
Chapter 19: Chapter 19

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  • 3rd Person POV

“Well, you’re correct Katie. There have been reports of newfound ‘beasts’ in the ‘Land Beyond’ but so far, it is not to worry about due to the hunters & scouts have been deployed there to assess more about them.”

The ‘Land Beyond’ they are talking about is in the middle of the content & far west. At first, it was filled with nothing but sand. Occasional sandstorm will appear limiting view and quite hard to find any living things inside the desert wasteland.

But everything started to change a year ago. Known by the people of Vogun ‘Green Year' where water begin to sprout from the ground and nourished the dying land.

As a result, The ‘Land Beyond’ also have changed its environment, some parts still filled with desert wasteland mainly in the central continent but other parts particularly in the far west have grown forest & jungles.

That’s where the newfound ‘beasts’ have been sighted. Fortunately, since there are the desert wasteland at the centre of Airun. it serves as a natural barrier stopping dangerous beasts to come towards Vogun. With exceptions of the original beasts that inhabit the deserts.

Katie and Sally emitted a sigh of relief from Cecilia’s explanation with Astra who listened pondered about this world’s geography.

(“Maybe I can borrow some books regarding geography”)

Nevertheless, the conversation continues into the daily chores & civil activities. Soon, the healers team finish the food and began cleaning up. Putting all the dishes inside the box before closing it.

Cecilia said it will be picked up by Sandra at the end of the day after she finishes her daily hunt.

After lunch, they continue in taking care of patients. Making new batches of salves since it tends to get used quite a lot after the hunters return.

Cecilia also teaches Astra about medical techniques since it is similar to what he know of back in Earth, he quickly picked up on how to do it.

Evening has come as the sun begun to set. Cecilia who’s finished taking care of the latest patient noted the change of time before turning her head towards Astra.

“Astra, you’re done for the day. Don’t forget to read the books I gave you.”

Astra nods and then reminded to ask something else.

“Ah! Ms. Cecilia, would it be possible for me to borrow geography & history books?”

Her eyebrows quirked for a second then says.

“Sure you can, just drop by at my house. It’s probably still on the shelf. You can take it anytime.”

Astra lips curved upward to a grin.


(“Its always nice to see young lads & lasses wanting to learn”)

She muses seeing her disciple moving out from the tent.

Upon going outside though, a familiar figure appeared reeked of sweat, covered by dust & grime. His distinctive shiny scales that covers his neck and cheek are dulled from that. He appears to be currently running towards Astra.

Wearing the watcher’s usual uniform and his black hair that were shaggy and unkempt has changed. Its now, cleanly cut to a short wild hair preferring to just make it out of the way during fighting or training rather than a fashion choice.

Even with the grime & sweat covering his body, scales, and clothing. His eyes still shines with vigour as Astra realizes who comes close to him since he moves slower upon nearing Astra.


In Astra’s vision, he sees through ‘pulses’ akin to a camera snaps as such if someone or something moves faster than each delay of the ‘pulse’. Then he wouldn’t be able to see it happening. Thankfully due to Viktor slowing down, he could now ‘see’ the approaching figure clearer.

“Yeah… *huff* *huff* I’m not late, am I?”

 Astra furrowed his brows.

“Late? Late for what?”

“I need to escort you back.”

Widening his eyes, Astra reminded of what Cecilia told him.

(“Ah… monitoring”)

“I see… then you’re on time.”


With that out of the way, Viktor extended his hand in which Astra comply. Whilst walking, Astra ask something to Viktor.

“Would it be possible to drop by Cecilia’s house? I asked her to let me borrow some books.”

“I see no harm in that.”

They took a detour towards Cecilia’s house as the day turns darker.

Entering her tent, Astra uses his ‘pulse’ to find out the exact location of the bookshelf. Upon finding it, he immediately search around for geography and history books.

Viktor sees this from afar, the tent is already dark making it difficult to see but he can hear rustles of paper.

“Are you alright in there!?”


Astra replies within seconds as he came out from the tent. Carrying 2 books titled ‘World’s Geography’ and ‘Historical Moments’.

Making Viktor wonder about how magic work, seeing a blindfolded man such as Astra can find things in the pitch darkness of the tent. After a while, he brushes off the thought as the pair quickly left the area towards their home. He has been ignoring the strong scent permeating from Viktor and hoping that at home the novice watcher would take a bath soon after.

