Adventures of General J. Bottle

Chapter 7: Chapter 7: Food Fight! (Part 2)

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The Soft Drink Man stepped into the center of the ring and signaled for the fighters to come forward. 


Krisper stepped into the center of the ring and stared down Bottle, Bottle who noticed stared back but with more confusion than anything. The crowd was on their feet, cheering and insults were thrown around as the Krisper readied his fists.


Krisper studied the Bottle vehemently his posture, possible weight class, and muscle movement, trying to gain an edge in any way possible. 


Contrary to what many thought, Krisper thought of himself as rather weak. He was like a sly fox, always scheming and plotting its next move. Having seen enough Krisper made his move.


With his speed and agility, Krisper was able to close the gap between him and Bottle in one sweeping motion. And using that momentum he delivered a powerful jab squarely at Bottle’s jaw, seemingly knocking him out. As if delivering a blow that of a thunderbolt, striking with lightning speed and force.


The crowd went wild, cheering for Krisper as Bottle got thrown against the ropes of the ring, blood dripping from his mouth as he did.


But Krisper was not finished, not giving Bottle any time to rest or think Krisper went for a kick with his lean and powerful leg. Delivering a kick to Bottle’s chest as strong as a mule’s kick!


Bottle squirmed as he coughed up blood while falling, (ACK!) (THUD!)


But at the same time Krisper also got fell to the ground holding is ankle, “FUCK! WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT! ARGH!”


Krisper’s French fry leg was mashed like potatoes, or a punctured tire, deflated and useless. He could hardly stand after what had happened. 


The crowd’s rumbumptious noise ceased at that moment as if all the air in the room had vanished. 


Soft Drink Man quickly broke the silence with his blaring voice echoed by the microphone, “WHAT’S THISS! KRISPER HAS BEEN INJURED WHAT COULD THIS MEAN! BUT WAIT THERE’S MORE!”


Krisper got back up the best he could with one injured leg, it felt weighted as if it was a burden, but at the same time he noticed Bottle also got back up using the ring ropes in a janky way almost like a puppet.


(Cough) (Cough) “W-what the hell man…” Bottle commented as he hesitated to touch his bruised cheek which was red as a ripe plum. 


Gesus who was also watching this entire thing was captivated by it all, her emerald eyes sparkled enhanced further neon lights casting down from above.


Her emotions welled up inside her as her own cheeks turned red and her excitement went through the roof.


“GO GEWT HIM BWTTLE!!!!” She yells with the intensity of the lion.


The entire ring halted at the sight of her voice. Whispering to each other, “W-what did she say?” 


“Huh? What is she? His kid or something?”


Bottle directed a comment towards Gesus, (Cough) (Cough) “Y-your not supposed to enjoy this! Now help m-” (BOOM!) 


Bottle coughed up more blood, as he held onto the rope trying not to fall.


A loud crack could be heard from Bottle’s chest as if a firecracker exploded, Krisper went for a jab right for the gut hoping to take Bottle out in one devastating blow. His crisper golden potato fry arm glimmering in the light.


But Krisper’s arm shook at the recoil from his own punch, it felt as if his arm was a wooden battering ram that was buckling and tearing itself apart against a wall of adamantium, which was as unbreakable as diamonds. 


Krisper screamed in pain, as he realized after the fact that he just broke his arm. 




The audience saw Krisper fall back on his butt, but the most shocking thing of all was his right arm which was contorted and twisted beyond normal means. Like a tree, twisting and contorting as it grew.


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Gesus was enchanted by it all, like a moth to a flame, drawn in by the impossible.


While all eyes were paying attention to the same spectacle, Soft Drink Man was for the first time in his career lost for words. His mouth ran dry as if he was gasping for air.


Soft Drink Man has seen his fair share of battered bodies and wounded boxers, but the sight of Krisper’s arm was something beyond his imagination. It was almost disgusting and horrific as if it shouldn’t exist.


Both Krisper and Bottle seemed out of commission. Bottle, although leaning against the ropes, was unresponsive, and Krisper… layed on the ground twitching and aching at his mangled body.


“S-shit… I’ma get fired if no one wins.” Soft Drink man was scrambling for answers as he whispered to himself. But in that moment he saw the little girl Gesus walk up to Bottle.


An idea quickly followed, Soft Drink Man cleared his throat and walked over to Gesus, “Pist! H-hey kid? What’s your name?”




“W-what’s your name kid? J-just answer da question”


“G-Gesus Grist”


“T-thank’s kid, you saved my ass.”


In that moment the entire room was as quiet as a whisper but like a gathering of a storm, Soft Drink Man spoke with the clarity and might of thunder.






The crowd remained unchanged, it was as calm as a lake. Soft Drink Man seemed to shake in fear at the response of the crowd.  


But at that moment a single clapping could be heard, followed by a crackling laughter from the same person, “HAHAHAHAH HAHAHAH HAAHA, THAT’S A SHOW! THAT’S ONE HELL OF A SHOW!! HAHAH HAHA”


The entire audience chamber turned to look, there was a VIP section above the Food Fight, sitting in the booth was none other than McDoodle himself.


His clown makeup was unsettling as ever but his presence was seemingly unavoidable.


The crowd seeing this nervously followed suit, afraid of what would happen if they didn’t. 


They applauded and cheered until the entire chamber was in an uproar.


The show was over, the championship belt was given.


Gesus left that day carrying a championship belt over one arm and dragging Bottle with the other.


Bottle who was being dragged woke up, dazed but conscious he looked at what was dragging him. Seeing that it was Gesus he had a sigh of relief.


“Thanks… Gesus ”


(Cough) (Cough) “H-how about we sell that belt for some ice cream?”


“Huh? I-iwce crewam? W-wats thwart?”


“Heh, you’ll love it” “Oh! Go right from here there’s a pawn shop where we can sell this thing.”

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