After Rebirth, I Just Want To Concentrate on Raising My Baby

Chapter 46: 45:

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Since Jiang Qiulin was detained in the detention center, Jiang Zong has not been seen every day, and Yu Qin was the only one left in the house that was considered ‘lively’ before.

She has a cowardly personality, and she wipes tears most of the time.

The neighbor couldn't see it, and came over to see her every now and then to comfort her, but Yu Qin caught someone because it was not easy to cry or his life was not good.

It's okay once or twice. Who doesn't feel annoying if you have more times?

And what is easy for people to live in the world?

A few days later, the neighbors only came to see Yuqin.

Yu Qin was uncomfortably tight, lying down all day, dizzy.

On the day of receiving the call, Jiang Zong suddenly came back.

These days he doesn't know what to do. Although people are still looking at them, the dark circles under these eyes can scare people.

When Yu Qin saw Jiang Zong, she was taken aback, and quickly took him to sit down, "Xiao Zong, where have you been these days? Why don't you go home? I am worried about you."

Jiang Zong rolled his eyes and stretched out his hand, "I've used up all my money. Get me some money."

The Jiang family has to provide for their two children to go to school. Naturally, they are not very rich. But since Jiang Yao left and Jiang Qiulin was detained, the family didn't have any big expenses, and there was still some money on the bank card.

But Yu Qin didn't dare to give it. She was afraid that if she gave it to Jiang Zong, she would find no one again.

"Xiaozong, can you tell your mother what you are going to do?" Yu Qin persuaded her with a sad face and worried, "Xiaozong, you are only seventeen. The outside world is not something people of your age can go and play at will, listen. Mom, stay at home first, and when your dad comes out, let's change to another school and continue studying."

Jiang Zong was impatient, "What kind of school to go to school, I’m pretty good now. If I want to play games, I’ll play games, and I’ll go out to play if I want to go out. Why should I go back to school? Life later than dogs?"

Jiang Zong said this purely for giving himself an excuse not to go to school.

After all, in the former Jiang family, the person who went to bed earlier than a chicken and later than a dog was Jiang Yao.

And Jiang Zong, it would be nice to be able to step on the morning bell to enter the school, and after school, he disappeared with a group of friends.

"Xiaozong...what can you do if you don't study?"

"You don't need to worry about it." Jiang Zong saw that Yu Qin hadn't given him money for a long time, but instead looked for various reasons, so he got up and went into the room by himself to look through Yu Qin's drawer.

"Xiaozong!" Yu Qin pulled Jiang Zong and started crying again, "Your brother has gone, and your father is not at home. Mom finally waited for you back. If you leave, what do you ask Mom to do!"

Jiang Zong pushed Yu Qin, she fell on the bed, Jiang Zong found the bank card in the drawer.

"Mom, what's the password."

"I can't say." Yu Qin shook his head, "Xiaozong, give me the card! This is all the savings in the family!"

Jiang Zong smiled, "It seems to be a lot. Jiang Yao has already left anyway. Sooner or later, the money will be mine. You might as well spend it now."

"Jiang Zong!" Yu Qin is really going crazy. If Jiang Zong takes the money away, will she still have a way to survive?

Yu Qin can't.

Yu Qin gritted her teeth and rushed to grab the card back abruptly.


Just as Yu Qin and Jiang Zong were in a stalemate, Yu Qin's phone rang.

Yu Qin put the card in her trouser pocket, and Jiang Zong did not dare to **** it directly from her pocket anyway.

Yu Qin answered the phone, and the other party said that it was from the detention center. Jiang Qiulin suffered a sudden illness in the detention center last night. After one night of treatment, he was much better this morning. However, considering Jiang Qiulin's physical condition, he decided to release it two days in advance. Jiang Qiulin came out.

Yu Qin remembered Jiang Qiulin's sudden illness when he didn't remember anything else.

"He... is he okay now?"

The detention center didn't say much, only asked her to come over and go through the formalities quickly.

Yu Qin hung up, and tears began to fall.

Jiang Zong was taken aback by her sudden emotion, "Mom, what's wrong with you?"

"Xiaozong!!!" Yu Qin hugged Jiang Zong and started crying, "Your dad, your dad is sick in the detention center!"

"Sick??" Jiang Zong's feelings for Jiang Qiulin are far deeper than those for Yu Qin. After all, Jiang Qiulin is the only one who has raised him from a young age.

Yu Qin couldn't tell why she was crying, Jiang Zong was annoyed by her crying, and shouted, "Can you stop crying, what's wrong with my dad!"

Yu Qin stunned and uttered the words of the detention center just now.

"What are you waiting for, go now."

