After I Was Reborn, I Was Caught by an Actor

Chapter 4: CH 4

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A week later, B City.

Qin Qing was familiar with this big city and had already settled down. He lives in an urban area with three bedrooms and one living room. He bought daily necessities and also contacted the original owner who settled abroad through Xie Lei’s uncle.

The original owner was apologetic, saying that he did not know that people would live in the house in the future and dealt with the bed and some other furniture and appliances before leaving the country.

Qin Qing understood in his heart that this was just a courtesy and a kindness.

You must know that this is a high-end residential area is in the city center, and the rent is very expensive. The house price alone in this location after ten years will be even more unmatched.

With such good living conditions and not a penny of rent, there is nothing to be picky about.

It doesn’t matter if there is no furniture, he can sleep on a mat on the floor, and he can’t use household appliances, let alone cook by himself. Electricity and water are enough.

What’s more, Qin Qing is familiar with this city. He knows where the markets are, where shopping is cheap, and where the roadside stalls that can fill his stomach for a few yuan are. And he knows where to find a job.

He also knows how to apply for a residence permit, a mobile phone card, and how to take public transportation.

He has experienced how to live in this city at a low cost.

And now Qin Qing is not afraid of being poor. For him, stability in his heart is more important than the lack of money.

The official start to looking for a job commenced on his third day in B City. This day was also the day when Sun Fang went crazy looking for her son.

Xie Lei called Qin Qing to talk about it. He stopped calling her his “mother” and instead used “that woman” when he mentioned it.

Xie Lei: “That woman is crazy. You changed your phone number and She couldn’t find you. She went to school and came to my parents’ shop again. She also threatened to call the police. Who would care about her? You are eighteen years old, and left by yourself. You are not a missing person. It was useless to call the police. ”

The topic was then skipped because Qin Qing was too lazy to say more.

Xie Lei then asked, “Have you started looking for a job? ”

At this time, Qin Qing happened to be printing his resume at an underground printing shop in an old district near his residence.

The cramped shop was dark and crowded, with a musty smell mixed with ink. He was not the only one in the shop and there were many young people waiting to print.

Qin Qing said simply: “I’ve started. ”

Xie Lei shamelessly said: “If I pinch my finger, you will be able to find a job with a monthly income of more than 5,000 yuan. ”

Qin chuckled: “Master, you can help me calculate when I can get rich. ”

Xie Lei: “You wait, I’ll count…” Before he finished speaking, there was a loud roar: “you there in the corridor!” Which class are you from!?”

The call was instantly cut off.

Qin Qing put down his phone and couldn’t help laughing.

He heard the quiet conversation of the two girls next to him

“Are you going? ”

“Don’t go. ”

“Why? ”

“It’s useless to go, it’s not like you can get a role by accompanying someone to a meal. You just came, and you don’t understand a lot of things. Don’t believe whatever the producer or assistant brag about to you. It is just to cheat little girls.”

“But isn’t Sister Tingting playing the role? ”

“No, forget it, she dares to do anything in order to have a role. Why do you look at her ”

These two girls who are muttering are obviously among the many northern drifters who dream of acting.

It’s not surprising to meet girls like them in this underground printing room. After all, there are many entertainment and cultural companies nearby, as well as a cultural and creative-related industrial park.

Qin Qing had been in the industry in his previous life. Naturally, he knew it very well. Not only did he know it well but he was also going to apply in it.

On the one hand, he is familiar with this industry, and on the other hand, his current residence is just close to here.

It’s not that he has to go back to his old job, it’s just that finding a job in this way is the most efficient. After all, he is cash-strapped and has to make money quickly.

Fortunately, he is very experienced in this business. Although he is now an inexperienced kid, he has no problem getting a job as an assistant.

After all, he knows what low-level positions in entertainment companies do, and he also knows who is generally needed for this kind of work.

He still sifted through and weeded out the companies that looked unreliable.

