
Chapter 14: Chapter 14

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  • 3rd Person POV

Morning has come, Astra opens his eyes and greeted with blackness, furrowing his eyebrows before relaxing it.

(“ah... Right... I’m wearing a blindfold”)

He stands up from the bed wondering & waiting what Dr. Cecilia have planed in store for him. Thankfully Dr. Cecilia gave him a set of Vogun’s clothing before bed and taught him on how to wear them as such he’s not using the eye-catching white robe and pyjamas.

The rest of his items are in his pockets as he made sure to not let anyone sees it especially the weird looking pendant. Although the candy jar is on the table, easy to reach when his mouth wanted to chew on something.

After a while of being idle, Astra is thinking of something.

(“Might as well, practice on the mana sensing thingy”)

Astra looked around, making himself calm & collected as he began probing the surrounding mana. He can feel ‘them’ on the corner, up in the air.

(“I have read about magic, mana, and stuff in fiction novels but experiencing it first hand have a different feel to it”)

Unconsciously, Astra smiles excited with the prospect of learning magic just like in fiction novels do.

Meanwhile, Francis left his wife to do his usual business albeit a bit later than usual since he’s worried about her. Until Cecilia reassured her husband that she’s going to be alright.

She already asked her assistants to cover her while she excused herself from the doctor’s duty, believing that her assistants are able to handle patients on their own.

Seeing Francis leaves, she quickly move towards the extra room where Astra stayed. There she sees, the young lad already awake currently moving his head around with his blindfold embroidery slightly glow brighter indicating that he’s using it’s abilities.

Her lips curved upward and announces herself.

“Good morning, Astra”

Astra turn his head towards the source of the sound and recognising the voice, he responded.

“Good morning to you Dr.Cecilia”

“I see that you’re practicing already?”

She pointed towards the glowing blindfold and Astra knew what she meant even without seeing the gesture.

“Yes... I was thinking that it is better to practice as soon as possible.”

“That might be true but you’re going to miss breakfast...”

Astra being reminded of that sheepishly apologise, stopped what he’s doing, and stands up from the bed. Since there’s no blanket, he tidy up the look before going. A bit uncertain if he’s allowed to or not as Cecilia notices it.

“Relax... I made today’s breakfast so it tasted better than Francis'. Haha...”

She chuckled a bit remembering the past times whenever Francis went to the kitchen to try to cook something for her.

(“What is this smell? It’s delicious!”)

Astra who’s approaching the kitchen area, smelt something tantalising. It is savoury with a hint of sweet. Guided by Cecilia, Astra sat down on one chair while Cecilia sat beside him as they begin to eat breakfast.

While eating breakfast, Cecilia took the chance to ask some questions

“Astra? Can I ask a question to you?”

Astra who’s chewing on a piece of what he tasted like bread dipped in delicious thick creamy sauce stopped whatever he’s  doing and reply.

“I’ll answer the best I can.”

“I noticed that when I told you the date, you seemed confused. Might I ask what ‘Earth’ Kingdom have their dates?”

Astra a bit perplexed from the question as he commented.

(“Earth isn’t a kingdom though... Oh well...”)

“Well... Uh... Earth ‘kingdom’ have 30-31 days for each month. And I guess... Oh! 1 week is equal to 7 days. There’s also names for them such as Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. 12 months is equal to a year. What about here in Vogun?”

Not wanting to feel left out, Astra asked back the same question to Cecilia.

“ooh! Fascinating, In here and most of the world it isn’t much different except for the name of the days & months. We only have 30 days for each month and 6 days counted as a week while a year is the same as yours.”

She chuckled comparing the naming of Earth Kingdom days & months compared to this part of the world.

“Our Months are named with the suffix ‘First’; Lux, Anem, Hyd, Igni, Terra, and Nix then it goes in repeat by adding ‘Second’ to the names. And Days are: Light, Wind, Water, Fire, Earth, and Dark. See? It’s much different, haha... What about history? Is it the same as us or quite different? How’s  your month’s get their name? Ours from the 6 Great Gods...*Chatter*”

Cecilia asked with enthusiasm far different than the gentle kind lady that she usually have. She stopped herself after noticing that Astra is overwhelmed and confused. After all, he isn’t a student of history.

“Ah! … look at me chattering away....*ehem* anyway, let’s change topic. I’ll tell you about Vogun while we are finishing breakfast “

Cecilia begin to talked about history of Vogun, how they lived, and many more occasionally she mutters away in faint voice before returning back and continue her education. Astra sometimes interject and told her of what Earth ‘Kingdom’ is. Time goes by so quickly that they already finished their breakfast before they knew it.

Astra took his own plate but snatched quickly by Cecilia as she told him.

