After Becoming an Interstellar Food Blogger

Chapter 41: 41

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Chapter 41

Drop the horse (Double chapters in one)

Translated by Flo
Edited by Flo


Chapter 41: Drop the horse (double chapters in one)


Did Brother Lin’an already know Bai Bai’s identity? The phone call that day was also for Bai Bai.


Ye Jin thought of this, and felt a little uncomfortable. If Bai Bai was like his family, then Ye Lin’an was his first and only friend when he came to Interstellar. 


Although he came to Interstellar for half a year, he met a lot of people. But only Ye Lin’an and Bai Bai were different to him, but now the two of them actually joined forces to deceive him.


While lying on the bed, Ye Jin suddenly felt a movement behind him. Resisting the urge to turn around, he closed his eyes as if he didn’t notice it and continued to pretend to be asleep.


Fu Chen lay on the pillow behind Ye Jin, stared at him for a while without blinking, and found that Ye Jin didn’t want to turn his head to take a look even if he hadn’t slept. He went to lie down in front of him, thinking about how to explain it to him at the same time.


Fu Chen was lying in front of Ye Jin, looking at his closed eyes and his twitching eyelashes, he hesitated in his heart and then said, “Xiao Jin, I didn’t mean to lie to you, you picked mine up back then. 


That’s when I was at my weakest, and I couldn’t speak at all. I was only able to speak recently. I wanted to explain it to you, but I couldn’t find a chance in case you misunderstood.”


After Fu Chen finished speaking, he looked at Ye Jin’s trembling eyelashes, and knew that he had listened, so he continued to tell him about his own affairs. Ye Jin’s heart was softhearted, he felt ashamed.


“Xiao Jin, I originally went to the Fu’er Xing because of a throwback phenomenon in the battle with the Zerg. When I retreated, the enemy pursuit mecha was severely damaged, so I had to live on the Fu’er Xing, and just landed. I turned into a little wolf cub and was picked up by you.” 


Speaking of which, Fu Chen looked tangled and thought of the situation when Ye Jin thought of himself as a puppy.


Thinking of this, Fu Chen smiled helplessly, “After you picked it up, who would know that you didn’t recognize my breed, and even thought of me as a dog.”


Fu Chen looked at Ye Jin who had opened his eyes and stared at him, continued: “Actually, the energy I had just returned to the ancestors changed with the change of form, and it was no different from ordinary wolf cubs, but later I found out that eating the dishes you made can help me recover energy. After you fed me a little bit, I was slowly able to speak.” 


At this point, Fu Chen stopped talking, and looked at Ye Jin who kept staring at him with complicated eyes, pursing his mouth and not speaking. He spoke, but waited for Ye Jin to ask himself.


Ye Jin recalled when Fu Chen spoke. His voice was the same voice he heard when he came back at night. After listening to Fu Chen’s description, Ye Jin also remembered when he first picked up Bai Bai. 


At that time, Bai Bai was dirty all over, and looked like he was dying and could hardly survive. He was indeed very weak.


Thinking of this, Ye Jin’s anger at being deceived disappeared a lot, and even the uncomfortable feeling in his heart was much lessened. At the same time, he felt a little bit more distressed and unbearable for Fu Chen in his heart.


Ye Jin looked at the small furry mass in front of him. He could not imagine that he was an adult, and was curious about his identity, but when he thought of forgiving him so easily, he felt that it was too cheap for him. 


He was cheated for so long, even if it was excusable.


Thinking like this, Ye Jin suppressed his curiosity and closed his eyes and turned to the other side, looking like he didn’t want to answer.


Fu Chen saw that Ye Jin had opened his eyes, and saw a hint of softness in his eyes. He thought it was a miserable deal, but who knew that Ye Jin glanced at him and turned around, without asking at all. 


Helpless, Fu Chen could only continue to tell the story by himself, “I also contacted my family and my adjutant after eating the food you made and talking. After all, I have been missing for a long time, and many things in the army can’t be kept there.


