Adventures of General J. Bottle

Chapter 6: Chapter 6: Food Fight! (Part 1)

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Deep beneath the streets of the Outer Omega, there was an underground boxing ring. But this wasn't your typical ring, it was run by fast food mega conglomerates such as Mcdoolde, Burger Monarch, Wendies, and many more. 


The boxers were not your typical fighters. They were food people, humanoids with bodies made of meat, bread and vegetables, but their heads were shaped like different types of food.


There was a hot dog boxer, a hamburger boxer, a pizza boxer, and many others. They were employed by the corporation as a marketing gimmick, to promote their products and to entertain the public.


The fights were brutal, the food people brawled with all their might in a heated exchange, trying to knock each other out. Pickles, Mustard, and sesame seed would burst out onto the ground as the crowd cheered and jeered. Many of whom placed their bets on their favorite fighters.


The Whopper Deluxe was the reigning champion, he had been undefeated for months now. He was fast and agile, and his patty arms were incredibly strong. He was a crowd favorite, and people would come from all over the city to see him fight.


One day, a new challenger appeared, a french fry boxer by the name of Krisp Krisper. He was a towering figure, his long, thin arms were made of crispy potatoes, and his head was shaped like a giant french fry box with fries coming out of it like messy hair. He was a formidable opponent, and the Whopper knew he would have a tough fight.


The crowd roared as the Krisper and the Whopper stepped into the ring. The Krisper was tall and lean, his arms made of crispy golden potatoes. The Whopper was shorter but stockier, his arms made of beef patty and his head shaped like a juicy hamburger. Both fighters were fierce competitors, and the crowd was eager to see them clash.


The bell rang, and the two fighters stepped into the center of the ring. The Krisper was fast and agile, his long arms reaching out to deliver quick jabs. Whopper was slower but more powerful, his beefy arms delivering devastating hooks.


The crowd was on their feet, cheering and jeering as the fighters fought. Krisper’s quick jabs were beginning to wear down the burger boxer, but the Whopper’s powerful hooks and body were starting to come ahead.


(DING DING DING!) The bell rang, the round was over. Both fighters seemingly out of breath went back to their corner of the ring. Their coaches quickly came to aid them in their most critical time.


The crowd was on their feet as Krisper and Whopper stepped back into the ring for round 2. The first round had been intense, with both fighters exchanging devastating blows, but in the end, it was clear Whooper would’ve come on top if the fight continued.

They stared each other down, their eyes locked in a fierce gaze. The crowd was on their feet, cheering and jeering as the two fighters prepared for round 2. 


To Whopper’s surprise he could see Krisper raise a smile towards him. It was a sinister smile, the one that a psychopathic killer would make to their victim before butchering them; Whopper gulped at the thought but he wasn’t afraid, after all he was a pro.




Krisper using his leaner and taller body to his advantage closed the gap in an instant while also landing a quick jab on the burger boxer's chin, sending him stumbling to the ground. The crowd held its breath as the burger boxer struggled to get back up, but he couldn't. The referee counted him out, and Krisper was declared the winner.


The crowd erupted in cheers as Krisper raised his arms in triumph. The Whooper lay on the ground, his beefy arms and hamburger head bruised and battered. He had fought bravely, but somehow Krisper’s attack felt heavier and stronger than before.


The crowd was deafening but Whopper couldn’t shake off the feeling… the feeling that he was cheated from his prize. As he narrowed his eyes to focus on Krisper he could see the same malicious smile on Krisper’s face. Whopper wanted to get back up, but he couldn’t… his neck was broken, his mustard was leaking.


In the end, the Krisper emerged victorious, but it was a close fight or so many thought. The crowd cheered louder, as the French Fry Man raised his arms in triumph. Absolute euphoria he thought.


The underground boxing ring was a spectacle, a bizarre and twisted spectacle of violence and food, but it was also a way for the corporation to keep the public entertained and to promote their products. The food fights were created as a marketing strategy, but they also become symbols of the corporation's power and influence over the city.


Bottle and Gesus could be seen lingering around the backside of the Food Fight. They could hear the loud cheers and cries but they hardly paid any attention.