After submitting the resume, he just has to wait for a call and prepare for the interview.

In the first week of his arrival, he interviewed at several companies.

There are few positions and plenty of applicants, not to mention those who are crowded in the hallway waiting for interviews. The people in charge of the process are so busy that they finish the interview with one sentence and never say more than half a word.

The hustle and bustle, with people coming and going, is the fast pace of a big city.

Many people feel anxious because they can’t find a job after one interview after another, or they complain that the income from the job they found is too low.

Qin Qing is not in a hurry, and his mentality is stable. After all, the current situation is far better than that of his previous life. He was able to grit his teeth and persist in the face of so much hardship in his previous life, so now he will not complain.

On this day, he received a call from a brokerage company.

The entertainment industry is rapidly changing. Except for large companies, many smaller companies will not be here next year.

Qin Qing had never heard of this company in his previous life. When the person in charge of recruitment called him, he did not mention the position for which Qin Qing had submitted his resume. Instead, he asked him, “Can you accept frequent business trips?” ”

Qin Qing: “Yes. ”

The other side:  “What about staying up late? For example, the kind that doesn’t sleep for 20 hours and can only squint for a while and catch a plane.

It’s nothing to be busy in this business for 20 hours without sleeping. Qin Qing’s highest record was for an artist’s concert. He didn’t close his eyes for two days and three nights.

Qin Qing: “Yes. ”

The other side confirmed it again: “You are really over 18? Truly? ”

After getting a positive answer, the other person asked again: “The ID photo on your electronic resume is yours, right? ”

This question is a bit particular.

Qin Qing: “It’s me. ”

Other side: “Okay, come over for an interview at three o’clock tomorrow afternoon. ”

The next day, Qin Qing arrived on time.

The company is not big, and the interview cubicles are a bit small. Six or seven positions are full of young people who have come to interview, and they are all boys.

The person in charge of the interview was a man wearing glasses. He was in his early thirties. As soon as he came in, he set out pens and papers saying: “Right. We will have a written test first, and then we will conduct the interview afterward. ”

After sending out the pens and papers, he said: “Just a few questions. I’ll say the questions and You can write the answers you think of. This is not like a school exam. There is no standard answer. You don’t need to look at other people’s work. ”

Nobody looked at anyone! They all stared at the man with glasses.

The man with glasses obviously didn’t prepare in advance. He thought of things to say: “First, you follow the work team to a film crew, and you are responsible for helping the artist sort out his personal belongings. Such as fans, mirrors, water cups, etc. ”

“Now the artist hasn’t drunk water all afternoon, and he refuses to drink water. He has been filming, and he refuses to drink water when he is not filming.”

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“But the agency you work for demands that take good care of the artists in the crew. ”

”Question: Now that he refuses to drink water, what should you do?” ”

The conference room was quiet, everyone buried their heads and wrote their answers on the paper.

The man with glasses raised his eyes and scanned around. He saw that some people were holding pens and poking the paper. One after finishing one line started writing the second, seemly writing a long speech.

The man with glasses quickly reminded: “Just summarize it. You don’t need to write too much. What I want is what you should do. There is no need for detailed procedures. ”

Even so, the man with glasses still gave the first question for a few more minutes, and he didn’t say the second question until all seven persons had finished writing.

“The artist you are talking to is on a diet. He hasn’t eaten anything for a week. Now he is crying to you. He wants to eat meat. What should you do? ”

The second question is answered much faster.

The third question: “Because you won’t give your artist meat, he turned his face away and ignored you. What should you do? ”

As soon as the question came out, the seven interviewees were a bit stunned.

The man with glasses lowered his head and looked at the boy closest to him. He saw that the boy was changing his answer to the second question. He looked past him and saw another also changing their answer.

Unsurprisingly, the man with glasses wasn’t impressed

Such a question was deliberately set up to see how many could be pitted.

