After Rebirth, I Just Want To Concentrate on Raising My Baby

Chapter 44: 43:

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Shen Rang's face was stinky when he went downstairs, and when he heard the laughter in the living room, his face became darkened to the bottom of the pot.

"Cough, cough, cough."

Shen Rang deliberately made some movement and came out to remind the people below that he was coming down.

Sure enough, hearing a cough, several people looked towards the stairs.

Jiang Cha bent her lips, "It's down."

Shen Zhi pouted, "Daddy, you are so slow, Xiao Zhi is waiting in a hurry."

Shen knows that it's okay not to speak. When he speaks, Shen Rang remembers what happened half an hour ago.

Shen Rang strode towards Shen Zhi, rubbing Shen Zhi's small face with both hands, gritted his teeth and smiled: "Son, ahhhhhhh! How come my father likes you so much, eh???"

"Eh, ah, dad, dad, dad, uh, uh, dad..." Shen Zhi's words were incomplete when he was rubbed by the scrutiny.

Jiang Cha was funny, and quickly took away Shen Rang's hand, "What are you doing, you are not allowed to pinch my son."

Shen Ran's voice was faint, "You grab grab me for other men..."

"Puff!" Ye Zhen almost choked to death by his own saliva.

Jiang Yao helped the forehead, and when it was over, the sister-in-law had collapsed.

Jiang Cha held Shen Zhi with one hand, holding Shen Rang with the other, coaxing the father and son at the same time, "It's all right, no trouble, it's already late, let's discuss it quickly and get back."

All right.

Shen Rang walked over and sat next to Jiang Cha. On the coffee table were the addition and modification plans discussed by several people other than Shen Rang.

Not much, add three more points to the current basis.

Jiangcha focuses on eating, "There are more children, so we try to prepare as many tricks as possible, but we still need to focus on health."

Shen Rangen said, "My lord, let's add another self-service barbecue."

Jiang Cha frowned slightly, "What if a kid runs over and accidentally bumps into it?"

"Someone will come over tomorrow to install a fence, and the partition will be bigger."

"It's okay, let someone keep a watch."


"Let me see, what else..." Jiang Cha looked around, still thinking.

Shen Rang kept looking at her with one hand on his head. His unabashed passion for love made Jiang Cha blush involuntarily.

"Shen Rang." Jiang Cha's voice was small.


Jiang Cha moved her lips, "Can you just leave me alone."


Shen Rang's mouth was happy, but his eyes didn't mean to move away at all.


Jiang Cha sighed, then gave up.

Forget it, anyway, this man is also a little wandering at home, and the embarrassment is seen by the family.

Several people discussed for a while before they were ready to go back.

Ye Zhen's car was waiting outside the villa, and it would save some time without sinking them to send it.

"Ye Zhen." Jiang Yao called out to him.

Ye Zhen opened the car door, "What's the matter?"

Jiang Yao stepped forward and handed him the invitation card for Shen Zhi's birthday party, "Here, here is the invitation card."

Ye Zhen's eyes lit up, and he took it and opened it to look at it, "This is the invitation card Xiaozhi just said? It's really good, so beautiful."

Shen Zhi started to show off again at the right time, "It was my uncle who taught Xiaozhi to paint."

Ye Zhen smiled, "Yeah, your uncle is amazing, Xiaozhi, goodbye to Uncle Ye, I'm going home."

Shen Zhi waved to him, "Goodbye Uncle Ye."

"Oh..." Ye Zhen covered her heart, "Xiaozhi, on your birthday, Uncle Ye will definitely give you a big gift."

"Eh!" Jiang Yao pointed to the invitation card, "I said no gifts, don't bring them, we won't accept them."

Ye Zhen waved his hand perfunctorily, "Okay, I'm leaving, sister Jiang, brother-in-law, Ah Yao, and Xiaozhi, goodbye."

"Well, let's go, drive slowly, and remember to report safety when you get home."


After Ye Zhen's car left, the Jiang family of four got on the car.

"Mom..." Shen Zhi rubbed his eyes, "Xiao Zhi is sleepy."

Jiang Yao stretched out his hand, "Uncle hug you."

"Xiaozhi wants her mother to hug..." Shen Zhi looked at Jiang Cha eagerly, then glanced at Shen Rang secretly, humming and acting like a baby: "Mom hug Xiaozhi, mother hug Xiaozhi~"

Jiang Cha immediately softened, "Okay, mother hug, Xiaozhi sleep."

