After Rebirth, I Just Want To Concentrate on Raising My Baby

Chapter 45: 44:

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After ten o'clock, the children of Shen Zhi began to arrive one after another.

Jiang Cha found that every child dressed up today is very different from what they usually go to kindergarten. In the words of an adult, it means attending in full dress.

Jiang Cha even saw several girls weaving beautiful braids and wearing hair clips, and Su Jingjing was wearing a fairy dress, a small crown and a scepter in hand.

Zhang Yirui stood beside Jiang Cha, and after touching her with her elbow, she turned her mouth in Su Jingjing's direction, "This kid is okay. She and Xiaozhi are the only ones in the audience who wore small crowns. I see that the two of them should not be discussed. Bar?"

"How could it be discussed?" Jiang Cha laughed. "Xiaozhi decided to wear the little prince's clothes today or yesterday. Jing Jing and Xiaozhi are purely coincidental."

"Hey!" A gossip smile appeared on Zhang Yirui's face, "Fate!"

"Don't make trouble." Jiang Cha is really angry and funny with his girlfriend, "The kid is only four years old, don't apply the adult thing to the kid, Jing Jing and Xiaozhi are at the same table, and they communicate more often. There will definitely be The similarities."

Zhang Yirui waved his hand, "Good job, I won't say anything."

At this time, Shen Zhi and a few children who played well in peace were sitting on a table and were collecting pictures.

The invitation card indicated that there was no need to send gifts, it was for the children's happiness, so most of the children were accompanied by their parents to help Shen Zhi draw pictures or make handmade gifts.

These things are not valuable, but the victory is a kind of heart.

Shen Zhi had a great time playing with the children, sweating all over his nose.

Shen Rang was the father who took Jiang Yao to entertain the children. The men gathered together and talked a lot, and they started talking casually.

There is a recreation room inside the villa. Some mothers go to play cards, watch TV shows, get together and talk about their children and so on.

Zhang Yirui turned around and came back to tease Jiangcha, "Why do I think you have a tea party?"

"It's really a bit." Jiang Cha patted Zhang Yirui on the shoulder, "Okay, I'm going to continue to the tea party, you can go play by yourself."

Jiang Cha waved his hands with Zhang Yirui and walked in a cool manner.

"Eh!" Zhang Yirui shouted, "What are you talking about with others?"

Jiang Cha turned his head and smiled slightly, "Talk about our cubs~"

Zhang Yirui: ... OK, I don't have a cub, I'm out of place, I can't afford to provoke me to hide, can't I!

"Ye Zhen!" Zhang Yirui swept around and was able to catch Ye Zhen, who was in a similar situation to her. After all, none of the three waves could blend in. Zhang Yirui patted Ye Zhen on the shoulder, full of pride, "Go, sister take You play for a while."

"Huh?" Ye Zhen reluctantly looked at Jiang Yao's direction, and resisted in a low voice, "I think...I want to listen to brother-in-law talk about cars with Ah Yao..."

"Do you like cars?" Zhang Yirui raised his brows, "Say it earlier."

Ye Zhen said again, "Huh?"

Zhang Yirui pulled Ye Zhen's arm, "Sister, I don't have anything else, but the money is a lot and the car is a lot. Today I drove off-road, my little brother, can I take you around?"

"Go!" Ye Zhen betrayed in a second, said to Jiang Yao and left with Zhang Yirui.

Jiang Cha arranged for someone to look at the children Shen Zhi, but don't get too close. If the children can always see the adults when they play together, they will be uncomfortable.

"Shen Zhi." Su Jingjing brought up a big gift box, "This is my present for you."

Shen Zhi looked at the gift box and the paintings he had just collected. He still remembered what Jiang Cha told him, "I'm sorry Jing Jing, I can't accept your gift."

The little girl was instantly wronged, "Why? You accepted someone else's~"

"Jingjing, I only accept children who make it themselves."

