After Becoming an Interstellar Food Blogger

Chapter 40: 40

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Chapter 40: Admiral Fu who is about to lose his vest


When Luo Chengjin heard Ye Jin’s evaluation of his general, he secretly glanced at the general who was looking at him dangerously, and quickly wiped the cold sweat from his forehead: “Our general is not like that. Yes, the rumors can’t be trusted.”


After speaking, he began to praise Fu Chen, who is gentle and polite, heroic and martial, with no defeat in battles.


Although it was good to hear, a black line appeared on Ye Jin’s forehead, and Fu Chen who was hugged stared at Luo Chengjin with chills in his eyes, wishing he could go up and block his speechless mouth.


Hearing the end, Ye Jin really couldn’t bear Adjutant Luo to destroy the reputation of his family’s Admiral Fu, and hurriedly found a reason to interrupt: 


“It can be seen from this incident that your admiral is a very responsible, He is a good general who loves soldiers, but I don’t know if I will have a chance to meet General Fu this time, but I still admire him.” 


When Luo Chengjin heard Ye Jin’s words, he immediately remembered what he was going to say before. 


He said: “Oh yes, I remembered when you said that. Our general said before that he would send a message to thank you when you came. I have already given him your communication number. 


After all, no matter what, you are willing to come here. So our general, as the main inviter, will send you a message to thank you even if you are busy.”


After speaking, Luo Chengjin hurriedly added: “This , I will give your communication number to the admiral in private. You won’t be angry?”


Ye Jin saw Luo Chengjin’s careful questioning, shook his head and said, “What’s the point of being angry? If I were to be angry because of this, it’s because I should have done it earlier. I’m so pissed off.”


Luo Chengjin heard Ye Jin’s words and understood what he meant. After all, he found Ye Jin’s information by means of means. 


There should be many people like him who want something. So he touched his nose in embarrassment and said nothing.


For the next two days, Ye Jin has been training the three soldiers that Luo Chengjin found, until the three of them mastered the basic usage of kitchen utensils proficiently, and then they began to prepare dishes and instruct a few people to process the ingredients.


Since Luo Chengjin didn’t specify what dishes to make before, he only said that Ye Jin could cook according to his own preferences.


So this time, considering the number of people, Ye Jin only planned to make a pot of porridge tonight, using the one from the square. 


A pot of fragrant fish fillet porridge is boiled in a large pot, so that there is no need to worry about the dietary restrictions of the wounded, and the taste and amount of food can be guaranteed. 


As for other ingredients, it depends on the time.


In the evening, Ye Jin asked the three soldiers who came to help to wash the rice, add the right amount of water, and then start to boil it. 


After that, Ye Jin sliced ​​the fish that had been processed by several people into pieces, put them in a large pot, and then put them back together to be pickled with various seasonings.


After Ye Jin prepared the fish fillet porridge, he thought about it and felt that it might not be enough, so he decided to go to the freezer to see other ingredients and prepare other dishes.


Ye Jin left the three people sent by Luo Chengjin here to take care of the cauldron and fish porridge, and only brought the two people who were sent to protect him to the icehouse.


Ye Jin took the two of them around the freezer and found that the ingredients were quite complete. 


The last time he came here with Bai Bai, he was just taken aback by the ingredients that were put into a mountain and didn’t look organized. 


This time he turned over carefully, and Ye Jin realized that the ingredients were really complete, even crabs and lobsters.


In the end, Ye Jin asked the two soldiers who followed him to move the lobster and crab to the square for disposal, planning to have a seafood feast.


When Ye Jin returned to the square, the fish fillet porridge in the pot had already boiled and was being poured into the bucket by Luo Chengjin’s commander. It took three buckets in total to clear out the pot.


Ye Jin looked at the fish porridge being carried away, then looked at the bowl in Luo Chengjin’s hand and joked: “Adjutant Luo, it’s not very good for you to steal it.”


Luo Chengjin heard Ye Jin’s words and turned to look at Ye Jin, and he happened to see Ye Jin and Fang Huai and Chen Hesheng who were carrying a big box behind him. 


He couldn’t ignore Ye Jin’s ridicule, and hurriedly asked: “Xiao Jin, what are you doing? Are you planning to do a seafood feast later?”


Ye Jin looked at Adjutant Luo who was full of anticipation and nodded, “Yes, since you have prepared it in the freezer, I took it out to make it. If it is not enough, then I’ll do it again if we don’t have anything else.”


After listening, Luo Chengjin nodded, continued to drink porridge and said to Ye Jin: “Xiao Jin, your craft is really good. You don’t have to work so hard today. I invited you to use the energy contained in the dishes to heal them. It’s not to let them eat and drink and enjoy the food.”


