After I Was Reborn, I Was Caught by an Actor

Chapter 31: CH 27

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Sure enough, the video of Su Zhihe being surrounded by people and signing autographs in Taihe Square came out online and spread like crazy.

With Qin Qing’s timely reminder,  Xiang Xun immediately controlled the situation and the hot search from top to bottom, and everything was normal.

A few videos surfaced of when Su Zhihe pulled Qin Qing around and ran away but as soon as it came out and hadn’t spread, it was immediately extinguished at the source by Xiang Xun and he also contacted the video shooter and spent a little money to buy them out.

As for the part about holding the waist, maybe it because the two people ran very fast, the relationship was not caught on camera and there were no related videos.

Xiang Xun rejoiced: “Not bad. Not bad.”

Then he turned his head and asked Su Zhihe in amazement: “You even hugged his waist?”

When you hugged the waist, hadn’t you say just that Qin Qing was only 18!?

Su Zhihe: “You have an opinion?”

t/n: alternatively: complaint: problem with that

Xiang Xun: “I dare not.”

Not only did not have any opinion about it, but he himself felt that they had picked up a gem.

Qin Qing had immediately informed him and alerted all sides to their positions. You can see how strong his ability is.

He was a Master1t/n: alternatively expert..

Yet Master Qin was considering resigning.

Because the present situation currently exceeded his expectation.

Not only did he meet Kou Jiang after his rebirth, but also exposed himself.

Now that Ru Han’s affairs we’re settled, if he continues to stay by Su Zhihe’s side, it will be contrary to his original plan to have a low-key life.

Even if Su Zhihe was really good to him and the salary of this job was also very good and that he was also very glad to have meet Cui Huohuo, who will pick dishes for him.

Yet after thinking about it over and over again, he finally decided to resign.

If he resigned, he’ll have change job and with this current situation, probably need to change industries and not stay in the entertainment industry.

If you change industries, you then have to see what other work you can do, and if you change work, you might want to change residence, and so on.

Yet before he could consider the outcome (of this),  Su Zhihe’s work schedule arrived.

———Enter the “Ferry on the River” Crew.

Qin Qing was surprised. He originally thought Su Zhihe would leave this 1.5 billion box office opportunity for Shang Mohuai.

Yet Su Zhihe said: “What’s mine is mine. This was originally the film I choose and no matter who opens their mouth, I must be willing to let it go. If I’m not willing, then it’s still my film.”

As for Shang Mohuai, in addition to “Survival in the Wild”, Su Zhihe gave him another very good resource.

This man, who in the last life, only became a big success after he was 35 years old, also regarded this as a change of fate to get an opportunity to become popular a few years earlier.

And before entering the crew, Xiang Xun brought Kou Jiang out.

This arch enemy was just released from the hospital a day ago. His face was still swollen, his chin was largely purpled and he was walking with a limp.

At the chartered golf course, Kou Jiang met Qin Qing and he wished he could shoot knives from his eyes and stab Qin Qing into a black hole.

Su Zhihe and Xiang Xun went to play golf and Cui Huohuo followed behind, carrying the golf clubs. They were the only people along the long corridor connecting to the outside.

Qin Qing no longer pretended not to know him and showed his old attitude towards Kou Jiang. He said in a not cold or warm tone: “Duan Pu still showed mercy and didn’t beat you to death.”

Kou Jiang angrily said: “I just knew it was you!”

Qin Qing was sitting down along the corridor with an exercise book on his lap and his fingertips were turning a pen. In an indifferent tone said: ” No need to be polite, it was just a matter of an email.”

The day Kou Jiang sent a message to test him, Qin Qing sent an anonymous email to Duan Pu’s studio.

In order to ensure that the studio could receive it and click on it when they received it, Qin Qing set the email to be sent on a regular basis, one every ten minutes, for 24 hours.

After the email was sent, Qin Qing was not clear about the process of Duan Pu’s side investigating the truth and cleaning up Kou Jiang but now the results were clear to see and was in front of him…

Qin Qing: “Tch, discharged so early from the hospital.”

Kou Jiang gritted his teeth, Su Zhihe and Xiang Xun were far away, but he didn’t dare mess around and could only sit down in the chair beside him. He hateful said: “You were so sure that I found someone to hit Duan Pu, not Shang Mohuai?”

Qin Qing was amused: “Why would I want to confirm this? That someone beat you up for me was enough to dispel my anger.”

Kou Jiang: “????”

Qin Qing asked him: “When you tested me with Ru Han, you didn’t foresee this day?”

Kou Jiang: “…” He really didn’t.