Just as he hoped for, after going home. Viktor have taken off his clothes. Although Astra cannot see what’s going on and instead heard the rustling of fabrics. Viktor’s body have changed too, he had a thin built mostly due to malnutrition and lack of training.

But now, His body has gotten stronger than before & his muscles have developed. Still isn’t prominent unlike the half giants watcher or hunter. But one can tell the difference almost immediately, as he enters the back room to wash himself.

Whilst laying down on the hammock, Astra is reminded of something when he heard the water splashing.

(“ AHH!!! I forgot to ask Ms. Cecilia about water!!  *sigh* no point in brooding over it now, I just need to remember to ask her about it tomorrow”)

Still irritated, he decided to calm down by distracting himself such as reading the books he just borrowed. Stroking the book ‘Worlds Geography’ his blindfold glows and its image are transcribed inside his mind & began opening its pages to read.

(“Hmmm… In this book regarding geography… *Fiuf*... First thing first, this world is spherical in shape, that’s one familiar thing I guess. In addition, it is Littered with uncharted continents & smaller islands as such the book is still in progress. Maybe there’ll be newer editions somewhere? It keeps mentioning Etude so most likely the latest one are in there”)

He flipped the pages directing towards the continents section.

(“I see…the ones that’s already discovered, named, and populated are... Glacicross the northernmost continent, Cracuth the southernmost continent.”)

He quirked his eyebrows upon reading something in the passage.

(“Ouh? Originally there’s 1 incredibly large continent in the middle of the world. But it is split apart during the apocalyptic event called ‘Gods Wrath’ into two parts.”)

Astra furrowed his brows upon reading that passage.

(“The ‘Gods Wrath’.... It sounds ominous. I’ll look for it on the other book regarding history.”)

Reading further, the two continents are Westania and Eastania. For better or worse, Astra interpret them similar to a ‘split donut’ due to its peculiar shape.

(“I am guessing but, the term ‘Eastanian looks’, that I often get. Meant that Eastanian continent is similar to what I called ‘Asian’ back in Earth”)

Continuing to read, he found out about smaller accompanying continents of Westania and Eastania.

In Southeast of Westania lies Airun where Astra is. A continent that bore the brunt from that apocalyptic event. Uniquely shaped like a shield based on the depiction that Astra is reading.

Whilst on the opposite side, Northwest of Eastania lies Draconia. An isolated continent surrounded by constant fog. Where the rumoured dragon-folk lives.

(“Dragon-folk? Hmmm…”)

He remembered what he saw when he abruptly wake up at the wrong time where Viktor was there to bear witness to his strange eyes. Just as Viktor saw his strangeness, Astra too glimpse upon the strange scaley like growth on his neck and cheek.

(“It looked like dragon scales… He did say he was from Draconia.”)

He then continues to read on the book as it mentioned about phenomenon such as ‘Leylines’ which caught Astra’s interest.

(“Leyline... The book mention it as a spot where mana spirals into one massive conflux.”)

The book pinpoint several Leyline spots, although it’s more of a hypothesis rather than well known fact.

You are reading story Aeterna at

Presumably there is one in the ‘Great Forest of Terra Mater’. Astra raised both of his eyebrows upon reading the great forest.

(“There are elves??? I suppose so... This place is filled with fantasy & magic after all.”)

The Great Forest of Terra Mater, named after a deity of vegetation, fertility, home, earth, farming, and nature. It is place where elves resides, a race with ethereal beauty & have high affinity towards magic and spirits. They are isolated from the outside world. At least that’s according to the book.

The rest of the passage regarding Leyline’s location are located on active volcano, beneath the oceans, and several natural landmarks.

He closes the book and pick another one. A history book this time. Although just in time he did, Viktor finishes his wash.

As he entered the main room of the tent a loud grumbling sounds echo making Astra drop his book startled by that.


It originated from Viktor particular in his stomach. The culprit held his stomach in hopes for it to quiet down but to no avail.

“Haha.... Shall we go to Elise’s Tavern?”

Astra chuckles as he pick up the fallen book from the ground.

The offer is tempting as Viktor glances to the window. The light coming from the lantern on the table is reflected through his scales.

“Ah... I haven’t rinse myself, you can go first if you like?”

Astra asked, with Viktor pondering about it before deciding to sit on the hammock.

“Wash yourself first, I’ll wait here.”

Astra nods and set the books aside at the table as he enters the back room.