Su Jingjing quickly opened the ribbon on the gift box, "Jingjing also made it by herself~"

Following Su Jingjing's movements, the ribbon was pulled apart, and the gift box package was instantly loosened.

Inside is a finished product of a three-dimensional model puzzle. It is a little boy, and he looks like Shen Zhi.


Almost instantly, Su Jingjing's gift was surrounded by everyone.

"Jingjing, you are so amazing! Did you do it yourself?"

"Jingjing, where did you buy it? I want my mother to buy one for me, too."

"Jingjing, are you really going to give it to Shen Zhi?"

"Jing Jing..."

Su Jingjing's mouth pursed, "You blocked Shen Zhi from seeing gifts~"

As soon as the children listened, they gave Shen Zhi a place.

This model is his look when he was in kindergarten one day, carrying a small schoolbag, and his clothes are almost the same color.

Shen Zhi liked it a little, but felt that Su Jingjing's gift seemed to require a lot of money compared to the gift everyone gave him.

Shen Zhi hesitated.

Su Jingjing was afraid that he would not want it, "Shen Zhi, do you really want it? If you don't want it, I can only take it home and throw it away."

Su Jingjing was very lost.

Shen Zhi thought for a while, "Jingjing, let me ask my mother, can I?"


Shen Zhi ran to the villa, "Mom! Mom!"

Jiang Cha heard the sound and walked out from inside, "What's the matter?"

"Mom!" Shen Zhi took Jiang Cha and walked back.

"Xiaozhi, my mother is talking to other aunts." Jiang Cha knelt down and wiped Shen Zhi's sweat, "What's wrong with you? So anxious?"

"Mom, Xiaozhi wants a gift from Jingjing."

Jiang Cha was surprised, "Why did you come to ask Mom specifically?"

"Mom said that it is not easy for everyone to make money. Xiaozhi remembers that he doesn't want gifts, but...but Jingjing's Xiaozhi likes it. Mom, can you help Xiaozhi buy it?"

"What gift?" Jiang Cha aroused curiosity.

Su Wan walked out from inside, "It is a three-dimensional model ordered according to Xiaozhi's appearance. It is not very valuable, but it took some time to assemble."


Jiang Cha took Shen Zhi's hand and walked over there.

Su Wan accompanied him and explained to Jiang Cha, “Jing Jing knew that Xiaozhi was celebrating her birthday, and wanted to give a gift in particular, but she didn’t know what to give. It happened that Jing Jing’s father gave her a set of the latest model puzzles from the company. , She clamored to send Xiaozhi this too."

"Things come out very quickly, and my company doesn't need much money. It's just a little troublesome to put together. So Xiaozhi's gift was actually made by the three of us."

Having said this, Su Wan smiled, "Jiang Cha, don’t you know, my daughter is very skinny when she was in my stomach, and she has been very active since she was born, and she can’t even see it after she’s gone. Live, she grew up so much, it was the first time I saw her so quiet."

Jiang Cha smiled, "For the child's birthday, it's hard for you to work hard. I'm really sorry."

Su Wan lightly shook her head, "What's wrong with this, it's all for the happiness of the child. My daughter can be quiet for a while, and her father and I are very happy."

Su Wan looked helpless, "Your Xiaozhi is very well-behaved, with an introverted personality. This extrovert and lively can be really tiring sometimes."

Jiang Cha smiled, "Jingjing is very cute."

"Loveliness is also boring."

After talking, a few people walked to the table.

"Mom, this is it."

Jiang Cha sat down and his eyes lit up, "Jing Jing has worked hard."

Su Jingjing took the shyness of the little girl, leaning on Su Wan, "Mom did a lot for me."

"Auntie knows, but Jing Jing also took great pains to help prepare gifts."

Shen Zhi looked at the model eagerly, "Mom, can Xiao Zhi take it?"

"Yes, Xiaozhi thanked Jingjing and Aunt Su."

