After Rebirth, I Become Popular in the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 47: CH 47

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Tang Ziyou’s car accident this time had caused a serious psychological shadow on Gu Jiuci. He was always worried something happened to Tang Ziyou, whether everything wasn’t real now. If he didn’t pay attention, Tang Ziyou would really have accident and disappear.

So he would look at Tang Ziyou from time to time to ensure his existence, to ensure that he was still alive.

Still alive and being well.

In the beginning, Gu Jiuci couldn’t even leave Tang Ziyou’s hospital bed. He was lying beside Tang Ziyou’s bed and could see him as soon as he opened his eyes.

Later, he set up a bed beside Tang Ziyou’s hospital bed, and then being forced to leave Tang Ziyou’s hospital bed.

But now, they were separated into two bedrooms, and Gu Jiuci’s fear resurfaced.

He took the quilt and walked to the corridor. Through the open door, he could see Tang Ziyou still on the bed.

He called out, “Xiao You.”

Tang Ziyou asked him, “What’s the matter?”

“Good night.” Gu Jiuci said.

When Tang Ziyou saw that he was planning to make himself stay at his door, he couldn’t bear it for a while, but he pressed it down again and said softly, “Good night.”

He closed his eyes, but in his dream, he dreamed of Gu Jiuci.

Gu Jiuci slept at his door and looked at him silently.

Tang Ziyou slept all night and had a long dream. Some images flashed in his mind.

During breakfast, he asked Gu Jiuci, “We got engaged after listening to our elders, didn’t we?”

“Yes.” Gu Jiuci put a steamed stuffed bun for him.

Tang Ziyou stirred the porridge in the bowl and asked him, “But you don’t like me, do you?”

“No.” Gu Jiuci quickly denied, “How could I not like you.”


Tang Ziyou was very skeptical. Those images that flashed in his dreams, Gu Jiuci was very cold to him and was very resistant to this marriage.

Tang Ziyou looked at Gu Jiuci and said to him, “If you don’t like me, you can tell me and I’m willing to break up the engagement with you.”

Gu Jiuci: ! ! !

Gu Jiuci hurriedly said, “I didn’t, Xiao You, you really misunderstood. I like you, I don’t dislike you.”

Tang Ziyou felt that he was lying, “Do you think I’ve lost my memory now, so you feel sorry? It’s alright, I can do it. I don’t like you now either.”

Gu Jiuci: ……

Gu Jiuci silently put another bun for him, “Behave, have breakfast first.”

Tang Ziyou saw that he had changed the subject and had no choice but to eat the steamed stuffed buns from the bowl first.

He was a little wary of Gu Jiuci himself, but now he felt that the two were arranged marriage. Gu Jiuci didn’t like him, so he avoided Gu Jiuci even more. After eating, he sat in the corner of the sofa watching the video and looked out the window from time to time.

“What are you looking at?” Gu Jiuci took the fruit and sat beside him, “Want to go out to play?”

Tang Ziyou shook his head and asked him, “When will Brother come.”

Gu Jiuci: ……

Gu Jiuci said, “He won’t come here today.”

Tang Ziyou snorted and didn’t believe him.

Gu Jiuci was helpless, “Why do you believe him and not me? I’m your fiancé. He’s just your fiancé’s brother. You have to be clear about this relative relationship.”

Tang Ziyou raised his eyes and glanced at him. Without speaking, he looked down at the video.

Gu Jiuci had no choice but to lean over and say softly, “What are you looking at? Can I watch it with you?”

Tang Ziyou shook his head, “Not good.”

Gu Jiuci: ……

Gu Jiuci silently picked up the apple in the fruit bowl and took a bite.

He also took another one for Tang Ziyou, “Here.”

Tang Ziyou took it and politely said, “Thank you.”

“You should let me watch the video with you to thank me.”

Tang Ziyou instantly put down the apple, “No, thanks.”

Gu Jiuci: ……

Gu Jiuci had never seen him like this before. He felt helpless and funny. He also thought he was cute.