Didn’t Ye Lin’an tell you about the grievances between the Fourth Army and the First Army? I am the general of the Fourth Army, and I must shoulder my responsibilities. This time I invite you to the Fourth Army. I want to see if the special dishes you made can help the soldiers on the front line. 


After all, they are brothers who are born and die with me. They stand for the frontier territory for the empire, and I can’t ignore their life and death.”


Fu Chen said this in a voice that has become lower than before, and even the aura of the whole body has become stronger.


When Ye Jin heard Fu Chen’s last words, he also knew about Bai Bai’s identity in his heart. He really didn’t expect that he would pick up an admiral, or the legendary ruthless and heartless Admiral Fu.


It is impossible to compare a person who is so powerful in the legend with Bai Bai who is held in his arms by him every day and acts like a spoiled child. At the same time, he is even more curious about the atavism phenomenon in his mouth.


According to Ye Jin’s understanding, in addition to advanced technology, the human beings in the interstellar era have supernatural abilities and a relatively long lifespan.


Ye Jin scratched his heart curiously, but he didn’t want to forgive the big liar who deceived him so easily, so he didn’t even sleep, he turned over and sat up and sent Bai Bai, who was still beside his pillow, out of the bedroom. into the living room.


After Ye Jin turned back to the bedroom and locked the door, Fu Chen realized that he had been kicked out this time, but he didn’t know how to get in when he saw the closed bedroom door, so he could only lie on the sofa and wait for Ye Jin himself. 


When he came out, he also used his light brain to send a message to Adjutant Luo.


Ye Jin, who locked the door, was lying on the bed and couldn’t sleep. Although he was not so angry, he still felt that he couldn’t get over this hurdle, and when he thought that Bai Bai would no longer be his, he would become a human again.


To become the general Fu who was far away and strange to him, which made Ye Jin, who had always regarded Bai Bai as his only family member, feel as uncomfortable as a needle stick in his heart.


Is it possible that he will be alone in the future?


Thinking of this, Ye Jin couldn’t calm down no matter what, let alone a good night’s sleep.


After a sleepless night, Ye Jin got up early the next morning and just opened the bedroom door, and saw Bai Bai, who was pitifully nestled in the doorway. It should be General Fu now.


Just as Ye Jin was about to walk over as if he didn’t see him, he kept paying attention to Ye Jin’s movement, lying at the door of the bedroom pretending to be pitiful. He quickly got up and followed Ye Jin to the bathroom.


After Ye Jin washed up, Luo Chengjin, who had agreed to come to eat last night, knocked on the door with ingredients in his hand.


Ye Jin opened the door and found that it was Luo Chengjin. His face was neither good nor bad. 


He invited him in calmly and said, “Put the ingredients in the kitchen, I’ll make breakfast later. By the way, remember to finish eating. When the meal is gone, you can take General Fu away.” 


After speaking, he turned around and entered the kitchen, regardless of the expressions of Fu Chen and Luo Chengjin.


Luo Chengjin and Fu Chen, who were hanging in the living room, looked at each other. Fu Chen couldn’t see any emotion in his eyes, but Luo Chengjin looked at Fu Chen with disbelief. 


The admiral lost his horse so quickly, and at the same time, his heart was filled with schadenfreude.


****Once again, falling from a horse means being discovered by someone. For example, your online name is your vest, and when others know that the person behind this screen name is you, it is equivalent to losing your horse.


After Ye Jin made breakfast, Luo Chengjin hurried to help with the meal. Today’s breakfast Ye Jin made scallion pancakes and soy milk from the ingredients which  Luo Chengjin prepared and brought to him early in the morning.


When Ye Jin came out with two bowls of soy milk, he habitually put a bowl in front of Bai Bai, and then he came back to his senses. 


He was still angry, but looking at Luo Chengjin who was sitting at the table eating, he didn’t want to let it go. Fu Chen was ashamed in front of his subordinates and didn’t speak.


After the three of them had breakfast, Ye Jin looked at Bai Bai who had been following behind him. Although he was a little soft-hearted, he thought of his deceit and his true identity. 