"En!" Shen Zhi bowed to Su Wan, "Thank you Aunt Su for the gift, Xiao Zhi likes it very much."

Su Wan, who was amused by a serious look, smiled straight, "Well, you will be happy if you like Auntie."

Jiang Cha and Su Wan did not leave. Instead, they played games with the children for a while. Let them go. The children's ideas really changed quickly. One minute before they were still playing hide-and-seek, the next minute turned into a birthday song. Song.

Shen Rang looked at Jiang Cha from time to time and was relieved to see her having fun with the children.

Shen let his eyes circle the field, frowning slightly, and whispered: "Xin Yin."

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"President Shen."

"Where did Xiao Yao go?"

Xin Yin lowered his voice, "Shen Dong and his wife called Master Jiang Yao away."

Shen Rang handed the cup in his hand to Xin Yin, "You are here to take care of it, and I will take a look."


The innermost part of the second floor of the villa is the study room. Although no one has lived here, everything is readily available.

Shen's father and Shen's mother were sitting on the sofa, and Jiang Yao sat on the opposite side of the two properly, "Uncle Shen, Aunt Han."

Mother Shen thought for a while, "Xiao Yao, uncle and aunt called you over, and there is no other meaning, don't think too much, just gossiping about it."

Jiang Yao smiled, "Aunt Han, I understand."

Father Shen said, "I have seen your information. It is not easy for your child to grow up. Uncle tells you the truth. When Shen Rang wanted to bring you back, I didn't agree, but Shen Rang I also persuaded me that the Jiang family cannot make generalizations."

"Yes, I am very grateful to my brother-in-law for helping me."

Jiang Yao could understand Shen's father and Shen's mother's worries. After all, he had never even thought about it. Someone could believe that he was so kind to him.

"From the time I saw you until I called you over, your Aunt Han and I have been observing you on the spot. Generally speaking, you are better than we thought."

Jiang Yao heaved a sigh of relief.


Shen Rang opened the door and entered, and the three people in the study looked together.

Jiang Yao stood up, "Brother-in-law."

Mother Shen smiled helplessly, "Just for a while, don't you worry about it?"

"Xiao Yao is still a child, am I not afraid of him crying?" Shen Rang walked in, sat beside Jiang Yao, raised his hand on Jiang Yao's shoulder, and the good brother generally touched his shoulder, "Did you cry? ?"

Jiang Yao shook his head and said shyly: "No."

Mother Shen snorted, "Look at what you said, how come your father and I are like evil people, can we still eat Xiaoyao?"

Jiang Yao quickly explained, "Auntie Han, brother-in-law doesn't mean that..."

"Don't be nervous, sit down."

Jiang Yao was a little uneasy. The Shen family treated him very well. If that happened... he could move out of the Shen family.

"Okay." Shen Rang smiled, "I'll be in charge of Xiaoyao's affairs. Mom and Dad, what the child has gone through and what it is like now, you have heard of it, and you have seen it with your own eyes. Our Shen family has never judged people based on appearance or family background, which is unfair to him."

Shen's father and Shen's mother nodded, and the Shen family approved this question unanimously.

Father Shen looked at Jiang Yao, "Xiao Yao, if I say that we are completely assured that you and Shen let them live, it seems a bit far-fetched. After all, we have not really gotten along, so uncle will be a bit harsh when it comes to treating you. ,hope you could understand."

Jiang Yao nodded.

"But you can rest assured that the Shen family will not treat every child badly. You don't have to worry about life and academic problems at all. Shen Rang will be responsible."


Father Shen suddenly remembered, "Are you going to learn self-defense skills with Xiaozhi?"

Jiang Yao clenched his fists, "Yes..."

"Aren't you afraid of hardship? Your health is not good, and it must be harder to learn than ordinary people."

"It doesn't matter, I can." Jiang Yao's expression was serious and his tone was firm, "Uncle Shen, I will work hard, everything will work hard."