Ye Jin listened to Luo Chengjin’s words while processing the ingredients that had been divided in his hand, and finally nodded, but he was thinking about starting to prepare the medicinal meal. 


I don’t know if the effect will be better than the ordinary dishes made now, and I don’t know what the energy contained in the dishes is.


After Ye Jin steamed the lobster and crab and put them on the seasoning, Ye Jin kept two copies for himself and Bai Bai, and let Luo Chengjin have someone take them away and give them to the wounded.


When Ye Jin returned to the residence with two dinners, before opening the door, a man’s low voice could be heard faintly in his ear, which made Ye Jin who was about to open the door stunned for a moment. 


The first reaction was that a burglar had entered the house. But then he thought that this is the military area and the thieves should not be able to enter.


Ye Jin was worried and worried that something would happen in vain. He quietly opened the door and looked into the room from behind the door panel. 


At the same time, he also sent a message to Luo Chengjin. For the first time, he regretted not listening to Luo Chengjin’s persuasion to bring the two bodyguards with him.    


Fu Chen, who was talking to another adjutant in the imperial capital in the bedroom, moved his ears and vaguely heard the door opening. 


He quickly hung up the communication and hid his light brain and ran out. As soon as he came out, he saw Ye Jin hid behind the door and peered into the room.     


Ye Jin cautiously looked into the room from behind the door, and suddenly saw Bai Bai rushing out of the room, and immediately rushed out from behind the door to carry Bai Bai away, and at the same time quickly ran out to lock the door.    


Ye Jin worriedly checked Bai Bai’s whole body and felt relieved after seeing that it was not hurt. 


At the same time, he was also wondering, the voice he heard just now was not familiar to him at all, it was definitely not an acquaintance.


As soon as the door was opened, the sound disappeared, which made Ye Jin wonder if he heard it wrong.    


“That’s not right. I heard someone talking in the room just now. Why is it gone now? Did you hear the door open and ran away?”


Although the movement was gone, his mouth was still whispering softly.


Fu Chen, who was held in Ye Jin’s arms, clearly heard Ye Jin’s soft whispers, and he couldn’t help but be glad that he had a good hearing. 


Otherwise, it is estimated that Ye Jin will discover his true identity today, and it will not be very good by the reveal soon.

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When Ye Jin was holding Bai Bai and going to go to Luo Chengjin to solve the problem, he saw Luo Chengjin running over in a hurry.


When he saw Ye Jin standing at the door holding his general, he asked worriedly: “What’s the situation? You sent me a message just now, saying that someone was inside, but I just checked the surveillance, no outsiders entered?”


Ye Jin frowned in doubt when he heard Luo Chengjin’s words, and thought for a while and said: “Then I may have heard it wrong. I’m so sorry that you’ve worked so hard for nothing.” Ye Jin said and smiled a little embarrassedly.


Luo Chengjin waved his hand indifferently and said, “What’s so hard about this? Since we invited you, of course we must ensure your safety.”


Ye Jin listened to Luo Chengjin’s words, and said even more embarrassedly: “Anyway, it’s also my reason for making you run for nothing. Maybe I’m a little tired today, so I heard it wrong.” 


Ye Jin looked down at Bai Bai in his arms, and there was a strange look in his eyes, but the trace of strangeness disappeared quickly, and was not discovered by Luo Chengjin and Fu Chen.     


Luo Chengjin looked at Ye Jin’s embarrassed look, and in order to make Ye Jin feel relieved, he teased: “Damn, it’s a big deal, if you’re really sorry, why don’t you let me have breakfast these few mornings. The food you made For me, there are many benefits, so it should make up for my hard work today.”    


After saying this, Luo Chengjin felt the killing eyes from his general, which made him want to sweat coldly on his forehead involuntarily.


But thinking of the delicious breakfast he ate this morning, he still looked at Ye Jin.     


Ye Jin squinted and observed Luo Chengjin for a while, and suddenly a bright smile appeared on his face. There seemed to be a strange splendor in the slightly squinted peach blossom eyes, and even the tear mole at the corner of the eye seemed to be shining.


Luo Chengjin, who had been looking at Ye Jin, was amazed by the bright smile that suddenly appeared on his face, while Fu Chen, who was hugged by Ye Jin, looked deeply at Luo Chengjin.


Lou Chengjin glanced at him, and once again drew on him in the small notebook in his heart.


Fu Chen glanced at Ye Jin who had been smiling all the time, stretched out his claws and patted Ye Jin’s arm, and grabbed Ye Jin’s clothes with all four claws.


Ye Jin smiled and looked down at Bai Bai, who was clinging to his clothes, opening his claws.