In order not to make himself more sad in the future, Ye Jin decided to pretend that he didn’t see it. Bai Bai belonged to his family, but Fu Chen will never become a family with him.


Luo Chengjin, who was following the two of them, looked at Fu Chen and Ye Jin in embarrassment. In the end, he followed the command of the admiral and slipped away from the two of them.


When Ye Jin came to the main square and looked at the people who were already busy, he put away his complicated thoughts and started to make food for the wounded to rehabilitate them.


Aware of his distraction, Ye Jin shook his head and dismissed Bai Bai from his mind, repeatedly reminding himself that he is not your pet, he is the ruler of the Fourth Legion.


He then started cooking with peace of mind.


No matter what Bai Bai’s identity was, Since he accepted this invitation, he must do it seriously, not to mention that these front-line soldiers are guarding the territory for the empire, and they are a group of respectable people.


When Ye Jin was making dishes, Fu Chen had been squatting not far or near Ye Jin, staring at him without blinking, feeling proud and distressed in his heart, trying to get Ye Jin to forgive him.


Until Ye Jin finished making the dishes at noon, Fu Chen didn’t think of a good way. The only way he thought was effective might be to pretend to be pitiful and sell miserable, but looking at the way Ye Jin asked Luo Chengjin to take him away at night, it doesn’t seem to work anymore.


In the evening, when Ye Jin finished making the dishes and returned to his residence, Fu Chen followed behind Ye Jin and wanted to go back with him.


But as soon as he arrived at the door of the room, Ye Jin stopped and sent a message to Luo Chengjin, asking him to come and take Fu Chen away.


Fu Chen looked at Ye Jin’s actions and probably knew what he was doing, but he couldn’t stop it now, he could only watch Ye Jin call Luo Chengjin over.


After Luo Chengjin arrived, Ye Jin looked at him seriously and said, “Take your general away. After all, as a general of the Fourth Army, you can’t stay with me all the time, I have no relationship with him and no reason. What’s wrong with staying here with me?”


When Luo Chengjin heard the words, he secretly looked at Fu Chen, and then at Ye Jin who looked serious.


Thinking of the message sent by the admiral last night, he could only bite the bullet and say: “Xiao Jin, the admiral has always been What you have, let the admiral stay by your side, so as to ensure your safety.”


After Luo Chengjin finished speaking, he looked at Ye Jin who frowned and continued to explain: “Xiao Jin, with the strength of the current admiral, he can’t deal with the danger lurking in the dark. Not to mention that he has not recovered his body at all.


It’s easy to be suspicious of a wolf in our legion, and it’s you, you came to Shita star and ended up leaving your pet, don’t you think it’s more abnormal?”


“Yes I know, since you came to Shita Star, your every move has been noticed by all parties. I believe they will investigate your information clearly. 

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If you come to Shita Star, you will always take your pet with you. If you stay, the general will definitely be in danger. After all the general is not here, we can’t refuse them to take the general away for any reason they find.”


Ye Jin fell into silence when he heard Luo Chengjin’s words. Although he doesn’t like Bai Bai’s deception, he never thought of putting Bai Bai in danger, and the worst decision is that they become strangers who don’t know each other.


Seeing that Ye Jin was a little moved, Luo Chengjin immediately chased after the victory: “Why don’t you let the general follow you while you are in Shita Star. And when the general returns to human form, you can take him wherever you want. Even if you are in danger, you will not be implicated.”


Ye Jin frowned when he heard Luo Chengjin’s last sentence, and glared at him angrily.


Luo Chengjin looked at Ye Jin staring at him with an indifferent look on his face, but he was relieved in his heart. It seemed that Ye Jin didn’t care about the admiral either. 


No, the expression in Ye Jin’s glare seemed to be regretting that he was not allowed to strangle him.


Fu Chen, on the other hand, stayed by Ye Jin’s side all the time, listening to the conversation between the two. 


When Luo Chengjin’s last sentence fell, even if he knew it was ironic, he couldn’t help but glance at him with cold eyes. 


He gave him another hard note in his heart, and when he saw Ye Jin glaring at Luo Chengjin, he couldn’t help but feel happy again.