Viktor waited until he heard the sound of water splashing. Then he grabbed the books and read as well.

Understanding that he’s doing something that’s not appropriate, he still pushes through.

In his mind, gaining knowledge of other continents would help tremendously when he’s going to leave Vogun.

(“I see....”)

Since he lived in an isolated continent, his worldly knowledge isn’t like Francis or the others. As such, an opportunity like this is hard to come by so he took it.

A quick learner and reader by the looks of it as He already finished two book in one go. In the nick of time, with Astra came out from the washroom.

(“Fwah! It always feel refreshing after a wash”)

“Lets go?”

Astra urges.


Viktor made sure to put the book on its original location hiding that he had read it’s contents and remember them too.

They soon left towards the tavern’s direction guided by array of poles that contain Brightfly glands.

From afar, they heard the commotions, chatters, laughter, and more from it as they entered the place.

The tantalising scent of food permeated the air with the pair already take a seat as Elise greeted them.

As usual, the famed Meat-Platter or the Eastanian likes to call it ‘Stir-Fry black pepper meat’ is ordered.

Unfortunately for Astra, this is his second visit as such he needed to pay. Thankfully too since he just got paid by Cecilia of 1 silver coin per day.

Giving 4 copper coins to Elise in advance for the meat platter and 1 copper coin for the drink. He begun to ponder about the monetary value of this world.

This world uses coins as it’s money. Ranging from copper, silver, gold, and the last platinum. They can also be converted usually as a mean to save up storage knowing how heavy these coins when stacked together.

10 copper coins would be equal to 1 silver coins, and 100 silver coins are equal to the value of 1 gold coin. And 1000 gold coins equal to a platinum coin.

Suffice to say, an owner of a single platinum coin can be considered rich. Especially if they have more than one platinum coin.

Whilst waiting for their food, Astra tries to compare the value of money here in this world and Earth.

(“4 copper coins give me a full set of that meal which I think would be 20 dollar-ish in Earth. 1 copper is equal to 5 dollar then. As the drink do have a cost of 1 copper coin.”)

As quick as that Elise already brought a lot of food and drink for the pair.

Astra began to make a small chat with Viktor regarding the activities that he did and in return, relaying what he was doing too in the healer’s tent while eating together.

“By the way, do you know exactly how long the ‘monitoring’ will be?”

Upon asking that, Viktor scrunches his eyebrows remembering what Maleah and the council members decree.

[“The lad should be monitored for 6 months at minimum. We still do not know his origins even if he is gifted in the arts of magic”]

Francis spoke to Maleah with cautious tone in which Maleah too nods to his suggestion. The other party such as Chrys, Itgul, Leo, and Cecilia have that accepting look.

“6 months, that’s the monitoring duration”

Viktor spoke. Astra who heard it doesn’t seem fazed by it. Rather he take it in stride.

(“’s similar to probation period at work. Eh... Not the worst, I have encountered”)

“A-A-Anyway, Viktor... Do you have plans on leaving Vogun in the future?”

Astra asked whilst eating his food. Unbeknownst to him that Viktor is already on his 3rd plate.

“Yeah, hopefully not far though. I was thinking of going to Draconia.”

Astra quirked his eyebrows although covered by the blindfold. A flash of idea hit his head upon hearing Viktor’s words.

If what he said about Draconia was true, the pink blossoms would be a sign that there’s someone from his world have been transmigrated there. Immediately after, Astra asked.

“THE-, *ehem* then would you mind if I tag along?”


Viktor didn’t answer rather he ate in silence.

(“OH...SHOOT! Did I make a mistake? Sigh....”)

Not knowing on what to do, he grew silent and just eating the meal.

Upon finishing the last one though, he heard a faint voice from Viktor.


That single utterance, set alight a small hope making Astra smiles a bit.

With that, the pair leaves the tavern to their home to get their sleep. Viktor is silent on the way while deeply pondering things.

(“Astra... In hindsight, he’s Cecilia’s apprentice and have magical talents. But his origin came from Earth a faraway kingdom where even the Vogun scholarly duo doesn’t know...”)

He clenches his first, he ran away from Draconia. Although he doesn’t know why he did it. He had an inkling about ‘Danger’ from his innate fear each time he tries to remember it.

Suffice to say, travelling to Draconia meant that they are going to be in a battle.

Would Viktor expose Astra to that environment?


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