After Being Dumped By Senpai, I Met A High School Girl

Chapter 1: Chapter 1 – Life After Being Rejected

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"I love you, Senpai. Please go out with me!"

I, Kotaro Hasegawa, am now in the most crucial circumstance in my life.

The time was after school. The location was the school backyard.

"I've fallen for you since the first time I saw you! Please, go out with me!"

"Thank you. But..."

Senpai was one of the most famous personalities at our school. She had long black hair which stretched up to her knees. A lovely face that you'll never get tired of watching. You could even literally say that flowers bloom whenever she smiles.

"I am not interested in dating guys younger than me."

"Won't you please reconsider?"

"Sorry. Goodbye~."

And with that exchange, my first love ended.

But, really, why does destiny loves playing with people's relationships?

And then I was forcefully woke up from my sleep. Of all things, why do I have to dream that part?


"Hey, Ko-kun! Wake up! If you don't wake up, I'll smack you!"

"Ugh! Won't you please shut up? You're too noisy, Airi. Also, don't you think what you're doing is inappropriate?"

"It's fine. It's Ko-kun, after all. I'm sure you won't do anything that I don't like."

I opened my sleepy eyes and saw a girl on top of me. At first glance, you can mistake her for being a foreigner because of her blonde side ponytail and blue eyes.

Her name is Airi Shimizu. She was four years younger than me and lived near my apartment. I met her last year when I encountered some guys trying to pick her up. Ever since that day, she always bothered me and even got access to my room from the landlord.

"Breakfast is ready! Get up, or else we'll be late! You don't want to be late on your first day at school, right?"

"Okay. Just five more minutes."

"That won't do. If you don't wake up, I'll kiss you."

"Ugh. Fine, I'll get up now."

"Aw. You missed your chance again, Ko-kun."

It's Airi's usual teasing again. If only I didn't have what you call "Onee-san Complex," I'd be the luckiest guy. Yes, I, Kotaro, have always liked girls older than me. It started during my childhood when a beautiful onee-san saved me from danger. That's why I only see Airi as a little sister rather than a love interest.

"Then I'll go ahead, Ko-kun. See you later!"

"H-Hey! W-what about break--. "

And before I knew it, she had already left.


Three years had passed since I graduated high school. I was a college student doing my teaching internship at Fukui High - my alma mater.

"I never thought I'd come back here again."

I was walking along the gates as I reminisced. Both happy and sorrowful memories flash back. The first time I fell in love up until the time I had my heart broken. All those thoughts came back like a spring fever.

"I've changed. I should forget all about it. "

I made my way toward the faculty office. A faculty greeted me and handed me my class assignment.

"Welcome, Mr. Hasegawa! Class 4-B will be the one you'll assist. You'll be helping Goto-sensei."

"Thank you very much! I look forward to my stay here."

Goto? Probably the same surname. After all, it's not an uncommon surname.

"So, uh, where's Goto-sensei?"

"Goto-sensei may be running late due to some errands. I think she'll go to class directly, so you'll probably meet her there. There's still time, so why don't you tour the area while waiting for the start of the class?"

"Huh... I guess I'll do that then."

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There were still around 30 minutes before the first bell rang. I exited the faculty office and wandered around the hallways and onto the cafeteria.

"This place still looked the same. Even the meals, nothing has changed."

"Oya. You're previously a student here, right?"

I was looking at the meals when suddenly the lady server talked to me.

"Yes. I'm surprised you even remembered."

"Well, you're one of those infamous ones. I'm surprised. You've changed a lot."

"What can I say? You'll never know what happens in life."

"That's good. So you got together in the end, huh."

"Eh? Are you sure I'm that person? Maybe you got the wrong one?"

*Ding-dong* *Ding-dong* (Bell chime)

"Ah, excuse me. I need to get going since the class will be starting."

"Alright. See you around, boy~."


Thus, I hurriedly ran to Class 4-B. Since I know my way around, I'm confident it won't take too much time.

I was climbing up the staircase and was about to turn on the corner when suddenly someone bumped me.



"Ouch. What are you looking at, pervert? Look at where you're going, idiot!"

"Are you alright? Did you get hurt?"

Airi? She's Airi Shimizu, who always comes to my room and makes a mess, right? But why do I feel that she's entirely a different person?

"Move it, you blockhead! Ugh, what a way to ruin my morning. My hair's also a mess."

She forcefully passes me by. Eh? Maybe she didn't look clearly at my face? I can use this later when she comes to visit.

Who would have thought such a thing could happen?

Still thinking of ideas I could use to tease Airi later, I made my way to Class 4-B.


I inhaled deeply and exhaled.

"Focus, Hasegawa. You can do this."

Steeling my resolve, I knocked on the classroom door before opening it. Then a beautiful female voice responded to my knock.

*Knock* *Knock*

"Come in."

"Hello. My name is Kotaro Hasegawa. I'll be the new student assistant for this semester."

Upon entering, I immediately bowed and introduced myself.



Upon hearing my name, I stood straight back up. And what I saw in front of me shocked my very existence.


Amane Goto, my first love, the one who rejected me, was the homeroom teacher for Class 4-B.

My first day of internship started full of troubles.

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