“Eat, don’t thank me. I won’t watch it with you.”

He handed the apple to Tang Ziyou again. Tang Ziyou looked at him cautiously for a while before finally eating slowly.

Gu Jiuxing didn’t come until after seven in the afternoon, “There is some traffic jam on the road and delayed.”

“It’s fine.” Gu Jiuci said.

As soon as he finished speaking, he turned around and saw Tang Ziyou sitting on the sofa, staring at Gu Jiuxing with a smile.

Gu Jiuxing followed his gaze and saw Tang Ziyou. He walked over and asked him, “How are you today, do you feel better?”

Tang Ziyou nodded, “En.”

“Do you remember anything?”

“I remember a little.” Tang Ziyou showed him his thumb and index finger, giving a short distance in between.

Gu Jiuxing was surprised, “What do you remember?”

Tang Ziyou approached him and said seriously, “Brother, did he and I have an arranged marriage?”

When Gu Jiuxing heard the words, he glanced at Gu Jiuci, who was beside him, and nodded, “En, your marriage was decided by the two families.”

“Then, does he not like me? Nor does he like this marriage?”

Gu Jiuci didn’t expect that he would even ask Gu Jiuxing this question, so he quickly said, “I like it, didn’t I tell you before?”

Tang Ziyou glanced at him, “You said today that Brother won’t come.”

Gu Jiuci: ……

Gu Jiuci felt that Tang Ziyou before his amnesia was really sweet and kind. He never choked so much that he had nothing to say.

Gu Jiuxing smiled as he watched them interact.

He said, “He likes you.”

Tang Ziyou frowned, “Really?”

Gu Jiuxun nodded, “Do you think he doesn’t like you?”

Tang Ziyou didn’t speak.

Gu Jiuxing asked him again, “Or does he not like you in your memory?”

“Does he really like me?” Tang Ziyou wondered.

“Really.” Gu Jiuxing affirmed.

Tang Ziyou was a little worried. He looked at Gu Jiuci and then at Gu Jiuxing, “So, I can’t cancel the engagement, can I?”

Gu Jiuci: ……

Gu Jiuci touched his forehead, feeling that his temples were sore.

Gu Jiuxing was surprised, “Do you want to break your engagement with him?”

Tang Ziyou nodded hesitantly.


Tang Ziyou pursed his lips, leaned closer to his ear, and whispered, “I don’t want to be with him.”

Gu Jiuci was tired, “Is there anything you can’t let me hear?”

Tang Ziyou didn’t speak, just looked at Gu Jiuxing.

Gu Jiuxing thought for a moment, and then said to him, “Xiao Jiu, go and order food. I haven’t eaten yet.”

Gu Jiuci: ? ? ? ?

“What do you two need to whisper behind my back?”

“You just you go.” Gu Jiuxing said.

Gu Jiuci couldn’t, so he got up to order food.

Gu Jiuxing looked at Tang Ziyou and asked him, “Why don’t you want to be with him.”

“I just don’t want to.” Tang Ziyou lowered his head and looked at the ring in his hand, “I didn’t want to be with him since I woke up.”

“But Xiao Jiu is your fiancé.”

“You can get divorced when you’re married, but you can’t be separated when you’re engaged?” Tang Ziyou said in a positive tone, “You can’t give me the right to terminate the engagement just because I have amnesia now. Even if I lose my memory, I still have feelings and emotions.”

“You hate him?” Gu Jiuxing guessed.

Tang Ziyou shook his head.

“What is that?”

“I just don’t want to see him.” Tang Ziyou looked at him, “Brother, can’t I live with you? Or I live alone.”

Gu Jiuxing: ……

Gu Jiuxing really didn’t expect this to happen.

“No.” He said warmly, “Xiao You, it’s like this. It’s not that I don’t support you to separate from him now, but from the objective point of view, you have amnesia now. If you move out, it’s easy to meet some people who were hostile to you but you don’t know about, which isn’t good for your safety.”

