Adventures of an Ancient Space Battleship

Chapter 87: Interlewd Fun before the Work

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Yiria made her way down the hall. Today was going to be a little busy. She was kind of looking forward to this. Especially the trip to the spa, but before that she had some work to do. Yesterday they had scanned and copied every little memory in Riku’s head. Now that they had that, they could get started by deleting unwanted memories while others coordinated the creation of approved memories to replace them. That wasn’t going to be too difficult especially since prior sessions had included preparations to ensure she wouldn’t be resistant to the process. Although it was going to be a rather lengthy process regardless. They would be spending days going through the marked memories, and erasing them. Additional ones might even be added to the list as they are working. At some points during the process, they would be filling in the gaps created with altered memories. The majority of which would be added when they are done. If everything went correctly Riku would be unable to distinguish the altered memories from her own. At the moment she was allowed to be aware it was happening, and that was okay since they would need her to confirm that she can’t tell the difference.  Of couse she wasn’t going to be allowed to remember her stay when she leaves. Not all of it anyway.

Yiria was hoping that she would have Riku’s unconditional trust by then. Especially since she was supposed to maintain a relationship with Riku. That wasn’t undesirable though especially since Riku was so cute. Not only was she cute, but Riku was going to give birth to a cute little girl that was going to be Yiria’s to raise. That was something she was really looking forward to. A part of her couldn’t wait to meet baby Miku. She’d had that name picked out for ages, and now she finally got to use it. Of course, it had taken a bit of doing to get Riku to hand over her right to name her child, but as Yiria saw it Miku was her’s not Riku’s. So this was only right.

With a bit of luck and quite a bit of effort, she could get a few more children to raise out of Riku. That was going to be a lot of fun, but at the moment all she really wanted to do was have a little fun with Riku. Oh, well a lot of fun really, but she was going to have to be careful. Yiria didn’t want to harm her little Miku by accident.

Slipping through the curtain, she found Riku was already up, and had found the terminal. She was browsing through the local library but hadn’t picked anything yet. The resort kept a few programs to entertain the guests being brainwashed, and they carefully curtailed their selection. It was all Iniri-approved or created content. Just one more way they worked towards molding the guests. 

Although Yiria had in mind something more fun than anything in that library. Something they both could enjoy. She smiled, “Hey, Riku! Sleep well?”

Riku looked up, “I did. Did you come to wake me or is my day starting already?”

Yiria closed the curtain behind her, “We already have your whole day planned for you, but you aren’t expected anywhere until eight. So I’d say we have a little time. I went ahead and ordered room service for you. Up for a little fun before it gets here?”

Riku tilted her head, her ear twitching cutely, “Hmm? What did you order, and what do you mean about a little fun?”

Using a tentacle she spread her lower lips a little, “This kind of fun, and as for the meal. Don’t worry about it. Just trust me to pick something good and healthy for you.”

Riku blushed a little, “I um see. I guess, but I’m not sure how I feel about doing that.”

Yiria giggled, “Ah come on don’t be like that. It’ll be fun.”

Riku still seemed a little uncertain. That wouldn’t do, so Yiria took a couple of steps forward, and pulled her into an embrace. In the same motion, she began stroking her head. After a few moments, Riku nodded, “I guess I could at least give it a try.”

Yiria smiled and slipped one tentacle lower. Quietly she whispered into Riku’s ear. I’ll make sure you don’t regret it. Just relax, and let me show you the path.”

With that, she suddenly brushed the tentacle lightly against Riku’s bare pussy lips. Eliciting a gasp of surprise at the sudden sensation. A moment later, she used a different tentacle. Again she left the touch light, and gentle. Yiria hadn’t found why yet, but she could sense that something had placed some resistance against girl sex in Riku. Thankfully it was rather minor, as it had obviously been caught earlier. No one had told her about it, but whatever memory caused this was evidently suppressed. In any case she had little doubt that the source of this would be among the first memories deleted. If not the first. Although the Neku mind can be fairly complex so they might have to remove a different memory first.

Yiria put that all aside for now, and instead focused on her prey. Feeling Riku relax a bit in her grip, as her tendrils penetrated deeper into the pregnant Neku’s mind. Slowly she teased the other’s girl’s sex. Keeping her touches light, and never staying long. With her other tentacles, she attacked Riku’s boobs. 