"En!" Shen Zhi smiled and bent his eyes, "Thank you mom."

"Tweet~" Jiang Cha kissed his eyebrows.

Shen Zhi closed his eyes and fell asleep in Jiang Cha's arms.

After Jiang Cha hugged for a few minutes, Jiang Yao took the initiative to reach out, "I'll come, sister."

"It's okay, I hugged."

Jiang Yao chuckled, "I'll do it, you rest."

Jiang Cha didn't hug Jiang Yao anymore, so she gave it to him.

Shen Zhi smacked his mouth, grunted, and continued to sleep in Jiang Yao's arms.

Jiang Cha glanced at Shen Rang beside him, and said softly, "Look at Xiao Yao, and then at you."

"What's wrong with me." Shen Rang raised his eyes and looked at Jiang Cha with a lazy energy.

"Xiao Yao is not in good health, you still don't hold Xiaozhi."

Shen Rang glanced at Jiang Yao, "If you don't have a good health, you need to exercise. If you hold a little knowledge, you should lift the iron."

Jiang Cha & Jiang Yao: ........

Shen·Yi Tie·Zhi:? ? ? ? ?

The arrangements were carried out in an orderly manner, and soon, Shen Zhi’s birthday arrived.

On his birthday, Shen Zhi woke up very early.

Jiang Cha pushed the door in, and Shen Zhi just sat up holding the quilt. When he saw Jiang Cha, Shen Zhi raised a sweet smile, "Mom, Xiao Zhi is awake."

"Happy birthday, baby."

Jiang Cha walked over, put the clothes in his hand by the bed, and then picked up Shen Zhi and kissed him left and right on his face.

Shen Zhi hugged Jiang Cha's neck in her arms and acted like a baby, "Mom, you are so kind."

Jiang Cha smiled and rubbed his hair, "It's good for Xiaozhi, it's mother's darling."

"What about father?" Shen Zhi raised his head, "Is father mother's baby?"

"Dad..." Jiang Cha smiled, "Dad is mom's lover."

Shen Zhi said, "Mom, Xiao Zhi is going to wash her face and brush her teeth."

Jiang Cha bent over and moved the slippers over, "Okay."

Shen Zhi stepped on the slippers and ran to the bathroom, "Mom, you will come back later, Xiao Zhi will hush."

Jiang Cha laughed and said, "Okay, I will go there when you call me."


Jiang Cha prepared Shen Zhi’s clothes for the little prince today, as well as a small crown, which he can wear directly on his head.

"Alright." Jiang Cha tidied Shen Zhi's clothes and took his hand, "Go, let's go out and show it to Dad and Uncle."


Jiang Yao was setting the tableware, while Shen Rang was still preparing Shen Zhi's longevity noodles in the kitchen.

In order to make this bowl of longevity noodles well, Shen Rang secretly practiced for several days in advance, but this morning he still dare not be careless, focused and serious.

"Uncle." Shen Zhi ran out "dada da da" and turned around in front of Jiang Yao, "Is Xiao Zhi cool?"

Jiang Yao walked to Shen Zhi and squatted down, squeezing his small face, "It's so cool! Which planet is this little prince from?"

Shen Zhi smiled, and went to find Shen Rang again, "Dad Dad! Look at Xiao Zhi~"

Shen Rang was fishing for noodles. He glanced back at him when he heard the words, and praised him: "Good-looking little prince, Xiao Zhiguai, go sit and wait, Dad will be fine soon."


Jiang Yao hugged Shen Zhi into a chair, then went back to the room and took out the gift he prepared for Shen Zhi. It was a sword tailored for Shen Zhi by Jiang Yao during his free time. It was not heavy but very gorgeous, and Shen Zhi wore it today. The little prince dress is very suitable.

Shen Zhi jumped down again, holding the sword and shouted in surprise, "My uncle is great! That's cool! Xiao Zhi is so great!"

"Longevity noodles are ready."

Jiang Cha took the sword and put it aside, "Okay, Xiaozhi, let's eat noodles."


Shen Zhi's noodles are in a small bowl, and a whole noodle is folded like a hill in the bowl, with a sharp tip on the top.

Two green cabbage leaves were placed on the side of the bowl as garnish, followed by a golden-yellow poached egg, and two cooked shrimps beside the poached egg.

