
Chapter 18: Chapter 18

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  • 3rd Person POV

Warmth spread to his cheek as Astra awoken from his slumber. It seems that a beam of sunlight from the open tent window went straight directly to him.

Gaining consciousness, Astra drowsily moves sideway so he can stand up from the hammock lest the temptation of staying asleep kicks in.

(“Ah... Yeah, today I need to go to the healer’s tent to meet Cecilia”)

Reminded of that, he quickly wakes up and wash his face. While looking at the water container through the under gaps of his blindfold he started to wonder.

(“After we finished the water, where do we get more? I better ask Cecilia about it later”)

Soon after, he heard a rumble & rustle from the back knowing that Viktor is waking up. He quickly leaves the washroom and prepares to leave the tent, but a voice stopped him from going out.


“Eh…? Why?”

Astra turn his head to Viktor who’s standing up from the hammock although he couldn’t see it, Viktor have incredibly messy bed hair since he hasn’t cut his shaggy black hair.

“I need to escort you there.”

He gruffly says whilst still shaking off the morning drowsiness.

Realizing dawned on Astra’s mind remembering the term ‘Monitoring’. Understanding that, he nods and wait on the table with Viktor preparing himself.

He heard the rustles of fabric from Viktor’s direction. Then a quick splash of water before finally he said.

“Let’s go.”


Viktor extended his hand to Astra. There’s an awkward silence happening as Astra didn’t realize what Viktor is doing.

After seconds have passed, Astra stands up from the chair and took a second to process the layout of the tent using his ‘pulses’ and finally sees that Viktor’s figure is extending his hand towards him.

“Ouh! Sorry I didn’t ‘see’ it at first.”

He took Viktor’s hand as he guided him towards the healer’s tent. All of a sudden, Astra is reminded of something as he shouted.



Viktor flinched in surprise; hearing Astra panicked voice as the smaller figure in a rush enter the tent. From afar, the novice watcher can hear many stumbles and grunts before Astra come out bringing a box made of metal.

“I still need to bring this back to Ms. Lis.”

Viktor huffed getting worried over nothing as he says.

“We can pass by them while moving to the healer’s tent.”

“Really?… That’s good then, let’s go?”

The pair now moves towards the inn and Astra delivers the metal box back to Ms. Lis before she lets them go to the hunter’s district.

Greeting other residents on the way as Astra can now hear different hustle & bustles contrary to the usual chatters.

(“We’re here already? That’s quick.”)

Astra’s current train of thoughts snapped as he heard a high tone coming in front of him.

“Ah!! Astra you’re here already. I was wondering if you get lost”.

Cecilia have notices the approaching pair as she finishes tending a patient. Standing up from her chair and greeted the pair. Astra faces Viktor with a smile as he let go of Viktor’s hand.


“It’s alright.”

He replies and looks around the tent. Other assistants beside her have already busied themselves as there are other who needed to be tended.

Astra then follows Cecilia, while Viktor move to other direction towards the training field where hunters and watchers alike trained their physique. It seems the ‘Heavenly Demon’ group is there too, doing their usual routine.


Cecilia currently beside Astra showing him the ropes and locations of where things are. In addition, allowing him to ‘feel’ out the locations using his ‘pulses’.

“Here’s where our salves & concoctions are stored. Have you read the ‘Herbal Medicine’ Chapter 1 yet?”

Astra nods, remembering that he did read the book although just a skim.

“Good! Let’s see here, a little quiz~ Do you know what plant this is?”

Cecilia brought a single green stalk, with unique looking leaves resembling the shape of a heart, in the middle of that leaves there are veins that’s coloured bright red. Astra who views using pulses only detect the shapes of the leaves.

Although, he finds it odd... he knew that he just skimmed the book. But it is fresh in his memory and as if the image of the book’s content is ingrained in his brain.

(“Is this the effect of the blindfold? I don’t think so...”)

He shakes his head not wanting to leave Cecilia question hanging for more than necessary.

In the image of his memory, the book pages turned to the designated herb he recognize. Due to that, he recited what he read.

