After Rebirth, I Just Want To Concentrate on Raising My Baby

Chapter 48: 47:

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Shen Rang first saw Jiang Cha in the summer when he was twenty.

Jiang Cha worked as an assistant in a subsidiary of Jiasheng. That day, Shen Rang replaced Shen's father with an important report from the subsidiary.

He just walked around the corner and heard Jiang Cha was arguing with her department manager, Shen Rang took a step back and hid, thinking that other girls also want face, and it's not good to be hit.

She was calm, well-founded, and arguing with the manager in a clear manner.

Jiang Cha at that time looked like a young girl.

Generally, just entering university at this age and still immersed in the fresh campus life, few people will come out so early to work and make money.

So Shen Rang became curious about her suddenly.

Shen Rang stood there, seeing Jiang Cha's final victory, and seeing the manager glared at her angrily.

Jiang Cha didn't care, holding the document and turned around and left.

This turn around, just happened to see Shen Rang who was watching the show.

"Sorry." Shen Rang nodded slightly.

Jiang Cha lightly shook his head, said "It's okay" and walked past him.

The manager also saw Shen Rang and hurriedly greeted him, "Master."

Shen Rang didn't mention what the two people were arguing with just now, so he asked to leave the document.

The manager was worried for several days and didn't see any punishment from the above, so he was relieved.

Therefore, Shen Rang, who came to the subsidiary again a week later, found that Jiang Cha had been fired by the company.

As a result, the manager was also fired the next day.

It's not that Shen Rang does it at will, but in his opinion, this manager is obviously ignorant, and he is too narrow-minded to be so careful.

Father Shen also felt that Shen Rang's words made sense, and agreed to his request.

The second time I saw Jiang Cha was in October of the same year.

Shen Rang went to school to find a friend, and happened to meet Jiang Cha's friend who was holding her, and he walked over talking and laughing, and he recognized her at a glance.

When passing by him, Jiang Cha seemed to think he was a little familiar, so she looked at him twice more.

Shen Rang heard her friend ask her: "Do you also see handsome guys on the road?"

She said: "I think he is a bit familiar, as if I have seen him."

My friend laughed at her thinking too much, after all, because of her money-loving character, even if she saw a handsome guy, she would forget it in a flash.

Jiang Cha nodded and agreed with her friend, "Nothing is as fun as money."

Shen Rang didn't know what was wrong, he was particularly interested in this girl who had only met two sides and said a word.

After Shen Rang found a friend, he inquired about Jiang Cha with his friend.

Don't say, my friend really knew her, and told Shen Rang all the news he heard.

So Shen Rang knew that her life was not very good.

Since then, Shen Rang has come to find friends more often.

But he never met Jiang Cha again.

Shen Rang originally thought that he was just a temporary interest, but he forgot about it when he thought about it for a while.

What he didn't expect was that Jiang Cha's figure not only did not disappear with the passage of time, but it became clearer and clearer in his mind.

Even...he had dreamed of Jiang Cha several times.

In the dream is her small smile and her picturesque eyebrows.

Shen Rang knew that he was probably not a temporary interest.

Shen Rang never liked anyone, and he didn't know what it was like to like someone and what it was like.

He thinks he is probably in a secret crush now.

Even if he doesn't understand Jiang Cha, even some news is heard from other people's mouths, but he can laugh as long as he thinks of her. He wants to know her to accompany her to make her happy. This should be his favorite. .

Shen Rang no longer deliberately seeks the figure of Jiang Cha, and no longer creates opportunities for himself to meet, he is doing his own thing with peace of mind, making plans for the future.

But what he doesn't even know is that every time he makes a decision, he subconsciously leaves a space in his heart.

Xu Shi even God was moved by Shen Rang's secret love, and Shen Rang finally got news of Jiangcha from his company.

Shen Rang didn't show up this time, but instead confessed that the other party treated her better. He didn't go through the back door, or told her not to be dismissed because of a small incident like the first time they met.

Shen Rang's instructions first confessed to the general manager of the subsidiary, and the general manager found the department manager below.

The general manager was more euphemistic when speaking, leading the department manager to think that Jiang Cha had some relationship with the general manager but was not very familiar with it. The department manager probably understood that relatives who couldn't beat him wanted to be sheltered.

The department manager felt that since the Prime Minister did not allow it to be treated too special, it should be so.

His attitude towards Jiang Cha is not bad or not. He occasionally gives her a smiley face and occasionally asks her to work overtime and do more work, which is similar to treating ordinary employees.

