Adventures of an Ancient Space Battleship

Chương 125: Chapter One hundred Six Dealing with Horrors

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The girl whimpered as the glowing blade slowly cut into the sensitive flesh of her pussy. She didn’t even have the benefit of anesthesia as her hymen was slowly being removed. The knight winced at the sight and felt her own pussy burn in response.

Suddenly the girl cried out, “It hurts!”

The Iniri looked up at her, “Of course it does sweetie!” She responded in an all too happy tone. She paused her blade work and gently stroked the young girl’s labia while saying, “This is your pussy, it’s quite delicate and very sensitive.”

The girl shuddered, before whimpering out, “Why are you cutting it!!!?”

The Iniri giggled, “I’m removing your hymen.  Its an annoying barrier that blocks access to your vaginal passage, which leads to your womb. I need to put the drainer in your womb, so it needs to go and most girls lose it later anyway. Losing it this way is much better.”

The girl frowned, “it is?”

“Yep, it hurts so much more and I take my time so you can properly enjoy it. Speaking of enjoying things,”  She proceeded to touch the girl's little clit. Causing her to gasp because she wasn’t gentle with it, “This is the most sensitive part of your little pussy. Not that you can fully enjoy it since it has this annoying hood. Since I’m here I’ll get rid of that for you too.”

The girl whimpered as the blade shifted, cutting more into her down there. “Will it hurt?”

“Of course! What fun would it be if it didn’t? Now try to hold perfectly still for me sweety while I am cutting. Don’t want to damage your cute pussy now do we?”

The girl whimpered but nodded as the cutting continued. The Knight hesitated. Not sure it was a good idea to interfere while an active laser scalpel was so near the young girl’s sex. She watched in horror as the Iniri took her time cutting into the girl’s pussy. Slowly removing her hymen. After far too long she finally separated a bit of flesh and showed it to the girl. While at the same time moving her blade close to the young girl’s clit. “Now see? One item down and it wasn’t that bad now was it?”

The girl simply whimpered. Moments before the blade touched the hood of her clit, and the instant it did she screamed. Yet the Iniri didn’t stop. With clearly practiced movements she cut the little hood away and with a tentacle pulled something off a table. A weird little object that she slipped over the freshly exposed clit before securing it with a pin through the clit. An act that elicited a sharp yelp from the young girl. 

The Iniri spoke, “Okay I’m done cutting.” she said while grabbing another device, but she had not yet removed her blade. In a smooth motion, she turned it off, while roughly jamming a device into the girl and activating it. Once again the young girl cried out. The knight glared at the Iniri doing this, she was a terrible woman. Maybe stunning the room wasn’t the right thing to do?

The girl shifted as her cries quieted and then glanced down at her own sex. She frowned, “What did you attach to me?”

The Iniri fingered the device attached to her little clit. “This? Just a little training device.”

She pressed a button on the console and the girl screamed. She pressed it again, and let the girl come back to her senses. Before saying, “See every time you do something wrong I’ll be able to stimulate your little clitty.”

The knight watched it with horror. Yeah she wasn’t going to simply stun the room. She had known that some of them weren’t redeemable, but now it was plain to her as the daylight. With that in mind, she turned her pistol in her hands. Pressing her fingers against several key points on the casing. In moments the casing was open and she started adjusting the internals. To add a new setting, just for this little mad scientist. Her mind drawing upon her innate weapons knowledge to guide her with the modifications.


She blinked, what is interesting? That horror show over there? She commented back and glanced back at the poor girl who now had that cervix opener being removed from her pussy. While the Iniri told her, “There we are all nice and open. We can get that drainer into your little womb now.”

The girl grimaced as the Iniri showed her the drainer. Not that the Knight blamed her, it was a fairly large object.

What? No. I’ve seen that plenty of times. No actually I’m more interested in what you are doing.

You are? Why? I’m merely using the knowledge I was born with.

Yes, but you have made it your own. More importantly, not many Knights can use their self repair systems the way you are using them. Quite impressive actually.

What? But this is a simple job, very easy to do.


Not sure what Megumi was thinking. She proceeded to close the case and just before the object could be forced into the young girl, she fired on the scientist. The new setting paralyzed the target, but unlike a normal stun it didn’t put her to sleep. She then stunned the rest of the room before any of them could react. She smiled and then glanced at the scientist. It was time to teach her a few lessons about cutting up young girls.

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She waited for a medical drone to treat the young girl before appropriating the table she had been on and strapping the Iniri scientist she had paralyzed down on the table. The knight hadn’t even bothered to decloak feeling it would add to the experience for the scientist.