Father Shen nodded, this child is indeed determined.

"Shen Rang, have you found the teacher for the two children?"

Shen Rang bends his lips, "If you find it right, just say it."

Father Shen smiled, "Okay, tomorrow I will let the teacher contact you directly."


The more Shen's mother looked at Jiang Yao, the more she liked it.

"Xiao Yao, if you have any needs, you are welcome." Mother Shen looked at Jiang Yao with gentle eyes, which was completely different from when Jiang Cha looked at him.

Jiang Yao warmed his heart, "Well, thank you Aunt Han."

"Okay, don't talk about it." Mother Shen patted Father Shen's arm next to her, "Since you have seen people with your own eyes, let's be here today. Today is Xiaozhi's birthday. We have a lot of people. All came here, what's the matter."

"Yes, it's rude." Shen Rang got up first and called to Jiang Yao, "Go, there are guests outside."


When Shen Rang took Jiang Yao out of the study, Father Shen suddenly laughed, "This kid is quite interesting."


Father Shen shook his head, "It's okay."

Father Shen suddenly thought of Jiang Yao's refusal to reconcile with Jiang Zong, so he forced Jiang Zong to drop out of school and sent Jiang Qiulin to the detention center.

Although the child is a little bit dark in his heart, he is really sincere and sincere to his family.

In fact, a large part of what Father Shen said to Jiang Yao was to arouse Jiang Yao's dissatisfaction, waiting to see the child change his face.

But not only did Jiang Yao not have it, but Father Shen also saw the determination to leave from his face, and then he took the words back.

"Okay, let's go, it's almost time to cut the cake."

"Yes, yes, hurry and go."

When Father Shen and Mother Shen came downstairs, he just caught up with Xin Yin and pushed the birthday cake over. A candle was inserted on the top, number 4, and the rest was gone.

The birthday cake has three layers. The top layer is a cartoon image of Shen Zhi, the second layer is Jiang Cha Shen Rang and Jiang Yao, and the third layer is Shen's father and Shen mother.

A family has to be neat and tidy.

Shen Zhi's little crown was replaced with a birthday hat, and children were surrounded by children singing birthday songs.

At the end of a song, Jiang Cha told Shen Zhi that it was time to make a wish.

Shen Zhi put his hands together, closed his eyes, and silently made a wish in his heart.

[I hope that grandparents, grandparents, moms, dads, uncles, and everyone will always be with Xiaozhi...]

Jiang Cha secretly told Shen Rang, "Did you teach Xiaozhi how to make a wish?"

"No." Shen Rang chuckled, "Probably learned it in cartoons."

Shen Zhi blows out the candles, the adults applauds with the children, and then starts to cut the cake.

This is Shen Zhi's birthday cake, but there are other preparations, exactly the same material, but there is no doll from the Shen family.

The servant in charge of the scene cuts the cake and distributes it, and delivers it to every guest.

I don't know who started playing the cake war first. You wipe me and I rub you.

In fact, most of the people present were not much older than Jiang Cha and Shen Rang. After a round of chatting, they got a lot of enthusiasm with each other, and they were more open to playing than when they first met.

Lin Haoyu relied on his physical strength to wipe three children in a row.

While he was still proud of himself, the three children called two other children, and the five knocked Lin Haoyu down together.

The laughter of adults and children are intertwined, and it's so lively.

But for the Jiang family, Yu Qin was full of sadness.

Half an hour ago, the detention center called Yu Qin. Jiang Qiulin had a sudden illness and asked his family to go there.

The author has something to say: Hee hee hee!

50 small red envelopes dropped in the front row~

Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution during 2020-03-2918:00:00~2020-03-3018:00:00~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the landmine: 1 broke the cocoon;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 15 bottles of Sheyu; 10 bottles of I; 5 bottles of Mo Liang; A little baa, Angelina Yingxue Yuhan Ling, 1 bottle of Sharon;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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