After Rebirth, I Become Popular in the Entertainment Industry

Chapter 46: CH 46

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In the night, it was very dark. Gu Jiuci sat in front of Tang Ziyou’s hospital bed and looked at the person on the bed gently.

He picked up the towel in his hand and dipped it in the clear water. While wiping the face of the person on the bed, he said, “It’s been almost a week. Don’t you want to wake up?”

“What’s the point of lying down all the time, wake up and we can go to the movies then have dinner together?”

He seemed to have thought of something, “It will be our engagement anniversary in a month or two, where do you want to go?”

“No matter where you want to go, you have to wake up to go. So, wake up quickly, okay?”

The person on the bed didn’t speak. Gu Jiuci slowly wiped his face, changed the towel, and wiped his hands and legs. He then kissed him on the face.

“Good night, remember to open your eyes and look at me tomorrow morning.”

After saying that, he picked up the basin, poured the water, and went to sleep in the guest room.

He had been in the hospital for a week. From the initial shock and panic, he could now calm down and wait quietly for Tang Ziyou to wake up.

When Gu Jiuci received the unexpected notice about Tang Ziyou’s accident, he was completely stunned.

At that time, he was arguing with the female lead of the crew. The female lead insisted on adding drama to herself and expanding the depth of her character, saying that she could win awards for this role.

Gu Jiuci couldn’t understand why she didn’t choose a role that could win the award when she wanted to. Instead, they had to expand the depth of the existing script and turn the originally thin characters into the core of the play.

He quarrelled endlessly with the other party. When the quarrel became fierce, the phone rang. Gu Jiuci was busy arguing with the female lead, so he interrupted him before the other party spoke, hung up the phone, and continued to confront the female lead.

However, he never thought that it would be the last call Tang Ziyou give him.

When he received a call from Gu Jiuxing and learned that Tang Ziyou had an accident, he rushed to the hospital and saw Gu Jiuxing’s worried face and the lights on in the operating room.

“What’s going on?” Gu Jiuci asked in surprise.

“The driver was drunk and ran a red light. The person has been taken away by the traffic police. Xiao You is being rescued.”

Gu Jiuci looked at the door of the operating room. His heart was full of panic.

There was dense cold sweat on his back. His heartbeat was fast, up and down, without falling.

“Is it going to be alright?” He asked Gu Jiuxing unconsciously.

Gu Jiuxing nodded, “No, definitely not at all.”

Gu Jiuci was in a panic, walking around the door of the operating room, hoping that the doctor would come out in the next second and tell the others that it was all right.

“How could this happen?” Gu Jiuci was puzzled, “How come there is an accident?”

“Something unexpected may happen at any time. A man’s fate is as uncertain as the weather. This kind of thing, who would have expected.” Gu Jiuxing comforted him.

Gu Jiuci knew that this was true, but he never thought that one day, an accident would really happen to him.

Tang Ziyou wasn’t really in trouble, right?

Certainly not!

He was still so young. He was only in his twenties. How could something happen to him?

At this moment, Gu Jiuci felt remorse, regret, and guilt.

If something really happened to Tang Ziyou, what should he do?

He promised Tang Ziyou’s grandfather to take care of him, but he didn’t do it.

As Tang Ziyou’s fiancé, he had always resisted him by alienating him.

He clearly knew that Tang Ziyou liked him, liked him so much, but he didn’t give him the love he deserved.

He simply, felt sorry for him.

I beg you, Gu Jiuci said silently in his heart, I beg you not to have any trouble. As long as you are all right, I will promise you everything.

Don’t you like me? Then you won’t have an accident, okay?

You wake up, open your eyes and look at me, I will tell you that I like you, and I will never run away from you, I swear.

So please don’t have anything go wrong.

Gu Jiuci looked at the door of the operating room. His eyes were sore. He unconsciously held the dice pendant on his neck. He held it tighter until his palm was cut by the sharp edges and the corners of the dice soaked in blood. He didn’t feel any pain and didn’t release his fist.

