Adventures of an Ancient Space Battleship

Chapter 85: Chapter Seventy-Four A Routine Morning?

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Qelu stretched. Shifting away from Kiru as she absorbed the experience. It had been really weird sharing that dreamscape with Kiru. It was also somewhat interesting. Kiru had been a lot more fun in that dreamscape. Especially with how she acted like a horny teen, and tried to hide it. Although Qelu did notice that Kiru seemed bothered by that. 

Kiru slipped out of the bed, and placed her headset on the table. Her body seemed a little flushed. With a deep red tinging her skin. It made her look even cuter. Sighing, Qelu said, “It’s not your fault.”

Kiru turned around in a heartbeat, a deep frown marring her cute face. “Huh? What’s not my fault?”

Qelu slipped off the bed, and said, “I take it you didn’t notice your classmates?”

“What about my classmates?”

“They were just as horny as you were?” replied Qelu feeling a little uncertain all of a sudden.

Kiru gave her a look, “Can’t be! They’re only twelve!”

Qelu sighed, “Like that means much. Many Neku start going through puberty younger than that, and I have no doubt that you know what all those hormones do.”

Kiru now looked thoroughly confused. So Qelu decided to just cut to the point.

“Many of your simulated classmates are going through puberty. I talked to both them and your teachers about it, while I was there. I guess you never thought to ask. You should have.”

Kiru tilted her head, and her confused face looked very cute, “Um, uh.”

“Apparently Soleans go through puberty quite young. An adaption apparently, but not the important bit. They apparently produce very powerful pheromones that signal their readiness to mate and induce it in others. Soleans are immune to it, but other races are not. I’m in the early stages of pregnancy, which protects me. You aren’t, hence the horny behavior.”

Several expressions flickered across Kiru’s face. Before she shouted, “Why ...... would they include that in an educational program!!!?”

“I asked that too, although less colorfully. Apparently, Solean programs always include that. They like realism, and it brings more realism to the simulated world by adding that.”

Kiru muttered something under her breath. Qelu didn’t quite catch it? She decided to change the subject. “Anyway it’s about time we got ready for our day. Thankfully we don’t have any inspections today. Which is great, since those things get tiring pretty quickly.”

Kiru nodded, seemingly happy. “Yes that does sound like good news, but what are we doing for the day?”

Qelu sighed, and felt herself shrink a little. She hadn’t mentioned it, but she’d spoken with her mother recently. “Um, well about that...”

Kiru gave her a look, “Why do I have the feeling I’m not going to like what you are about to say?”

May stepped out of the bath and dried herself off. She had gotten up at a reasonably early hour so that she would have time to do this. It had been early enough that she had a nice relaxing soak in the tub. It was a lovely luxury that she liked about this apartment. She was glad that coming down here did not mean giving up on her nice baths. She paid special attention to her tail, arms, and lower legs since they were covered with fur. Part of her adaption as a Neku. Well, imitation of Neku anyway. May was glad that Neku fur was typically on the thinner side, and shed water easily. It made getting her fur dry nice and easy.

Reasonably dry, she slipped on a protective pair of panties, and a short top. The top was technically a bra of sorts. It was rather short and stretchy. It wrapped around her breasts comfortably and didn’t actually do much to hide the shape of what was beneath. In fact it did nothing to do so and wasn’t meant to. It only covered about half her breasts, and about two centimeters below her boobs. The upper half of her breasts, starting just half a centimeter over the nipples were exposed, and her belly was also left uncovered. The fabric was a lovely black which she thought went nicely with her hair and contrasted her skin nicely as well. The panties were a simple design, that hugged her pussy and rear nicely. They were also tight enough that she had a lovely cameltoe showing. Not to mention they matched with the top well. Especially since they were of the same black color. It was kind of a shame that she would have to add a skirt, but the Neku expected one. Well, the ones the Iniri hadn’t fully brainwashed yet, and someone had to keep interacting with them.

She sighed, and grabbed the skirt she had picked out, and slipped it on. It was of a modest length, ending just below her thighs. It went well enough with the rest of her outfit, but it just wasn’t quite risque enough for her. In fact, she didn’t mind going naked like the others did, but just doing that wasn’t quite enough. It made her heart beat just a little farther to push things. She was already doing that with this outfit, but it wasn’t quite enough. She really wanted to lose the skirt but wasn’t sure she could. Maybe she should ask Qelu?

Stepping out of the bathroom, she noticed Qelu, and Kiru having a rather intensive discussion in the hall. Hmm, maybe not right now. Kiru’s tail was moving in a way that indicated she was agitated, and Qelu? Well she didn’t think she would be in the mood to talk about that, not right now anyway.

In fact it might be a good idea to just leave, and get breakfast at the diner. It wasn’t that far, and May needed to get a move on anyway. She wanted to get back out to the resort. That place seemed like a good source of information. At the very least, she wanted to know more about what they were doing to poor Riku. Even if some of it was pretty clear. Although she hadn’t yet gotten to the root of why. Only way to get those answers was to go back, and so that was what she was going to do.