“From a subjective point of view, you liked him very much before you lost your memory. Of course, you can move out from him now, but your memory is slowly recovering. One day you will remember it, but at that time, in case you regret what you have done now, then not only will you feel bad, but you will also feel guilty.”

“How about this,” Gu Jiuxing said slowly, “you try to stay with Xiao Jiu for three months first. If after three months, you still feel that you don’t want to see him and want to move out then you can live with me, okay?”

Tang Ziyou thought for a while and said to him, “You said, three months?”

Gu Jiuxing nodded, “I said so.”

“Okay then.” Tang Ziyou reluctantly tried.

Gu Jiuxing breathed a sigh of relief. After eating, he talked to Gu Jiuci about this.

“In the past three months, you can get along with Xiao You well. Otherwise, when the time comes, I can only let Xiao You go back to the old house first.”

Gu Jiuci had a headache, “What’s the matter with him? Why doesn’t he like seeing me so much?”

After he finished speaking, he looked up and down at Gu Jiuxing, “He quite likes you.”

“Probably because I treated him well before.” Gu Jiuxing said calmly, “What about you? You didn’t like him before and weren’t close enough to him. It’s normal for him to see me more.”

“But he still liked me before.”

“He liked you, but got hurt, so he has this sense of self-protection. Is it difficult to understand? It’s not difficult, right?”

Gu Jiuxing sighed, “The human brain is very magical. People are born to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, and you, for Xiao You, are the harm now.”

Gu Jiuci: ……

Gu Jiuci was silent. If he had known this earlier, he would have gotten along well with Tang Ziyou from the very beginning. It would be better than now. When he desperately wanted to get closer to Tang Ziyou, Tang Ziyou desperately wanted to leave.

Gu Jiuxing looked at his gloomy expression and said with a smile, “Is it uncomfortable to be alienated from others and don’t like to see you?”


“Then why don’t you think about it, wasn’t that the way you treated Xiao You before?”

“It’s different.”

“What’s the difference?” Gu Jiuxing asked him.

“It wasn’t me who asked him to get engaged, but he himself insisted on getting engaged to me.”

“That’s why he doesn’t want to get engaged to you now. He wants to move out.”

Gu Jiuci: ……

“So, it’s time for you to understand his situation.”

Gu Jiuxing smiled and walked out.

He didn’t stay overnight at Gu Jiuci’s house. Seeing him leave, Tang Ziyou stared at him reluctantly, wishing to go with him.

“Are you coming here tomorrow?” He asked.

Gu Jiuxing nodded, “Come.”

Tang Ziyou felt more at ease, “Then come early tomorrow.”

“Okay.” Gu Jiuxing said gently.

Gu Jiuci looked at it and found it particularly dazzling.

For the next month, Gu Jiuxing came almost every day. Tang Ziyou obviously trusted him and it was natural for him to say everything.

Gu Jiuci was very jealous, “That’s my brother.”

“So what?” Tang Ziyou asked him.

“You have to keep a proper distance from him. You are his sister-in-law, not his boyfriend.”

Tang Ziyou snorted, but thought of something and asked him, “If it’s an arranged marriage, why can’t I be engaged to Brother, but must be engaged to you?”

Gu Jiuci: ! ! !

Gu Jiuci almost lost his heart, “Because you like me. You only like me. You don’t like Brother.”

Tang Ziyou obviously didn’t believe it, “Then I don’t like you now. I like Brother. Can I change it?”

“Do you think it’s a purchase, still want to change it? Besides, we’ve been engaged for almost a year. How can we still offer a return or exchange within a year!”

Tang Ziyou gave a regretful “oh” and silently walked past him.

Gu Jiuci grabbed his arm and couldn’t help saying, “You can tell me what you like and what you want. I can give you what you want, do you understand?”

Tang Ziyou nodded, “Understood.”

Gu Jiuci felt that he was perfunctory at all. He reluctantly changed the subject and asked him, “It will be our one year anniversary of our engagement in a few days, how do you want to spend the day?”

Tang Ziyou didn’t want to do anything, “Just stay at home.”