Arranging the same set of tools the scientist had on a table nearby, she proceeded to spread the other girl’s lower lips and secure them in an open position while speaking aloud, “You’ve been a very naughty girl. Do you know what happens to naughty girls?”

There was no response, but she could see the concern in the Iniri’s eyes.

She giggled, “Well today must be your lucky day. I saw what you were doing to that young girl and you were so enthusiastic about it too. You must have been crying out for the same to be done to you right?”

The look in the other girl’s wide eyes were just delicious. The knight picked up the scalpel, while adjusting her cloak to leave it visible. Slowly she drew it near the other girl’s pussy and the Iniri whimpered. A sign that that paralysis was already wearing off. That was good.

Suddenly a tendril from the drone punctured the Iniri’s skin. For a but a moment before turning back to the young girl it had been charged with treating. “I’ll try my best to make this experience enjoyable for you. My friend gave you an injection just now to help with that. It should boost your sensitivity and fortify your nervous system so that you can properly enjoy the experience.”

Her eyes wider than saucers, she said, “NO! DON’T...” She was cut off with a scream as the blade came into contact with her delicate flesh.

Yiria let out a breath and settled into the chair the drone had pointed out. By now she had a strong feeling that was what she was looking at. It was hard to tell, but it seemed to be treating the people. At least she hoped that was what it was doing. As it moved from person to person adjusting their posture, scanning them and then doing something. Often with a strange focus on their heads. For what reason she wasn’t sure, but her legs were starting to ache from standing and it didn’t seem that threatening now that she had been watching it for a bit.

So she had sat down in the chair it had indicated earlier. Settling into the chair proved a welcome relief and she adjusted Miku as she settled into the chair so that they would both be more comfortable.

She watched as the drone laid out a young girl on a bench before floating into the kitchen. From here she didn’t have the best view, but she could hear the movement of pans. Even seeing it moving around with ingredients in its tendrils. Before it left the kitchen and came back to her.

A hologram with three options on it and description of each appeared. “This unit has assessed your nutritional needs and what is available here. These three options would fit your needs very well. Please select your preference.”

She blinked and began looking over the short menu. When it spoke again. “On a different note, while you are generally healthy you do have a couple of minor issues mainly stress related. In addition this unit can adjust your breasts to provide more nutritionally appropriate milk for your charge. Do you consent to these treatments?”

Without really listening to the drone she nodded, “um sure.”

She yelped a moment later. As she wasn’t prepared for being stung in all of her tentacles and boobs at the same time. Only the sudden sharp pains quickly vanished, replaced with a very pleasant feeling. She moaned as she felt aches she hadn’t even realized she had vanish. She almost melted into the seat, the feeling was so pleasant.

It took her a moment to gather herself after the treatment and by then she noticed the drone setting up a baby seat next to her for her. Something she felt very grateful for. As soon as the drone moved away from it, she gently set Miku down. Who seemed quite happy with the seat, and the drone inquired, “So what will you have?”

She blinked, “I think I’ll take option two.”

The drone bobbed, “Wonderful choice, your stew will be ready in just a few minutes. In the meantime feel free to watch something on the terminal.”

A moment later the terminal in the room activated and the drone produced a remote which it placed down next to her.”

Curious, she grabbed the remote and checked her usual broadcast channels, but they all featured sleeping anchors. She even saw one of them being operated on by a drone. She was sleeping, and very pregnant. Apparently her water had broken and Yiria found herself quite drawn in. Watching the drone help the sleeping girl give birth. Surges of light down its tendrils seemed to precipitate the girl pushing down.

She could already guess what it was doing and it was beyond intriguing to watch. So intriguing that she lost track of her own drone nearby. As she watched the process. The head of a young girl had only just emerged from the visible pussy of the sleeping anchor and tendrils were helping ease the girl out. When a steaming bowl was placed down next to her.

“Here you are miss. May this unit suggest being careful as the bowl is quite hot. Would you like anything for your charge?”

She glanced to Miku who had fallen asleep. The young girl was quite content and it wasn’t yet time for her to nurse again. She thought, “Perhaps a toy for when she wakes up?”

The drone bobbed and then moved away. Giving her a chance to take a look at her stew. It was a little different from anything she had gotten before, but it smelled wonderful. Grabbing the spoon, she got a small bit of broth, meat and veggie. Holding it for a moment and blowing gently to cool it just a little before taking a bite. She blinked as it melted on her tongue. This was amazing, she glanced at the drone. It was a surprisingly good chef.

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