After I Was Reborn, I Was Caught by an Actor

Chapter 3: CH 3

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After Xie Lei returned to school, the heartless scumbag who couldn’t answer the questions didn’t rush home but sat in the stationery store for a while.

He was preparing to go north.

Not only because he was familiar with B City, but also because it was a big city that could accommodate people of all types.

It was only there that Qin Qing could find cheap daily rentals and jobs. As for the future, he would settle down before looking at it.

With this in mind, Qin Qing began to search for houses in B City on his mobile phone.

At this time, there were no students in the stationery store. Xie Lei’s uncle sat down and without saying a word, quietly observed Qin Qing searching for a house.

This child and his eldest nephew grew up wearing the same pair of trousers. He is also very familiar with him, but he is not like Xie Lei’s thoughtless and blind self who couldn’t notice anything. From a little observation, he felt that the Qin Qing today was very different from before.

Qin Qing in his impression was very lively when he was a child. After he got older, especially after his grandparents passed away and he moved back to live with Sun mother and son, he became quieter.

Dropping out of school this time was a very big blow to Qin Qing. Once, Qin Qing had passed by the door of the store and he happened to see his expression. It was cold and world-worn.

Only a week has passed from that day to today. Can he adjust so well in a week?

Calm and rational and thinking about leaving home and going north?

It is not easy for a child who has just become an adult to do this.

Uncle sighed silently in his heart.

It stands to reason that you should not involve yourself in other people’s family affairs, but since this is the eldest nephew’s child, and the child is so sensible and rational, he will have a good life in the future.

Uncle thought for a while and said, “I have a friend who has a vacant house in B City. ”

Qin Qing looked up when he heard those words.

Uncle:  “My friend has already settled abroad, and the house in City B hasn’t been rented out. It’s vacant. I have a good relationship with him. If you need it, I will say hello to him so you can live there.”

Qin Qing was slightly startled.

In his last life, because he was unwilling, resentful, and felt ashamed to drop out of school, he didn’t contact Xie Lei after he went north and even changed his phone number.

After a year, when he didn’t think about it anymore, he resumed contact with Xie Lei. Xie Lei also mentioned that a friend of his uncle had a house in B City, but Qin Qing wanted to save face at that time. He always emphasized that he had rented a house and had already paid half a year’s rent. So he can’t move.

In fact, the shit house was the dormitory of his part-time hotel. It was a room for 6 people and was run down.

Now that Xie Lei’s uncle personally mentioned it, Qin Qing’s previous life experience flashed through his mind, and he didn’t respond for a while.

Xie Lei’s uncle thought that Qin Qing was embarrassed to agree, and said: “It’s okay, it’s just to borrow it, it’s not a big deal. You are Xiao Lei’s friend, and you also follow Xiao Lei to call me uncle. Just treat it as your own uncle is helping you. ”

Uncle took the opportunity to mention the house: “I remember that it is very close to the city center. It is convenient for you to find a job and live there. ”

Uncle: “If you decide to live there I will also take you to B city to see the house. I’ll send you off for  Xiao Lei. ”

“You can’t not stay there…” Uncle smiled, raised his hand, and patted Qin Qing on the shoulder: “it’s impossible not to live somewhere. In future, if Xiao Lei knew that there was such a house and that I didn’t help, I would be annoyed to death by him.”

Uncle: “For the sake of my relationship with my nephew, go and live there.”

With this said, Qin Qing couldn’t refuse at all. Not only because Xie Lei’s uncle was very polite, but also because it was the kindness and concern from relatives and friends.

In Qin Qing’s last life, he was filled with unwillingness, resentment, and determination to turn over a new leaf. He didn’t refuse the kindness of people around him, while desperately trying to do something and prove that was he equally promising even without a degree.

Now faced with such genuine kindness, Qin Qing didn’t want to refuse anymore, both emotionally or intellectually.