Gu Jiuci was trembling. He waited outside the operating room for the whole afternoon while praying in his heart. Only then did he see the operating room lights turn off and the doctor come out.

He hurriedly greeted him and said in a panic, “How is it?”

“It’s alright,” the doctor said. “It’s just that I don’t know when he wakes up. Are you a family member of the patient? Then you should accompany him more.”

Gu Jiuci quickly nodded, “Okay, I will. Thank you.”

He respectfully watched the doctor leave. He followed the nurse to the VIP ward, looked at the pale Tang Ziyou lying on the bed, walked slowly beside him, and said softly, “I’m back.”

“Didn’t you always want me to go home quickly? Now I’m back.”

“Don’t you want to discuss with me how to celebrate our engagement anniversary together? Now we can discuss it properly.”

But Tang Ziyou lay quietly and couldn’t hear anything.

Gu Jiuci’s heart was sour. He said, “It’s okay, there’s still time anyway. I’ll wait for you and we’ll discuss it when you wake up.”

Seeing that Tang Ziyou was all right, Gu Jiuxing finally let go of the hanging heart.

He approached Gu Jiuci and patted him on the shoulder, saying, “Let’s go, eat something. You haven’t eaten anything yet, so it’s time to eat.”

Gu Jiuci wasn’t in the mood to eat, so Gu Jiuxing ordered a meal and had it delivered to him. He forced him to take two bites before giving up.

He also had company and family matters. Seeing that Tang Ziyou was safe for the time being, Gu Jiuci looked like he was going to guard. He said, “Then stay here with Xiao You, I’ll go home first.”

Gu Jiuci nodded, “Slow down on the road.”

“En, I’ll have someone bring your change of clothes to you later.”


Gu Jiuxing patted his shoulder and said, “It’s alright, don’t be afraid.”

After he finished speaking, he left the ward, leaving Gu Jiuci alone to look out at Tang Ziyou. His heart was slowly filled with fear.

He held Tang Ziyou’s hand, lowered his head, and approached the back of his hand, whispering, “I’m sorry.”

He once thought that they would have countless futures later. They could have had most of their lives and decades of future time.

But reality caught him off guard. In an accident, he almost took away the person he liked.

“I was wrong.” He whispered, “I regret it. I should have told you. I should have been nice to you. I shouldn’t have been hiding what I didn’t dare to admit. I was wrong, I’m sorry.”

He held Tang Ziyou’s hand, tears slowly seeping out, wetting his eyes and the back of Tang Ziyou’s hand.

Gu Jiuci held it so tightly. It seemed that as long as he held it like this, Tang Ziyou wouldn’t leave him.

He didn’t go to the guest room. He just grabbed his hand and slept next to the bed all night.

It was a very unsettling night.

Gu Jiuci hardly fell asleep and kept waking up from his dreams until he was sure that the person in front of him was still alive.

In the second half of the night, Gu Jiuci kept his eyes open, staring at Tang Ziyou, imagining that he would open his eyes in the next second.

However, Tang Ziyou didn’t do what he wanted.

He never opened his eyes.

One day, two days, a week, two weeks.

Gu Jiuci’s agent called him to remind him that the next scenes hadn’t been filmed.

“I’m not in the mood.” Gu Jiuci said, “Tang Ziyou is lying in bed now and I don’t know when he will wake up. I’m not in the mood to film.”

“Talk to the crew and see if you can change the person. We will pay a lot of liquidated damages. We can pay as much as we should.”

Qin Ge had no choice but to be glad that filming had just started at this time, and there was still time to change the person.

In order to express his apology, Gu Jiuci recommended several suitable candidates to the director, and even personally persuaded them to act.

Although the director regretted it, he had already reached this point. He was very sorry, so he advised him, “Xiao Gu, just focus on taking care of your family. It’s alright. We still have the opportunity to cooperate in the future.”

