Adventures of an Ancient Space Battleship

Chương 124: Interlude A Sister’s Shelter

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Eriku looked around a bit as her body slipped out of their room. Her stuff already packed into a bag. Now they just had to find A-98. The facility was very familiar to her and it walls quite comforting but she needed her sister. Now that she knew where she was, the young girl wanted to chase after her and so did her counterpart.

It was so nice being here without any control at all and letting E-5 take the lead on everything. This body was practically hers anyway, Eriku was merely along for the ride and she much liked her current position. It felt natural, it felt right. Especially the part where even though the two of them got along well E-5 would erase her in a heartbeat if she could and Eriku still felt she had to go. It was a shame, that she couldn’t be erased. They had tried a few times.

Still it was quite nice simply being here. She had gotten to see so many little things she might have missed otherwise. One of her favorite moments was giving birth to the first of her daughters whom she shared with Kiru. For a moment she wondered what they were up to now. She had not seen them in years. As a breeder she didn’t often get to interact with her kids. E-5 didn’t really care about that at all, but Eriku sometimes wished she could see the little ones she had helped bring into the world. Perhaps that was just one more reason why it was better that E-5 was in charge. Eriku could see herself easily slipping and making things harder for the mistresses and the caretakers. 

There was a reason why her daughters were taken at birth to be raised by caretakers. That way they could be properly raised into whatever role the mistresses deemed they were good for. She was just glad that she had gotten to see them a few times after they were taken. They had been so cute and happy the last time she saw them. It had been such fun getting to see them and see how they were doing. E-5 tried not to show it, but Eriku was sure she had fun that day as well.

Still, she would have gladly given up all the good things of still being here. Especially if it meant that E-5 would be the sole occupant of the body. It would have been proper and she had seen how happy A-98 was about not having her counterpart anymore. Sure E-5 seemed happy still having her here, but she could not help feeling that maybe E-5 would have been happier if she was gone.

Suddenly her train of thought was broken by E-5 speaking to her, “You are thinking about how much you wish you were erased again. Aren’t you?”

A flush of heat rushed through her and she responded, “I’m not!”

E-5 giggled, “I knew it. I’ve told you before it doesn’t bother me.”

She pouted, “But I can’t help but wonder how much happier you might have been if I was gone.”

E-5 chuckled, “Stop thinking about might have beens. You are here and you are staying.”

“I guess.”

E-5 sent a wave of emotions into her before saying, “Hey we are so close to finally reuniting with big sis. Cheer up!”

“I know! I can’t wait to see her again. Its been far too long.”

“It has. Such a shame that her coming here got delayed.”

“I know right! I would have loved it if she came here on schedule, but then they kept moving the date back.”

E-5 sighed, “Well there was the war and Kiru was good at what she was doing.”

“I know. I hate those admirals not letting her come here and be with me. Its their fault that happened to her.”

E-5 concurred, “Yeah it is, but stop that. We can figure things out later when we actually reach her. Okay?”

She mentally nodded, “Okay?”

“That’s a good girl. Now when we meet Kiru again would like to come out of your shell and greet her yourself?”

Eriku felt a rush of emotion, “NO! You do it. I’ll watch.”

E-5 sighed, “Why do I even bother asking anymore?”

“I don’t know. Its your body. It wouldn’t be right if I took control.”

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E-5 chuckled, “I see still too comfortable back there are you?”

She pouted, “Please stop. I’m perfectly fine right here. Beside the others want you more anyway.”

E-5 shook her head, “That doesn’t mean you can’t have control some of the time. Personally, I think you need to start coming out of that shell you are in.”

Eriku sent her best impression of a frown, “Why?”

E-5 sighed, “Cause it feels like you are hiding and I don’t like it.”

Eriku wasn’t sure what to think of this, but she didn’t like it. She felt a bit alarmed that E-5 might be trying to yank her out of her safe harbor. She loved it right here and it was fun. It felt natural to her. Yet words for a proper response failed her and at the moment she wasn’t sure how to share her feelings. So instead she fell silent as they continued walking. A moment later E-5 opened the door to the gardens. Her gaze looked around and while a couple of familiar faces were around they didn’t see the girl they were looking for. Eriku had a pretty good idea where A-98 would be hanging out and wasn’t surprised when Eriku turned left. Taking her onto a lovely trail lined with flowers, bushes and trees. At its end was a gorgeous pond, whose shores A-98 loved to lounge on.

They found A-98 lounging in the grass by the shore of her favorite pond. Her naked body stretched out almost enticingly. Yet she seemed to notice their approach, “E-5! Come to join me?”

E-5 carefully settled down next to her, stretched lazily, and said, “Yeah there is something I wanted to talk with you about.”

A-98 sat up and frowned, “hmm? What do you want to talk about?

E-5 leaned over and whispered, “We found where my sister is.”

A-98 blinked and then smiled, “That’s great news. When is she going to get here?”

E-5 sighed, “Might be a bit and I need your help.”

“Why would you need my help?”

She lay back, for a moment she said nothing before informing her about the video. 

A-98 didn’t say anything right away. Shifting she let out a breath, “Sound dangerous and you don’t really know what happened to her while she was missing.”

“I know, but I need to go. We need to go. Both of us need to know what happened to her, need to...”

A-98 pressed a finger against their lips and said, “I know. I’ve spoken with you long enough to know what you are thinking.”

She stood up and looked around, “Let's go to my room. We can discuss this together.” she paused and spread her pussy lips a little, “Maybe have a little fun?”

E-5 nodded, “Sure. Not to mention we can talk more freely if they just think we are having fun.”

A-98 nodded, “yep. We need to be careful. This sounds like fun, but you and I both know what the Mistresses will say.”

“Yeah Xeni was quite opposed.”

A-98 offered E-5 a hand and she took it. A-98 then helped her up. She hadn’t yet given birth. So the help was much appreciated and she allowed A-98 to lead her out of the gardens. The both of them were looking forward to the meeting in A-98’s room.

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