After Shen Rang explained the good things, he would have something to go abroad. The general manager couldn't always pay attention to Jiang Cha's affairs. After a long time, there were too many things, so he forgot.

Spring had just arrived when Shen Rang left, and it was almost summer when he returned.

Shen Rang came back earlier than the expected time. He privately wanted to give himself a vacation, so he simply chose a hotel closer to Jiangcha Company and rented a suite on the top floor.

On the third night of the stay, Shen Rang had a dream, and Jiang Cha in the dream cried.

After Shen Rang woke up, he put on his clothes and wanted to go out to get some breath.

Then he met a girl who fell out of the stairwell.

No girl would fall on the stairs of a hotel in the middle of the night, and Shen Rang walked over, afraid that the other party might encounter something inconvenient.

Shen Rang stretched out his hand in front of the girl, "What's wrong with you? Need help?"

The girl raised her head in the next second, then put her hand up.

She said, "Please, save me."

She has disheveled hair, covering most of her face, and an abnormal hoarse voice in her voice, which is obviously something bad.

she cried.

Shen Rang recognized that she was Jiang Cha.

Before too much time to ask Jiang Cha what happened, Shen Rang only knew that he must take her away right now.

But Shen Rang didn't know how many people were still who administered her medicine. After thinking about it, he squatted down and picked up Jiang Cha, and went straight back to the suite.

The summer clothes are relatively thin, and even though they both wear a lot, the terrifying temperature on her body is still passed to Shen Rang.

Jiang Cha has lost his mind a bit.

She hugged his neck, panted/breathed in his neck, groaning and yelling uncomfortable.

The hot breath hit Shen Rang's neck, his face was flushed, and his heart was crisp.

It's the age of blood and energy, and the girl he has liked for a long time in his arms, Shen Rang is struggling in his heart.

What on earth should he do is right.

Shen Rang put Jiang Cha on the bed, then sat and looked at her.

Jiang Cha was very uncomfortable, his whole body was burning panic, and he curled up and down on the bed, shouting "Hot."

Shen Rang hesitated for a few seconds, then stretched out his hand and took her hand.

Jiang Cha took advantage of the situation, and then took the initiative to hug him, and kissed him.

Shen Rang was stunned.

In an instant, fireworks exploded in my mind.

Jiang Cha hooked people without knowing it, was completely defeated by the medicinal properties, and first untied Shen Rang's clothes.

Shen Rang cursed in his heart, turned over and knocked him down.



It was the next morning when Jiang Cha woke up, and her whole body seemed to fall apart, hurting everywhere.

The world in his eyes gradually became clearer, Jiang Cha was taken aback, this was not her home.

Immediately afterwards, something rubbed her shoulders, and the hands on her waist squeezed slightly, bringing her back.

Jiang Cha's back was pasted with a hot chest, and she was going crazy in an instant!

Jiang Cha slowly turned around, and the people behind him opened his eyes.

The two looked at each other for two seconds.

Jiang Cha: "Ah!!!"

Jiang Cha panicked, pulled the quilt against Shen Rang and kicked and kicked the person out of the bed, "Who are you!!! You——you——you——"

After you have spent a long time, Jiang Cha can't tell why.

She was aggrieved and angry, her eyes were red, tears were already rolling in her eyes, but she was stubborn and refused to fall.

Shen Rang saw that she was about to cry, and then he got up from the ground, "No, listen to me..."

"Ah ah ah!!!" Jiang Cha covered his eyes, "You put on your clothes!!!"

Shen let his hands in a hurry, picking up the bathrobe I wore on the ground last night and wrapping it around him. Just about to come forward and sit on the bed, Jiang Cha fixedly looked at him, and Shen let sit on the ground silently, leaning against him. By the bed.

Seeing how pitiful he was, Jiang Cha suddenly forgot his own situation, and laughed "pouch".

She smiled, and Shen Rang didn't feel pitiful anymore, and was a little bit happy in it.

Shen Rang leaned on his side, with his chin on the side of the bed, looking at Jiang Cha, his eyes soft, "Can you listen to me explain?"

After Jiang Cha's initial excitement, he also vaguely remembered something from last night, maybe maybe...he saved her, right?

She still remembered the person who drugged her and besieged her last night. She still remembered that it was Fu Zhou, a person who had chased her for a long time but she didn't like to turn down many times.

"That..." Jiang Cha was a little embarrassed, "Would you like to sit up? I remembered something, what happened last night... I know I don't blame you."

Shen Rang shook his head, "I'll sit here, shall we have a chat?"