He nodded: “Thank you, Uncle.” He said again: “I don’t have money now and can’t afford the rent but when I make money in the future, I will make up the rent.”

Uncle put out his cigarette. He was obviously trying to help, but he said it as if he was doing it for himself: “I’ll take it as an investment for my nephew. That kid’s grades stink to death. I don’t know what he can do in the future. If you have the ability in the future, just take him in and you will have repaid this favor. ”

After speaking, he said, “Let’s check when to leave, so I can book a ticket. ”

Qin Qing blinked.

Uncle knew what Qin Qing was thinking: “You want to take the train to save money, but you can’t make me take it with you. Let’s take a plane, it’s faster and I can come back as soon as I finish escorting you. ”

At any rate, Qin Qing has lived for two lifetimes and had become a partner in a cultural company. He understands worldly affairs and manners: “The air ticket money will also be used as an investment, and I will pay dividends to uncle in the future. ”

It’s comfortable to talk to smart children. He originally did not lack the money for air tickets, not to mention that he helped take care of the house.

Uncle dusted off his cigarette and nodded: “Yes, investment. Remember to give Xiao Lei the dividends in the future.”

The decision was made quickly, the time to leave home naturally had to be on the agenda.

Qin Qing had nothing else to do in his hometown. He had money to run away and didn’t have much stuff. That afternoon, he discussed with his uncle about the time to go north: three days later.

After discussing it, uncle was surprised by Qin Qing’s clarity and calmness. He asked, “So decisive. not fond of home at all? ” Even if you have no affection for your half-brother, you still have a mother.

Qin Qing said: “I was in a car accident when I was young and nearly died. When she came to the hospital, her first sentence was to tell me that ‘I can’t pay for my hospitalization. I don’t have any money. Look for your grandparents. They have money.’ ”

Uncle raised his eyebrows: “It’s really Snow White’s vicious stepmother. ”

The “stepmother” knows nothing about all this and is still desperately trying to upstage her friends while playing mahjong.

“My eldest son has been sensible since he was a child. Unlike Ding Zhong who needs me to worry about everything. ”

“It’s his own decision not to go to school. ”

“Two barrels.”

The card friends at the table looked at Sun Fang. They were scornful in their hearts, but they didn’t say anything bad.

Someone asked, “Won’t go to school, then what is Xiao Qing going to do?” 

Sun Fang “Work of course. ”

”Qin Qing is very sensible. He already said that he will make money and pay half of his salary to his family. ”

A card friend didn’t hold back: “The child won’t go to school anymore. If he makes money, let him keep it for himself. ”

“How can that work! “Sun Fang looked reasonable and well-founded: “He will spend indiscriminately. when the time comes I will save it for him.” 

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Save for him?

Save a fart!

The card friends secretly spurned her and asked about Ding Zhong again.

Sun Fang looked like an old mother worrying over her two sons: “Ding Zhong is the most distressing to me. How can he find a job if he doesn’t go to school? I can only let him continue to study and at least go to university. After graduation he can rely on a diploma to find a job, otherwise, he won’t eat.”

Then your eldest son doesn’t have to go to college to find a job to eat?

Sun Fang: “The family is poor, there is no way. ”

The family is poor and your still playing mahjong?

A card player couldn’t bear it to play again. As soon as he pushed his card, he picked up his wallet, got up, and left.

The remaining two card friends also stopped playing and got up.

Sun Fang was stunned, her hand still hanging on the table: “Why don’t you play anymore! ”

The aunt who stood up first turned her head: “I will go back and make money for my son. I can’t afford to let my child suffer! ”

Another uncle looked at the time: “Oh, it’s four o’clock. I want to go to that braised vegetable shop to buy a roast duck. My granddaughter loves roast duck the most. ”

The last aunt who was single at 50 years old and had no children: “Even if I drink porridge at home, I can’t leave my two dogs without food. ”

Sun Fang: “…”

If you can’t continue to play cards, you can only go home.

