After Being Dumped By Senpai, I Met A High School Girl

Chapter 5: Chapter 5 – Just Like Before

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After school, I went home to change clothes before going to the usual place.

"Kotaro, huh... I haven't heard someone call me like that in a while."

Hearing her call me like that brought a lot of memories. It's because only close acquaintances call me by that name.

"Hmm... what should be good clothes to wear?"

I rummaged through my closet frantically. 

The time was six o'clock in the evening. 

The place Goto-san mentioned was thirty minutes from my apartment, so I still had enough time since our meetup was at 8 pm.

I decided to wear a white shirt with black sleeves printed with a cat logo and jeans. I wore a dark-blue hoodie on top to finish it off. The same style that I commonly wore at college.

"Yosh, I think this will do. As expected, being in this outfit is comfortable."

With that decided, I headed out of my apartment. 


I rode the train and got off at Shibuya station. 

*Tap, tap, tap*

After a 10-minute walk, I arrived in front of a bar. 

A large sign hangs at the front with letters written in big words, "Hideout." 

"Hideout" was famous among college students. Before, I used to frequent here. 

There were still a few minutes before the arranged meeting. Nonetheless, I decided to enter.

"I haven't come here in a while. I wonder if it's still the same."

*Slides open*

Upon entering, a lively female waiter greeted me.

"Welcome! Table for how many people, dear customer?"

"Ah, for two people."

"Understood. Then, customer, come this way."

Is there an event right now? The waitresses were all wearing maid outfits while the guys wore a butler attire.

The female waiter that was serving me right now wore a very tempting maid outfit. It was short, just 2 inches above the knees. Also, the black stockings emphasize her legs and beautiful proportion. 

Her breasts were full enough to do that soda challenge where you hold a can in between. 

I don't know where to look. All I can see were dangerous temptations.

A little accident will probably reveal a tiny piece of treasure that will fulfill every boy's dreams, along with a nosebleed.

I took a deep breath to calm down.

After escorting me to my seat, the female waiter leaned slightly lower and asked for my order.

"May I take your order?"


*Boing* *Boing*

It jiggled! It did! Thank you, heavens, for this fantastic treat! I'll have no regrets even if I die now!

I hurriedly turned my look away. I could feel something rising. More of this, and I think that something might burst.

"Dear customer, is there something wrong? Your face is beet red."

"I-I'm fine."

"So, what would your order be?"

"For now, I'll take two beers and a chicken platter."


I ordered the usual stuff as before. I'm sure Goto-san will be here any minute now.

As the female waiter was about to leave, a coworker carrying food and drinks bumped into her from behind.

That made the female waiter stumble. 



Soft. I can feel something soft in my hands. 

"Ahn~ dear customer, stop."

"A-ah! So-sorry."

While this was happening, I felt an ominous presence near me.

"HA-SE-GA-WA? What do you think you're doing?"

It looked like Goto-san had arrived.


"Go-Goto-san... This situation is..."

"Ah, sorry for that, dear customer. Ms. Girlfriend, please understand this. It was all Mafuyu's fault."

"Gi-Girlfriend??! I-I'm not..."

"Well, I'm off to get your orders. Please enjoy~!"

The female waiter left at lightning speed while Goto-san was still in shock.

After a while, Goto-san calmed down. The orders arrived and we were sitting across each other. 

Goto-san started the conversation.

"So, why did you come to Fukui High? Don't tell me you followed me there?"

"O-Of course not. I-I was also surprised to see you there. I didn't know that you were teaching there."

 "Oh, I see."

Goto-san looked a little disappointed. 

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'Why doyou look like that?'

Then Goto-san continued.

"So, are you finally graduating after this teaching assistant?"

"Yes. I just needed to finish this. Then it'll finally be over."

"I see. I was impressed by what you said in class today. To think that words will come out of your mouth, Kotaro-kun. You've changed a lot."

"I didn't expect that either. But yeah, I guess I've changed."

"You were pretty cool back there."

"Eh? What did you say? Sorry, your voice was a little low."

"I-It's nothing! But anyway, please stop seducing my students!"


"Yes! I'll tell you this again, in case you forgot. A teacher-student relationship is a no-no."

Goto-san made a pouty face as she said that. She's still cute as ever.

But I can't let her dictate the pace. I need to counterattack.

"I-I know that much! M-Maybe you're just jealous, Amane."

"Fue~eh? What did you say?"

I've done it now. I can't back down.

"In the first place, you girls are way too unreasonable?"

"Unreasonable? It's because you boys don't get it. It's common sense, and we don't need to spell it out. You boys are just thick-headed?"

"Thickheaded? Because you girls change mood very fast, we don't understand you. How could we know what you want if it always changes."

"Sigh, it's because you never tried to understand us!"



We both looked away at each other. 

After a while, we both let out a chuckle. We sure argued like children. 

"Hahaha... That was refreshing. I never had a good laugh in a while. Thanks, Kotaro."

"Yeah, me too. That was fun."

I was happy to see that she was having a good time. I drank another glass of beer.

Then I asked her how her life at school.

"How long have you been teaching at Fukui High, Goto-san?"

"About a year. After finishing college, I applied there and got accepted."

"I see. You look like a genuine teacher upon observing you today in class."

"Of course. It's me, after all."


Goto-san bragged. She has a lot of self-confidence, as always. 

She drank another glass of beer and said.

"Also, call me Amane-san, like before, when we're alone."

"Eh? I think it would be inappropriate for me to call you that."

"But didn't you call me just a while ago? I'll call you Kotaro-kun in exchange. Yes, just like before."

"T-That's just a slip of the tongue."

"Fufu... call me AmaneKotaro-kun. Ehehe~"

Goto-san suddenly moved from across the table and sat beside me. Is she drunk already?

She snuggled on my shoulder like a kitten that wanted petting.



"Wrong. It's Amane."


"Hey~ Kotaro. Call my name."

The scene right now was dangerous. Goto-san was utterly drunk.

Still, Goto-san tried to reach for another glass of beer, but I stopped her.

"Hey, Amane, please stop. You're drunk right now. What would you do if someone you knew saw us?"

"Yay! You finally called me by my name!"

She waved her hand in the air joyously like a little child. Was she pleased to hear her name called out?

Then, her head leaned on my shoulder as if the adrenaline rush had ended.

Then Goto-san said in a compelling voice.

"Kotaro-kun, do you still love me? Do you want to get back together?"

After that, Goto-san passed out.


Author's Note:

Sloth here! If you have some questions, you can message me on discord Second#8351.

Also, here's my website where I post it ahead.

Lastly, my friend drew Goto-san. You can refer on Chapter 4 for the illustration! 

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