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Jiang Cha wrapped the quilt tightly, "You speak first."

Shen Rang:.......

Shen Rang said, "I'd better sit on the side, it always feels weird."

Jiang Chaen said, "Okay."

The two were on both sides of the big bed, one wrapped in a quilt and the other covered in a bathrobe.

Shen Rang started talking about meeting Jiang Cha last night. When he said that he couldn't hold back sleeping with her later, Shen Rang's face was already very red.

But Jiang Cha was not much better than him, and he was ashamed.

Jiang Cha is not a conservative person. Compared with the delinquent payment Zhou, she felt that the person last night was Shen Rang, which was really the best result.

At least, he is a gentleman.

At the end, Shen Rang said, "I will be responsible, don't worry."

"Huh?" Jiang Cha was dumbfounded.

Shen Rang turned and got out of bed, found his wallet, took out his ID card, student card, bank card, etc. from it and placed it in front of Jiangcha, "If you need it, I can also provide you with a health certificate, household registration police station certificate, etc. wait wait wait."

"No, no need." Jiang Cha waved his hand again and again, "I don't need you to be responsible. What happened last night was an accident. It stands to reason that I should thank you."

Shen Rangyi said sternly, "You are a girl, you must be at a loss if this kind of thing happens, how can you not be held responsible?"

Jiang Cha:? ? ? ? ?

People who can live in a penthouse suite must have a good family background, but why is his development different from normal people? Putting it on others, shouldn't it be that she should be worried that she will take the opportunity to rely on him?

Why did she get to Shen Rang here, but she was afraid that she would not pester him?

"No, Shen, Shen Ran." Jiang Cha said earnestly, "I really don't need you to be responsible, so don't think too much about it."

Jiang Cha said, wrapped her back in the quilt and got out of the bed, but because she was unwell and the quilt was too big, she fell to the ground with a "puff".

Shen let subconsciously stand up and leaned over, "Are you okay?"

Jiang Cha turned his head back and saw his naked chest, chest muscles and abdominal muscles mermaid line all at once! ! !

"It's okay, okay, okay!" Jiang Cha was crying in her heart, why does she have such good eyesight!

Jiang Cha dragged the quilt and ran into the bathroom. Shen Rang stared at her back. After she entered the bathroom, Shen Rang suddenly felt a little frustrated.

Why don't he be responsible...he is handsome and rich, the point is that he still likes her...

No, she didn't know that he liked her secretly. In this case... it seems that she can't be blamed?

During the half-hour Jiang Cha took a bath, Shen Rang kept this posture motionless.

Jiang Cha came out around the bath towel, did not dare to glance at Shen Rang, and hurried to change his clothes.

Shen Rang was stunned.

After a few minutes passed, Jiang Cha had finished freshening up and was ready to leave.

Shen Rang:? ? ?

Jiang Cha put the bag on his back and smiled at Shen Rang, "Shen Rang, thank you for saving me last night. Don't worry, I will never rely on you."

After that, Jiang Cha turned his head to endure the discomfort, trying to make herself look free and easy so as not to burden Shen Rang.

Shen Rang didn't wear any clothes, so he could only watch her leave.

There is still a chance, he knows her school, knows her internship company, he can go to her!

After making up his mind, Shen Rang washed his face, brushed his teeth and changed clothes as quickly as possible, then packed his luggage and went home. He had to think about what to do next.

When Jiang Cha left, she seemed to accept the incident peacefully, but in fact she cried for a long time after she went back.

Shen Rang only learned about this later.

He also learned later that Jiang Cha ran upstairs that night because he had thought that he would rather die than let Fu Zhou succeed.

If it didn't happen to meet him, if it wasn't for him to save her.

Perhaps Shen Rang saw the news of Jiang Cha again, it was the morning news.

"Hmm--" Jiang Cha rolled over, and she didn't know what "pop" he hit with his hand.

Jiang Cha opened his eyes, huh?

"Are you awake?" Shen Ran's voice was faint.

Jiang Cha raised his head slightly, Shen Rang half leaned against the head of the bed, his upper body was naked, and the quilt was covering his waist, and what she had just hit was his abdominal muscles.

Jiang Cha was sober in an instant, and the madness with him last night played endlessly in his mind.

Jiang Cha silently retracted her hand, pulling the quilt and turning her back to him.

Okay, so shame/shame!

The male looks confusing.

Shen Rang let out a chuckle, then leaned over and leaned behind her, with his chin resting on her shoulder, laughing and teasing: "I thought you were going to run again."