“Don’t want to go out to play? Or eat something?”

Tang Ziyou shook his head.

“All right.”

“Was it just the two of us that day?” He asked.

Gu Jiuci: ……

Gu Jiuci suppressed his jealousy and nodded fiercely, “That’s right, just the two of us. What do we want others to do for our engagement anniversary?”

“Isn’t there a witness for an engagement? For example, parents, Brother, and so on.”

Gu Jiuci still wondered what calculus he was playing. He snorted, “No, no one, no parents, and no Brother.”

Tang Ziyou, “Hng.”

Gu Jiuci lowered his head and touched his forehead, “You just need to be with your dear fiancé, understand?”

Tang Ziyou puffed out his cheeks.

Gu Jiuci poked, and finally kissed him on the face, “Don’t think about others.”

Tang Ziyou was kissed by him. He was a little stunned for a while. He stared at him for a few seconds, then turned around and ran to his room.

Gu Jiuci quickly followed, “What are you doing? What’s the matter?”

Tang Ziyou closed the bedroom door before he caught up.

Gu Jiuci couldn’t help laughing, “What are you doing?”

Tang Ziyou didn’t speak. He raised his hand and touched the place where he had just been kissed. It was hot.

“Rogue (流氓).” He whispered, but leaning against the door. He didn’t seem to hate it.

Although he didn’t want to see Gu Jiuci, but when he did, the feeling wasn’t disgusting. Just like although he didn’t want to stay with Gu Jiuci, he didn’t seem to dislike it after staying here for a month.

Even being kissed by him just now, he didn’t hate it.

Tang Ziyou thought it was very strange. What kind of feelings did he have for Gu Jiuci?

He went to the bed and sat down. He looked at the photo of him and Gu Jiuci at the bedside. In the photo, he was smiling happily, but Gu Jiuci had no expression.

So, did he really like Gu Jiuci before?

What about Gu Jiuci? Did he like him too?

He listened to Gu Jiuci’s knock on the door, walked to the door and asked him, “Did you really like me before?”

“Of course.” Gu Jiuci replied, “Can this still be false?”

“Then why don’t you smile when we take a photo together?”

“That was a snapshot. At that time, my expression wasn’t ready yet.” Gu Jiuci opened his mouth and came.

“Then we didn’t take another picture. Have you made your expression?”

“Yes, yes, but this one is the best one you took, so we kept this one.” After Gu Jiuci finished speaking, he didn’t forget to add drama to himself, “It can be seen that in my heart, you are more important than me.”

Is that so?

Tang Ziyou was very suspicious.

Gu Jiuci was still knocking on the door, “What the hell are you doing inside, open the door, Xiao You.”

“No, I want to rest for a while. Don’t knock.”

Hearing the words, Gu Jiuci closed his hands, “Then you have a good rest.”


Tang Ziyou walked back and lay on the bed.

He had a dream again. In the dream, he was sick. Gu Jiuci quite attentive to him and took great care of him. He looked at Gu Jiuci with love in his eyes.

After waking up, Tang Ziyou sat quietly on the bed for a long time, wondering if Gu Jiuci really liked him?

Then why did his subconscious keep him away from Gu Jiuci?

According to the situation in the dream, he also seemed to like Gu Jiuci.

Tang Ziyou didn’t understand. He hugged his knees. He just thought it was troublesome to lose his memory.

Seeing that Tang Ziyou was unwilling to go out, Gu Jiuci planned to spend their engagement anniversary at home.

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He ordered someone to deliver the meal, accompanied Tang Ziyou to watch a movie and painted with him.

Tang Ziyou looked at his picture album, which was full of Gu Jiuci’s portraits, and there was a blank space next to the portrait that read: Xiao Jiu is not at home today.

Tang Ziyou asked him, “Where have you been?”

“Filming.” Gu Jiuci said, “I’m an actor and I’m quite busy.”

“Then what is my occupation?” Tang Ziyou asked curiously.

“You were originally an actor, but your grandfather fell ill and you stopped filming. You haven’t started it again until now.”

