
Chapter 15: Chapter 15

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  • 3rd Person POV

Finished in reminiscing the distant memory, Cecilia then explain the rest of the lesson plan to Astra who’s satisfied at the moment with using the blindfold’s magical abilities ‘transcribing’.

“First of all for the apprentices, there will be the Reading stage, This is when apprentices are given knowledge through reading academic books such as this one.”

She pointed the book ‘Herbal Medicine’ out of habit, upon realizing what she had done. She quickly retract her finger and continue on her speech

“*Ehem*This helps them to learn the ‘World’s Definition’ and gives a base to work on. Mmm...”

She murmurs to herself for quick second before continuing on.

“Okay…. Listening is when they are exposed to their teachers way of using magic. Suffice to say the students listen to the ‘Defining Words’ that the teachers used to familiarize themselves or serve as an inspiration for their own ‘Words’.”

Her eyes looked to the side as she remembering her mentor way of using ‘Words’. The very first time, she gets inspired in the path of magic. Before long, she gets her bearing and continue to speak.

“Speaking is when the student uses their own ‘Defining Words’ and!”

Her tone raises for an octave

“At this stage. They can be recognised as a mage and graduated from the academy through several tests, they can also pursue the next stage which is writing...”

The way she remembers these lesson plans, gives off a joyful memory. Remembering her teens and congratulated for graduating the academy. Meeting with Francis and becoming husband & wife. Smiling, she continues…

“Writing... It is when you’re able to imbue mundane items to have magical effects such as the blindfold you’re wearing. And by the way, Me and Francis have finished the writing stage. So, we’re qualified to be your teacher”

She hurriedly add the last one in, thinking that Astra doubted her. Clapping her hands she continues...

“Well, that is it for the day. I’ll show you around the neighbourhood how about that? It also helps practicing your mana sensing abilities.”

Astra curiously wonder and then ask towards Cecilia

“How so?”

Cecilia put a finger under her chin.

“Having a wide area, you’re able to sense a bigger surrounding and someday reach the point when you can use it to identify people, plants, animals, and many more. That’s one of the goal for a student to reach too when they are blindfolded. Haha...”,

Cecilia chuckled while Astra gulped his saliva from nervousness. Sensing that, she reassured him by saying…

“The people here are very nice, a bit rough at the edges but they are nice folks once you get to know them. Come on....”

Astra stands up urged by Cecilia as they left the scholar’s tent. The temperature changed from normal to slightly hotter. Soon after, He can hear the voices far in the distance as chatters, several laughter here and there, general greetings, and more to come.

“You’re ready?”

Astra took a deep breath and begun sensing the surrounding mana. He can see the flow is much intense… most likely since he’s outside. Amidst the intense flow, he sees several parts of mana that doesn’t bend to the swirls rather they move around steadily from one spot to another. Curious by that, he stared at it for a while.

Seeing the obvious confused expression on Astra face when he’s staring right at a civilian who’s on their way to the market district makes Cecilia figured out what he’s currently sensing, she elaborates it a bit further while walking together.

“What you are sensing, is the mana contained in someone’s body. Mana is ubiquitous so that means they also exist inside of a living being. This would be a good exercise to identify those. So you don’t tumble to anyone when you’re moving.”

Astra nods as he focusing on those ‘type’ of mana. Then he began to notice how many of the similar types are moving. From one point to another each have their own differing sizes & shapes, but they are constant and not affected by the ebb & flow of mana.

Cecilia guided Astra to other spots whilst the young lad continue to try feeling other people’s mana move from place to place. She occasionally greeted the others as they greet her first.

A lady-like figure seeing the green garb that Cecilia used began to approach her for a greeting.

“Doctor, Good morning how are ya? I have heard that you aren’t in your healers tent, the others thought you were sick!”

“Ahahha…. I’m healthy Lis, just a bit preoccupied”

The lady-like figure continue on….

 “That’s good to hear then, also…. *whisper* the neighbours are getting curious about the new person and that includes me too…”

Before Cecilia had a chance to reply thought, the lady-like figure eyes trails off & looked down, there she sees Astra who’s distracted since he’s focusing on something else.