It seemed that Xiao Jin still cared about him, and he needed to work hard to get Xiao Jin to forgive him for the rest.


Ye Jin stared at Luo Chengjin for a while, seeing that he was still the way he arranged for him, looked at Fu Chen, who was angrily, and said in a slightly annoyed voice: “Do you think so too? You can pretend to be dumb, don’t you have anything to say?”


Fu Chen looked at Ye Jin’s brows and asked himself in a dull tone. Seeing that there was no one around, he said aloud, “I think what he said is quite right. 


For your safety, it is better for me to stay by your side for the time being, absorb more energy, and I will be able to recover after a while, and then I will not put you in danger no matter what.”


Ye Jin listened in his ear. Hearing Fu Chen’s words, he stared at Fu Chen for a while, and seeing that he was still looking at him firmly, Ye Jin’s tone softened and asked worriedly, “Is it really that serious? What danger will there be after you recover?”


Fu Chen looked at Ye Jin, who was worried about him. His eyes became deeper and he couldn’t help but feel a hint of sweetness in his heart. 


Even if Xiao Jin didn’t want to, he had to admit that he was He cares about himself, no matter how he pretends he doesn’t care, his expression and subconscious actions will reveal his heart.


Fu Chen looked at Ye Jin with a smile in his eyes and said, “Don’t worry, it’s just some internal affairs of the legion, I can handle it when I recover, you just need to do what you want to do with peace of mind. I won’t let those chores disturb you again.”


As soon as Ye Jin heard Fu Chen talking about the internal affairs of the legion, he suddenly thought of Zhao Qi, who had come to the store to search for fugitives. 


According to what Brother Lin’an said that day, he should have come to find Bai Bai, so he was not wrong at that time. Maybe their information was wrong, and they didn’t know that Bai Bai was Fu Chen.


Ye Jin thought and asked unconsciously: “Then Zhao Qi, who was searching for fugitives in the restaurant before, didn’t know Bai Bai could turn into a wolf?”


“Yes, except for the Fu family, His Majesty the Emperor of the Empire and my two adjutants, no one in Jinben knows the secret of our Fu family returning to our ancestors.” 


After Fu Chen replied, he looked at Ye Jin and said, “You can continue to call me Bai Bai, and you can get along as before, even if I become a human and become Fu Chen, our relationship will not change in any way.”


Ye Jin looked at Fu Chen who was staring at him intently. He didn’t know how to answer his words for a while, so he turned his head silently. 


He himself doesn’t know if they can get along like they are now, and he won’t be alone in the future. Maybe he will marry and have children in the future. Humans and animals are different after all.


Fu Chen frowned at Ye Jin’s averted gaze. He was a little unsure of what Ye Jin was thinking. To say he didn’t care about him, his words and deeds didn’t look the same, but sometimes he refused to talk to him. 


Communication and even deliberately distanced themselves from him.


Fu Chen couldn’t understand what Ye Jin was thinking for a while, so he could only put aside his doubts and find a way to stay by his side first.

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Fu Chen raised his eyes and glanced at Adjutant Luo. 


Adjutant Luo immediately understood, looked at Ye Jin and said, “Xiao Jin, you can’t watch the admiral fall into danger or even lose his life after taking care of the admiral for so long, right? Just take care of him as usual during this time.”


Ye Jin looked at Fu Chen with a complicated expression for a while, and finally nodded in agreement with Luo Chengjin’s words.


That night, Fu Chen got his wish and stayed by Ye Jin’s side, but when he went to bed at night, Ye Jin still put Fu Chen on the sofa in the living room, and went back to the bedroom.


Fu Chen looked at the door that was tightly closed by Ye Jin, and fell down on the sofa. He waited until the middle of the night when Fu Chen saw that the lights in Ye Jin’s room went out, and then ran silently to the door of Ye Jin’s room. 




If you have to pretend to be pitiful and miserable, this is definitely the most pitiful act that will win the sympathy of others.


So when Ye Jin opened the door the next day, he still saw Fu Chen lying on the cold ground at the door of the bedroom like yesterday.