Posters of today’s event were littered on the ground and walls. The smell of food coming from inside the underground boxing arena could be smelt. And like a dry desert, the sensation of hunger was that of a relentless thirst that must be quenched.


They waited behind a garbage can waiting for the perfect opportunity, and soon it came to them.


Two of the staff members came outside using the back door. It seemed like they were out for a break, but Bottle and Gesus immediately seized this opportunity to sneak inside.


The lights were bright and blinding as the crowd roared. The underground boxing ring was packed, with people cheering and jeering as the fighters brawled in the ring. The ring was surrounded by a ring rope, and the crowd was pressed up against it, trying to get a closer look at the action.


The noise was deafening, with the sound of fists hitting flesh, the crowd's cheers and jeers, and the announcements of the rounds and fighters. The ring was illuminated by a bright neon light, making the fighters look like they were on fire.


It seemed the next round was announced, Bottle and Gesus pushed and shoving as they tried to reach the ring. They managed to get to the ring to Bottle’s own surprise, it seemed the crowd was too distracted to notice but it didn’t matter. Bottle quickly helped Gesus climb into the ring, at the same time he pushed the rope aside and also hopped into the ring.


“There it is Gesus! FOOD!”


They both ran at Whopper who was laying on the ground. Bottle eyes immediately drawn to the sensation before him. He could smell the delicious aroma of freshly grilled beef and melted cheese wafting through the air. He knew he had to have one.


But as he was enjoying the view Gesus was already chowing down. This surprised Bottle but made him smile. They both ate Whopper with delight on their faces as they tasted the soft and fluffy bun, sweetness and tanginess of the sauce, and the savory taste of the beef.


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But as they ate, the announcer and Krisper both were both frozen in shock, no it is more accurate to say the entire ring and crowd were paralyzed with shock. 


Krisper spoke with a seemingly booming voice, “Yo, what the fuck!”


The announcer dropped his mic causing a loud static to echo throughout the ring.


(Cough) (Cough) Bottle quickly tapped his chest with his fist as he was choking on a piece of hamburger.


“Hey!” he yells, “Do you mind? I’m trying to eat here.”


“Seriously how would you feel if people stared at you while eating? They would think you're poor or something.”




Like a crushing wave, Krisper planned to walk forward with unstoppable force and intent.


But just before he could, the announcer stopped him by grabbing his shoulder, “W-Wait Krisper!”


He whispered into Krisper’s ear, “You need to remember! Mr. Mcdoodle is watching!!!”


“Surely you do not wish to disappoint him?” “Besides, you still have ‘that’ underneath your glove don’t you?”


Krisper seemed surprised, baffled even, he made sure to keep the brass knuckle underneath his boxing gloves an absolute secret but it seems the announcer already found out. 


Krisper reluctantly replied, “W-so? What’s da, plan?”


The Soft Drink head announcer, responded in a stern tone, “Follow my lead” Afterwards he picked up his microphone and talked in a thunderous voice, “LADIES AND GENTLEMEN! WE HAVE A NEW CHALLENGER!!!”


As Soft Drink man said this he walked over to Bottle avoiding as much eye contact until they were face to face, in which his eyes narrowed into that of a hawk, he whispered while covering the mic, “Aye, What's your name?”


“Um… J. Bottle?”






The crowd booed and hissed at the newcomer vehemently, but Soft Drink man smiled, surely his outstanding actions today would result in a promotion or at least seen as the man who saved Food Fight!




“KILL HIM!!!” 5x


The crowd began to get rowdy with hate and anger. After all, most if not all of the crowd were also THINGS themselves. They hated the fact that a human would barge into their entertainment and mock their kind by eating Whopper right in front of them.


Krisper who saw the situation that Soft Drink man was creating understood very well what this was about.


“Heh, what a way to ‘save’ this shit show… fine I’ll bite.”


Krisper turned his head outside the ring pointing his boxing gloves at the man who’s supposed to ring the bell.


Through the seemingless endless foul mouths of the crowd the staff seemed to hear Krisper most clearly, “RING IT!” Krisper yells.


“Uh-uh RIGHT!”



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