After I Was Reborn, I Was Caught by an Actor

Chapter 32: CH 28

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Su Zhihe wanted to angrily laugh again. He couldn’t help but be angry.

When he thought about how 15 years in the future, when he’d stopped filming and had retired with nothing to do but think about which fishing pond to prop his pole in for fun, Shang Mohuai had already become a film emperor.

He became a Film Emperor but also happened to meet Qin Qing who had made a name for himself at that time.

The two of them may have met in a formal situation or might have also gotten acquainted at a private party where they ate food, drank wine, and chatted.

When chatting, Shang Mohuai might use the same expressions and glances as he does today to examine the long-established Agent Qin, whom he had never seen before.

The two people could even use a more mature way to contact and then step by step get to know each other well, and then Shang Mohuai could book a private room and invite Qin Qing to a meal like he invited them to eat hot pot the other day.

And when two people were in the same room; eating, chatting, and laughing; their relationship will heat up.…..

To say it nicely, it was entirely a matter of 15 years in the future, but to say it bluntly, right when he was in some remote corner by himself, Qin Qing had already been outstanding and had all kinds of countless suitors.

And the problem was that if the number of people lined up, Su Zhihe pondered whether he would even be able to enter the top ten.

and not only was he unlikely to enter the top ten, but he would also be placed behind Shang Mohuai 15 years later?

Thinking like this, Boss Su’s expression was already very bad when he walked down the corridor.

Xiang Xun also showed a “so it’s unexpectedly like that” expression.

Only Cui Huohuo had a head full of small question marks on his face.

No, why was Shang Mohuai also chasing after Qin Qing? Wasn’t Qin Qing their boss Su’s person?

Qin Qing and Kou Jiang were silent for a while.

Under the corridor was so quiet that not a single sound could be heard. 1alternatively: there was dead silence in the corridor.

A few moments later, Su Zhihe sat on a rest chair and looked towards the distant lawn. He unhurriedly said: “What did you guys say just now? Continue to talk.”

Kou Jiang sat straight up. In front of this Big Boss, he was as quiet as a chicken.

Su Zhihe’s expression was bad: “Talk.”

Kou Jiang used his eyes to look at Qin Qing. Your boss, Your Person, You Understand, You Talk!

Qin Qing was a bit uncertain. Boss Su’s displeasure came out a bit suddenly. He and Kou Jiang didn’t talk about anything just now. When they came back, the words “Shang Mohuai” only seemed a bit loud in the corridor.

Yet it was very clear that Su Zhihe was a little unhappy.

And this was also the first time since they have known each other that Qin Qing has seen Su Zhihe turn his face*.2alternatively, turn against; turn hostile

Su Zhihe’s hostile face was also not very common. It was not the type of face that was continuously cold when unhappy, but it was the type that allowed people to see that he was not very happy and after a few seconds of the face being a little cold, his expression would become relaxed, and then reveal some incomprehensible deep meaning.

He will also unhurriedly smile and slow down his tone to say: “Shang Mohuai?” What’s the matter with Teacher Shang?”

If the answer was not good, the Big boss’s aura will bury him on the spot and make him into fertilizer for the lawn.

The key point was that, of these few (people) present: Cui Huohuo, Xiang Xun, Qin Qing; aren’t they all his Boss Su’s people.

So who could he bury? Who was most likely to be buried?

Kou Jiang: “……”

Under this oppression and because of the situation, Kou Jiang had no choice but to confess honestly. And because he had already written a page of content related to Qin Qing before, he expertly summarized: “was saying that teacher Shang fell in love with Qin Qing at first sight and harassed him. He failed to chase people and even (managed) to chase them to England to feed pigeons.”

“Failed to chase” those 3 words saved Kou Jiang’s tiny life.

Su Zhihe deeply said: “Very good.”

Other people present: “?”

Su Zhihe: “I meant the pigeons.”

t/n: lol remember he did that in chapter 6 or something, when they first meet in the car. SZH obviously meant QQs “face” then but said he meant something else!!!

After saying pigeons, amidst the questioning gazes of everyone, Su Zhihe turned his head to look at Qin Qing and unhesitatingly asked: “is it because there is a relationship of feeding pigeons with Teacher Shang that you want to resign from my side and jump to teacher Shang’s side?”

Qin Qing: “?”

Su Zhihe said five words on the spot: “Don’t even think about it.”

Su Zhihe stood up and said in an indifferent voice: “If you dare to resign, I’ll break your leg.”

After saying this, he turned around and left.

Leaving behind four shocked faces.

This conversation hopping, isn’t it too fast!?

What was going on!?

Only Xiang Xun reacted and quickly caught up. After catching up, he silently, under the eyes of Su Zhihe held out a thumbs up in front of him.

This ability to cause trouble and reverse black and white was f***ing awesome.

This way, the meaning of not allowed to resign and not allowed to leave was conveniently expressed directly and also showed an expression as if they were very justified (in saying that) 3t/n: SZH deliberately misunderstood and using the excuse that QQ liked SMH that’s why he wants to leave, SZH can play hurt and deny him

As expected of you, Boss Su!