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It wasn’t long before her light touches began to elicit a real response. Her sex slowly began to glisten, the folds twitched a little, as her nipples hardened. A soft moan escaped her throat. Yiria took that as a signal and pushed her tentacle inside. She moved slowly, triggering a gasp, and a moan. It seemed she was ready. Yiria picked up the pace, and with another tentacle, she flicked Riku’s clit.

At the same moment, she tugged on a nipple, while rolling the other one with two of her other tentacles. Yiria was taking full advantage of her six tentacles and was using the last pair to knead the Neku girl’s boobs. Her breaths began to heat up, and her body grew warm. As lightning surged through her mind. Yiria felt each and every little surge herself, and her own nipples hardened in response. The sensations both guided her and encouraged her.

Yiria repeatedly pulled and slammed her tentacle back into Riku’s folds. Each time it slammed back in, Riku moaned. Sticky fluid gushed, coating her tentacle. Some of which also dripped onto the floor, unnoticed by either as Yiria lost herself in the sensations roiling through Riku’s mind. 

Yiria moaned as a surge of lightning ran through them both. She flicked a nipple with one of her tentacles, sending another burst of heat up Riku’s spine, and then she wrapped another around her little nub. The very touch sent a shiver up Riku’s nerves and set off a small explosion in her mind. Nearly bringing them both to the edge. She rolled the little nub, and thunder crashed her vision turned white, and the world vanished for a moment.

She came down from the high a moment later panting, but she resumed her movements, Quickly building the two of them back up to a glorious climax. Thunder crashed again, and she gushed in pleasure enjoying the sensations rippling through her from the connection she currently shared with Riku.  The world vanished again for a moment in a surge of white light.

One that crashed all too soon, and she came back to the world again. This time, she resumed her movements at a slower pace. Teasingly she moved her tentacles, rubbing Riku’s swollen labia. Each little movement elicited small breaths and gasps from the now very aroused kitty. Any hesitations and uncertainties about this had been forgotten as her mind relished in the sensations every little touch brought.

A tentacle brushing lightly against her swollen nipple sent a strong surge of lightning through her, and Riku arced back into Yiria. Yiria gasped slightly as she felt the kitty press into her own breasts. Her nipples rubbed against Riku’s back as well sending up little ripples of sensation. Yiria savored them deeply, enjoying the little touches. Yes, Riku was very much perfect. They were going to have so much fun together.

Unfortunately, she knew they didn’t have too much longer. However, she wanted to savor this just a little longer. She let Riku press into her a moment or two longer and then slipped out from under the Neku. Riku allowed her to push her onto her back, and Yiria knelt above her. Positioning herself so that she had a prime view of Riku’s glistening sex. The swollen labia twitched as moisture bubbled from within. Yiria leaned in, and her tongue slipped into the other girl's folds. As she tasted the juices of her delightful prey.

She lapped slowly at first, but quickly picked up the pace. Her tongue darted up and down the soft folds, in and out, and even flicked her nub a few times as she left no inch of flesh untouched. The room filled with the sound, and each movement had Riku panting deeply, almost begging for more.

Suddenly she flicked a nipple, and lightning surged bringing them both to the edge one last time. Then she gripped Riku’s clit gently with her teeth and rolled it with her tongue. Riku screamed, as thunder crashed her vision turned white, and her muscles spasmed. Yiria followed her over the edge a moment later.

As the high crashed, she rolled over onto her back for a moment to catch her breath. It wasn’t long before the food arrived. Two plates, one extra large specially chosen by Yiria for Riku to eat. Afterall she needed to make sure that Riku ate properly. Which is why she picked something with everything she knew the little kitty was going to need, especially given her condition.

The food was placed on a table, and the server left to attend to others. Yiria watched them go, enjoying the sight of the naked kitty as she made her way out of the room. Turning to Riku, she said, “Foods here, better eat it quickly. You have a very busy day ahead of you.”

Riku nodded, and after a moment pushed herself up. Yiria stayed near her to help her to the table, and the two of them settled down to eat breakfast. As they did, Yiria commented, “Now see didn’t I tell you that you can trust me? Wasn’t that great? The food will be just as good, trust me?”

“It was. I’m glad I decided to let you do that.”

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