After Rebirth, I Just Want To Concentrate on Raising My Baby

Chapter 49: 48:

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Jiang Cha woke up again, it was an hour later.

"Shen Rang?" Jiang Cha rubbed his eyes, reached out and touched his side, the position was already cold.

Jiang Cha sat up and looked around the room for a week, but Shen Rang was not there.

"Cough...cough cough." Jiang Cha increased her voice and shouted at the door, "Shen Rang—ahhhhh~"

Jiang Cha listened carefully to the movement outside, and soon heard the rush of footsteps going upstairs.

The door was pushed open, "Wife, are you awake?"

Jiang Cha said nothing.

Shen Rang had already walked over and saw Jiang Cha sitting on the bed with the quilt in her arms, her hair messy, her little mouth pursed and an unhappy expression, Shen Rang bending her lips, standing beside the bed with her hands propped on the bed, bowed in the river. Tea cocked her mouth and kissed it, "It's so fragrant."

Jiang Cha took the opportunity to take a bite, "I hate it."

"His—" Shen Rang took a breath, "It hurts."

Jiang Cha rolled her eyes very unfairly, "Why didn't you feel that I hurt when you bit/me last night?"

Shen Rang: I'm sorry, QAQ, I was wrong!

Shen Rang dug Jiang Cha out of the quilt.

"Wow!!" Jiang Cha kicked, "What are you doing?"

Shen Rang turned the person upside down, "In order to express my apologies, I decided to take care of my wife and wash myself."

"I do not want!"

"you want."

Jiang Cha was struggling to death, "I don't want to!! Shen Ran! You dog man, don't take the opportunity to take advantage of me!"

Shen Rang looked down at Shangjiang Cha's eyes, "I really didn't intend to do anything, but my wife, you all said that I am a man, if I don't do something, am I sorry you praised me?"

"Don't—" Jiang Cha shivered, "husband, husband, don't be impulsive, haven't you heard that sentence? Impulsive is the devil!"

Shen Rang smiled slightly, "But not impulsively, isn't your husband a coward?"

Jiang Cha:? ? ?

Where does this man come from so many fallacies every day?

But Jiang Cha also understands that everything she did and said can be refuted by Shen Rang with a reasonable reason. After all, she still has to show her face when it comes to shamelessness.

Jiang Cha sighed, leaning on Shen Rang's shoulder as if resigning, "Okay, you win, lighten it."

Shen Rang smiled and pressed a kiss on her eyebrows, "It really made you funny. I was too much last night, but I won't be today."

Jiang Cha snorted, "You have a conscience."

"Come on, wife." Shen Rang put Jiang Cha on the sink, "husband is waiting for you to brush your teeth."

"Hahahahaha! You go away~"

"Don't hide my wife!"

"Ahhhhh! Shen Rang!"

"Hey, the small one is here~"

"Hurry up, I'm hungry."


Just brushing his teeth and washing his face, Jiang Cha could do it in five minutes by himself, but he just spent twenty minutes with Shen Rang.

Coming out of the bathroom, Shen Rang hugged her directly out of the door and walked downstairs.

Jiang Cha patted him on the shoulder, "My slippers are still in the room."

Shen Rang looked at her, "With me, you don't need shoes."

Jiang Cha smirked, "You mean, do you hold me wherever I go today?"


Jiang Cha squeezed Shen Rang's face, "Don't make trouble, bring me your shoes after dinner."

"Yes, my wife."

Shen Rang made the porridge for nourishing Qi and blood, and there were four side dishes, all of which Jiang Cha likes.

When Jiang Cha was picked up by Shen Rang into the restaurant and smelled the scent, his stomach was already screaming.

Shen Rang put the person down, then pulled a chair and sat beside her, holding the porridge in his left hand, and taking a spoon in his right hand, taking a spoonful and blowing it gently by his mouth, looking very serious.

Jiang Cha propped his head with one hand, his eyes fell on him reluctantly.

Shen Rang raised his eyes and asked when he saw this: "Why look at me like this?"

Jiang Cha leaned forward and whispered, "I suddenly found out, don't you look more handsome the day before."

"So?" Shen Rang stared at her.

"Tweet—" Jiang Cha kissed his lips, touching it instantly, "Reward you for being considerate of me."