“Ah... Here is the young lad, oh goodness what a cutie~ I’m Elise call me Lis, nice to meet ya”

She is much taller than Cecilia due to her half-giant heredity and have quite a voluptuous body. On her shoulder though… she’s carrying a large assortment of cut meat and vegetables. One can see the muscles pulled taut from her shoulder, it is definitely a warrior’s muscles.

Astra a bit shaken from focusing to sense the mana realises that she’s speaking directly to him, he hurriedly replies.

“Nice to meet you Ms. Lis, I’m Astra”

She held her free hand on top of her chest

“Awh… Look at this young boy, so polite at his age.”


Astra felt a tug on his cheek, and it is a strong pinch that caught him off-guard as he yelped in pain.


“*Sigh...* Lis, he’s not a child. He’s 26”

Cecilia interject the interaction as Elise looked a bit surprised seeing the boy in front of him is older than he looks.

“Hahaha.... sorry sorry, I shouldn’t have assumed… knowing he’s Eastanian. I forgot, It’s my fault.”

She gave out a hearty laugh.


Astra picked up on the information after rubbing his cheek.

“I run the tavern here, feel free to come. The first drink & meal is on the house. Ah!”

She looks above and realises that she’s going to be late if she keeps dawdling around.

“Goodness me, I need to go quick! See y’all”

She waved to Cecilia and Astra before moving away from the pair.

“She’s quite the character, isn’t she?”

Cecilia commented in which Astra nods.

“Now then... Shall we go on?”


Astra continue focusing on his senses to differentiate between the ones that’s ebb & flow and the constant ones.

He pick things up quite quickly sooner than what Cecilia expected. They are already walking without Astra needed to be guarded so that he isn’t hitting anyone. Although occasionally she needs to tell Astra there’s a lantern pole in front.

The pair stopped at a quiet place, with Cecilia says something new to him.

“Astra, you pick things quite quickly. I’m guessing we’re ready for the next step... and that would be to try detecting inanimate objects.”

Cecilia continues to speak.

You are reading story Aeterna at

“You have felt the ebb & flow of mana. In addition, the mana inside living things whilst differentiating between them. But you must have realized that inanimate object sometimes hinder your sensing, yes?”

Astra nods, he couldn’t see a lamp post or a piece of boulder often times require Cecilia to warn him.

“I’ll show you how, keep your senses sharp”

Astra take a deep breath and begin to feel the surrounding mana again.

*clack* *clack*

A strange sound can be heard near him. It’s similar to how a rock is thrown and hitting a hard grounded path.

“Ignore the sounds and instead sense the mana in the direction of that sound”

Cecilia words cut through whatever distracting Astra.


Astra notices something different. Once Cecilia thrown the rock, the ebb & flow of mana separated and return following the path whichever the rock lands. Like pulling sand grains, it leaves a trail before being covered again by the flow.

Seeing Astra expression changes, Cecilia asked.

“Did you ‘see’ it now?”

Astra nods and describe it to her.

“Good... The trails that you’re seeing is when an inanimate object that isn’t magical being moved. When they stay still it would just be a ‘dark spot’ which is more difficult to differentiate. But there’s a way to do so...”

“it is better for me to show you rather than just explaining things... Again… Keep your senses sharp...”

Astra eagerly nods making sure to pay extra attention. She took a deep breath after making sure that no one is in near vicinity.

It’s similar to how she or Astra gathering mana but now she’s dispersing them almost instantaneously without having the chance for them to enter her body. Then… she repeats this process over and over. As if she’s making a pulse.... like a heartbeat

That is when Astra realizes what she’s doing, he stood aghast upon sensing the surrounding mana after she’s done it.

Each of the pulses dyes the inanimate object with mana creating unique shapes that Astra easily recognizes as stones, trees, and even people faces before it swirls back.

(“Its… remarkable!”)

He enjoys the view until the process stops and Cecilia forehead beads some sweat down to her face.

