After Becoming an Interstellar Food Blogger

Chapter 17: 17

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Chapter 17: Messed up Apprenticeship


When Ye Jin and Fu Chen had a lunch break, they didn’t know that because of one of his live broadcasts, the star net of the scientific research institute was captured by netizens who were eager to buy soybeans and various soybean products.


[Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Hurry up! ]


[Hurry up +1 on the shelves! ]


[After watching Jin Jin’s live broadcast, I am really eager to buy, buy, buy! ]


[Want to buy buy buy +1! For the first time, I feel that the efficiency of the research institute was so low. 】


【That’s it! Don’t hurry up and link up with Jin Jin, let’s put it on the shelves soon! ]


The official account of the Institute of Botany of the Scientific Research Institute did not respond until the Xingbo message area of ​​the Scientific Research Institute was pictured, and thanked Ye Jin.


Research Institute of Botany V: “The Institute has decided to open the Xing Wang sales authority for soybeans and soy products at 10 am tomorrow.


Due to the limited quantity, each person is limited to one purchase. At the same time, I would like to thank Mr. Ye Jin for his support to the Institute. The contribution and help you have made. @Yejin”


Netizens looked at this Xingbo, and most of them were delighted. Some people who watched the live broadcast wondered why Ye Jin was involved with the scientific research institute again.


Whenever someone asks this question there are fans who come to explain enthusiastically as they gush praises about Ye Jin.


Because of the actions of the scientific research institute, Ye Jin also appeared in front of the entire interstellar people again, which also attracted more and more people’s attention to Ye Jin. Arousing the public’s curiosity about Ye Jin’s appearance.


In a spacious room, the holographic screen on the wall was playing Ye Jin’s live replay. The three old men sat around the table and watched Ye Jin’s every step seriously, their eyes shining brightly.


“I didn’t expect this kid to be so good at cooking at such a young age. I’m really curious how he knew this.” An old man with a goatee twisted his beard and said.


“Lao Li, it’s not good to inquire about other people’s privacy. Although we old guys can’t study any Chinese food, it doesn’t prevent other children from thinking about it.” Old Hua sitting next to him registered what he just said and replied with a sneer.


Old Li, who had just spoken, glared at the words of old Hua: “You slander me! I’m not surprised! I just think that this child’s background is definitely not simple. They should have an inheritance.”


Old Fu who sat in the centre position said: “I have found someone to investigate his identity, but I have not found any useful information. Even the information about his parents are so ordinary, and there is no way to have any inheritance.”


Old Fu’s voice fell, and several of the people present looked at each other, wondering in their hearts, How did he learn these dishes? Why did Old Man Fu’s grandson stay by his side?


They watched the live broadcast just now from the beginning, and the wolf cub who appeared once in the middle was the grandson of old man Fu!


After being silent for a while, the old man Li said, “His surname is Ye, do you think he is…” Before he finished speaking, he closed his mouth with a complicated expression.


What he didn’t finish, the other two also heard it in their ears, and they seemed to be silent when they thought of anything.


It took a long time for old man Fu to say: “Forget it, let’s wait and see what happens, as long as Chen’er is not in danger, we don’t have to disturb it.


As for Ye Jin’s identity, whether he is Ye or not, as long as Chen’er is by his side, we always have to pay attention. If he has a problem, it will be exposed sooner or later, and Chen’er’s incarnation period will be restored, and the Legion has to work harder on our side.”


After he finished speaking, he glanced at Ye Jin’s live broadcast and replayed it: “But this dish is really good, even I can’t help but want to try it.”


The other two old men laughed when they heard the words: “Old Master, you won’t have the blessings of your grandson!”


The three old people were guessing Ye Jin’s identity here, always paying attention to Fu Chen’s safety, while Ye Jin and Fu Chen on the other side were still sleeping soundly.


At the same time, there are also some food fanatics, because they can’t stand the temptation of food, they are quietly investigating Ye Jin’s identity, and plan to go to him to learn art.


When Ye Jin woke up in a daze at 3 o’clock in the afternoon, he felt like a stone was pressed against his chest, and he couldn’t breathe.


Ye Jin opened his eyes and looked at his chest, and found that Bai Bai was sleeping soundly on his chest, without the vigilance that a dog should have.


After Ye Jin carried Bai Bai away from his chest, he put him on the sofa beside him. Bai Bai looked up at Ye Jin, and his eyes were obviously unpleasant to be woken up.


Ye Jin rubbed Bai Bai’s head and said, “Don’t be angry. Hadn’t you slept for a long time? Let’s go out for a walk, and come back in the evening to cook something delicious for you.”


Ye Jin finished and went to the bathroom. After washing his face, Ye Jin took Bai Bai and planned to go out and walk around the neighborhood.


After two days in the Imperial City, Ye Jin observed the surrounding environment from the hover car when he went to the research institute. When he went out for a walk, he didn’t even know any of the neighbors who lived around.


Ye Jin thinks that he has only been in the interstellar age for more than a week. Although he has experienced a lot of things, Ye Jin still has an unrealistic feeling, like a wanderer who has nothing to worry about.


Ye Jin walked around the accommodation area with Bai Bai in his arms, but found that basically everyone didn’t go out very much.


There was no one on the road, surrounded by buildings suspended in the air, and unmanned vehicles.

