After Rebirth, I Just Want To Concentrate on Raising My Baby

Chapter 43: 42:

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When Jiang Yaogang and Ye Zhen walked out of the school gate, they heard Shen Zhi's milky cries.

Ye Zhen's eyes lit up and discussed with Jiang Yao, "Ayao! Let me hug your nephew!"

"No." Jiang Yao refused, "You are like a pervert, you will scare us Xiaozhi."

Ye Zhen:? ? ? ? ?

No, don't do whatever you want based on your nephew's cuteness! !

"Uncle!!" Shen Zhi wore a white navy collar shirt with a pair of yellow duck overalls, and a hat of the same color on his head, standing by the gate very conspicuously.

Shen Zhi bounced on the spot, his small hands raised high, shaking vigorously, for fear that Jiang Yao would not be able to see him.

"God, it's so cute."

"I miss rua so much!"

"Whose brother is this? I want to hug him."

"Hahahaha, are you stupid? The little uncle who is called by the cutie."

"Yes hahahaha!"

Jiang Yao walked to the little yellow duck in the enviable eyes of Yigan people...No, in front of Shen Zhi, he hugged him up, "How can I dress so cute today."

Shen Zhi pouted, "Xiaozhi is cute every day!"

Jiang Yao squeezed Shen Zhi's nose, "My uncle made a mistake. Xiao Zhi today is even cuter than the day before!"


Jiang Yao looked at Jiang Cha, "Sister, didn't brother-in-law come with you?"

Jiang Cha couldn't laugh or cry, "Why don't you see him just look for him."

Jiang Yao smiled, "It's late, it's not safe for you and Xiaozhi to come out."

"Don't worry, Uncle Tan brought us here."

"Hello, Sister Jiang, I am Ye Zhen." Ye Zhen tried to brush his own sense of existence, "Hello Xiaozhi, I am your uncle's classmate and the same table, you can call me Brother Ye."

The last time we met was so rushed that he frightened everyone and children.

Ye Zhen thought, he must be so serious this time.

Sure enough, Shen Zhi obediently said hello, "Hello, Brother Ye."

Jiang Cha let out a laugh.

Jiang Yao curled his lips, "You let Xiaozhi call your brother, what do you call me? Nephew."

ha? Ye Zhen patted his forehead, "Oh, forgot to forget! Don't talk, let's talk about each other, we can't count it like that."

and many more! Ye Zhen suddenly remembered that when he met Jiang Cha and Shen Zhi for the first time, Ah Yao asked Shen Zhi to call his brother.

Ahhhhhhh! Jiang Yao, the black-hearted ghost! ! Secretly rubbing takes advantage of the title!

Ye Zhen glared at Jiang Yao pretentiously.

Shen Zhi: "Hey~"

Jiang Yao patted Shen Zhi, "It's okay. Although he looks like a pervert, he is a good person."

"Hey, hello!" Ye Zhen was dissatisfied, "Jiang Yao, if you slander me again, I will really be angry."

Jiang Yao bent his lips, "Okay, you are angry, let's go first."

"Eh!" Ye Zhen smiled immediately, "Just kidding, kidding, don't care."

Jiang Cha is very pleased. In just a few days, Jiang Yao has already had friends who can talk and laugh at will.

"Uncle." Shen Zhi's voice revealed joy, "Mom wants to take Xiao Zhi to see the house."

"House?" Jiang Yao was surprised, "Sister, do you want to buy a house?"

"No." Jiang Cha chuckled lightly, then shook his head, "It's the seaside villa for Xiaozhi's birthday party. It's almost ready. Let's go over and take a look today."

Jiang Yao nodded, "That's it."

"Little cute birthday party?" Ye Zhen checked the time, "Can I go? I can let my car follow you, doesn't seem very good."

Jiang Cha smiled and nodded, "There is nothing you can't go. If you want to go, just follow. Take our car and your car will follow behind."

"Thank you Sister Jiang."

Shen Zhi said to Jiang Yao in a voice, "Uncle, is Xiao Zhi called Brother Ye?"

Jiang Yao rubbed Shen Zhi's face, "Call Uncle Ye."

"Good~" Shen Zhi looked at Ye Zhen, "Uncle Ye is good."

Ye Zhen let out a cry of excitement.

Shen Zhi: ... The adults are really weird, especially this Uncle Ye.

The group got into Jiang Yao's car, and after Tan Shu greeted him, he drove off.

"Uncle Tan, Ye Zhen's car followed. Don't drive too fast."

"Okay, Mrs. Young."