Qin Qing: “Did you leave your brain in the last life when you were reborn?”

Kou Jiang: “…”

He was invited drink tea then was also beaten up. Being reborn was not as good as (it was at) the moment of rebirth. Kou Jiang was already so angry that he couldn’t muster up his temper. He slumped in his chair and despondently thought: whatever ba, the situation was already like this.

He was paralyzed but Qin Qing next to him unexpectedly did not waste a bit of time and had always been studying.

Kou Jiang sat up and didn’t care about what book he was reading. He asked: “How did you know that it was me who find someone to beat up Duan Pu and not Shang Mohuai?”

Qin Qing was too lazy to answer him.

Kou Jiang skillfully bargained with him: “if you tell me, Ill also tell you why I’m here today.”

Qin Qing turned his head.

He and Kou Jiang looked directly at each other.

“Deal.” Qin Qing: “You speak first.”

Kou Jiang initially wanted to say those words, but was a step too late and silently raised his breath: “Okay, I’ll speak  first.”

Kou Jiang: “I’m being controlled.”


Kou Jiang looked in the direction of Su Zhihe and others on the outdoor lawn: “I said, I’m being controlled by people. my freedom is restricted.”

Qin Qing raised his eyebrows.

Kou Jiang: “You can believe it or not.”

Qin Qing casually said: “I believe you, continue to talk.”

Kou Jiang was speechless: “What else is there to say? I, you, all came from 15 years in the future. We’ve mixed in this circle and know many things that will happen in these 15 years” He gestured towards those people playing golf: “I know so much and if I got caught by the big boss, could I still run away?”

If you let them go and by chance they go and help a rival or change a major event in the circle, then one thing leads to another and it affects the big boss’s future, won’t the big boss be mixed up in it?

Qin Qing concluded: “So you were brought here. Wherever Xiang Xun goes, you go?”

Kou Jiang instead asked: “Isn’t it like that for you?”

“Is it possible that nowadays you can leave as soon as you say you want to leave?”

He had really planned it like that2QQ really thought he could do that. Qin Qing turned his head and silently looked towards the lawn.

Kou Jiang: “Your turn.”


On the lawn of the golf course.

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Xiang Xun was making a motion of using a putter to score a goal. This motion was done over and over again, but the ball was still in the same spot. His buttocks and waist were twisted again and again with the movement of the putter and he chatted with Su Zhihe while twisting.

t/n: pardon me, I know nothing about golf

“That Kou Jiang, do you plan to keep him?”

Su Zhihe stood leisurely with his gloves, trousers, polo shirt, fastened cap and long pole that was propped on the ground: “hmm”

Xiang Xun: “Good, I was also thinking that this kind of person, if left outside and knowing so much, whether or not they would harm us one day.”

Su Zhihe gaze looked into the distance, appearing like he was looking at the next putting green 3golf corse, i think. He faintly said: “Qin Qing is preparing to leave.”

Xiang Xun was holding the club in his hand, suddenly turned his head in astonishment: “Leave?”

The club head just happened to touch the ball, sending it half a meter away and farther from the hole.

Xiang Xun: “!”

Cui Huohuo, who was carrying a bag as a caddie beside him, looked inexplicably: What leaving? Who’s leaving? Qin Qing?

Xiang Xun walked to the side of the ball and aimed again at the hole. then began to twist his waist and twist his buttocks. While twisting, he asked: “wants to leave? He has mentioned quitting to you?”

Su Zhihe thought in his heart: this wasn’t actually true, he guessed.

Or perhaps he should say that he could see it.

Xiang Xun cursed out and muttered: “Why leave?” His salary has already been raised to 20,000. Now that he’s outside, where can he find such an easy and well-paying job?”

Su Zhihe thought while propping up his golf club. It wasn’t a problem of money. His plans can’t keep up with this change. With the current situation of revealing his identity, it was only natural that Qin Qing will want to withdraw.

Xiang Xun suddenly turned his head again: “I understand! So that’s why you asked me to keep Kou Jiang!”

You kept Kou Jiang using the reason of “you know too much, so I can’t let you leave in case the future is bad for me” then you can use the same excuse to keep Qin Qing.

Xiang Xun could understand, but not quite agree with it: “Kou Jiang doesn’t matter. But for Qin Qing, isn’t this method too inappropriate?”

Su Zhihe said to himself: Do you still need to say this?

He could only blame himself that in order to establish a friendly and sincere persona, he said too much. Said something about resigning at any time and leaving at anytime, that they were free. Su Zhihe can only regret that he said too much nonsense at that time.