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Ye Jin got bored and sat in the hovering car with Bai Bai in his arms. He scanned the surrounding environment thoroughly, and planned to go home and study food. He was not interested in games or anything, but he was still curious about mechas.


After all, for a boy from the 21st century, mechas have always only existed in science fiction movies.


Now that he finally have the opportunity to see real mechas, Ye Jin will of course be more curious, but he doesn’t have the spare money to buy them. He simply doesn’t want to wander the streets out of sight and out of heart.


When Ye Jin returned to the door in the hover car, he unexpectedly found a person squatting at the door of his house, wearing a hat and a mask tightly covering it, looking very suspicious.


Ye Jin’s heart instantly became tense, wouldn’t this be a terrorist or something? Is the security management of the Imperial City star so bad?


Ye Jin nervously shoved Bai Bai into the collar of his chest, and gently stepped back while contacting the nearby robot police.


Before Ye Jin took a few steps back, the person squatting at the door suddenly raised his head, seeing Ye Jin who was standing not far away, and immediately rushed towards Ye Jin with bright eyes.


Ye Jin saw someone rushing towards him with something in his hand, so he immediately ran away nervously, pressing the distress signal on his brain as he ran.


The man who ran to Ye Jin looked at the back of Ye Jin who was running away, and chased after him a little puzzled, shouting, “Stop! Don’t run! Why are you running!?”


Holding Bai Bai in his hand, he turned his head to look at the man who was shouting, and he couldn’t help but murmured in his heart as he ran frantically.


Is he stupid? Why shouldn’t I didn’t run quickly when I see the bad guy?


Should I still stand there and wait for the bad guy to hit me?


The man looked at Ye Jin’s back, which was running faster and faster, and followed behind and shouted again: “Don’t run, wait a minute! I’m not a bad person! I’m here to find you as a teacher!”


Ye Jin ran too fast in his chest. It seemed like it was going to explode, and the ear was not really listening. He didn’t listen carefully at all.


He only vaguely heard something like don’t run away, the bad guy, find him, etc. He immediately felt that he guessed right, and he could only run forward like a crazy man while poking at the light brain’s distress screen.


When Ye Jin was too tired to run, and the light screen was about to break, the robot police finally arrived and detained the man.


The man was bewildered by the robotic policeman who suddenly appeared to detain him. After a while, he reacted and said to Ye Jin, “Jin Jin, I’m really not a bad person! Can you let them let me go?”


Ye Jin looked at the hat in front of him . The man who had taken off his mask had black short hair and a very tough face.


He was the image of a handsome man in the eyes of the public, but he really couldn’t understand why this man was squatting in front of his house and dressed in a suspicious manner.


Thinking of this, Ye Jin asked, “Then why are you sneaking at the door of my house? What is your purpose?”


The man grabbed his hand and explained to Ye Jin helplessly: “Let me introduce myself, hello Ye Jin, I’m your fan, my name is Yu Nian, and I’m here to find you to apprentice!”


Ye Jin looked at the man in front of him speechlessly, not knowing what to say, it took a long while He asked, “You squatted at the door of my house suspiciously dressed like this, just to apprentice? Then why did you chase after me so closely?”


The man gave Ye Jin a look of grievance and said, “I’m dressed like this because I sneaked here and I can’t be found. As for chasing you, it’s not that you ran away when you saw me and didn’t give me the opportunity to explain at all.”


Ye Jin thought about it and it seemed like this, so he could only explain the reason shamelessly and apologized to him.


After the misunderstanding between the two was resolved, Ye Jin contacted the police department through the light screen on the robot’s face and released the person.


Ye Jin continued to drive home with Bai Bai in his arms. Looking at the person who insisted on following him, he asked suspiciously, “I didn’t show my face during the live broadcast. How did you recognize me? How did you know my address?”


Yu Nian smiled, scratched his hair and said embarrassedly: “Master, I found your information only after asking someone to help me out. Originally I found the address at Fu’er Xing, but then I heard you were coming to imperial city.


After you came to the Imperial City, I only found out where you live now from Director Mu after I asked my family for help.”


Ye Jin helped her forehead helplessly, “It’s really a society of human connections wherever I go.” After sighing, he asked again, “Who else knows my address besides you?”


Yu Nian immediately assured him with a serious expression: “Master, don’t worry, I haven’t told anyone your address except me and my family.”


Ye Jin nodded, looking at the handsome smiling man in front of him, helplessly said: “Don’t call me master, I have no plans to accept apprentices, and I don’t have any use for apprentices.”


Although Ye Jin knew that the identity of the person who could find his information was not simple, he did not intend to aggrieve himself because of this and accept his apprentice now.


Yu Nian smiled and said indifferently, “I know Master, you don’t accept apprentices now, but you will always accept them in the future, right? Then I’ll sign up with you first to help me with chores occasionally.”


The person who heard this, did not refute his words anymore. Anyway, he is not busy now, and he is not opening a store or doing anything. When he sees that he can’t help but consider his offer.


Fu Chen, who was nestled in Ye Jin’s chest, felt the warm touch and fragrance of Ye Jin’s skin from time to time, and he couldn’t help but his cheeks and ears heated together.


Looking at Yu Nian who was walking beside Ye Jin and said he was going to apprentice, Fu Chen always felt that the smile on his face was not pleasing to the eye, so he couldn’t help but want to rush up to give him a paw slap.

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