Tang Ziyou had inquired about his current situation before. Knowing that his grandfather was gone, he nodded and said in a low voice, “Then I must be very tired, so I want to rest for a while.”

“Am I miserable before? I have no parents and siblings, just a grandfather. Grandpa isn’t here, am I very tired?” He asked curiously.

Gu Jiuci never thought that it would be like this.

He didn’t quite understand why Tang Ziyou didn’t go to work. He would rather stay at home and wait for him to come home than spend his energy on his career.

It wasn’t until this moment when Tang Ziyou looked at him curiously that he finally understood.

It wasn’t that he didn’t want to go to work, he was just too tired.

In Tang Ziyou’s life, his parents died early, he had no siblings, only one grandfather who had grown up with him too much.

But just like he wouldn’t tell his grandmother a lot, Tang Ziyou wouldn’t tell his grandfather everything that happened to him.

However, he had Gu Jiuxing, a brother, a sibling who grew up with him and sheltered him from the wind and rain.

But Tang Ziyou, he had nothing.

He had been walking alone for too long. He was too tired, so he wanted to stop and take a break.

It wasn’t difficult to understand, but he never understood him.

Gu Jiuci instantly felt guilty. He didn’t know what to say for a while, so he could only say, “It won’t happen in the future. You have me now, and I will take care of you. You can tell me everything you need.”


Gu Jiuci nodded and held his shoulder, “Really, I won’t lie to you.”

After he finished speaking, under Tang Ziyou’s questioning eyes, he hugged him.

Tang Ziyou didn’t push away and quietly leaned on his shoulder.

* * *

This month, Gu Jiuxing was away from X City most of the time because he had business trips. He saw Tang Ziyou less often.

Tang Ziyou understood it very well, so he didn’t have to worry about himself when he made a call video with him.

“How are you and Xiao Jiu getting along?” Gu Jiuxing asked him.

Tang Ziyou gave an “uh” and said embarrassedly, “It’s alright.”

Gu Jiuxing looked at his expression and actions, feeling that in about a month, he probably wouldn’t want to move out.

“That’s good.” He said, “I’ll go back later. You and Xiao Jiu get along well. When I come back, I’ll bring you gifts.”

Tang Ziyou nodded and asked him again, “Do you not bring me gifts if I don’t get along well?”

Gu Jiuxing felt that he was particularly childish after losing his memory. He said with a smile, “Bring it too, my brothers should have a gift.”

Tang Ziyou smiled, “Thank you, Brother.”

“You’re welcome.”

* * *

In the blink of an eye, it was the third month.

When Gu Jiuxing came, he saw Tang Ziyou and Gu Jiuci were watering the flowers in the garden. Pouring, pouring. Gu Jiuci kissed Tang Ziyou. Tang Ziyou waited for him to finish kissing, took the kettle, and went to pour Gu Jiuci. Gu Jiuci dodged a few times, but still got wet clothes. Tang Ziyou smiled very proudly, and when he turned his head, he looked at Gu Jiuxing.

“Are you done?” He warmly greeted him.

Gu Jiuci also walked over and asked, “Is the matter settled?”

“It’s over.” Gu Jiuxing handed the bag in his hand to Tang Ziyou, “A gift for you.”

“What?” Tang Ziyou was curious.

“You should like the local specialty snacks.”

Tang Ziyou took the bag and walked to the house.

Gu Jiuci’s clothes were wet, so he asked Gu Jiuxing to sit first. He went upstairs to change his clothes.

Seeing Gu Jiuci leaving, Gu Jiuxing said warmly, “It seems that you and Xiao Jiu get along pretty well and have a good time.”

Tang Ziyou nodded, “That’s what I said.”

“Then do you still want to move out?” Gu Jiuxing asked him, “I think you two get along pretty well now. You are his fiancé. You’d better stay here.”

Tang Ziyou turned to look at him, thinking about it. He nodded reluctantly and agreed.

Gu Jiuxing rubbed his hair, “Xiao You is really good.”