Yu Qin hesitated, and after a while he said that he wanted to take something, and then asked Jiang Zong to stop the car.

Jiang Zongzhi wondered, why the person who was still excited just now suddenly changed?

In Jiang Zong's heart, Jiang Qiulin is more important, and this situation does not allow him to think too much, so he said to Yu Qin to stop the car first, and walked out in large strides.

Yu Qin waited for the door to close, then took out the card he had just hidden, and looked at other places in the room.

Ten minutes later, Yu Qin finally hid the card. She packed up some things and put it in her bag, and then walked out on her back.

Jiang Zong had some quarrel with the taxi driver and was still arguing.

Yu Qin hurriedly went over to apologize, "The kid is ignorant, sorry, sorry."

The driver waved his hand, "You still can't go? It's been a long time, and I didn't let me go and didn't tell me where to go, which would delay my business."

Yu Qin pulled Jiang Zong into the car, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, let's go to the detention center."

When the driver heard this, he stopped talking to the two people, and left when they got in the car.

Jiang Qiulin was notified in the morning that he could go out early. The ten-odd days in the detention center have not been easy. He seems to be several years old, and his back is also rickety a lot.

Perhaps because of the unsatisfactory period of time, Jiang Qiulin's gray hair on the temples has increased a lot.

When Yu Qin and Jiang Zong arrived, lunch time had passed.

A place like a detention center has its own solemn solemnity. Just seeing the door makes people feel trembling.

When going through the formalities and signing, Yu Qin dared not speak loudly all the way, for fear of disturbing this place, even with Jiang Zong's voice more relaxed.

Everything was done, Jiang Zong and Yu Qin stood by the gate waiting for Jiang Qiulin to come out.

"Xiaozong, when you see your father later, don't say anything too much. He is irritable. He must have suffered hardship these days. It won't be good if the fire hits you." Yu Qin babbled and confessed. With Jiang Zong.

Jiang Zong frowned, extremely impatient, "I see, Mom, you are really troubled."

Yu Qin shut up.

At the same time, the small door of the detention center was opened from inside, and Jiang Qiulin was taken out and handed over to his family.

"Dad." Jiang Zong stepped forward, "How are you?"

Jiang Qiulin was still a little pale, and said with a dumb voice, "It's okay, let's talk about it when I go home."

Jiang Qiulin glanced at Yu Qin, "Are you dead? You can't help me."

Yu Qin said "Hey" and went to help.

The three of them stood on the side of the road to take a taxi, but the detention center was relatively remote, and there were not many cars coming and going, and they could not be stopped after waiting for more than ten minutes.

Jiang Zong murmured, "It's all to blame Mom, it's okay for him to wait for the car just now, you have to let him go first."

Yu Qin whispered, "But I don't know when your dad will come out. Didn't they tell me, the waiting time is also included in the fare."

"Fuck!" Jiang Zong cursed, "Is there such a poor family? The difference is two and a half dollars."

Yu Qin said nothing.

"Okay! Noisy, it's just such a mess."

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As soon as Jiang Qiulin spoke, Jiang Zong and Yu Qin turned their faces to one side, and no one said anything.


A slowly approaching Mercedes-Benz car blew its horn twice.

Jiang Qiulin and the three people thought that the car was going to the detention center, so they stepped back. Unexpectedly, the car stopped in front of them and lowered the window.

"Mr. Jiang, meet again." Tan Yingjie smiled.

"Mr. Tan?" Jiang Qiulin was taken aback, "Why are you?"

"Master Fu wants to see you, get in the car."

Yu Qin pulled Jiang Qiulin's arm, "Who is Master Fu?"

"To shut up!"

Tan Yingjie still smiled, "Mr. Jiang, don't waste time."

"Hey, hey..."

Jiang Qiulin's family got into Tan Yingjie's car.

The best car the Jiang family has ever taken is a taxi.

In the car, Jiang Qiulin sat in the co-pilot and talked to Tan Yingjie, "Mr. Tan, how did Mr. Fu know that I am out today?"

Tan Yingjie smiled, "Since Mr. Jiang was put in detention, Mr. Fu has been trying to help you get out early, but there are people obstructing it, so Mr. Fu can't help you clear it."

"Someone obstructed?" Jiang Qiulin was stunned, who was it?

"Mr. Fu will explain the situation to you later, Mr. Jiang will just wait."


Tan Yingjie glanced at Jiang Qiulin, and the corners of her lips curled up with a smile.

This person is really a lie.

Fu Zhou really wanted Jiang Qiulin to come out earlier, and wanted him to stop Jiang Cha and Jiang Yao early. Unfortunately, Fu Zhou has been in poor health recently and has been lying in bed for several days. Yesterday, he was a little better. Naturally, he forgot about Jiang Qiulin's affairs in the past few days of recuperating.