"Run? Where do I go?" Jiang Cha glanced at him, "God to God."

Shen Rang raised his brows, "I can still quarrel, it seems that I didn't work hard enough last night."

Having said that, Shen Rang lifted a corner of the quilt and made a gesture to act on her.

"Don't don't!" Jiang Cha panicked, "I was wrong, I shouldn't be brave, please forgive me, I hurt~~"

Unconsciously, her voice was coquettish, pouting and complaining about him, it was really cute.

Shen Rang's lips were printed on her shoulders, "Why are you so cute? I can't help being so cute."

Jiang Cha rolled his eyes, and put a hand on Shen Rang's neck, raised his head and kissed him, "My husband, I'm really tired."

Shen Rang's heart: ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah! My wife is so cute (ω).

Shen Rang didn't say anything on his face. Hearing his wife acted like a baby, he was already happy in his heart, but he still wanted to take the opportunity to tease her, "It's just that there is no sincerity..."

Cut, the dog man is not serious.

Jiang Cha used his hand to hook his neck and press down, then raised his head and kissed his lips on his own initiative.

Shen Rang was very useful, okay, because she gave him a proactive kiss, he could let her go for a while.

The two were sticky for a while, Jiang Cha suddenly said "Oh," and sat up abruptly, but because of her soft waist, she didn't feel that she fell to the side.

Shen let her powerful arms steadily catch her, let her lean her back in his arms, "What are you doing rashly?"

"Xiaozhi and Xiaoyao go to school, we have to get up to make breakfast."

Shen Rang was funny. He took the phone from the pillow and pressed the bright screen to show Jiang Cha, "Mrs. Shen, it's half past ten in the morning."

"What?" Jiang Cha couldn't believe it.

Did she actually hang out with him from last night to now? ? ?

Oh my god!

How do children look at her! !

Jiang Cha's face instantly blushed, and she turned around and thumped her small fist, "Why don't you call me! It's a shame! What a kid has to think of us two!"

Shen Rang hurriedly comforted her, "In the morning, Xiaozhi was in charge of breakfast for Xiaoyao. Xiaoyao told Xiaozhi that you were not feeling well, and Xiaozhi was very obedient and did not bother you. I was upstairs watching the two children get in the car separately. , Xin Yin sent Xiao Zhi, Uncle Tan sent Xiao Yao, all arrangements were made last night, are you still worried?"

"It's not that you don't worry, I just...just..." Jiang Cha sighed, "Forget it, it happened anyway, don't think about it."

Shen Rang smiled, "Wife, you think too much, Xiaoyao and Xiaozhi hope we have a good relationship and won't think too much."

Jiang Cha nodded, still feeling a little awkward.

Shen Rang leaned against the bed with Jiang Cha, tilted his head and bit her ears, "My wife, I remembered what we were in the hotel last night."

"So you suddenly lost control last night?"

"Of course not." Shen Rang couldn't help laughing or crying. "I couldn't help but let the flow go. I remembered it after you slept last night."

Speaking of five years ago, Jiang Cha inevitably remembered that scumbag.

"If you didn't try to help me, he wouldn't have been sentenced so quickly."

Shen Rang frowned, "Speaking of which, how long Fu Zhou was sentenced, I remember it was four years..."

"Four years and six months." Jiang Cha continued, she remembered clearly, "It was the verdict notice in July, he should be..."

Jiang Cha had a meal and looked at each other with Shen Rang, and the two said together, "I was released from prison at the beginning of this year!"

Shen Rang sent a message to Xin and asked him to check the whereabouts of Fu Zhou.

Xin Yin returned a [good. 】

Shen Rang saw that Jiang Cha's complexion was not very good, "It's okay, don't worry, let's wait for the news."


Shen Rang held Jiang Cha's hand and found that her fingers were cold.

Shen Rang put her hand on her belly and covered it with a quilt, "Lie down for a while, and then we get up for lunch."


It was just calculated that after Fu Zhou was released from prison this year, Jiang Cha had a momentary blank mind.

For Jiangcha, what happened back then still has a psychological shadow.

Shen Rang patted her back gently, "Go to sleep, I'm here."

"En." Jiang Cha hugged Shen Rang's waist, leaned in his arms, and closed his eyes to rest.

Jiang Cha thought, it was different.

Neither she nor Shen Rang are the same as they were back then.

As for Fu Zhou...he had better be honest, otherwise she wouldn't be afraid!

The author has something to say: wb private me [hotel], hush!

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