That’s indeed good, Tang Ziyou thought.

After Gu Jiuxing left at night, Gu Jiuci escorted Tang Ziyou back to his room, and when he went up the stairs, he suddenly lowered his voice, “Brother said, you are willing to stay with me all the time.”

Tang Ziyou nodded, “Yes, for the time being.”

Gu Jiuci silently held his hand and said gently, “I wish to do so in the future.”

“That’s not certain.”

“Sure.” Gu Jiuci smiled.

Tang Ziyou smiled, “How can you be sure?”

“Because I like you.” Gu Jiuci approached him, “Xiao You, you still like me, right? Otherwise, you wouldn’t say yes for the time being.”

Tang Ziyou’s face was hot for a moment. He turned his head and wanted to walk up the stairs, but Gu Jiuci grabbed his hand and hugged him into his arms.

He looked at Gu Jiuci angrily. Gu Jiuci smiled very gently.

“Thank you.” Gu Jiuci kissed him. “I promise I will make you always want to live here all the time.”

“That’s not necessary.”

“You will for sure.” Gu Jiuci hugged him and kissed his side face gently.

That night, Gu Jiuci appeared in Tang Ziyou’s bedroom holding his quilt and pillow, “Can I make a bed in your room?”

Tang Ziyou: ……

Tang Ziyou agreed with one eye closed.

It was just that when he went to bed at night, he turned his body on his side and looked at the direction where Gu Jiuci fell asleep. He couldn’t bear it.

“Gu Jiuci.” He whispered.

“What’s wrong?” Gu Jiuci asked.

“You’re not asleep.”

“Not yet, what’s wrong?”

“Nothing.” Tang Ziyou rolled over.

After a while, he asked again, “Gu Jiuci.”

“What’s wrong?”

“You haven’t fallen asleep yet?”

Gu Jiuci laughed, “You haven’t fallen asleep either.”

Tang Ziyou turned over again.

After a while, Gu Jiuci heard Tang Ziyou ask him again, “Gu Jiuci.”

Gu Jiuci had to answer again, “What’s wrong?”

“Are you not used to sleep on the floor, so you can’t fall asleep all the time?”

“A little bit.” Gu Jiuci said, “but it should be fine in a while.”

Tang Ziyou sighed. He looked reluctant but didn’t want to be seen so embarrassing, “Then come up and sleep. I can barely sleep with a person next to me.”

Gu Jiuci: ! ! !

Gu Jiuci sat up quickly, not giving him any room to go back, and went to bed without saying a word.

Tang Ziyou: …Aren’t you humble enough!?

Tang Ziyou felt that he really couldn’t wait.

It could be seen that he really wanted to sleep with him for a long time.

Alas, then satisfy him for now. After all, the two of them were fiancés.

Tang Ziyou thought so, He stopped turning over and slowly closed his eyes.

Gu Jiuci looked at him and slowly closed his eyes.

Before closing his eyes, Gu Jiuci tentatively said, “Xiao You, can I hug you?”

Tang Ziyou didn’t say a word. Gu Jiuci took it as his approval.

He slowly reached out and hugged Tang Ziyou. Tang Ziyou waited for a while. Seeing that he didn’t let go, he knew that his hug wasn’t a short hug, but an overnight hug.

Tsk, give him an inch and he will take an ell. (得寸進尺)

Forget it, Tang Ziyou thought. It wasn’t impossible since he was his fiancé.

He calmed down with peace of mind and slowly fell asleep.

When Tang Ziyou woke up the next day, he found that he was in Gu Jiuci’s arms. His face was facing Gu Jiuci. Gu Jiuci said with a smile, “Morning.”

“Morning.” He greeted dumbly.

Gu Jiuci kissed him and asked him, “What would you like to eat?”

“Soy milk and fried dough stick.” (豆漿油條, traditional breakfast for Chinese and also meant perfect match, in my country, it called “cakwe”, here)

“Then I’ll order takeout.”

Tang Ziyou, “Okay.”