"Wow!" Shen Zhi looked at the bowl, "Dad is amazing."

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Shen Rang smiled and handed him his chopsticks, "Let's eat."


"Xiao Yao, watch him eat noodles."


"Wife." Shen Rang shouted.

Jiang Cha smiled and looked at him, "What's the matter?"

Shen Zhi smiled without saying a word, then walked back to the kitchen and brought out a bowl of noodles and placed it in front of Jiang Cha. The bowl was the same longevity noodles as Shen Zhi, with similar side dishes, but he had more sliced ​​ham and shrimp than Shen Zhi. There are also two more.

Jiang Cha was taken aback, "For me?"

"Yes." Shen Rang handed Jiang Cha a pair of chopsticks, smiling softly, "Xiaozhi's birthday is a hard day for you to become a mother. I didn't prepare it for you before. From this time to every time in the future, I will prepare it for you."

Jiang Cha's five-flavored mixed bottle in his heart, immediately hooked his finger towards Shen Rang, "Come here."

"Huh?" Shen let his ears close.

Jiang Cha raised his head and kissed him on the face, and said softly, "Thank you."

Shen deepened his smile, raised his hand and rubbed her hair, eyes full of pampering.

The husband and wife spread pink bubbles all over their bodies, and Shen Zhi chuckled, "Uncle, Dad is kissing mom again, Dad really likes mom~"

Jiang Yao told Shen Zhi, "This is the only way for my father to love his mother. Xiao Zhi is very happy."


"Xiaozhi, eat it quickly, do you want my uncle to help you pick it up?"

"Xiaozhi can do it by himself!"

"Okay, eat slowly, don't worry."

"Thank you, uncle."

"You're welcome."

After breakfast, Shen Rang finished packing, and returned to the room to give Shen Zhi the present prepared by himself and Jiang Cha.

The children were excited again.

After packing up some things, Shen Rang and his party are about to set off to the beach villa.

There are a lot of things today, but Jiang Yao's car is still used.

Jiang Cha said with emotion, "This car is really practical."

Shen Rang smiled, "Yes, there are more and more people, and there will be more and more things."

"People?" Jiang Cha looked at Shen Rang's eyes with doubts.

Shen Rang hit haha, "It's nothing, get in the car."

Jiang Yao seemed to react and smiled sullenly by himself.

"Master, everything is installed, are you leaving now?" Uncle Tan said at the right time to rescue Shen Rang.

"Well, let's go now."

Jiang Yao hugged Shen Zhixian and went up, and Shen Rang immediately reached out to support Jiangcha, "Madam, let's go."

Jiang Cha chuckled, and put Shen Rang's hand on, "Let's go."

Father Shen and Mother Shen went to the beach villa early in the morning, and Zhang Yirui, Xin Yin, Ye Zhen and others also came to the villa to help in advance.

When Shen Zhi arrived, it happened that all the family members were hanging out "Happy Birthday Little Prince" banners. Seeing that Shen Zhi was coming, Zhang Yirui pulled Xinyin and Ye Zhen came over, holding the ribbon tube and rang out above Shen Zhi's head. Streamers.

With a "bang", ribbons of various colors fell, and Shen Zhi stretched out his hand to continue playing.

"Happy birthday, little prince!"

Shen Zhi kept laughing, his eyes bent into crescents, "Thank you Aunt Rui Rui, Uncle Xin, Uncle Ye."

"Xiao Zhi." Mother Shen squatted down/body, and waved to Shen Zhi.

Jiang Yao put him down, Shen Zhi stepped on his calf and ran towards Shen's mother, "Grandma~"


Mother Shen hugged Shen Zhi, "Oh," "Xiao Zhi should have eaten very well recently. Grandma's hug is heavy."

"It's my father who made the food so delicious." Shen Zhi was struggling to get down, "Grandma, Xiao Zhi came down and went on his own."

Mother Shen refused, "Grandma can still hug Xiaozhi."

Shen Zhi gave grandma a loving kiss.

It was the first time Jiang Yao saw Shen's father and Shen's mother. He walked to the two of them and bowed, "Mr. Shen, Mrs. Shen, I'm Jiang Yao."

Jiang Yao didn't dare to call someone directly, he felt that it was not good to call it directly.

Mother Shen smiled, "You have a beautiful face, but a good boy, I remember you are not in good health, right?"

"Yes." Jiang Yao was somewhat restrained, "I will work hard in the future."

