Adventures of an Ancient Space Battleship

Chapter 86: Chapter Seventy-Five Back at the Strange Resort

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May slipped into the resort silently. No one noticed her entry. Her cloak was already active, ensuring that she would remain unseen. At this hour it didn’t seem too busy, but she had a feeling that wasn’t the case. May already had a bit of an idea about Riku’s schedule. So she headed for the building she knew contained the pregnant girl’s lodgings. It was where she had left her the night before. 

The resort maintained several buildings that looked like inns at first glance. They were clearly a little more than that, but nothing too special. They existed mainly for the girls they were actively brainwashing to stay at when they weren’t being worked on. As such, the rooms were fairly simple with few amenities. Riku’s room was a small one on the first floor of a building not far from the resort clinic. It was fairly small, with a bed, a small sitting area, a couple of stands, and even a terminal. It didn’t have a closet or anywhere to put clothing. Given the local no clothes policy, that was expected. The room did have an attached bath though. Something not all the rooms at the inn had. Perhaps a sign of special treatment? 

It didn’t take her long to make her way to Riku’s lodgings. She was slowed for a moment on entry, but it wasn’t a large delay. Heading deeper into the building was made much easier by the lack of doors. Fitting the style of this inn, all doorways were closed by curtains. May had her suspicions on why, but she did note that it didn’t look out of place. As this conformed to the aesthetic they were going with here. One whose origin May wasn’t entirely certain about. She’d been too... busy to bother researching Neku design styles. 

May arrived to find that she was perhaps a little late, but not so late that Riku wasn’t here. Yiria was already here, though. They had been talking about something, but from the sound of things, May had missed the conversation.

As May settled near the doorway, Riku nodded, “Sounds good.”

Yiria smiled, that usual predatory grin of hers, “Great!” she glanced to the side, “Anyway we need to get going. We have another busy day ahead of us.”

Yiria led the Neku girl out of the room, and down the hallway. May followed, feeling like she may have missed something important.

The first place they ended up going was right back to the clinic. Riku was taken past the front desk, and into an exam room very quickly. Where once again, she was subjected to invasive scans, and they repeated the procedure they had done previously. Starting with working on her unborn child before moving onto isolating her womb, and working on Riku’s body.  There wasn’t much of note to say about that, as it repeated the process of the previous day. So when Yiria had left the room, May had followed her. Only to find it wasn’t anything interesting.

Thankfully that procedure seemed to go more quickly this time. Now May was following the pair down a familiar route. It seemed they were heading back to extraction. The place where Riku’s memories had been scanned at. Sure enough that was exactly where they were headed.

Yiria led Riku into the familiar, if small room. Where she had Riku settle into the strange chair. A second Iniri was standing by to assist with hooking up the neural interface equipment around her head, while Yiria readied the monitors and terminals.

Once everything was ready, Yiria turned to Riku, “Okay, we are going to get started in a minute. We are going to be accessing your memories again, but this time we are going to be actively removing memories from your mind. You will experience some discomfort, and you should also have difficulty accessing your own memories while we work. This is normal, and nothing to worry about. During the process we will occasionally ask you questions, and may insert new memories at times. Understood?”

Riku nodded, “I understand.” Then she frowned, “What are you removing anyway?”

“Nothing for you to worry about. Trust me, you aren’t going to miss the memories.”

Riku nodded, “I guess. Is this going to take long?”

Yiria nodded, “I’m afraid so. We are going to be here most of the day, but you do have a spa vist afterwards to look forward to.”

Riku smiled, “That sounds nice.”

“I’m looking forward to it as well.” she paused, and pulled something up on the terminal. “Okay I am going to start the machine, and it should be a little more pleasant than last time. You may still feel some discomfort as it starts accessing your memories.”

Yiria activated the machine, and Riku’s face twisted slightly for a moment or two before relaxing. Yiria turned, “Okay, I want you to try and recall a memory. Don’t worry about relaying it, anything you remember will show on the monitor.”

Riku nodded, slightly, “I understand.”

May kept an eye on the monitor, but nothing seemed to happen. After a moment or two Riku spoke up, “I... I, um... can’t remember anything?”

Yiria smiled, “That’s okay. It’s perfectly normal, and expected. It’s a good sign.” she paused, “Alright I am going to try accessing a memory from my end.”

A moment later, the monitor began to play. It seemed to be a first person perspective of a young girl playing in the sand with a couple of other kids. Nothing unusual, it seemed very normal.

Riku seemed to smile, and spoke up, “I remember that...”

Yiria interrupted her, “Good. Very good. Looks like the machine interfaced perfectly. Now I am going to go ahead, and erase this memory. Do a test, and then put it back. Okay?”

Riku replied, “Go ahead.”

May watched as the pair of Iniri did just that. While taking notes about what she was seeing. It might be important later. If not for her, then for Megumi, and whatever she decided to do.

After a couple of moments Yiria commented to the other, “Okay looks like things are proceeding nicely. I’ve flagged this memory and I’m ready. What is the first memory we are removing?”

The other Iniri consulted something, “We are starting in her earlier memories it seems. Start with two two seven dash Arl seven three. It should be according to the note be a positive sexual memory involving a boy, one of her earliest.”

Yiria tapped at the console with her tentacles pulling up the memory, allowing it to play on the monitor. As it did May began to note how it affected Riku. Her body responding to the memory. She also noted there was more than just visual and audio data displayed on the monitor.

The memory wasn’t allowed to play long before they erased it. The other Iniri called out the position tag for another memory. One supposedly linked to this one, and when it played it did from the limited perspective seem connected. So did the one after that, as they moved from one memory to the next. Spending only a few minutes on each one to confirm it was the right one before simply removing it from Riku’s mind. Riku herself simply seemed to be swept along for the ride. Not that she seemed to have any choice in the matter. The girl didn’t even protest them erasing her memories, and they told her they were going to do that.