“It is Vitaherb. A common plant that grows around nearby water source. It is easy to discern, due to the reddish coloured veins on its leaves.”

Cecilia nods and her lips slightly curved upward proud that her disciple put it an effort to study.

“That is correct! This particular plant have rejuvenating and healing properties, the most potent one is in the leaves. In here, we mashed them into a paste for topical healing salves.”

Astra reminded of the shelves where he ‘sees’ numerous jars. Although he couldn’t exactly see what it contains. He can detect miniscule amount of mana inside.

“Since they grow outside, we often went on an excursion to gather them each week & escorted with watchers or available hunters. You’ll be experiencing that soon...”

Cecilia lead Astra to other places, he ‘saw’ a cabinet filled with roller up vellum papers in which she explained that’s the patient records.

Next point of interest that she shows to Astra is the ‘Laboratory’ section of the healer’s tent. Located at the back end of the rectangular tent. The herbal smell become more pungent when they approached that side.

Astra emit more ‘pulses’ as he can ‘see’ there are many tools & unique looking devices. She patiently explained each of the tools and its function to Astra. Before finally, Cecilia begin the introduction to the other assistants.

There are 2 humanoid figures detected within Astra’s ‘pulses’ beside the presence of Cecilia. She introduces them as Selena preferred to be called ‘Sally’ and Katherine or nickname ‘Katie’.

Judging by their heights, they can be identified as humans rather than the usual half-giant that inhabit Vogun.

The introduction was short as the assistants have their hands full of patients that came from the training ground. Due to the watchers and hunters gone too enthusiastic about training.

“Sigh...  Please be careful next time.”

“yes.... Miss”

You are reading story Aeterna at

That’s the voice of Sally looking at a young half-giant male who looked dejected. He has broken wrist, as Sally quickly apply a bandage soaked with something and several wooden sticks to maintain that poor lad bones straight.

(“They are very busy...”)

Astra commented, with Cecilia direction. He began to do some work. Firstly, is the preparation of the salves. Moving to the storage shelves, Astra finds some jars that Cecilia said it’s empty and Vitaherbs as they move to the laboratory section.

Cecilia stopped at one particular device in which she told him previously that this tool is used to mash the herbs into a paste. Although Astra doesn’t know how to operate it yet.

“Here let me show you on how to operate this thing.”

Cecilia saw the confusion etched on Astra and she begin to use the device whilst Astra emitting several ‘pulses’.

(“Ah... I see now, it’s like a grinder just with extra steps”)

Astra too follow Cecilia footsteps and swiftly does what she did. Adding the Vitaherbs with slight amount of water before being grinded bt the device into a paste.

Cecilia who is watching from afar sometimes interject and show the easier way to prevent back pain and shoulder ache since she have done this for a long time. Sometimes she had a look of nostalgia and sadness whenever she glances at Astra who’s grinding those herbs into paste.

(“He was a good healer, just... Not having a talent for harmful magic”)

Cecilia shakes her head to get rid of that thoughts before moving on to other things.

And so, the day goes by quickly. Sally and Katie is around 40 years old as they continue the introduction whenever there are less patients In the healer’s tent.

They were ‘moved’ to Vogun due to unpleasant circumstances in which Astra understands not to pry. But he too notices that the pair of ladies have a joyful tone whenever they talked about Vogun even if sometimes they get annoyed by the rowdy hunters or watchers.

(“I wonder why, Ms. Cecilia is so kind to me? Even allowing me to study under her as an apprentice. Is it because of my magical prowess? Maybe...”)

Astra currently let his mind wander as he grinded those herbs into a paste. Until a voice from his back snapped him from his thoughts.

“Astra!! It’s time to eat!”

That’s Katie’s voice as Astra stopped and scooped whatever’s left to the jar then wrap it in some kind of leather before storing it away.


Upon stepping outside, Astra ‘sees’ a hulking figure way taller than the ladies in this tent.


A bit intimidated, he tries to sidestep towards Cecilia as the doctor quickly noticed.

“Ouh... You haven’t gotten introduced yet.”