Now was perfect, so he really wanted to leave.

Xiang Xun was shocked when he heard this: “You dare say such kind of words?”

He has only heard of a Boss drawing a big cake* for their employees, but has never heard of giving employees freedom.

t/n: promising empty things.

Cui Huohuo was also shocked. only a few days of rest and now he can’t understand a single word anymore. What happened!?

Su Zhihe faintly sighed: “Regret it.” In short, he regrets it.

Xiang Xun: “There is no other way to keep someone?”

Su Zhihe was propping his club, his gaze under the brim of his hat depressingly fell towards the distance. He tonelessly said: “Or I’ll get a big belly and ask him whether or not he wants to be responsible?”


“…” Xiang Xun.

“?” Cui Huohuo.

There was no other way. And Su Zhihe has at least considered and thought about it and felt that Qin Qing would really leave and therefore couldn’t really be kept.

If at the beginning it was not exposed, then there would have been some possibility.4 A chance of QQ staying

But the situation at that time, when Kou Jiang sent that probing message, it was destined to be revealed.

At the moment they have to immediately enter a crew. If Qin Qing insists on resigning, the two will see each other for at least three months. But when film was finished, with Qin Qing’s face, there was no guarantee that he will not be targeted by someone else.

Su Zhihe has a strong selfishness and felt that the relationship didn’t matter, but the person must be by his side.

And besides with his current understanding of Qin Qing, once separated, the accumulated 1 point of goodwill and friendship during this period may be filed to 0.

Su Zhihe: “Kou Jiang stays.”

Xiang Xun didn’t even push the ball anymore but also propped his club on the ground. under the heavy sun, he muttered facing the ground: “You, this is really a terrible strategy” He gestured toward the corridor. “You are aware that the two of them don’t get along.”

He also said: “You keep Kou Jiang and then let Qin Qing realize that he can’t leave by himself and voluntarily doesn’t mention the resignation. This outcome has no problem but the method is not very good.”

“The person will have a knot in his heart and will even more think that you are guarding against him.”

Su Zhihe looked at Xiang Xun. Obviously. Do I still need you to say this?


Under the corridor.

Qin Qing explained to Kou Jiang why he would know that it was him, not Shang Mohuai, who found someone to beat Duan Pu.

Qin Qing: “You are an intern and Shang Mohuai is a star. Even if he believed what you said, it was impossible for him to take care of Duan Pu by himself.”

Qin Qing: “Only when you told him that Duan Pu will use “Survival in the Wild” to become popular and at the same time, you handle it, only then will you truly be surrendering to Shang Mohuai and only then will he able to trust you.”

“If you retracted a step back and said that even if your words were fake and he was deceived by you, anyway, he didn’t do dirty work, but you did, and it had nothing to do with him.”

Kou Jiang raised his eyebrows and hummed: “it is worthy of being General manager Qin ah.”

t/n: alternatively: as expected of…

Qin Qing turned over the book in his hand: “You could also say that it is worthy of being Shang Mohuai. Without him, how could you be so unlucky and so miserable now?”

Kou Jiang heard the hidden meaning in Qin’s words and straightened his back: “What do you mean?”

Qin Qing turned his head and looked at him: “You picked someone not easy. Why did you pick Shang Mohuai?”

This person was gloomy and also extremely cunning in his forties, was it possible for him to develop this character in one day?

Now he’s in his thirties, was it possible for Shang Mohuai to be a naive and innocent little white rabbit?

On the day of the hot pot, If Shang Mohuai bit the bullet and remained silent. Would Su Zhihe have known it was Kou Jiang?

Qin Qing unhurriedly said: “Back then, I was even afraid of him and hid in England to feed pigeons.”

Kou Jiang had a look of sudden realization. He opened his eyes and mouth and raised his finger at Qin Qing: “Oh oh oh oh! It’s him! I remember!”

Su Zhihe and Xiang Xun stopped playing golf and were walking back. It looked like they were about to walk down the corridor.

Kou Jiang’s startled voice echoed down the empty corridor: “I remember! That time you went to feed pigeons before! The man who chased you was Shang Mohuai!”

“?” Cui Huohuo.

“!” Xiang Xun

“…” Su Zhihe.

Su Zhihe was afraid that he heard it wrong, so he deliberately turned his head and asked Cui Huohuo: “Who did he say?”

Cui Huohuo: “…Shang, Shang Mohuai?”

Su Zhihe: “…”

Starting from this moment, he no longer has a younger brother5alternatively: From this moment onwards he no longer has a shidi (junior brother) .


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