Shen Zhi also nestled in Jiang Yao's arms when he was riding in the car, "Little Uncle, Xiao Zhi gave all the invitation cards to the children today, and everyone praised the beautiful paintings of Uncle."

Jiang Yao bent his lips, "That was painted by Xiaozhi."

"It was painted by my uncle!"

"Xiaozhi painted it."




"Alright, alright." Jiang Cha interrupted the two people's nutritious argument, "You two, a four-year-old and a seventeen-year-old, what can you argue without being in the same age group?"

Ye Zhen smiled, "Sister Jiang, the two of them are actually in the same age group."


"I'm all underage! Hahahahahahaha!" Ye Zhen couldn't smile, raised his hand and patted Jiang Yao on the shoulder, "I really, I have known you for several days, and this is the first time I found out that you can be so vivid. Emoji image."

Ye Zhen gave Shen Zhi a thumbs up, "Yes, nephew, I guess you are the only one who can turn your uncle into a child."

Shen Zhi shook his head and said to Ye Zhen, "Uncle is already very big, Xiao Zhi is a child."

"Puff ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

The car sprinted amidst Ye Zhen's unstoppable laughter, until he reached the beach villa, Ye Zhen was already smiling and his stomach hurts.

Sure enough, cute children can make him happy!

Shen Zhi took Jiang Cha and Jiang Yao one by one, and took them to a trot, "Mom, uncle, hurry up, don't let Uncle Ye catch up!"

Ye Zhen:........

What he did wrong will be ruthlessly abandoned by Zhizai!

Ye Zhen shouted, "Xiaozhi, Uncle Ye is chasing you!"

"Wow!" Shen Zhi let go of the hands of the two of them, and ran forward with his short legs, yelling as he ran, "Uncle Ye is here to chase after Xiaozhi! The big monster is about to eat Xiaozhi. Ah ah ah ah ah!"

Behind, pretending to chase after Shen Zhi Ye Zhen hard:...

"Xiaozhi, look at the road and run slowly." Jiang Cha raised her voice and exhorted.

"Good~" Shen Zhi answered softly.

In fact, Shen Zhi also knew that Ye Zhen was just kidding him, and he also thought that Uncle Ye was particularly interesting.

Shen Zhi ran for a while, and suddenly found a figure in front of him. Shen Zhi saw who it was, and his eyes lit up, "Dad!"

Shen Rang Xunsheng looked over, a smile appeared on his solemn face, Shen Rang squatted down/opened his arms, and hugged the rushing Shen Zhi.

"Oh, who owns this yellow and tender little duck?" Shen Rang teased Shen Zhi.

Shen Zhi smiled and kissed Shen Rang on the cheek, "mua~ it's my dad's little Zhi~"

Shen Rang squeezed his little face, "It turns out to be Dad’s little friend. No wonder Dad likes you so much. Tell Dad, what did you just run for?"

Shen Zhi turned around and pointed to Ye Zhen who was chasing him, "Uncle Ye has become a monster and wants to eat Xiaozhi~"

When Shen Zhi's voice fell, Ye Zhen also ran to Shen Rang.

Ye Zhen smiled and said hello, "Hello, Mr. Shen, I am Jiang Yao's classmate, Ye Zhen."

Shen Rang nodded, "Just follow Jiang Yao and call me brother-in-law."

Ye Zhen is also welcome, "Brother-in-law."

At the same time, Jiang Cha and Jiang Yao also came.

Jiang Cha was surprised, "Why are you here? Didn't you say that the work was not finished?"

Shen Rang hooked his lips, handed Shen Zhi to Jiang Yao, and then took Jiang Cha's shoulders and walked towards the villa, "I'm not relieved that you will lead the child over by yourself."

Jiang Cha chuckled, "Didn't I tell you I will bring Xiaoyao with me?"

"He is only seventeen years old, let me be safe."

"Just talk, I think you just don't want to deal with work."

Shen Rang didn't care about Jiang Cha's behavior to expose his purpose, and nodded obediently, "Yes, I don't want to stay in the company without you, I just want to be with my wife."

"Hey! Shen asked you to keep your voice down! Xiao Yao's classmates are still there."

"It's okay, he can't hear."

"Can't you hear me?"

"Well, my voice is very small."

Ye Zhen:...No, I can hear it.

Ye Zhen looked at Jiang Yao, who had just taken over his nephew.

Jiang Yao didn't seem to notice anything wrong, and was listening to Shen Zhi talking to him.

"Ayao." Ye Zhen couldn't help but asked, "your that way?"

"What?" Jiang Yao raised his eyes to look at him, with questions in his eyes.

Ye Zhen reminded euphemistically, "Your brother-in-law gave you the child..."