As soon as she got home, the family was also uneasy and noisy.

The door to Qin Qing’s room was closed, and Ding Zhong, as if his tail had been stepped on, was slapping Qin Qing’s room door with a red face and a bulging neck: “Give me back my tablet! What do you mean it’s gone? Give it back to me!”

Sun Fang hurried over: “What are you doing? ”

Ding Chong’s chest heaved with anger: “Your son took my tablet away, and now he tells me it’s gone! ”

Sun Fang assumed that Qin Qing had taken the tablet and didn’t want to give it back to Ding Zhong. She had long been accustomed to the quarrels between the two brothers: “He just took it. What are you shouting for. When your brother has had enough he’ll return it to you. ”

Ding Zhong yelled: “When he came back, he didn’t have a tablet in his hand! He told me it’s gone! ”

He continued to hit the door: “The beast surnamed Qin, You fucking come out! ”

The door suddenly opened and before anyone could react, a foot stretched out kicked Ding Zhong in the stomach, knocking him to the ground.

Afterward, Ding Chong lay on the ground clutching at his stomach. his forehead bulged with pain, and he couldn’t even make half a sound.

Sun Fang was shocked. She turned her eyes to the ground and then raised them to look at the door. She instinctively reacted, stretching out her hand to slap Qin Qing: “Why are you hitting my son! ”

Qin Qing squeezed her wrist.

If asking for money at noon and taking the tablet did not make the mother and son perceive anything unusual, the coldness and calmness on Qin Qing’s face at this moment was enough to make them feel strange.

An eighteen-year-old boy is still a child after all, and it is normal to express emotions when encountering such an incident, rather than the calm indifference on his face.

Sun Fang was stunned for a while and blankly looked at Qin Qing.

Qin Qing shook her hand away, his eyes showing disgust.

He originally didn’t want to talk to this mother and son. As a man, he was not so delicate. He could bear hardship and pain in life. If he wanted to go, he would go without saying anything more or venting’.

But obviously, in this home, there will not be a day of peace and calm.

What’s more, he is an unnecessary existence: Ding Chong despises him and can scold him as a beast when he opens his mouth, and Sun Fang regards him as the future labor force and cash machine.

Standing in front of the door, Qin Qing had already seen through everything. When he spoke, he was extremely calmly, as if describing it from the perspective of a bystander:

“Waiting for me to make money to subsidize my family? ”

“Coax me, make me willing to work outside and take money home to buy a house and a car for you, so you can live a good life? ”

After being exposed by Qin Qing, Sun Fang’s face turned pale.

Ding Zhong shrank into a shrimp on the ground, and he naturally felt that Qin Qing was bullshiting. He has yet to enjoy anything from him.

He just wants to get back the tablet!

Qin Qing approached in two steps and scornfully stretched out his legs to kick Ding Zhong and said: “Are you happy to spend my money?” Is the house comfortable to live in? Help you raise a second child? You yourself are a child!”

It was her beloved son who was being kicked! Sun Fang rushed over to block him: “What are you doing! ”

What did he say? She doesn’t understand a word! Is he crazy?

Sun Fang felt that her eldest son had lost his mind, unaware that the way she defended Ding Zhong who stretched out his hand to pound Qin Qing was the one who was truly crazy.

Qin Qing watched quietly and pushed it away.

With this push, there is no mother and child again, only a split up.

Qin Qing looked at the woman he called his mother, and even the last bit of soreness in his heart was gone.

There was no discomfort, no nostalgia, no regret or sadness at not being able to have a mother-child relationship.

Even disgust was extremely weak.

This home or it should be said, this residence, he didn’t need to stay at all.

Qin Qing turned around and went back to his room. He took the bag that he had packed not long ago and carried it out on his back.

When he stepped out of the room, Sun Fang screamed in alarm: “Where are you going! ”

Qin Qing didn’t look back. He disappeared behind the slowly closed door and headed for his own life.

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