With her gentle hands, Astra is being moved towards the hulking figure. Using his senses, he could detect that the figure is wearing a giant great sword strapped to her back whilst carrying a rather large box using only one hand.

(“Umm... What should I say?”)

Astra a bit nervous from the encounter doesn’t know what to say as the silence goes longer than needed. Thankfully the other party break the silence first.


“Ah! I... Umm... Astra, nice to meet you”

She grunts returning the friendly gesture. Astra was taken aback by that, meanwhile Cecilia giggles seeing her antics haven’t change even though her body has changed.

“Ouh~ you have grown so much from the last time I see you...”

Cecilia coos, in which Sandra just look to the side trying to avoid eye contact.

“Would you be a dear and bring it on the table?”

Cecilia requested as the female half-giant sighed and bring the big box inside. Right in front of the table that’s commonly used to dissect plants & small tools after other assistants have put them away.


Putting it on the table, the impact of that made Astra jumped. It must have been heavy, and Sandra is strong enough to lift it with just one hand.

“Please, say my thanks to Lis. I can smell that’s her cooking! It’s delicious.”

Sandra nods with Cecilia opening the metal box, the food is still warm knowing the function since this particular box is her own making.

She remembered when Elise asked her about a small metal box bought from a wandering writer and wanted to have a bigger version. Cooperating with her, Francis and Chrys, Elise managed to expand her tavern business. Cecilia eyes glint as she turned towards Astra & spoke…

“Astra… I’ll show you something interesting”.

Knowing what’s to come Astra focuses his senses on Cecilia as he can ‘see’ mana began to circulate around & seeped into Cecilia’s figure. Then… he can feel vibrations… the mana on her surrounding and inside her vibrate as if making a resonance.

She then begun to speak… her voice vibrate echoing throughout the healer’s tent. Katie, Sally, and Sandra looks fascinated with the latter figure tries to hide it by glancing instead of staring like the others.

[Lift and Fly, Gather and Disperse, Move!]

It is an amazing sight to behold, numerous dishes inside the metal box began to be lifted from the container. Everyone could see that its floating but relatively stable as if being held by invisible hands of a trained waiter. Cecilia waved her hands towards the rest of the table in which, the plates began to arrange themselves nicely on top creating an open banquet.

“That’s done! Now, let’s get some food before the others going to eat them all”

It is like a routine, Katie and Sally immediately get assortment of food to their plate with Astra & Cecilia follow suit. They didn’t took much since human food intake is much smaller compared to half-giants.

“Sandra~ do you want to join?”

Cecilia offer with the huntress made a gesture of pointing her thumbs to the hunter’s guild & gently slab her stomach several times.

“Ah… you’re already ate, good girl! Come back safe alright?”

The huntress grunts before leaving though she nods acknowledging Katie, Sally, and Astra for a farewell. Upon her presence leave the tent, Astra grows curious about the huntress.

“Ms. Cecilia, do you know who she is?”

“Ouh? Sandra? She’s the daughter of Lis the tavern owner and Chrys of the golden sand. She grows so much already; I remember her crying when she was a young lass during her first hunter training. A bit reticent but a good girl nonetheless.”

She chuckles in the memory whilst the group is eating. Patients who have more injuries that requires bedrest have already been taken care of as they currently sleeping peacefully.

They group talked to each other and most of the time regarding their usual activities and sometimes asked for advice from Cecilia. Until Katie talked about something regarding the rumours.

“Ms. Cecilia, do you know people are talking about new ‘beasts’ coming from the ‘Land Beyond’? They say it’s much more fearsome than before with ‘unique’ abilities like yours.”

“But… would it be more dangerous for the hunters if those were true?”

Sally continues.

Upon hearing this, Cecilia’s eyebrows raised slightly as she thought.

(“There are already rumours about that?”)

Rather than brushing off the rumours, She acknowledged it and begins to explain further, with Astra listening intently on what they’re talking about.

You can find story with these keywords: Aeterna, Read Aeterna, Aeterna novel, Aeterna book, Aeterna story, Aeterna full, Aeterna Latest Chapter

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