"Ah." Jiang Yao knew, "It's normal."

"Normal?" Ye Zhen thought of the relatives in his family, and each of them wanted to treat their children as their little ancestors. Everyone wanted to hug everyone and everyone wanted to kiss each other. By the way, Jiang Yao's family... how does it look like, It seems that Jiang Yao is leading the child? Ah Yao's action just now to pick up the child was too natural_(:з」∠)_

"Uncle, let's go find Mom and Dad."


Jiang Yao shouted to Ye Zhen, "Go, my sister and brother-in-law are waiting in a hurry."

After Jiang Yao finished speaking, he lifted his foot and left.

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"Eh! Wait for me!"

"Uncle Ye hurry up~"

"I'm coming!"

This seaside villa was originally a wedding room prepared by the Shen family for Shen Rang and Jiang Cha.

But later because there was no wedding, it was inconvenient to commute to and from get off work, and at that time Shen Rang and Jiang Cha had no relationship, and they had their own residences, so they were shelved.

It wasn't until Shen Zhi's birthday party was mentioned some time ago that Shen's father and Shen's mother remembered that this is more appropriate.

Although the houses in Lanwan District are not small, they are not suitable for a party.

Shen Rang and Jiang Cha turned on all the lights in the villa.

This villa is the second time the two have stepped in. It is not the same as the peace when they came in last time. When they entered this time, they felt a sense of inexplicable nostalgia.

The villa has been replaced with the decorations of Shen Zhi's birthday party, but in some places that have not been moved, the shadow of the new house can still be seen vaguely.

"Go, go up to the second floor."

Shen Rang pulled Jiang Cha upstairs.

"Wait, wait a minute."


As soon as Shen Rang finished speaking, Jiang Yao walked in with Shen Zhi in his arms.

Standing at the top of the stairs, Shen Rang shouted "Xiao Yao."

Jiang Yao looked over at the sound.



"Xiao Yao, you take your classmates and Xiao Zhi to look at the layout on the first floor. If you think there is something wrong or missing, write it down. I will ask someone to come over and correct it tomorrow."

Jiang Yao nodded, "The brother-in-law, you and sister..."

Shen Rang pointed to the upstairs, "Your sister and I will check the upstairs to see how well the place for guests to rest is prepared."


Shen Zhi waved his hand, "Xiao Zhi will listen to my uncle~"

Jiang Cha smiled, "Okay, Mom and Dad will come down soon, Xiaozhi is waiting for us."


"Go!" Shen Rang stepped two steps of stairs.

Jiang Cha laughed, "You slow down, I can't keep up."

When Shen Rang heard this, he stopped immediately, then turned around and pulled Jiang Cha's arm to hook his neck, and then bent over.

"Hey! What are you doing!"

Shen Rang bends her lips, with the other hand around her legs, one forcefully hugs the person up.

Jiang Cha was taken aback by Shen Rang's behavior, and quickly hooked her other hand to his neck to stabilize her body, "I hate it!"

"I said, I only hate you."

Shen Rang hugged Jiang Cha effortlessly, still two steps and one step, and quickly went up to the second floor.

I witnessed the whole journey Jiang Yao & Ye Zhen:.........

Jiang Yao is okay. After all, he is watching his brother-in-law think of a way to be affectionate with his sister every day.

But Ye Zhen is different. Ye Zhen really met a man like Mr. Shen for the first time.

To be honest, he now feels that Jiang Yao's brother-in-law said that he was going to see the guest room, and it was really just a reason.

Shen Rang carried Jiang Cha to the second floor without putting her down, and went straight to the master bedroom on the second floor.

"Where are you going?"

Shen Rang kicked open the door of the master bedroom, which was concealed, then took the person in and kicked it up.

"Here..." Jiang Cha's pupils widened slightly, surprised.

Shen Rang put the person down, and Jiang Cha unconsciously walked forward.

Shen Rang turned his head and locked the door with his fingers. With a "click", Shen Rang hooked his lips to catch up with Jiang Cha.

The rest of the villa has almost been remodeled, except for this master bedroom, Shen Rang specifically instructed Shen's father and Shen's mother not to move.

The things here are newly replaced one-on-one according to the things in the wedding room of the previous two days.

Among them, the marriage bed that attracted Jiang Cha the most attention.

The red mandarin duck quilt on the wedding bed, Jiang Cha remembers that Shen's mother once mentioned that this wedding quilt was prepared by Shen Rang when she was 18 years old, and it was not used when she got married. Shen mother still regretted it for a while.

Shen Rang pulled Jiang Cha and sat on the mandarin duck quilt, "How about it?"