Mother Shen nodded, "You can exercise, but don't do it blindly by yourself, so as not to hurt the bottom."

"Yes, I will pay attention."

Father Shen came over to pick up Shen Zhi, but his eyes were on Jiang Yao, and he said lightly, "Just call uncles and aunts, and the family doesn't need to be restrained."

Jiang Yaoen said, "Uncle Shen, Aunt Han."

Shen Zhi looked at both parties, "Grandma, my uncle is so great, did you see Xiaozhi's invitation card? My uncle helped Xiaozhi draw it, and also, my uncle gave Xiaozhi such a big gift today. The sword!"

Shen Zhi gestured with both hands and described it to Mother Shen very seriously.

"Grandma sees it." Mother Shen scraped Shen Zhi's nose. "You little clever ghost."

Shen Zhi giggled.

Shen Rang suggested, "It just happens that there are a lot of people today, why don't we take a family portrait first? It's at the door, and I will go into the living room and take a picture."

Mother Shen was very happy, "Okay, let's shoot."

Xin Yin went to the car and took out the camera. Zhang Yirui took out his mobile phone and called out Ye Zhen, Tan Shu and others took out his mobile phone to take pictures in various directions.

Two chairs were placed at the entrance of the villa. Shen's father and Shen's mother sat on it, and Shen Zhi sat in Shen's mother's arms, obediently looking at the direction of the camera.

Behind is the middle of Shen Rang Station, Jiang Cha and Jiang Yao are standing on both sides.

Xin Yin said, "Okay, everyone, don't move, I'm going to start shooting, one...two...three!"

Facing Xin Yin's words and pressing the shutter with their fingers, Zhang Yirui and the others also pressed the camera button on their phones one after another.

"All right."

After Xin Yin shouted, Shen Rang and Jiang Cha came to see the effect.

Zhang Yirui looked at her phone, "Wow, this picture is amazing, hahahaha!"

"Look at me, I'm on the side."

"I look at you."

"Hahaha, your little knowledge closed your eyes~"

"Uncle Tan, Uncle Tan?"

"Hey! Miss Zhang." Tan Shu looked at Zhang Yirui.

Zhang Yirui called to him, "Where's your picture? Take a look at it~"

"Ms. Zhang, what kind of cloud was shown on my phone just now, I clicked it, I don't know if it has any effect." Uncle Tan walked over a few steps and handed the phone to Zhang Yirui, "Thank you, Miss Zhang, for a look."

Zhang Yirui checked, "Ah, it's okay, it's just automatically uploaded to the cloud, Uncle Tan, I will add your WeChat, then send me the photo and you will delete it again~"

"Hey, good."

At the end of the photo at the door, Zhang Yirui took everyone into the villa again.

"While the guests haven't arrived, let's go to the living room and take another photo. When the birthday party is over, I will ask the assistant to wash out the photos and prepare a few for each of you at home."

Mother Shen smiled, "My house should be bigger and hung in the middle of the living room. Yirui, before you wash the photos, go to my house to measure the size."

Zhang Yirui patted her chest, "No problem, auntie, wrap it around me, it will definitely satisfy you."

"Hahaha, you little girl."

"Auntie, I'm the same age as Jiang Cha."

"That's the little girl too."

Shen Zhi yelled "Aunt Rui Rui" twice, jumping to catch Zhang Yirui's attention, "Xiao Zhi wants it too."

"Well, give it all, give it all~"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

The group of people talked and laughed, and soon entered the villa.

Uncle Tan has sent the photos to Zhang Yirui and deleted all the photos in the album.

But this upload function to the cloud, he did not turn off.

Ten minutes later, Fu Zhou suddenly saw that his computer received a new photo reminder.

The author has something to say: Happy birthday Zhizai! !

Sugar: QAQ is more uncomfortable than working overtime at the end of the month because the house next door has been renovated_(:з」∠)_Everyone, remember to look at the nutrient solution! Don't expire! !

Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-03-2818:00:00~2020-03-2918:00:00~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the landmine: 1 broke the cocoon;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 80 bottles of Qian Liyue; 3547626640 bottles; 30 bottles of dark circles; 15 bottles of milk baby han; 10 bottles of a little monster; 3 bottles of the old panda hard; 2 bottles of Zhe, Naoyan, Duojiao Taro Cake; 1 bottle of Ah Xiaoba, Langlangmen;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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