When Tang Ziyou reacted from the confusion of getting up in the morning, and found that he had been lying in Gu Jiuci’s arms for a long time, he could only sigh in his heart, thinking that they really looked like fiancés now.

The days went on like this. The two of them were fighting, talking and laughing, and occasionally kissing and hugging.

Tang Ziyou thought this wasn’t bad. At least, he looked at Gu Jiuci that was pleasing to the eye now.

Until one night, there was a sudden wind blowing in the middle of the night, lightning and thunder, and the commotion of the thunder. Tang Ziyou was awakened by the thunder.

Gu Jiuci hugged him and asked, “Afraid?”

Tang Ziyou shook his head, “Just suddenly scared.”

“It’s okay.” Gu Jiuci kissed him.

Tang Ziyou leaned in his arms and slowly closed his eyes. However, this night’s dream wasn’t as gentle as the previous dream.

He dreamed that Gu Jiuci looked at him indifferently and said to him coldly, “I won’t like you.”

He also dreamed when he got engaged. After the engagement, he was sad because Gu Jiuci alienated him.

He also dreamed that he had an accident. Before he lost consciousness, he heard the sentence, “I have something to do now. I have no time to answer your call. Don’t bother me.”

When Tang Ziyou woke up, his whole body was stunned.

In his memory, the past in those dreams slowly took their seats, and the missing parts were also completely filled last night.

Gu Jiuxing lied to him and Gu Jiuci also lied to him. They were indeed fiancés, but Gu Jiuci didn’t love him.

Tang Ziyou finally understood why his subconscious mind told him to avoid Gu Jiuci, because he was protecting himself and he didn’t want to be sad anymore.

He also finally understood why he unconsciously approached and trusted Gu Jiuxing, because he was the brother he wanted very much but was destined to never have.

Tang Ziyou lay on the bed, his heart full of bitterness.

“What’s wrong?” Gu Jiuci saw that he was awake and didn’t speak. He just stared blankly at the chandelier, leaned in and hugged him, “Have a nightmare?”

Tang Ziyou turned to look at him. He didn’t understand. Didn’t Gu Jiuci dislike him? And why did he pretend to like himself after a car accident.

He shook his head, broke away from Gu Jiuci’s arms. He sat up slowly and whispered, “Gu Jiuci, I remember. I remember everything.”

He looked at Gu Jiuci and saw the surprise in his eyes. He smiled and said calmly and rationally, “So you don’t have to do this. You don’t like me, we all know.”

Tang Ziyou said and wanted to get out of bed.

Gu Jiuci grabbed him and said anxiously, “No.”

He said, “It’s not like that, Xiao You. I like you, I really like you.”

“I’ve already remembered it. You don’t need to deceive me like this anymore and deceive yourself as well.”

“I didn’t lie to you.” Gu Jiuci approached him, “I really like you. I just didn’t tell you before.”

Tang Ziyou couldn’t believe it, “What did you say?”

“Xiao You, I’m wearing the ring you gave me. I remember our engagement anniversary. Every time you say you want to see me, I’ll come back. I like you. I just don’t want to admit that I like you so soon.”

Tang Ziyou was puzzled, “Why?”

“Because I said before that I didn’t like you. At that time, I really didn’t think I would like you, but then I fell in love with you again, which is ironic, so I want to slow down. I want us to take our time together. When the engagement anniversary is over, I will slowly start to like you and be with you slowly.”

“But I didn’t expect you to have an accident. At that time, I realized that life is not always smooth sailing, and no one can predict what will happen in the next second, so I was afraid. I was at the door of the operating room waiting for you to come out, I took care of you day and night, and then I told myself that as long as you wake up, I will never lie to myself. I won’t lie to you, and I will love you as well.”

“What if I can’t wake up?” Tang Ziyou asked him.

Gu Jiuci was stunned for a moment and said seriously, “Then I will always love you. Just like you love me until you die, I will love you until I die.”

Tang Ziyou didn’t expect him to say such a thing and was stunned.

