Akatsuki: Shinobi System in Another Universe

Chapter 4: Chapter 3 Starting Out

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Chapter 3 Starting Out


Akatsuki was quiet, and he appreciated the quietness of his mind. He never would have guessed he would have an otherworldly entity squatting atop his brain.

At this particular time, he was training or shadowboxing. His fist and feet bombarded the air. He painstakingly prepared these couple of months. This was a strict regiment, but he was hellbent on self-improvement. If he was going to leave this beautiful meadow, he needed more strength. He quickly learned this was like a safe zone, the beast would sniff about, but a barrier of sorts hid him from sight and sent.

He had a wide grin on his face. His hair was tied into a long ponytail. Thanks to his inheritance, his appearance did change. To his chagrin, he was charming but had a wild savage look about himself.

Caw! He stopped and looked skyward. It was a large crow. He had got a deal on the crow contract. The system was like an oversized lot and Walmart; some days, they had great sales; he just hoped the system would accept coupons one day.

He swiped sweat from his brow. His trusty crow flew down and landed on his shoulder. At this particular time, his demeanor could be described as content.

Spending months in the clearing with only Blackbeard, the name of the crow summon, and the system for the company, he made the best of it; neither talked much, especially Akatsuki; she only complained and harassed him, taking pleasure in downplaying his achievements. Their bond had deepened. He could even feel some emotions from her.

His Kidōmaru Inheritance was already producing fruits. He held Kidō muscle memory, abilities, and mental fortitude; he even had all the secrets the man knew, including Ninjutsu taught by Orochimaru.

This reason alone allowed him to master the basic ninja techniques. He quickly rose passed the academy level. He could climb trees and even move through them skillfully. He could traverse the water's surface and even do Taijutsu and Ninjutsu without losing his cohesion to the surface.

Although he could be said to be one who avoided exercise in his past life, he didn't lack the drive here; the sheer excitement of what he was capable of usually propelled him to new heights. Akatsuki had also mentioned he wouldn't ever experience a bottleneck. In all, he became a typical gym rat. He lived and breath training and practices.

Today he decided to use the shadow clone technique. Like Naruto, his speed and attainments doubled. Unfortunately, it also greatly exhausted him. Shadow clone techniques weren't your basic Bunshin Jutsu. It was forbidden and restricted for a reason, and that reason was the drawbacks. He once dismissed ten clones simultaneously; the overload had almost shattered his mind; luckily, the system was there to help him.

Learning a valuable lesson and being chewed out by the system, even Blackbeard pecked his head furiously. He set a limit to five. One day soon, he would be able to the fearsome Taju Kage Bunshin no Jutsu and be able to send an army of clones toward his enemies.

He decided to hunt in the Magical Beats forest months later at the behest of the system. It was doing this training expedition that he discovered his visual prowess quadrupled. He hurriedly rushed back to the hidden, secure glade to see his reflection. This was the two-tomoe Sharingan; his eye prowess had doubled. He could see further, and his vision was like a hawk in clarification; nothing could escape his eyes. Ryu whooped In joy.

His new eye power complimented his inheritance. His Archery techniques made him lethal. And a distance of hundred meters, he was king.

He summoned a shadow clone and tasked it with practicing archery and his Kumo-Nenkin |Silky-Gold| Kekkei Genkai.

On one particular day, when he left the protection of the mysterious clearing, he came under attack from a fearsome opponent. This beast used shadows and darkness to attack. It turned out it was a panther beast that had undergone mutation. He would have fled, but the system alerted him that the beast core could be exchanged for Yin release-related Jutsu in the system.

The battle ensued. He had to depend on his doujutsu. The beast was naturally an opportunist. It would only attack those it had a sheer advantage over, and seeing a defenseless human thus didn't have cultivation, the beast made a grave mistake. Using his sticky gold as a net, Ryu ensnared the beast before his arrows turned it into a pincushion.

Akatsuki even rewarded him for his first real battle. He received a Yin-natured wardrobe. His essential attire was now a treasure by this world's standards. It had better protection and added a bonus to chakra recovery. The panther was called a Shadow-stalker. The beast was over a meter in length, so he had enough for an entire wardrobe. He gave off a Yin natured aura; he was now able to somewhat blend into the shadows naturally, similarly to the shadow stalker.

With the steady routine of training and hunting close to home, Six months soon went by. Ryu was still in the central part of the magical beast forest.

"Bastards, dare kill this handsome noble." He sneered. His chakra level was already bordering the level of Genin. He calmed down. He was quickly excited or angered by his counterpart's suffering. When his strength increased, it only reminded him of how far he had to go.

Traversing through the tree branches was Ryu. This was the most ideal and economical method of traveling for a shinobi. Ryu had changed wardrobes. He was adorned in Kidōmaru's wardrobe. It was an off-white kimono; a purple obi held the ensemble together.

"Really? Are you going to play about; is this forest a playground?" Ryu had a wide grin as he jumped from branch to branch.

"Haha. Ah. Come on, spoil-sport." He replied amicably.

Akatsuki's eyes rolled mentally. Ryu had a bright idea earlier. After his daily meditation, he hurriedly left the secret glade.

Kidōmaru wasn't your typical ninja; he was an Archer. His disposition and innate abilities were naturally that of an ambusher and trapper. He excelled at long-range tactics, stealth related techniques.
Shikamaru Naru realized he was also an extremely proficient taijutsu user.

"Akatsuki, I have trained and meditated far too long. Why can't I have some fun?" He complained.