Su Zhihe dropped his eyes to glance at the thumb and lightly hummed.

After humming, he returned to the car with a “standing on the moral high ground indifferent look” on his face.

That (look) probably meant:

Yet you are feeding pigeons with other people?

t/n: I separated that one long sentence into 6 lines. More impactful and funny ^_^

You’re so heartless!


Qin Qing, who was sitting beside him…..”

Seriously, he was unable to react at all. How did he suddenly become the one who betrayed his trust?

t/n: alternatively: How did he suddenly become the betrayer lol

Qin Qing silently glanced at Su Zhihe and tried to ease the mood: “Do you want to drink water?”

Su Zhihe inclined his head to look at the other side and sat with a gloomy aura.

Cui Huohuo who was driving the car in front was on the verge of changing his name to Cui Ask.

As soon as they returned to Shang Linglong, Su Zhihe did not stay on his favorite sofa but shuffled in slippers with a thump thump on the ground and went upstairs.

Cui Huohuo asked after him: “want to drink water?”

Su Zhihe continued to ignore them.

Cui Huohuo could only turn his head and look at Qin Qing: “You’re close to him. what did you do to him?”

Qin Qing could only say: “I really, did not do, anything.”

Cui Huohuo thought about it: “You went out to feed pigeons with Shang Mohuai behind Boss’s back?”

Qin Qing: “…???” When did that happen?

Now he knew how the rumors and lies came about, right?

It had (probably) started exactly like this.

Qin Qing: “Never. Happened!”

Cui Huohuo thought about it and asked again: “So what happens now?”

Qin Qing didn’t know either.

He had been constantly thinking about resigning recently and he didn’t expect that things would suddenly develop like this. Kou Jiang was simply a pitter*.4t/n: Hmm so speculation: 坑 (pit) is to cheat or trap e.g “Don’t pit me” (don’t screw me over). So I’m guessing 坑货* is a cheater.

What was even more problematic was that now that it was like this, Qin Qing also has no way of mentioning leaving to Su Zhihe. if he did, it really will become “indeed heartless and unrighteous.”

When he thinks it over, he can only not mention it for now.

If he doesn’t mention it, then he was still an assistant and work can’t fall behind.

He was about to join a crew. Cui Huohuo fished out two big boxes from the storage room and packed Su Zhihe’s luggage. Qin Qing helped him.

When packing, Cui Huohuo noticed several books on the table in front of the window and asked Qin Qing: “You’ve been studying over here recently?.”

Qin Qing was busy working with his hands: “Hmm.”

Cui Huohuo casually said: “I knew it.”

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Qin Qing raised his gaze and looked at him.

Cui Huohuo idly chatted with him: “Aren’t you in that building ahead and borrowing an empty apartment from others?”

Cui Huohuo: “The boss knows that. He said that there was no way for people to study in your empty apartment and that you definitely didn’t even have basic furniture such as a bed and table.”

Cui Huohuo: “these few days of rest5 work inactivity, I also thought that you must have been called over here to study.”

The movement of Qin Qing’s hand slightly paused.

Cui Huohuo asked again: “These few days, the person inside6(people in the house = SZH) ate right?”

Qin Qing responded.

Cui Huohuo: “So it’s like that. I purchased so many ingredients for when you enter the crew. One person simply can’t eat it all. It’s definitely an amount for two people.”

Qin Qing’s heart was immediately calm7alternatively still; at peace

In front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, the books spread out on top of the table had been calmly laid out. On top of the island in the open-style kitchen, there was a glass of water specially prepared for him to drink, and these days, he was already completely familiar with the area he could see on first floor from his position.

Even the feeling after he enters the door was entirely like being in a very familiar place.

And this was all because of Su Zhihe.

Because Su Zhihe treats him very well.

Yet Su Zhihe had said: “If you dare to resign, I’ll break your leg.”

The leg was unlikely to be broken but not wanting to let him leave should be true.

Qin Qing very quickly thought of this point and had to smile to himself.

Cui Huohuo saw him smile and was puzzled.

Qin Qing put down the things in hand and got up to take his phone: “going to send a message.”

“Oh.” Cui Huohuo continued the work by himself.

By the window, Qin Qing sent a few messages to Su Zhihe.

First, he explained the matter of feeding pigeons and what Kou Jiang said about Shang Mohuai. He said that he and Shang Mohuai weren’t familiar at all before and also that there was no relationship, and even if there was something, it was entirely Shang Mohuai’s one-sided pursuit.

Then he said honestly: “Originally, I wanted to resign.”

Su Zhihe replied to him: “and now.”8(nowadays?)

Qin Qing looked at the phone screen and said in his heart that he still wanted to quit now.

But the person (QQ) who wants to leave, because the was someone who doesn’t want him to leave, his original steady idea was wavering.  (^^ Title)

And wavering for Qin Qing was very much a strange word.9Vocabulary

He has always been very opinionated, determined, and also quite able to persevere.

He literally won’t waver and was incapable of being swayed by someone.