“We will wash it later, water is precious Afterall”

Cecilia decided, leaving the plates on the corner. Astra still wore the blindfold so Cecilia guided him to the main room of their tent and sat on the chairs.

“Lets begin our very first lesson! I’ll tell you an interesting tale, make sure to listen well”

She clapped her hands and took a deep breath as she began to explain an age old myth regarding creation.

“Far-far ago, or possibly aeons? Nobody truly knows. This world is nothing but muddy coalescences of mana. Untamed and inhabitable, until a Being decided to change it. Although their name isn’t recorded in the books, we call them as the Creator”

She talks as if she reminiscing something, probably regarding her time inside the Academy of Sages. With Astra listening intently committing those to his memory.

“Through their defining words, Mana underneath them condenses and turned into earth. While Mana above him thinned and become the sky that we know of. Seeing those created, the Creator smiled and continue…”

“They then created fire and to quash it down they made water. Landscapes are created, mountains raised, rivers flow as the world slowly & surely become habitable.”

“Then, they created us. We thrived on their ‘Good’ creation for a while at least.... Until they sees us stagnating without any emotions or drive. Soon after, the Creator realises that excessive ‘Good’ would do more harm as such they created ‘Evil’ to counter balance it. Seeing our struggles and emotions coming from it. The Creator decided to aid us and so, they sent their children known as Gods to guide us in a time of need”

It took a second for Cecilia to continue...

“But... the Creator didn’t account that ‘Evil’ also dwells in their own children... thus emerge conflict”

She closes her eyes and continues…

“So, began the Age of Gods & Heroes…. Where Deities who walked the path of ‘Good’ fight against the Deities that walked the path of ‘Evil’. Seeing this happened, The Creator sobbed”

“They decided to create a barrier and sent their own children to the other side preventing more casualties to their creations. Seeing the chaos & bloodshed subsided, the Creator contemplates what they had made and fallen into deep slumber.”

Cecilia finishes the tale and abruptly asked something to Astra.

“Now, Astra.... How does this tale related to magic?”

Astra who’s listening intently caught off-guard then begin to ponder about that tale.

(“Is there a connection between the Creator and Magic? There must be a reason why she told me this first and bring me the question. But… are Gods real though? In my ‘world’ some believe that they exists some believe they aren’t. Might as well confirmed it by asking her”)

“Dr. Cecilia?”

She turns her head towards Astra. It seems the young lad have a question rather than an answer.


“Are Gods real?”

Cecilia unconsciously nod, then said.

“Yes… Deities are indeed real & have a massive impact in our world. Vogun is just too far away from them to feel their presences & influence. Not to mention the amount of Mana here… But… knowing…”

Cecilia began to mumble on her own with Astra nods to her first answer before tilting his head in confusion since her voice turn faint. After a while has passed, Cecilia realized on her own blunder and apologetically said towards Astra.

“AH! Sorry, I got side tracked”

Astra chuckles and says…

“Can I ask another question?”

You are reading story Aeterna at

Her eyes lit up seeing her student getting curious about this.


“Is what the Creator used to create... magic?

She widened her eyes for a bit, with a slow smile appearing on her lips.

(“This boy is quite sharp. Most of the time, people would’ve just thought it is just an age old myth.”)

“Yes, this is what magic is based on. Do you know why does ‘Defining Words’ used by Creator is related by magic? It’s okay to have wrong answers!”

Cecilia have a playful yet kind tone when she asked questions as Astra hummed for a bit while thinking further about the connection of why Creator using ‘Words’ instead of other alternatives. As an idea appeared on his head.

“Isn’t it to categorise & clarify things?”

Cecilia grin even wider when Astra said it as he continues to elaborate.

“We like to categorise things and try to define them so we can immediately perceive it as we doesn’t like the unknown. Whether is a threat or just a mundane objects. For example, whenever we looked at a table we immediately think that it is a table where we put things on... But we didn’t immediately think that it is made from 1 plank and 4 smaller planks or it Is made from wood at the first place. Sure we can think that way but it requires additional effort which is precious if we’re dealing with a threat instead of a table.”

Astra continues...

“The Creator uses defining words to express their thinking and thus, categorise & define the muddy world so it became what it is. So, that means ‘Words’ are what define the world and by using it one would be able to change the ‘Definition’?”

“Correct!! 100 points to Astra”

Cecilia grin while clapping her hands. Making Astra a bit shy from the compliment.

“Now, let’s go to the next step. You already feel the presence of mana yes? How about to try to look for them a bit in more details?

Astra focuses on his senses, in doing so the familiar feeling of mana around him began to emerge.