He scanned around again and saw someone who removed his pen from the paper early. the paper was clean, and when He looked at it from a distance, there were only three lines of answers on the paper, with very few words in each line. He did not change his answer to the second question like these two just now.

Didn’t enter the pit?

The man with glasses was somewhat surprised.

Raising his eyes, he saw an unusually young face.

Not only was he young, but he is also very handsome, and his appearance was particularly eye-catching among so many people, reflexively crushing the others.

The man with glasses secretly raised his eyebrows and he thought he could be a star like this.

Question 4: “If the artist you are talking to makes unreasonable demands at you, what should you do? ”

Someone raised their hands and asked, “What kind of unreasonable request? ”

The man with glasses casually gave an example: “For example, if you don’t eat melons, your artist wants you to eat them, and even puts a belt in your mouth. ”

After saying that, the man with glasses directly focused his attention on the top face in the room.

Farther away, it is difficult to see exactly what is written on the paper, but the words in black ink are so little that obviously, the answer is only a few words again.

Can you really answer this? Answered it so casually?

The fifth and final question: “What is your biggest advantage in applying for this job?” ”

After saying the question and the seven interviewees buried their heads to write their answers, the man with glasses reminded: “Remember to write down your names when you’re done. ”

Soon after, the answers of the seven interviewees were handed over to the man with glasses. He said as he walked out: “Sit down and wait for five minutes. ”

He said to wait for five minutes, but in reality, they had to wait for a while before a staff member came to call them next door for the interview part.

While waiting, Qin Qing heard the two people next to him talking about whether they wanted to give the artist meat.

“We have to give, right? It was mentioned that if I refuse then I will probably lose my job?”

”Then if the team wants me to supervise the artist to lose weight, and I give it to him, won’t I lose my job as well?”

“What did you answer? ”

Of the two people chatting, one of them turned his head and asked Qin Qing.

Qin Qing said three words, which were also the three words he answered on the paper: “Ignore him. ”

“Huh? ”The other five all looked at Qin Qing.

Ignore him? Can the accompanying staff ignore the artists?

One of them: “This won’t work, right? ”

Qin Qing’s tone was sure: “Just ignore him. ”

Not only to ignore him but also to treat the artist who made such a request as air.

Eat meat? The artists who are on a diet are served a limited amount of lettuce at regular intervals, and they can’t even drink much water, and they still want to eat meat?

As for ignoring or rejecting the artist’s request, whether he will be fired/replaced, only those who are not in the industry will consider this.

In the industry, an artist, first of all, is a person. Since he is a person, it is difficult to have absolute self-control at all times.

So for an artist, his team is not only centering on him and serving him but also monitoring and urging him.

It is true that there are artists who want to do whatever they like and like their team to revolve around them and satisfy their whims endlessly.

But as far as the artists Qin Qing known in those years are concerned, anyone who can make a name in the entertainment industry takes their team as a company.

Since it is a company, of course, everyone has to perform their duties.

In this way, the artist can only be the boss, not the emperor.

Moreover for him to have meat if he wants to eat meat, if he wants to fall in love one day and get married or even come out of the closet, would you also allow him to do it?

So, the best way is to ignore him.

He said he wants to eat meat, just let him talk and talk, and don’t let his mouth really touch meat.

Qin Qing knew all this, but the others didn’t believe him. They felt that this method was too hard to do. How could something so forceful be done by someone who works only part-time as the artist’s assistant?

They didn’t know that Qin Qing’s phrase of “ignore him” was given as the answer for almost the entire test question.

From the five questions, he answered the first four with: ignore him.

The artist does not want to drink water?

If you don’t want to drink, don’t drink. Ignore him

Want to eat meat?

Ignore him.

If he can’t eat meat, he’ll turn against you?

Ignore him.

The artist made an unreasonable request?

Ignore him.

As for the last question: What is the biggest advantage of applying for this job?

Qin Qing wrote one more word than the above answer: It looks okay.

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