From the beginning, he was a person who very much knew what he wants and what he was going to do and in the past, he was even somewhat ruthless.

The central air conditioner was on, the bladeless fan slowly rotated in the middle of the living room, and cool air blew inside.

Qin Qing thought of the outdoor recording not long ago. He called to contact the factory at the bottom of the mountain and went down the mountain the same night to buy magnetic plastic sheets and had taken people early in the morning to the recording site to build a pergola.

When has he done something like that for an artist beside him before?

He hasn’t.10Its never happened

Only Su Zhihe.

Because Su Zhihe didn’t want anything from him yet still treated him very well.

He was too fond of this kindness and if there was someone who treated him well like this, his hard heart which was suffering from past experiences would (ultimately) slowly soften.

In this way, it became entirely easy to waver.

If he (SZH) didn’t want him to leave, then he (QQ) didn’t want to leave so much.

And since he didn’t want to leave so much, a believable and reasonable excuse instantly popped up in his brain.

He replied to Su Zhihe: “Now I still have to be responsible for ‘Prospering’ Boss. Temporarily can’t leave.”

This sentence was sent out for just half a minute when thumping footsteps could be heard again on the stairs.

Su Zhihe looked normal as he came downstairs as if nothing had happened just a moment ago.

As he came downstairs, he looked at Cui Huohuo who was currently packing his luggage, and reminded him: “Don’t forget anything.”

Cui Huohuo blinked: “Oh, okay.”

Su Zhihe went to the kitchen to pour water to drink. While pouring he held his phone and sent a voice note to Xiang Xun: “Make teacher Shang’s itinerary full. He even opened his mouth to ask me for help, how shameless would I be to only give him so little resource like this?””

Xiang Xun replied: “I understand.” Keep Busy. When you are busy, you won’t have time to think about random things.11t/n: with what I’ve learned 七七八八 means all kinds of things. the raw is 就没时间想七想八了 there’s no time to think about (presume/contemplate) 7 think about 8. Alternatively, no time to let your mind wonder about things you shouldn’t be wondering about.

If after fifteen years he was able to chase people to go feed pigeons, then it was definitely because they were too idle.

He also asked: “Do you want to have Kou Jiang recall Director Qin’s list of suitors and write it on a piece of paper?”

Su Zhihe sent him one word: “Roll.”12Scram

Who wants to know this!?

Xiang Xun nimbly*13intelligently rolled.

Su Zhihe: “Come back.”

Xiang Xun came back.

Su Zhihe pressed the phone screen and asked Xiang Xun to get paper for Kou Jiang to summarize Qin Qing’s preferences.

Xiang Xun: “OK.”

Not long after, in the span of a few mouthfuls of water[mfn]remember SZH is drinking water here,[/mfn] Xiang Xun took a photo and sent it to Su Zhihe.

It was a piece of paper and there were two lines of words written on the paper in Kou Jiang’s handwriting.

The first line: Boss Qin has no hobbies and his preferences are unknown. He is a seamless egg14it’s like a person without fault. and a block of iron15Inflexible, unchanging.

The second line of words: In short, it is very difficult to pursue.

The corner of Su Zhihe’s eye swept a glance at Qin Qing, who resumed his work16remember he was packing luggage in the living room.. He leaned on one side of the island table and sent a message.

Su Zhihe: Who let him sum it up? 17Second line: “in short”. KJ concluded or summed up SZHs chances at QQ

Xiang Xun: Already being scolded.

He also said: but that can’t be helped, it is too obvious. how many times have you made him summarize on Qin Qing, and (now) you’re paying attention to Shang Mohuai chasing Qin Qing like this, it’s already very easy to guess.18basically, SZHs pursuit is too glaringly obvious. 

Xiang Xun: Nowadays it’s only Qin Qing himself that doesn’t know.

Xiang Xun: But it’s a little strange ah. You are so good to him like this and raised his salary and also accompanied him to go out. He still didn’t sense anything?”

Afterwards he sent a photo, which was still of an A4 paper with Kou Jiang’s handwriting on it.

“In the past, he didn’t pay attention to people who chased him. There was no marriage, no partner or lover. He devoted all his energy to work and his emotional side may not be developed at all.”

“Sum it up” (was) Crossed off

Not developed?

Su Zhihe silently turned his head and looked at Qin Qing not far away.

After a few glances, he hummed arrogantly deep in his heart. Other people chased but couldn’t catch, so his chase will also not be successful?

But if other people had chased successfully, then what was left for him?

Su Zhihe: “Qin Qing.”

Qin Qing looked over.

Su Zhihe: “Let Xiang Xun get you a contract tonight.”

Qin Qing reacted: “An employment contract?”

“Hmm.” Su Zhihe thought about it: “Don’t work as an assistant.”


Su Zhihe had a serious expression on: “Come and work as an executive agent for me.”

He didn’t give Qin Qing a chance to refuse: “Didn’t you say that you would be responsible for prospering me? If you want to do that, you have to be earnestly responsible and be responsible to the end.” (t/n: lol)

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