Ye Jin looked at Fu Chen who was following behind him like yesterday. After all, he was soft-hearted. 


When making breakfast, he still brought out a copy for Fu Chen. He looked at the little wolf cub lying on the chair and buried his face in the bowl. 


Although he now knew that it may be the soul of an adult under this cute appearance, he was still cute.


When he went out again, Ye Jin’s attitude towards Fu Chen softened a lot. Luo Chengjin, who had come to help, couldn’t help but gave his admiral a compliment in his heart.


For the next few days, Fu Chen followed Ye Jin in and out, and when he returned to his residence at night, he nestled at the door of Ye Jin’s room, making him feel so pitiful and pitiful.


Until one morning, when Ye Jin opened the door of the room again to go out, Fu Chen was still lying at the door, motionless.


Even when Ye Jin made breakfast and Fu Chen was lying there motionless, Ye Jin couldn’t help but worry and walked over to check.


“Fu Chen? Fu Chen? Admiral Fu?!”


Ye Jin walked to Fu Chen’s side and cautiously called out a few times, but he didn’t get a response. Then he hurriedly lifted Fu Chen from the ground, worried. After putting Fu Chen on the sofa, he immediately sent a message to Luo Chengjin.


After Luo Chengjin hurried over with the military doctor, he looked at Fu Chen, who had been lying on the sofa, and hurriedly asked the military doctor to check the situation and ask the specific situation at the same time.


When Ye Jin heard Luo Chengjin’s question, he lowered his eyes angrily and said, “Fu- Bai Bai have been sleeping in the living room recently, and he was fine before he rested last night. 


There was no problem when I came out to watch it in the middle of the night. I know he’s just getting up again this morning.”


After speaking, Ye Jin anxiously looked at the military doctor who was examining him and said, “How is it? Is he all right?” 


The military doctor heard Ye Jin’s questioning and turned to look at him with strange eyes. He glanced at Ye Jin and said, “What is the specific situation that needs to wait for a while, and the result will be obtained after I have checked his whole body.”


Ye Jin was even more worried when he heard this, and at the same time, he also blamed himself in his heart.


Why must he be angry with Bai Bai?


He also let him lie on the ground and ignore him. He clearly explained it, and he didn’t mean to deceive himself.


Ye Jin, who was confused in his mind, didn’t notice the look that the military doctor just looked at him, and Luo Chengjin was also worried about Fu Chen’s body. 


For Fu Chen, who was in the atavistic period, as long as he did not fully recover, he is no different from an ordinary wolf cub. Now that this situation suddenly occurs, he was also anxious.


“Xiao Jin, are you still blaming him for not telling the truth to you, so you haven’t been paying attention to him recently, and you haven’t paid attention to his situation at all. Otherwise you would’ve noticed that such an accident happened to him. 


What’s more, when his current state is officially the most dangerous. Depending on the situation even if you are angry, and he didn’t mean to lie to you at all.”


Luo Chengjin looked at the military doctor who had been unable to check the results, and his worries and anxieties about Fu Chen suddenly overwhelmed his reason.


His attitude towards Ye Jin also obviously brought anger, but he was also concerned about the existence of the military doctor. Fu Chen’s identity was not directly stated.


Ye Jin was worried and blamed himself. 


When he heard Luo Chengjin’s accusation, he didn’t know how to refute it. Recently, he really had a lot of dissatisfaction with the two of them because of the fact that Bai Bai and Ye Lin’an cheated on him together. 


He wasn’t very happy, so sometimes he deliberately ignored Fu Chen who had been circling around him. As a result, something unexpected happened to him today.


Ye Jin opened his mouth, but in the end he didn’t say anything. He just let Luo Chengjin scold him there. The anxiety and sadness in his heart didn’t need Luo Chengjin to be much less at all.


It wasn’t until half an hour later that Luo Chengjin looked at the military doctor with a bad expression. He was interrupted by a stern voice as soon as he opened his mouth to say a word.


“Enough! This is not Xiao Jin’s fault!”

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