ll tell you the details later, but the short answer is your classmates.

That told her nothing, but she put that aside. “Um, maybe you could. Just why would you?”

“As I said it sounds fun. Besides I’ve never seen a Solean. It will be interesting.”

She figured that was fair. Besides it might be interesting to share the experience. Then she remembered that failing grade she had. Her skin flushed, and after a moment she made a mental note not to let Qelu find out she had scored so low on anything

Sighing she changed the subject, “I guess we should get that last inspection out of the way.”

Qelu nodded, “Yeah we should. By now the younger children are likely in bed. Not that they actually want to sleep. They never do. Just like the last house.”

They headed for the door of the last house. As they neared, Kiru could hear some loud moaning coming from the building. She looked up, there was an open window on the second floor. In fact there were quite a few open windows. That was a little unusual. From the sound of it, someone in there was enjoying themselves. Another round of moans, and she commented, “Sounds like we have a pair having fun up there.”

Qelu smiled, “It does. Bit of a shame that we have to interupt, but we have to get this done.”

A moment later, Qelu knocked on the door. Something Kiru normally did, but it seemed that Qelu was more willing to do it lately. Perhaps some effect of what Megumi had done to her. She could dwell on that later. She had to get this over with, and tomorrow they had things to discuss.

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