Adventures of General J. Bottle

Chapter 4: Chapter 4: Omega Sector

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Omega Sector was and always will be a shadow of the old world. The long streaks of shadows being casted down by the Omega Wall and Omega Towers are practically the only remarkable structures to be seen.


Gesus walked through the streets of the once mighty military base, now turned mega city. The once pristine concrete structures were now filled with bustling crowds, vendors selling goods, and the sounds of construction echoed everywhere.


Old brick barracks and bunkers that still remained. The streets were lined with shops, restaurants and housing complexes, all built on top of the former training grounds and armories.


Gesus couldn't help but feel a sense of awe and wonder at the transformation that had taken place. This was the only place left after the war, and the people had made it into a thriving metropolis.


The denizens were just as broken and crooked as the city itself. “Food People” and regular humans were not the only inhabitants.


The war fractured humanity into many different paths. Some choose to become cybernetic, opting to alter their bodies and become transhuman. Other’s sought a more biological means to alter their state using genes from all manner of living organisms.


Even AI has developed into a functional self sufficient formation, although most of the advanced ones are destroyed. Fragments remain.


It amazed Gesus that Bottle was still fully human after all of these things. She saw glimpses of his scars as Bottle would get dressed or change clothes.


It resembled some sort of map of war, his body a testament to the battles he has fought and the scars being the markers of his journey; most of which only appeared in the front, showing that he was rarely taken by surprise.


Gesus inflicted plenty of wounds, death blows even, with her Infinity sword. The foes that stood before her were cleaved through with ease like a scythe through tall grass, cutting through with ease and precision.


She imagined just for a brief second whether or not Bottle would even survive an encounter back when she murdered absolutely everything.


Bottle himself wore custom armor of sorts underneath his uniform. It only protected the chest and that was about it.


The body armor was unlike any the Gesus had ever seen before. It was made of a strange black metal, unlike any she had ever encountered before. It was lightweight, but she could feel the strength and durability in its weave.


The chest plate was formed to fit her body perfectly, and she could see intricate engravings all over it, moving and folding into itself, nano technology she thought. She would be right too.


Nano tech was rarer than any metal or element as the technology was lost and unreplicatable. It was most prominent during the 7th World War but quickly dropped as the costs to manufacture it was too high.


Gesus remembers briefly about a time when she fought against an individual with nano tech. It matched her Infinity sword to her surprise and the fight took a long time but eventually that individual was slain by her comrades if you could call them such. 


They have been living here at “Bottle’s home” for over a week now and have adjusted well. Gesus learned quite a lot from mere observation. Occasionally they would “hunt” food people… to eat them, which still baffles her. 


They killed and ate a French Fry Man, A Soda Girl, Sandwich Man, and many more bizarre THINGS. All of which were quite delicious.


But she was bored now, they have been sitting in Bottle’s Office/Home for practically the majority of their time here. Bottle didn’t seem to mind as he would read an old newspaper that was littered in the room.


As for Gesus, she layed on the ground arms spread out waiting for something interesting to happen.






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Gesus, sat up and turned to the loud knock on the door. She froze seemingly out of reflex, but soon regained herself.


She walked over to the door and peered through the peephole. She saw two officers standing on the other side, one of them was a tall man with broad shoulders, and the other was a slender woman.


They wore Jet black armor with some dark blue clothes underneath and an equally sharp and slick helmet. What stuck out was their armbands, it was a crimson red with bold white font labeled, “MPD”




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She turned around and noticed Bottle gesturing to be quiet as he hid behind some boxes. 


She took a deep breath and opened the door. The tall officer spoke first, "Huh? A kid? Oi, kid, do you know if there is a guy named… or umm a guy with a brownish tanned uniform in he’ya?"


The girl's heart began to race, she couldn't think of anything she had done wrong, but she couldn't shake the feeling of dread that was creeping up on her.


The woman officer stepped forward, "We just need to ask you a few questions, it's nothing to be concerned about. May we come inside?"


It was hard to tell the expression on the officer’s face due to their helmet visors but she could sense that the officers were tense. Their hands were positioned so that they could reach their weapons in an instant. In other words, they were ready for combat. 


In that moment Bottle quickly leaped out the window behind Gesus in the back of the room. The officers seeing this quickly slammed open the door drawing their weapons.


“SHIT HE’S GETTING AWAY!” the female officer yelled.


The officers wielded some sort of plasma tipped blade with the battery hooked on their backs.


They quickly ran back out to give chase. But at that moment Bottle leaped back into the window. Dusting off the dirt from his clothes.


“W-Wat was thwat!”


“Dammit Gesus, why did you open the door?”




“Those guys were from the MPD, that's the Military Police Department of Omega Sector!”


“Dammit they weren’t supposed to know I’m back here.”


Bottle bit his thumb thinking of a solution.


Gesus who still didn’t understand the situation continued to press for answers, “D-Did we do awything?”


“Huh? Well I don’t know Gesus do you think that killing and eating Food People was a normal thing? Well… it should be.”


Gesus’s jaw dropped, “I-iwt was illegal”


“No-No that’s not it… the MPD couldn’t care less about people outside the wall killing each other unless…”


He replayed the events of the past hour in his mind, trying to understand how things had escalated so quickly


“We ate someone important…” (Gulp)


There was a deafening stillness, the silence was so heavy it felt like they were suffocating.


Bottle walked and stood over the crate, a look of concentration on his face. He carefully examined the locking mechanism, his fingers moving deftly over the metal. Gesus watched him from a safe distance, her eyes wide with curiosity and a hint of fear. She couldn't shake the feeling that something dangerous was inside the crate.


Bottle finally found the right combination and the lock clicked open. He lifted the lid of the crate carefully and peered inside. Gesus could see that the inside was lined with packing foam, and there were several small boxes nestled inside.


The man reached in and carefully lifted one of the boxes out. He placed it on the ground and opened it. The girl could see that it was filled with small, cylindrical objects that looked like sticks of dynamite.


Bottle looked up at her, a serious expression on his face. "These are high explosives," he said. “Handle them with care." as he passed one out to her.


Gesus nodded, even though she had no clue of the situation. She watched as the Bottle packed a bag full of these things, her heart racing with a mixture of fear and excitement. Gesus knew that Bottle was a professional and that he knew what he was doing, but she couldn't shake the feeling of danger. She kept her distance, watching the Bottle work, her mind racing with questions about what he was going to do with the explosives.

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