It ebbs and flow moving from one side to the other but then he notices that the ‘amount’ of mana is spread out unevenly. Some spots having more of those mana while others are so scarce

Feeling that Astra scrunches his face and describe what he felt to Cecilia. She nods agreeing to it.

“Good... Mana itself are constantly moving as such it would be quite difficult to use magic when mana is at its thinnest. That is why we gather them first before using magic”

“Gather? How can you gather them, it’s everywhere. Do you just pick it one by one?”

Astra asked with Cecilia giggled as she says something to him.

“Keep your senses sharp and observe the mana around me. I’ll give an example, don’t  copy me yet”

Astra nods whilst feeling the surrounding mana as Cecilia take a deep breath.

Soon after, the surrounding mana began to gather and move closer towards her like moths attracted to a light candle. The grains of mana begin to enter her body and coalesce.

Then she did something as the gathered mana came out, disperses, and return to normal.

“Did you ‘see’ it?”

Astra nods with Cecilia eyes widened for quick second.

(“He learn things very quickly too.”)

Cecilia returns to her normal demeanour as she asked Astra.

“Okay, since you have felt it. Try copying that, my advise is... Imagine a fishermen reeling in their thrown net gathering fishes.”

Astra picture it clearly as he take a deep breath. The surrounding mana began to flow towards him although the movement of it is quite slow. Cecilia can sense it clearly.

(“Normally it would take two or three years for apprentices to gather mana to their body. This is what extreme mana affinity have huh...”)

Her mind started to think about the ‘incident’

(“if he gathers mana at this speed, he would need around a minute or two. How did he access tons of mana to use that powerful dispelling spell?”)


“Yes, Astra?”

“How do I ‘release’ the mana?”

Cecilia distracted by that thought, realises what’s going on. The surrounding mana have begun enveloping Astra like a cocoon with Cecilia slightly panicking to the situation. She quashed the feeling down as she talked calmly to Astra.

“Okay! Astra... Listen to me, imagine a river flowing out towards the ocean. Direct the mana to the surrounding. Slowly and steadily”

Astra with the help of Cecilia disperses the strong currents of swirling mana around him. Until it finally return back to normal.


Astra breathed out a sense of relief as Cecilia smiles sensing the intense wave have died down. If it becomes too much then it will be a big problem after all.

“Now... that’s the end of the lesson at the moment. I’ll tell you more about the lesson plans instead!”


She put a finger on her cheek as she continues.

“For an apprentice, there are four parts of the lesson and in the exact order. Reading, Listening, Speaking and Writing.”

“At the moment, we are at the Reading Stage. AH!!!!”

Cecilia exclaimed something with Astra taken aback before she quickly get her bearings and explain something.

“I forgot to tell you about the blindfold you’re wearing. Let’s get to that first...”

Astra turn his head towards Cecilia curiously. As she explains further

“Your blindfold is made by Etude’s Academy of Sages from their writers to solely help with apprentices regarding their magical prowess. Beside it’s ability to aid with sensing surrounding mana. It also have additional effects. Wait here for a moment.”

Cecilia stands up from the chair and walked towards nearby bookshelf. She appeared to take a single book from it titled ‘Herbal Medicines’.

Returning from her short journey, she gently place the book on top of Astra’s lap with Astra asked something to her while rubbing the object that she gave him.

“Is it... A book?”

“Yes... Let me explain before you say anything. The additional effect of the blindfold is transcribing. It is able to transfer information from something to you. Once you have focuses mana towards it. That’s why we start with gathering mana for the lesson. A test if you will!”

She cheerfully said it as Astra is stricken in amazement.

(“Magic is mysterious, how does it transcribe things to me? When I couldn’t  even see with this blindfold on. Hmm… Doctor,. Told me with so much confidence. Let’s try...”)

Astra began to gather the surrounding mana once again and now guided them towards the blindfold he’s wearing. Not seen by him but by Cecilia, the band began to glow showing the writings on the embroidery. At this moment, Cecilia says.

“Touch the book and guide the mana towards it too”

Astra comply and touches the book. Immediately upon doing that, inside his head a picture of a book is displayed.

He can see it clearly the cover of the book, the green colouration of the leather, and the title ‘Herbal Medicines’. Intrigued by it, he flip the book open and touch the very first page.

The sensation of thin paper can be felt on the surface of his skin. And the image of the first page appeared in his mind. The wordings there can be read just as like he’s reading a book.


“I know right?”

Cecilia has that knowing smirk, she too have the same expression and experience when she used that blindfold.

(“Ah… the memories~”)

She hums…

You can find story with these keywords: Aeterna, Read Aeterna, Aeterna novel, Aeterna book, Aeterna story, Aeterna full, Aeterna Latest Chapter

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