“Huff…. Huff… did you sense it?”

Astra enthusiastically nods almost falling his head off. Watching Astra did that, Cecilia huffed.

“Haha…. I’m getting old”

Cecilia giggled and wiping her forehead using her handkerchief inside her robe and continues on…

“Since I have shown you that. Its your turn to try. These are the basics that apprentices must practice before getting the next stage”

Astra focuses on the feeling of gathering mana, imagining how fishermen reels in their ropes. The currents began to gather and just before it is coming near him. He let it go, dispersing the mana creating the very same shapes that he saw.

Several minutes have gone by, Cecilia is sitting at one of the open seats on the nearby tent watching on Astra’s progress

(“It seems like he already get a hang of it. Just to be safe, I’ll advise him to continue practicing on mana manipulation”)

“Astra, remember those and keep practicing whenever you can. I much prefer to take it safe.”

(“Why? So far, they are harmless…”)

Hearing that Astra grow curious and asked.

“Dr. Cecilia, have you ever seen mishaps about these things?”

Her eyes twitched for a second on that innocent question. A distant memory washes over her in an instant.

A house that was on fire, the blaze spreads everywhere and so intense that water doesn’t tame it rather it evaporated. She watched it and reached out her hand towards the house driven by the urge to enter knowing something important is inside yet unable to do so due to Francis tight hug preventing her.

Emotions welled up inside her, as her eyes begin to tear up. She shakes her head, quash the emotions down as she reply to Astra who didn’t notice the change.

“Yes... Yes... I have seen it happened. Magic is dangerous so please keep that in mind at all times”

(“I am here to prevent that tragedy.”)

Cecilia made her determination as she stands up and told Astra to continue to walk around the neighbourhood.

Hours have gone by, they went through many districts and greeted many people. Astra summarised in his head, to keep that in memory since Cecilia told him that he’s most likely going to go to this place alone the next time knowing Cecilia is a doctor, she must be a busy person.

(“So far, this place is easy to remember. There’s our place, Residential District; most people lives there. The next one it is in the middle Trading District; where I met Elise it appears this is where most shops located hence the name.”)

(“The next one would be Crafting District; there’s a lot of clanging metal noise and scraping of leather when we went there. But Cecilia explained to me that hunters frequently went there”)

Hunters... Astra ruminating for a bit while walking to Cecilia & Francis’ tent.

(“They are what Cecilia say ‘The Main Job’ in Vogun Village. I mean... I heard those loud roars from the distance, makes sense knowing beasts lurking outside this place. They have their own district too, called Hunters District.”)

(“The Harbour District is where sailors and fishermen are. I smelt faint sea salty breeze when we visit there. I’ll keep that in mind”)

He nods to himself.

(“The last is called Central District. Where the Council’s Tent is. We just pass through, so I don’t know much about that place”)

“Ah… we’re home, hm…?”

Cecilia spoke but she sees something from the distance. Approaching their home, Astra senses that there’s someone running towards them. Cecilia can now see the figure, He is wearing a simple leather armour, curved sword strapped on his hips, and there’s a symbol on the chest part of the armour.

Cecilia immediately recognised that he’s a part of the Watcher.

(“He must be here for a message”)

“Ah!! Hello doc. Chief Maleah wanted to call you to the Council’s Tent as soon as possible “

“Understood. I’ll go right now”

Cecilia turn her head towards Astra and says.

“Come inside the tent, remember to practice those things. I’ll be back before you know it”

“Okay, Dr.Cecilia”

Astra greeted the Watcher before excusing himself to enter the tent leaving them alone.

The Watcher greeted back but with uncertainty. It seems he’s not used seeing a blind person suddenly greeted him.

(“I heard about Magic before but it’s weird seeing it”)

The watcher thought as he passed it off and decided to escort Cecilia towards the Council’s tent.

You can find story with these keywords: Aeterna, Read Aeterna, Aeterna novel, Aeterna book, Aeterna story, Aeterna full, Aeterna Latest Chapter

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