The diner wasn’t that far from the apartment so she had walked there. As she entered, it was already somewhat busy, and there were even a few Iniri customers. May outwardly didn’t pay them any heed, as most Neku ignored them anyway. She did however note their positions.

A waitress spoke to her, and led her to a seat, that ended up being at a table practically next to a pair of Iniri having a discussion. She was given a menu, and the waitress left to give her time to consider her order. Having been here before, May knew she would be back in a couple of minutes.

At the table next to hers, she could overhear the conversation that the two Iniri were engaged in. The conversation seemed normal enough for their kind.

“Yeah, she is kinda cute. Might be nice to see her out of that uniform.”

“Such a shame she doesn’t have potential. She’s so cute.”

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“Maybe that will change by next year.”

A sigh, “Except I’m not going to be here next year.”

“You’re not? Why?”

“I signed on with the military, they had a few openings, and the pay was good. It’s a five year contract though, so there is that.”

“...I um, see. Are you sure that is a good idea? I’ve heard rumors of entire fleets being lost recently. It seems kind of dangerous.”

“Yeah, I heard the same rumors, and asked around. Turns out it was a fluke event. Nesting dragon attacked a key staging ground, and the moron in charge thought it was a good idea to fight it. I do feel sorry for the poor folks who ended up stranded on the local planets with the dragon, but there isn’t anything we can do for them.”

“You mean the rumors were true!?”

“Apparently, but as I understand it, its hard to cover up a dragon attack, even for us. Besides we both know those monsters are a force of nature. Only thing you can do with a dragon is run, and that is just what I plan to do if that does happen. I’m not stupid.”

“Fine, but I don’t think joining is a good idea. What would you even be doing anyway? Fighting is for the Neku to do afterall.”

“I’ll be attached to the medical staff. Officially I’ll be a doctor doing the regular check-ups and medical care. Unofficially I’ll be doing a lot more.”

Sounding curious, the other said, “Oh, like what?”

“A few things. I’m not at liberty to reveal it all, but what I can say is that military have a different program from the one being used here on Nekuri with the local Neku. Afterall we aren’t just  building nests out there, we’re fighting a war to establish new territory for new nests. Those Erali worlds are especially prime for them. I’m kinda hoping for a chance to get a really cute Erali girl.”

“Oh, that sounds interesting. If you do, I’d really like it if you invited me and shared her.”

“That might be fun!”

At that moment, her waitress returned to take her order. May having already memorized the menu, and knowing what she wanted gave her order, and at the same time sneakily tagged the military Iniri girl. She might be a lead, but not one May was going to follow just yet. Not to mention that one was likely better taken by an expendable drone.

The waitress smiled, noted down her order, and departed. She was pulled aside by the two Iniri before she got far however, or more accurately the one. As the other was already leaving, the one May had thoughtfully marked. It seemed their conversation and their meal was over. The one still here was asking for her bill.

After the waitress left to go get the bill, and May’s order going. The now alone Iniri girl streched in her seat, and then looked around the room. Her gaze eventually settling in May’s direction. May noticed, and internally felt worried for a moment. Especially when she turned towards her.

“Hello. Aren’t you just delectable. You wouldn’t happen to be free.”

May replied, “I’m afraid I have a busy day, today.”

“Anything you can cancel?”

Now a little worried, “Not really, but I do have some time in the evening, why?”

“I was hoping for a little fun, and you look cute. Sorry to have bothered you.”

A moment later, the waitress came back with the bill, and May had the feeling that she had just had a rather close call. Something told her she might see that Iniri girl again as well.

Qei stirred, and then turned red as memories of last night came to the surface. Along with last night’s incident with the overly pushy Zalla. For a moment she just lay there. Before finally deciding to slip out of bed, allowing the cooler air to brush against her bare skin as the soft sheets slipped from her body. Glancing at the clock, she noticed that it was rather late. She was normally already up at this hour.

Thankfully she didn’t have anything pressing to do today. So sleeping in, hadn’t drastically upset her schedule. The real question was what was she going to do today?

Pushing that aside, she slipped out of her room into the silence of the hall. She figured everyone was gone by now, and a quick glance around the apartment confirmed it. The place was deserted, no one else was here. That suited Qei just fine, and she made her way to the bathroom, and started drawing a bath. While she waited for the tub to fill, she took care of her morning business. She may be a machine, but she was also organic so she still had waste to get rid off.

That done, and the tub filled she slipped into the hot water, and let out a sigh. Relaxing into the warm waters felt nice. She lay there a moment or two before she reached for the soaps, and rags. Her mind drifting to consider the big question of the day, what was she going to do today? The only obvious thing was to avoid Zalla. Other than that her day was looking very open.

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