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That was how things went for the first couple of hours with them following the rhythm they had set. Until finally the second Iniri said, “Okay, that should be everything for the first pass. Time for a test.”

Yiria nodded, and manipulated the monitor pulling up a file labeled ‘test memory subject Riku’ followed by the numerical tag ‘#1’. Along with a note that said, ‘This is a test memory only. Erase from subject after use, do not leave.”

“Okay the first test memory, is ready.”

The second Iniri repositioned herself, and replied, “Go ahead and insert the memory. I’ll run the scan and monitor for conflicts.”

Yiria nodded, and started the process. The machine immediately began to write the memory into her head. After a moment, the scan initiated testing the memory connections, and subject responses. May noted down everything they were doing. She also noted the test memory, which seemed to be a sexual encounter with a girl, but compared to the others it felt... off. Maybe that was why the note was there. It might not be finished, but evidently it was sufficient for this test.

As the test continued she noted it wasn’t long before a few red flags were raised. Something the monitoring Iniri was quick to note, and flag. Each conflict was marked for review, and she automatically told Yiria to remove each flagged memory.

“Okay that seems to be the last conflict. Erase the test, and get ready for the next memory set.” She glanced at her notes. “The next one is also an earlier memory set. Begin at location four three six dash Bna two seven. This one is another positive sexual memory involving a boy.”

Tapping the keys, Yiria repeated, “Four three six dash Bna two seven.” 

The memory came up, and began to play on the monitor. May noted how Riku responded clearly she was effectively reliving the memory not just recalling it. Although May doubted she was going to remember the experience seeing as the Iniri were planning to erase the memory. All these sex memories were certainly getting to the girl though. Her pussy lips were glistening, and twitching a little, and at this point her nipples were swollen nubs. It must be something special going through that. Although just looking at the playing memories was getting her a little hot, so it wasn’t much of a stretch to say it was likely far more intense for Riku.

The second Iniri after a moment of checking the recently brought up memory. Confirmed it as the target memory, and they began to erase it before moving on to the next memory in the sequence. Kiru noted that like the last set, these seemed to be a set of connected memories that they were working through. Although it was hard to say by a glance about exactly when they were. Unlike with digital media, these memories weren’t stamped with time codes. It didn’t help that some of them seemed to be somewhat fuzzy. Although May suspected that they were working through Riku's teenage years. At the very least it seemed to be memories from when she was actively dating, and hadn’t yet settled down with her husband.

It took them awhile to work through this set of memories as well, but they seemed to progress faster. As it was not too long before the second Iniri looked up from the notes, “Okay that was the last one in this set. Load up the second test memory. I’ll be standing by again to test for conflicts.”

The two seemed to have already figured things out, and easily worked their way through the process of loading the memory into Riku’s mind, and testing for conflicts. May noted down the memory as it played this second one also seemed to involve a girl, but not the same one as before. It also didn’t seem as tame as the previous one, and this time the scan lit up like a year’s end festival tree with missed conflicts.

Conflicts they had to work through, mark for review in the archive, and remove from Riku’s mind. May had a feeling that by the time this session was over, Riku was going to have gaping holes in her memory. A feeling that grew when they began on yet another set of memories. This one was unlike the last two.

The second Iniri blinked as she reviewed the notes, “Oh, this one is a bit special. Before I give you the region, bit of a warning, but its a negative sexual memory involving a girl. A very negative experience.”

Yiria nodded, blinked and asked for the starting point. Her tentacles tapped the memory tag in, and pulled up the start of the memory in question. It played very fuzzy on the monitor for a moment or two. Before clearing up. May noted Yiria did something a moment before it cleared up. Perhaps related. May also noted the fuzziness of the memory. That was perhaps important.

It turned out to indeed be a rather negative experience. It seemed to be like dumping a bucket of ice water on Riku, as she didn’t respond to it like the last two sets of memories. May kind of felt sorry for her after seeing the memory. This one seemed like something best left in the past. The connected memories weren’t always sexual, but were often just as negative. She didn’t seem to have had the best relationship with this girl. That might have played into why they were removing it from her mind.

They worked through it quickly, and moved on to the third test memory, which interestingly enough this time involved a man. It was even framed in a negative light. May noted that down, as it certainly revealed a few things about Iniri intentions.

It was hours later after working through numerous memories that they finally turned the machine off, and the second Iniri removed the interface.

Yiria leaned over Riku a bit, who was blinking, “How are you feeling?”

“Head hurts, what’s going on?”

Yiria smiled, “The disorientation will pass. Its normal, nothing to worry about. To answer the question we just finished deleting a few of your memories. You’ll find some gaps in your memory if you try to think about the past. Don’t worry about that, its normal, and temporary.”

Riku nodded, “I think I remember. What did you delete?”

Yiria smiled, “A lot, but nothing you need be concerned about. We will have to get back into your head again tomorrow for more removals.”

“I see. Um,..”

Shifting her stance Yiria said, “Don’t worry about the gaps. We are going to fill them back in later. With altered memories of course. That should sound good to you, does it?”

“Yes, I think I would like that.”

“Good. I look forward to it. Anyway its about time for your spa visit. Feeling up to it?”

Riku nodded, and with a little help she got up out of the chair. Yiria led her away, while the other Iniri remarked that she was going to finish up here. May hesitated for a moment before following the pair out of the room. The more interesting things might just be out of this room. May made a few more notes as she followed the pair to the spa.

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