“Okay.” Gu Jiuci stayed in the hospital just like that, taking care of Tang Ziyou and waiting for him to wake up.

* * *

On that day, it was already dark. After Gu Jiuci sent Gu Jiuxing back to the ward, just as he opened the door, he saw Tang Ziyou sitting up. He couldn’t believe it for a while and said in surprise, “Xiao You?”

Tang Ziyou looked up at him.

Gu Jiuci walked over to his bed in surprise and asked excitedly, “Are you awake?”

Tang Ziyou looked at him with a confused expression. He asked, “Are you…?”

Gu Jiuci was stunned and looked at him in disbelief.

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Tang Ziyou sat obediently on the bed. His eyes were clear and full of curiosity.

Gu Jiuci was being looked at by him like this. After a long time, he slowly opened his mouth and said, “I’m your fiancé, do you not remember?”

Tang Ziyou shook his head and looked at him vigilantly.

Gu Jiuci suddenly felt bitterness in his heart and wanted to touch him, but Tang Ziyou unknowingly ducked back.

“I’m going to call the doctor.” He withdrew his hand in embarrassment and walked out.

Tang Ziyou sat dazedly, not quite understanding what was going on now.

The doctor came quickly and said that he probably suffered a head injury during a car accident, so he had lost his memory. He should recover slowly after that. He advised them not to worry.

Tang Ziyou didn’t worry. He just asked, “Can I go home then?”

“After a few days staying in the hospital for observation, if everything is fine, you can go back.”

“Okay.” Tang Ziyou smiled.

Gu Jiuci looked at the smile on his face and reached out to touch his head, but he avoided it.

Tang Ziyou seemed a little afraid of him. His eyes were always cautious.

After the doctor left, Gu Jiuci said warmly, “Don’t be afraid of me, I won’t hurt you. I’m your fiancé, we are lovers.”

Tang Ziyou just glanced at him, lowered his head, and didn’t communicate with him.

Gu Jiuci had no choice but to coax him carefully and tell him something about the past. Tang Ziyou listened and seemed to believe it, but also didn’t seem to believe it.

Gu Jiuxing heard that he was awake and rushed to the hospital the next morning.

Tang Ziyou watched him enter the ward, vaguely impressed by him, and whispered, “Brother.”

Gu Jiuxing was surprised, “Don’t you have amnesia?”

“Some can still be remembered.” Tang Ziyou said honestly.

He looked at Gu Jiuxing and smiled at him gently.

Gu Jiuxing didn’t expect that he would still remember himself. He said in surprise, “Which ones do you remember?”

“I remember that Brother was very kind to me. The first time we met was when I was still painting.”

Gu Jiuxing looked at Gu Jiuci in surprise and said, “Are you sure he has lost his memory?”

Tang Ziyou nodded.

Gu Jiuci didn’t speak, but felt bitter in his heart.

“Do you really have no memory of me at all?”

Tang Ziyou looked at him timidly and nodded slowly. He was very concerned about this person subconsciously, but there was a voice in his heart telling him not to approach him.

Therefore, Tang Ziyou followed his heart.

He felt that he and Gu Jiuci should have a bad relationship. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have this sense of protection.

He quietly followed Gu Jiuci and went back to Gu Jiuci’s house.

When Gu Jiuxing left, Tang Ziyou was a little reluctant to part with him. He looked at him eagerly and asked, “Do you not live here?”

Gu Jiuci: ……

Gu Jiuxing smiled and shook his head. He reassured him, “It’s okay, Xiao Jiu is your fiancé. He won’t hurt you, don’t worry.”

Tang Ziyou thought about it and asked him, “Can’t I live with you?”

Gu Jiuci: ……

“No can do.” Gu Jiuxing still looked gentle, “Well, I’ll come see you tomorrow. If he dares to bully you, you can tell me tomorrow.”

Tang Ziyou felt a little relieved when he heard that he was coming tomorrow, “Brother, come early.”