Jiang Cha wanted to get up subconsciously, and did not forget to pull Shen Rang, "Don't sit! You can't sit like this!"

Shen let out a "pouch" laugh, and followed Jiang Cha's strength to pull her in the opposite direction.

Unprepared, Jiang Cha was dragged onto the bed by him, in his arms.

"Shen Rang!"


Shen Rang put his hand behind Jiang Cha's head and forcibly pressed the person on his chest.

Jiang Cha struggled, so she obeyed.

"Have you heard?" Shen Rang's voice was pleasant.


Shen Rang lowered his eyes and looked at the little head on his chest, "My heartbeat."

After Jiang Cha had a meal, he said, "I heard it."


"quite fast."

Shen Rang smiled and said, "That's how I love you."

Jiang Cha laughed and scratched his heart with his fingertips, "Do you love my voice?"

Shen Rang grabbed Jiang Cha's hand to his lips and kissed it lightly, "Then... do you want to feel the actual action of my loving you?"

Jiang Cha's heartbeat that had been quickened even jumped violently.

She leaned against his chest, raised her head slightly, and looked at him.

His eyes are full of her, and they seem to be shining brightly like stars.

"You—" Jiang Cha hesitated and opened his mouth.

Shen Rang curled his lips and smiled, pressing the fingers behind her head hard, and he lowered his head and kissed her lips.


Jiang Cha raised his head, Shen Rang lowered, this posture was a little bit uncomfortable, Jiang Cha subconsciously pushed Shen Rang.

Shen Rang did not let go of her, but sat up holding her in one hand and propped up with the other.

Jiang Cha became sitting on his lap sideways and kissing him.

Shen Rang tilted her head slightly to let her change her breath.

Jiang Cha just took a few breaths, Shen let her hands on her waist, picked up the person and changed posture.

Jiang Cha straddled Shen Rang's thigh, a little higher than him, Shen Rang raised his head slightly and bit Jiang Cha's lips.

His breath surrounded Jiang Cha, and the tip of his tongue pushed her teeth open with a little force.

Jiang Cha didn't have much experience in kissing, so she could only be left with feelings by Shen Rang, and still had no intention of counterattacking and going back.

In a daze, Jiang Cha frowned slightly. It was obvious that Shen Rang had never kissed another woman. Why was he so skilled when he kissed her?

Shen Rang noticed that Jiang Cha was distracted, and squeezed her fingertips on her waist.

Suddenly, Jiang Cha came up from her back with a fluffy/hemp, causing her to soften and fall into Shen Rang's arms.

Mr. Shen was extremely satisfied with his wife throwing in his arms.

"Mom—mother, did you hear—"


Seeing that there may be further development, Jiang Cha was awakened by Shen Zhi's shout.

Her face was still red with shyness, and her wet eyes showed that she had been bullied by Shen Rang.

Shen let her Adam's apple roll, took a hard sip on her lips, and then grinded her teeth, "Shen! Know!"

Jiang Cha immediately thought of what he was because of.

Jiang Cha pressed her finger on Shen Rang's lips, "You are not allowed to talk about my son."

Shen Rangqi bit her fingertips and said vaguely, "I'm still your husband..."

Jiang Cha laughed out loud, "Well, you are a father, can you not always be jealous with your son? Let people laugh at you."

Shen Rang was confident, "No one would laugh at me except you."

"Well, I will not laugh at you or laugh at you."

Jiang Cha will go down.

Shen let his eyes darken, hugged her waist directly, leading her to stand firmly.

Shen let her hands on Jiang Cha's shoulders, making her turn her back to him, "You go out first, I... I'll wait a while."

"Why?" Jiang Cha was pushed away by Shen Rang.

Shen let his arm stretched out from her waist, opened the locked door, and pushed Jiang Cha out, "Don't ask, ask again at your own risk."

Shen Rang's vicious tone allowed Jiang Cha to capture the truth of the matter.

Jiang Cha squatted and said: "I'm leaving, you, you, you, come down quickly!"

"Quick, no, no more!"

"Puff ha ha ha ha ha!"

The response to Jiang Cha's laughter was Shen Rang's forceful closing of the door with a "bang".

"I'm so angry..." Jiang Cha smiled, this man is so cute.

The author has something to say: Sure enough, the flag cannot be erected, and it will fall when it is erected, hahahahahaha!

It’s the end of the month~ Let’s see if there is any nutrient solution that has not been put in~ Don’t expire~

Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution during 2020-03-2718:00:00~2020-03-2818:00:00~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigates the nutrient solution: 26 bottles of Morning Words; 20 bottles of Yanmo; 3,868,297,819 bottles; Z9 bottles;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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