After Being Dumped By Senpai, I Met A High School Girl

Chapter 6: Chapter 6 – A Glimpse Of The Past

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"Hey, Goto-san. Wake up."

It's no good. Goto-san was entirely passed out of it.

I was dumbfounded by what she said earlier. Her words kept playing in a loop like an old broken recorder.

"Kotaro-kun, do you still love me? Do you want to get back together?"

*Ba-dump* *Ba-dump*

Was she serious about it? 

Maybe she only got carried away because we were having fun like before.

My face looked probably really red. If that was Goto-san's way of getting back from earlier, it was effective teasing.

But if she was serious about it, what should I do?

"Ugh, my head."

Currently, Goto-san was leaning on my right shoulder.

Her lovely face was the same as ever. She has a baby-face look, big brown eyes, and a fair complexion. 

The only difference from the last time I saw her was that her long black hair was now cut into a short one. But that evoked the feeling of being mature even more.

Then, while asleep, Goto-san suddenly grabbed my right arm like a pillow.

"Zzz... Kotaro-kun... Zzz..."

"H-Hey, Go-Goto-san?"

T-They're touching. It feels good. 

No, I shouldn't take advantage of what's happening. Although, this feeling of softness was out of this world.

Goto-san was wearing a white camisole partnered with a dark gray cardigan. 

Her clothes were in disarray due to constantly moving. Her cardigan was slipping off, revealing her smooth white shoulder.



I hurriedly fixed her coat before it completely fell off.

After a few minutes, I calmed down.

I stroked her hair affectionately.

"I've missed you, Amane..."

The time now was nearing midnight. 

The female waitress, Mafuyu, came over and told us that they were closing the shop.

"Dear customer, is everything alright? I'm sorry to say this, but we'll be closing the shop soon."

"Ah, sorry. Please give me the bill."


After paying the bill, we got out of the "Hideout."


"Goto-san, it's time to go home!"

"No! I don't want to go home!"

"Stop being unreasonable."

"If you want to, make me. Carry me, Kotaro-kun."

"W-What are you saying?"

"Carry me! Carry me, Kotaro-kun!"

"What are you, a child?"


Goto-san slumped over the floor when I said that and started like a child. 

It seemed that the effect of alcohol hadn't worn off her.

"Sigh... Alright, alright. At the same apartment?"

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"Yes, but we can also go with yours."

"Ugh, stop making it more difficult."

Thus, I started carrying Goto-san on my back and started walking off.

Goto-san's place was just a 5-minute walk from the bar if you take a shortcut through the park. 

There were only a few people at this time of the day, so I guess there's no reason for me to worry about being seen.

"Yay! Kotaro-kun! Onwards!"

"What are you doing? Stop squirming and shouting! You're disturbing the others."


Goto-san was screaming like a little child. She raised her hands in the air, waving them like crazy.


After a minute, maybe she got tired that she slumped on my back, hugging my head with her hands. 

I can hear her light snore. Maybe she had gotten tired and fallen asleep again. I guess that's better than her squirming all the time.

Is she sleeping?

I started to reminisce as we walked.

"Hey, Amane-san, do you remember? This was the place we used to hang out all the time."

"This place was where you told me about your dreams, wanting to be a good teacher."

"Do you remember? That shop there was where we used to buy crepes. I remembered that you liked the strawberry flavor the most."

"That bench there was where you told me all your problems. Like what happened to your past relationships."

"I always got angry, you know? But I just kept listening to it. Even if you kept on repeating the story."

"Where did it go wrong? Why didn't you believe in me? Why didn't I try to hold on?"

"Hahaha. What am I even saying?"

I let out a dry laugh. 

I'm glad that there were no stars in the sky. The darkness of the night will hide how miserable my face looked.

But why does it feel that Amane-san's grip becomes a little tighter?

It's probably my imagination.


We were only a few minutes away from Goto-san's apartment when there was a sudden downpour. 

I ran as hard as I could while still carrying Goto-san and arrived in front of her apartment building.

I let her down immediately.

Goto-san realizing that she had been carried, had an embarrassed look. She probably just sobered up due to getting drenched.

"Ahh, thank you. Hasegawa-san."

"I-It's okay. I've had plenty of rewards."

"Rewards? Nevertheless, the rain got us."


"So, umm, do you want to come in?"

"Eh? I-Is it okay?"


It should be okay, right?



I've updated the novel up to Chapter 10! You can read the continuation here on my site:

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