He said to Luo Chengjin: “Yes, then Adjutant Luo remember to come early tomorrow, and remember to bring the ingredients. Except for dinner tonight, I don’t have any ingredients for tomorrow’s breakfast.”


After Ye Jin finished speaking, he had already removed Bai Bai from his clothes. After a moment of hesitation, he put Bai Bai in the collar of his jacket. The zipper was also fully closed.


It’s already October, and Shita Star is not like the imperial city. The highest temperature is only ten degrees, so Ye Jin brought a slightly thicker coat when he came.


After putting Bai Bai in the collar of his coat and putting it away, Ye Jin looked at Luo Chengjin who had been staring here and said, “Adjutant Luo, what are you looking at? Don’t look surprised. Since the temperature is getting cold, Bai Bai will catch a cold.”    


Luo Chengjin looked at his admiral who was buried in Ye Jin’s collar with only one head exposed.


He put away the shattered expression on his face and said embarrassedly: “No, no, it’s not a bit surprising, you actually pet your own pet. It’s like this.”    


Ye Jin glanced at Bai Bai with his head exposed, smiled and rubbed his head with a subtle meaning: “To you, it is a pet, but to me, it is a family member. He’s very important. I hope my family treats me as wholeheartedly as I treat him, without deception or concealment.”     


Ye Jin smiled at Luo Chengjin after saying that, then looked down. Looking at Bai Bai, his eyes seemed to have a deep meaning, which made Fu Chen’s heart skip a beat, and there was a vague sense of crisis.


Fu Chen had always been very sure of his own sense of crisis. This feeling warned danger! danger! several times.


Luo Chengjin didn’t understand the meaning of Ye Jin’s words, but patted Ye Jin’s shoulder and comforted him with the tone of someone who had come over: “This is good, but you still need to make more friends, people live in groups. Generally, you won’t feel lonely if you have a few friends.”


Ye Jin smiled and nodded when he heard Luo Chengjin’s words, and the two said a few more words before Ye Jin opened the door and went back to the house.


But after dinner tonight, Ye Jin was Instead of taking a bath with Bai Bai as usual, he put Bai Bai in the living room and entered the bathroom alone.


Until Ye Jin wanted to go back to the bedroom to rest, he didn’t care about Fu Chen, Ye Jin’s abnormal behavior made Fu Chen feel more and more ominous.


When the lights in Ye Jin’s bedroom went out, Ye Jin came to hug Bai Bai to rest.


At this moment, Fu Chen panicked. 


He didn’t care that he hadn’t taken a bath yet, he went straight into Ye Jin’s room and lay on the bed, his eyes not blinking. He blinked at Ye Jin who was sleeping soundly.


Ye Jin was lying on the bed with his body closed and his eyes closed. In fact, Ye Jin heard it when Bai Bai came in, but Ye Jin was so tired and didn’t want to pay attention to it.


Ye Jin had thought before that no matter what kind of Bai Bai he was, he would never throw him away.


What he said about Bai Bai as a family member was sincere, but Ye Jin never thought that Bai Bai might not be an animal but a real person.


The human voice that Ye Jin heard when he came back today disappeared after he opened the door, and Bai Bai just ran out at this time.


Luo Chengjin also said that he did not see anyone entering or leaving his house. After he opened the door, only Bai Bai came out.


How could there be such a coincidence in the world?


Later, Ye Jin carefully observed Luo Chengjin and Bai Bai in today’s conversation. Bai Bai’s furry face showed no expression, but the expression on Luo Chengjin’s face did not escape Ye Jin’s careful observation.


It can be seen that Ye Jin is also convinced of the little guess in his heart. There is no one in the room and there is a clear voice of someone talking, but after he opens the door, it is Bai Bai.


In fact, a long time ago, Ye Jin knew that the pet he kept was a little different. 


Many times Ye Jin felt that he could understand what he said, and Ye Jin had not found out where Bai Bai was convenient for so long.


He was obediently not at all like the mischievous pet in his impression, and even the occasional glance at him was very human.


Thinking about the Bai Bai who was in a hurry in the bedroom when he first arrived at the Imperial Capital Star, and the Bai Bai who was always whereabouts strangely, even Bai Bai’s brainless brain that was put away by him. some.


Thinking of the light brain, Ye Jin suddenly thought of the night when he called Ye Lin’an. Ye Lin’an said that he bought the light brain for Bai Bai.


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Thinking of this, Ye Jin’s brows couldn’t help but wrinkle, and a suspicion appeared in his heart.


The author has something to say:

To be honest, I was very entangled in this chapter. I designed several scenes in which General Fu was stripped of his vest(secret identity).

But in the end I decided to make Ye Jin suspect this way, which can be well filled. All kinds of leads are buried before going up.

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