What he didn't expect was that the person who had been staring at Jiang Qiulin this morning suddenly called and told Fu Zhou that Jiang Qiulin was released early because of a sudden illness.

Fu Zhou asked people the time and sent Tan Yingjie to pick him up.

Arrived at Fu Zhou's villa, it was almost four o'clock in the afternoon.

Not to mention Jiang Qiulin, even Yu Qin and Jiang Zong are also a little troubled.

Tan Yingjie got off the car and led the way, "Mr. Jiang, come with me."

Jiang Qiulin glanced at Yu Qin and Jiang Zong, and the two followed Jiang Qiulin, not daring to leave too far.

Jiang Zong was dazzled. It was really good here. Why didn't he have such a good life and could be born in this kind of family?

Fu Zhou was waiting for a few people in the living room.

Tan Yingjie came over, "Master, Mr. Jiang's family is here."

"Arrived?" Fu Zhou got up and greeted him.

Today's Fu Zhou is more formal, and his attitude towards Jiang Qiulin is much better than when he talked with Tan Yingjie before.

Fu Zhoudao, "Mr. Jiang, I'm really embarrassed to let you suffer in it."

Jiang Qiulin shook hands with Fu Zhou, "Mr. Fu has bothered, and someone Jiang is grateful."

"Come on, don't be polite, sit down."

Several people sat down one after another.

Jiang Zong and Yu Qin are very restrained and feel uncomfortable anywhere.

"Yingjie, let the servant bring some food and drink." Fu Zhou ordered.

Tan Yingjie answered and walked to the kitchen.

Jiang Qiulin thanked Fu Zhou, "Thank you Mr. Fu, we are indeed a little hungry."

Jiang Qiulin came out today, so he didn't eat at noon.

Yu Qin and Jiang Zong started rushing to the detention center at noon, and they did not have time to eat.

As if to respond to Fu Zhou's words, Jiang Zong's stomach "gurgled" and rang.

Tan Yingjie led someone to set up a table in front of a few people to eat and drink.

Fu Zhou said with a smile, "A few of you, let's eat some, we will talk after we finish eating."

"Hey! Hey!"

Jiang Zong directly reached out and grabbed the two pieces of cake closest to him and put them in his mouth, "Um! Dad, this is so delicious!"

Jiang Qiulin didn't have time to answer Jiang Zong, his hungry chest stuck to his back.

Several people can be said to be devouring them. Jiang Zong and Jiang Qiulin got on their hands, and Fu Zhou looked a little sick, so they told Jiang Qiulin to let them eat first, he went to the study to get something, and then left.

Some servants looked at Jiang Qiulin and the others, not worried that they would move him.

"Yingjie, come with me."


The information prepared by Fu Zhou and Tan Yingjie is in the study. The one about Jiang Yao is relatively thick, including the cost of Jiang Yao’s transfer, the annual tuition, and the car Shen Rang bought for Jiang Yao. Be Fu Zhou prepared it.

Fu Zhou sat on the chair, flipping through the documents in his hand, "Yingjie, do you think these things are enough?"

Tan Yingjie thought for a while, "It's almost there. I think the character of Yijiang's family will be excited if you don't see it."

Fu Zhou awakened the dormant display screen, pointed to the photo on it, "Print out the photos of the Shen family and put them in the materials later."


When Tan Yingjie was operating, Fu Zhou laughed, "I didn't expect your dad to use the cloud. God is really helping me."

"Yeah, I also took a gamble. I wanted to see if I could have something related to the Shen family, but I didn't expect to give such a gift directly."

"Are you sure your dad doesn't understand this?"

Tan Yingjie nodded, "I'm sure, it's the password I set."

"That's good."

The photo of the Shen family was quickly printed out, and Tan Yingjie put it in Jiang Yao's stack of materials.

Fu Zhou was satisfied, "The three of them should have eaten almost, and they must be able to withstand the gift I prepared for them."

Tan Yingjie said, "Almost."

"Go, go downstairs, I really can't wait, waiting to see the face of this family, hahahahaha!"

The author has something to say: The busyness at the end of the month has almost passed. From tomorrow on, I will try to do more and more, and try to finish the story of the villain as soon as possible! ! !

50 small red envelopes dropped in the front row~

Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-03-3018:00:00~2020-03-3118:00:00~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 33 bottles of Moonlight; 10 bottles of ink dyeing; 5 bottles of lazy holiday, 11 bottles; iam, eh~3 bottles; A little baa, eat! 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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