Gu Jiuci: ……

Gu Jiuci suppressed his jealousy and sent Gu Jiuxing out, “Are you really coming tomorrow?”

“Come on, or Xiao You should think I’ve broken my promise.”

“What do you think he’s doing? Forget me and don’t speak to me. He’s still so afraid of me.” Gu Jiuci was worried, “I won’t make him suffer again.”

“Probably it’s the sense of protection in his heart. Xiao Jiu,” Gu Jiuxing turned to look at him, “no matter what you thought in the past, now that Xiao You has gone through life and death, you should treat him well and be honest with yourself.”

“I know.” Gu Jiuci whispered, “Of course, I will treat him well.”

“That’s good.” After Gu Jiuxing finished speaking, he got into the car.

Seeing that he had left, Gu Jiuci went back to the room. However, as soon as he went back, he saw Tang Ziyou kneeling on the sofa, looking out the window.

“Would you like something to eat?” He approached Tang Ziyou and said gently.

Tang Ziyou shook his head.

“Are you going to take a bath then?”

Tang Ziyou nodded.

“I’ll take you.”

Tang Ziyou got off the sofa and followed him carefully.

Gu Jiuci took him to his bedroom and said, “This is where you lived before.”

Tang Ziyou looked curiously, then approached the closet and took out the pajamas.

He washed for a long time, thinking that after so long, Gu Jiuci should leave, but when he opened the door, he found that Gu Jiuci was still there.

Tang Ziyou was a little depressed.

Gu Jiuci saw that his hair was still wet. He found a hairdryer and said to him, “I’ll dry it for you.”

Tang Ziyou shook his head and wiped it with a towel.

Gu Jiuci wanted to help him, but as soon as his hand touched the towel, Tang Ziyou immediately retracted his hand, looking frightened as if he had seen a ghost.

Gu Jiuci said helplessly, “I don’t eat people.”

Tang Ziyou nodded and took two steps back silently.

Gu Jiuci felt a little aggrieved in an instant and said, “We are lovers. I’m your fiancé. You don’t need to be so afraid of me.”

“Where’s your ring?” Tang Ziyou asked suddenly.

He looked down at the ring on the ring finger of his left hand and boldly pointed out his loophole, “You said you were my fiancé, where’s your ring? You don’t wear it.”

Gu Jiuci had to take off the necklace, open it in front of him, and pour out the ring.

“I wear it all the time, but I’m an actor. I can’t wear it on my hand openly, so I wear and hide it in a pendant.”

Tang Ziyou looked at his ring and seemed to really like his own.

Gu Jiuci approached him and pointed to him gently, “Look, this is the pattern of a wine jar. It’s mine, because my name is Gu Jiuci, and yours is the pattern of a candy. It’s you, because your name is Tang Ziyou. There are our initials inside the ring.”

Tang Ziyou looked at the “T” on the inside of the ring and felt that what he said seemed to be right. He stopped talking and returned the ring to him.

“I won’t hurt you. You don’t have to be afraid of me.” Gu Jiuci continued to coax.

Tang Ziyou nodded, but he still didn’t want to get close to him.

* * *

That night, Gu Jiuci asked, “I want to sleep with you, can I?”

Tang Ziyou was so frightened that he hurriedly shook his head with a look of reluctance.

Gu Jiuci looked at the rejection in his eyes. Thinking about his tenderness towards him before he lost his memory, he had mixed feelings in his heart. “I won’t touch you. I will sleep on another quilt. I just want to be by your side.”

Tang Ziyou still shook his head.

“Then can I lay on the floor?”

“Can’t you sleep in your bedroom?”

Gu Jiuci explained to him, “I have to look at you. Otherwise, I won’t be at ease and can’t sleep well.”

However, Tang Ziyou was still unwilling and refused silently.

Gu Jiuci really had no choice but to tell him in the end, “Then can you not close the door?”

Tang Ziyou nodded reluctantly.

Gu Jiuci sighed. After comforting him, he went back to his room.

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