Shen Rang hooked his lips and brought a spoonful of porridge in his right hand to Jiang Cha's mouth, "Eat."


After the two people got along last night, their way of getting along has changed drastically.

Before last night, although some of the two people had already talked about love, they would also have intimate behaviors similar to kissing, but they were not as good as today.

Jiang Cha seemed to have suddenly returned to the girl's age, very sticky, not wanting to be separated from him, not thinking about it for a second.

Even when Shen Rang was washing the dishes, Jiang Cha sat and looked at him, feeling that he couldn't see enough.

After tidying up the kitchen, Shen Rang and Jiang Cha went to the entertainment room again to watch a movie.

In the middle of the room, there is a large, super comfortable sofa. The backrest is soft, and people will soon feel drowsy when they lean on it.

The two chose a romance film that was released recently. Jiang Cha leaned in Shen Rang's arms, and the two watched the movie quietly.

Looking at it, Jiang Cha was a little sleepy.

"Hmm..." Jiang Cha grumbled, rubbing in Shen Rang's arms, looking for a comfortable posture, and did not forget to ask Shen Rang, "husband."


Jiang Cha has closed his eyes, "You must finish reading."

Shen Rang was funny, "Why?"

"I didn't watch it..." Jiang Cha's voice was vague, "You tell me later... don't forget...ah..."

"Okay." Shen Rang pulled the thin blanket beside him and covered Jiang Cha's body, and then gently kissed her forehead, "I want to be in my dream."

Shen Rang bends his lips, his wife is really fragrant.

Jiang Cha slept in a daze for nearly forty minutes. When he opened his eyes, the movie happened to be the scene where the hero and the heroine were kissing.

Jiang Cha: It seems that it's not time to wake up?

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Jiang Cha closed her eyes again, when she was not awake.

"I saw it, don't pretend." Shen let her fingertips hook her chin, lowered her head and kissed it.

"Well—" Jiang Cha vacantly rejected it twice, and then he accepted it.

Actually... She really likes the feeling of kissing Shen Rang, which gives her the feeling that she is cherished and put in her heart.

Shen Rang gently rubbed the fingertips of Jiang Cha's chin, and then moved slightly behind her ears.

Seeing Jiang Cha had gradually entered the state, Shen let the phone rang suddenly.

Jiang Cha pushed him away, "Phone."

Shen Rang frowned, picked up the phone in his left hand to answer, and rubbed the corner of Jiang Cha's lips with his right thumb to wipe off the body fluid.

"Xin Yin." Shen Ran's voice was faint, "You better have very important things."

Xin Yin on the other side of the phone paused, "Mr. Shen, there is news about Fu Zhou."

Shen made his eyes dark, and squeezed Jiang Cha's hand, "You come to the seaside villa now, and talk about it when you meet."

"Okay, President Shen, I'll go over immediately."


Jiang Cha heard it really, and didn't say much, pulling Shen Rang up from the sofa, "Let's go, change clothes."


Shen Rang took Jiang Cha's hand, and the two returned to the room together.

Soon, Xin Yin came.

"President Shen."

Shen Rang responded and called Xin Yin, and the three of them went to the study together.

"How's it going?" Jiang Cha said first, "When did Fu Zhou come out? Did he do any tricks at home?"

"No." Xin Yin opened the folder and found relevant information about Fu Zhou serving his sentence, "Four years and six months, there is no shortage of one day, but..."

Xin Yin pointed to the middle section of the text, "The prison environment is more complicated, and Fu Zhou is should have been a bit, ahem, not a good experience."

"Not so good?" Jiang Cha looked at Xin Yin's embarrassed expression, and subconsciously asked "What is it?"

Shen Rang understood and pulled Jiang Cha, "Don't ask, you don't want to know."

Jiang Cha said, "Then Xinyin, please go on."

"Yes." Xin Yin put a few more pieces of paper in front of the two of them. "This is the diagnosis and treatment record of Fu Zhougang when he was released from prison. However, after he changed to a family doctor later, there was no way to find out more about his condition. , But what is certain is that Fu Zhou has a serious mental problem."

"By the way, there is a driver under Fu Zhou. His name is... Tan Yingjie. He is the person who has been with Fu Zhou the longest time, including the years when Fu Zhou has been in jail. He has not left either. When Zhou was in jail, he worked as a driver at Fu's family. Later, when Fu Zhou was released from prison, he followed Fu Zhou again."