“I’m sorry.” Gu Jiuci hugged him, “I was too willful and selfish before. I didn’t treat you properly and didn’t confess to you. I know I was wrong, so can you forgive me?”

Tang Ziyou looked at the guilt and regret in his eyes and nodded after a long time.

For him, he liked Gu Jiuci. He had been chasing after Gu Jiuci, hoping that Gu Jiuci would like him one day.

Now that he liked him, that’s enough.

He had waited so long for the flower to bloom. As long as the flower bloomed, he didn’t need to wait for the flower for so long, because from the very beginning, he was the one who took a fancy to this flower and planted it in his own patio.

Tang Ziyou had never been a tangled person. His feelings were frank and sincere. If he liked it, he liked it. Because he liked it, he never bothered about anything else.


“Then the good-hearted person called you at that time and you said that.” Tang Ziyou blamed.

“It’s my fault.” Gu Jiuci said sincerely, “I was arguing with the female lead over the script at the time. When the quarrel was the most intense, your call came. I thought you were idle and bored, when you called me, I didn’t take it seriously. I didn’t ask what was wrong after picking it up, and just said that.”

“It’s my fault.” Gu Jiuci said, “I shouldn’t have brought my anger into the phone with you. I should be patient and listen to what you want to say to me first.”

He hugged Tang Ziyou, “You don’t know how scared I am when I think about it later. If I knew that was your accident call, I wouldn’t say that. I would rush back without saying a word. I would thank the person who called me.”

“Then how did you know that later?”

“Brother called me. When I found out, I came back right away.”

“Then what about your movie?” Tang Ziyou remembered that he had been by his side for the past few months without going out. He was worried, “Did you not filming?”

“Something happened to you, I don’t even have the heart to make a movie.” Gu Jiuci said helplessly.

“But I woke up later. It’s alright, but you didn’t go to filming.”

“Because you lost your memory, I want to take care of you.” Gu Jiuci said.

Tang Ziyou was a little jealous of himself when he lost his memory, “You are very kind to him.”

Gu Jiuci laughed and pinched his face, “It’s all you.”

He kissed Tang Ziyou, “Don’t worry. I will treat you better than him in the future.”

Tang Ziyou was satisfied, “But you’re breaking the contract. You’ve lost a lot of money.”

“No amount of money can buy you, so it will be fine.”

Tang Ziyou still thought it was very strange, “You are so kind to me all of a sudden. When you say these words, I always feel so unreal.”

Gu Jiuci hugged him, “After you get used to it, you will feel that this is real.”

“So you really like me?”

Gu Jiuci nodded, “I really like you.”

Tang Ziyou laughed instantly.

He looked at Gu Jiuci with a smile, suddenly came up to him, and kissed him.

Gu Jiuci hugged him, smiled, and kissed him back. The two slowly kissed.

When Gu Jiuxing heard the news that Tang Ziyou had recovered his memory, he came over that afternoon.

Tang Ziyou had regained his memory now, so he was embarrassed to stick to him as he did before he lost his memory. He just smiled and called him, “Brother.”

“The memory is recovered?”

Tang Ziyou nodded.

“That’s good.”

“Thank you, Brother.” Tang Ziyou said.

“You’re welcome.” Gu Jiuxing looked at him with kind eyes. “No matter when, whether you remember or not, you are my brother.”

Tang Ziyou looked at him with a smile, full of gratitude.

That night, Gu Jiuci took the ring out of the dice necklace and handed it to Tang Ziyou.

Tang Ziyou helped him put it on his hand again.

“Will it be too obvious?” He was worried.

“It’s okay.” Gu Jiuci smiled, “We will get married if we are recognized.”

Tang Ziyou: ! ! !

“What about your career?”

“Who said that you can’t act after you get married? Besides, I don’t only have to act. I can go home and help Brother share the family business.”

That’s true, Tang Ziyou nodded.

“So, you don’t have to worry.”

After Gu Jiuci finished speaking, he raised Tang Ziyou’s left hand and slowly kissed the ring on his ring finger.

The moonlight was just right, fit perfectly to accompany them to their old age.

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