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"This mysterious magical forest, with an abundance of magical beasts, waiting for me to taste them," he smacked his lips. His predecessor lacked spirit root; even though he was a noble and ate better than most, he didn't gain anything from the magical beast; his helpers even substituted his food with regular meat and ate his share. Usually, humans didn't get to partake in beast meat to such an extent, and only those influential could afford to consume such nourishment.

With a diet like his, along with the phenomenal mediation technique he had on hand, his chakra network was smooth and clear of roadblocks; also, his reserves were blossoming astronomically.

Aido Hwedo was technically still a youth, and with their synergistic relationship, Ryu had gained much from Aido. He even had part of his outlook on things. And, Ryu being who he was on earth, craved adventure that he read in stories. He would have never been able to experience fierce battles with the ferocious beast.

"I could only fantasize about these things on Earth," he explained.

"And how about Aido? I have the opportunity and ability to assuage both our dreams?" His argument is complete. He could only watch from afar, with his lack of spirit root; he miserably watched other nobles stroll about and take to the skies; all of that was demoralizing to him. He landed on a tree branch.

He sighed. "Soon, I want to be able to enjoy myself. Things are about to change. I'm afraid my personality will be among those things.

Akatsuki didn't respond, but he felt her nodding, understanding.
I was amazed at the different types of ecosystems inside the magical forest. One side was an everglade, swampland, and now rainforest. Then the trees, each one equal to the Eiffel Tower.

He whistled. "Even the Empire State Building wouldn't necessarily be king here."

Though he hunted in the forest, he seldom met powerful beasts. So him stumbling across some faint tracts of the magical beast was exciting. He hung upside down like a spider; this was, in fact, his kekkei-genkai. Kidōmaru Kekkai Genkai partially made spider webs by infusing his spit or sweat with chakra. He could use his silk to bind, trap, or sense enemies. These threads were extremely sticky yet durable and elastic. Ryu Learned this was because his chakra was constantly flowing through the webs; even when it left his hand, the chakra flow was constant, almost like an electrical current.

Initially, he imagined the webs couldn't necessarily be cut easily. However, Akatsuki informed him Neji Gentle Fist was able to sever them. She summarized that the same method used by Warrior and magicians had the potential.

He noted the indentation of the beast prints is hoof-like. This beast that he hunted was an Iron-Tusk Boar. His predecessor had received the proper education and was very educated and absorbed knowledge like a sponge; that's how he stumbled across the clan magical beast encyclopedia.

Iron-Tusk Boar lacked speed, but once it charged, it was pretty deadly; its tusks were like elephants, and though it was slow, its defense wasn't. Being a magical beast element was of earth/iron.
He soon spotted the lone Iron-tusk boar; it was aggressively digging up some roots and searching for some tasty morsels. The beast was a nuisance to human farms; its iron tusks and low intelligence often led to decimated farmland. Because of that and its relatively moderate strength, Human towns offered a year-long quelling mission.

He squinted, and decisiveness showed on his face. He began chewing vigorously as he watched the Boar below. Akatsuki had mentioned he looked funny; she said when he molded the sticky-gold, he looked like a billy-goat. This technique was how he molded his Kumo Nenkin Kekkai Genkai. The weapons created from this process were the core of his fighting style.

He doubted he would ever let it go with its potential to grow and supplement other techniques. Soon as the substance came in contact with the air, it would harden like steel. The more he progressed, the stronger it could become; this bloodline had support, offense, and defense. It wasn't bad tasting, the texture was soft, and the flavor reminded him of bubblegum from the earth. Using his hands, he began to shape the substance into a golden kunai.

He descended on a web. The beast didn't notice. He was pretty stealthy. His hand exploded forth, the golden kunai shimmering in the sunlight.


The kunai is embedded into the skull of the Boar. Ryu released the blade; unfortunately, the Boar bucked, and he was hit. He sailed through the air and tumbled across the ground. The Boar whirled around, and blood trickled down like a faucet. It roared painfully.

Magical beasts were intelligent; even a rank one beast had some sense; also, magical beasts and humans had a precarious relationship; the two races fought many times in great wars. Spotting the assailant and seeing it was a human, the magical beast became incensed. Its black beady eyes turned red in hatred.

The Boar's head lowered, its Iron tusks sharp and fierce, pointed toward the hateful human that tried to sneak attack it. He righted himself and faced the beast. Its right leg kicked up the earth, and its body blurred. He saw how furious it was and remembered that Iron-tusk boars were known to go berserk when seriously infuriated.

What? Alarms went off inside his head. He couldn't react fast enough. Things didn't go as planned. He acted rashly and ended up causing himself trouble. He also didn't have his Sharingan activated. He thought he had the drop on the beast.

Without any time to properly prepare, he could only cross his arms. The semi-truck that was angered to the extreme, iron-tusk Boar slammed into him

Thud! His body rocketed ten meters away. His body smacked into the base of the massive tree. He groaned loudly, and his sticky-gold body armor shattered around his arms into small pieces. Blood poured from his lips as he suffered internal damage. He landed on the ground on one knee.




The Boar roared a mighty battle cry and rushed forward again. Ryu's eyes enlarged. He quickly activated his Sharingan. He flipped over the beasts. His right hand grabbed the embedded kunai, his left hand leaving an explosive tag in its place. He barely cleared the two-meter bulk of the beast before the tag exploded; the blast sent him further away as debris and smoke filled the area.

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