"Tan Yingjie?" Jiang Cha frowned, "I am familiar with this name."

Shen Rang added, "If I remember correctly, Tan Yingjie is the only son of Uncle Tan."

"Uncle Tan's son!" Jiang Cha was stunned, "How come??? Uncle Tan's son is Fu Zhou's driver?"

"It should be." Xin Yin handed the final materials to the two of them. "Yesterday, Jiang Qiulin was released early due to physical reasons. It was this Tan Yingjie who picked up the three of Jiang's family."

Jiang Cha:? ? ?

Shen Rang: "...Why are these people all together?"

"President Shen, I also think it's a coincidence."

When Xin Yin got the information, he felt quite surprised.

People who are malicious towards President Shen and Vice President Jiang even know...

Shen Rang's face was serious, and his fingers on the table lightly tapped on the table, "Fu Zhou is the one who took the initiative to contact Jiang Qiulin?"

Xin Yin nodded, "According to the survey data, it should be, and not only Jiang Qiulin, Yu Qin and Jiang Zong were picked up by Fu Zhou."

Shen Rang chuckled, "It seems that the two of them are going to do something together."

"Mr. Shen..."

"Xin Yin, let you stare at Dianfuzhou, and...Uncle Tan..." Shen Rang sighed, a little embarrassed.

Uncle Tan has been driving in Shen's house for so many years and he is a good old man, Shen Rang knows this.

Regarding what Tan Yingjie did, whether Uncle Tan didn't know at all or knew but didn't say anything, Shen Rang had to think about it.

"Xin Yin, you can contact my dad and transfer some bodyguards from him. From tomorrow on, Xiaoyao and Xiaozhi will have to bring bodyguards with them no matter where they go to school or where they go."

Xin marked it down, "I'll do it in a while."

Jiang Cha worried, "What do they want to do..."

"Do you remember the last time Jiang Qiulin sent you a text message using Jiang Yao's cell phone?"

Jiang Cha nodded, "Well, remember."

"I was wondering last time, how did Jiang Qiulin know your mobile phone number? Now it seems that there is Fu Zhou's help." Shen Rang took Jiang Cha's hand, "Jiang Qiulin is insatiable. He is mostly looking for you for money. Now, since their family has met with Fu Zhou, it is estimated that Xiaoyao's going to Yinyao can't be kept secret."

Jiang Cha was surprised, "What if they go to Xiaoyao?"

"It's okay. Let's arrange bodyguards first. Xiao Yao and Xiao Zhi's self-defense classes have also been arranged. Let Xiao Yao learn some quick tricks first. If it is really necessary, he can also have the opportunity to protect himself."

"It's really lingering." Jiang Cha gritted her teeth, "There is not a good thing."

Shen Rang took Jiang Cha into his arms and winked at Xin Yin.

Xin Yin exited the study, and then brought the door.

"Wife." Shen let his jaw rest on Jiang Cha's head, "I didn't think about it, but now I have to do more defense for Xiaozhi and Xiaoyao."

Jiang Cha hugged Shen Rang's waist, "I understand."

"One more point..." Shen let his hands on Jiang Cha's shoulders, and then looked down to Shang Jiang Cha's eyes, "Fu Zhou's imprisonment is more directly related to us. He suffered several years of torture which led to a mental outburst. Problem."

"It can be said that the people he hates most are you and me, but he considers that the Shen family should not easily do it to me. What I am afraid is that this **** will do it to you. Okay, you must not be alone, okay?"


Shen Rang hugged Jiang Cha and looked at the eagle.

Whether it's Fu Zhou or Jiang Qiulin.

No matter which one it is, if he dares to hurt his wife, his family, and he Shen Rang, none of them will be let go!

The author has something to say: Ah, you won’t be abused~

Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution during 2020-04-0118:00:00~2020-04-0318:00:00~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: 1 broken cocoon;

Thanks to the little angel who threw the landmine: 1 broke the cocoon;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 20 bottles of Cocoon Breaking; 10 bottles of Yanyan Yanyan; 4 bottles of I don’t want to go online; 2 bottles of Ah Xiaobaa;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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