Akatsuki: Shinobi System in Another Universe

Chapter 3: Chapter 3 Lottery

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He sat inside the wondrous glade and pondered everything that Akatuski had said previously; unfortunately, he was brought from his inner musing by the shockingly high vocals of the overly excited system. 

"Also, Host doesn't have to worry or even understand Divine star systems of power; if these mongrels chant some mysterious syllables, Host just has to move out of the way, with superior movements of a shinobi, if they think a warrior could put maneuver you then they can dream on, just show them your martial arts and send them to hell!" Akatsuki thundered inside his head. Her mechanical voice had an echoing effect that caused him to wince. 

Ryu stood still; a bead of sweat rolled down his face. "That is something to be thankful for."

"Mhm. How about others? Can they become ninjas?" He asked, trying to bring the system back to a more normal nature." 

"Are you asking about the fortunate, not dammed to obscurity by this world's essence? Akatsuki asked. 

"This world supposed trash who lack spiritual root can be brought over," Akatuski said excitedly.

Ryu nodded his head vigorously. 

But he Couldn't help but picture Loli in a crowd screaming and cheering on her home team.

"Ouch!" Ryu yelped. He felt a terrible pinch in his head.

"Akatsuki must be brought forth. The Host has no choice in the manner; if you cannot achieve this, the system will slap some terrible fines, and your life could easily be reaped as one of them." Akatsuki said in her fan-girlish mechanical feminine voice smudgily.

"....Bullying me," Ryu exclaimed loudly. But settled down when his head felt like a vice clamped was placed around it.

"Gah. Wuwu. Mercy. Uncle." Ryu roared, getting up and running around in a circle.

"Harrumph. The Host is an Idiot. Akatsuki is not a bully. You're the bully." He felt a light slap on the back of his head, yet he didn't make a fuss and settled back down. 

"I've been isekai'd after dying heroically only to be threatened by you! You even claimed my life could be reaped if I could not bring forth the Akatsuki organization. How is that fair? Where is my Justice? I need representation before being sentenced unjustly." Ryu screamed his worries.

"Host, keep your voice down. This isn't your house; you're not in your bedroom, so you must be quiet.... unless you want to be eaten and forever become fertilizer for these formidable trees?" Akatsuki said chastising him. 

Ryu shut his mouth and cast his gaze around himself. "My mistake. Thanks for the reminder." He whispered.

"Water under the bridge," Akatsuki replied evenly.

"As I was saying. The Host has no choice but to form Akatsuki. To accomplish this isn't simple. But As long as you are trying, why fear the penalties? Also, with this one here, I'm speaking about me, Akatsuki; how can you not achieve this? So Simmer down. If I must, I'll hold your hand and control your feet. I want this too." Akatsuki said reassuringly.

"Back to finding little helpers for the Host. Those lucky individuals, the so-called dregs of society, and those with the most Pain in their hearts, those with boundless resentment, will surely do just fine." Exclaimed the system.

Ryu nodded his head. He understood that those without spiritual roots and those with Pain, hatred, and resentment could be converted. 

He was confused about one thing and decided to query the excited system.

"How do I find these people? Do I need to learn Iryō-Ninjutsu(Medical Ninjutsu) and inspect those losers," he coughed loudly and corrected himself.

"Excuse me, and I meant those lucky individuals' bodies myself? Asked Ryu

"Iryō Ninjutsu will not be needed in that regard. Naturally, with me here, the Host shouldn't despair; I can sense resentment and those who will bring forth change by any means necessary. Leave the recruitment to the professionals; you do other small things." Akatsuki chided with a hint of amusement in her voice.

"Sure, sure, whatever," Ryu mumbled.

Akatsuki smugly Said. "If it was simple, a monkey could do it. If these blessed individuals could sense chakra, they would have already grasped its wholesomeness. They must be baptized by me, through you, even to be able to sense and mold charka." Ryu nodded in understanding.

In Naruto, everyone naturally contained chakra. This was after the effects of Kaguya consuming the fruit, which made her a godlike being. She then gave birth to a child, born into the world, knowing how to manipulate it. From there on, the Sage of Six paths taught others how to use it.

In that lone glade alongside nature and the sun as a witness, Akatsuki was birthed into this verse. That lone individual talking to the air loudly was once upon a time Aido Hwedo, a known individual of the continent; inside him at the wheel was another, a Ryu 'Jack' Baptise from Earth.

Ryu was an unknown; he would only use that name amongst close friends. But since he is the leader of Akatsuki, he would need another, a name that would thrum throughout this world and the myriad of dimensions. He would be Pain. Aido Hwedo, in this life, knew untold struggle and mountain worth of Pain and hardship. If someone could sense this baleful essence, he would glow brighter than the sun above.

And invisible to all was a red scarlet eye with ten inverted magatamas sitting upon three circle black lines.

On this day, Inside the magical beast Forrest located in the center region of the continent, Akatsuki was birthed into this unsuspecting world.


Ryu was comfortably lying atop the mushy grass and flowers of the beautiful meadow. If people who knew Aido could see him leisurely twirling his bare feet, they would be shocked beyond belief. Hours passed, and his time inside the world progressed and, thus, his knowledge. Akatsuki's monologue ended, but he still quietly listened to her detailed analysis of myriad topics about with system. 

Inside his mind, he browsed the Interface; while he was peeking around, his mind pulled the known ranks of the world to the surface


Students 1-4 

Disciple 1-4

Practitioners 1-4


Master 1-4

Grand-Master 1-4

Duke 1-4


King 1-4

Emperor 1-4

Saint 1-4


Uncrowned God 1-4



Crowned God?

Ryu was bombarded with information.

"Akatsuki, what the hell." He said as the information was directly downloaded into his brain.

"Ah. I'm positive Aido didn't even possess this information. That means the Hwedo clan lacks a God-Realm level fighter." He paused with a queer thought. 

"This information you should hold since you're the holder of the Akatsuki Shinobi System." She said arrogantly, with unmatched pride in her mechanical voice.

"Even with this basic information, don't forget that the realms are endless. Don't assume you're aware of the height of the skies because you can see them with your eyes!" She said mysteriously.

"Ah. Yes. I'll remember that."

"System, how many Gods are in this world?" Asked Ryu.

"Don't ask questions you're not qualified to know. I'll tell you this; each dimension has at least one Sovereign. You must increase your strength and know how many Gods exist." 

"So I can match up to each realm with the equivalent shinobi rank. Interesting." He mumbled.

"How does shinobi physiology compare against cultivators' Bloodlines?" He queried. He remembered Kage-level ninjas didn't match up evenly against bloodline holders in Naruto of the same rank. 

Akatsuki laughed in his head. "Shinobi world would be considered to reside Supreme-Tier universe, don't compare it to this low-tier world. Cultivation will always be inferior to Shinobi's physique. And you're already considered a bloodline holder, by this world estimate, an extremely high tier one. Don't make me laugh, Ryu." 

"If it's like that, then a Genin can best the entirety of the low-realm individuals?"

Akatsuki seemed to think before she replied. " if we're basing this off of sheer physical prowess, then a low Genin would be able to roam freely inside the low-realm. Another small realm up, and you could be almost unmatched. Do you understand?"

Ryu nodded his head in understanding. There was low, middle, and Peak in each shinobi rank. 

"It's not wise to not be without insurance; there are always those mystical treasures and other things to consider when dealing with a cultivator." 

Ryu nodded excitedly. Aido lacked the ability and couldn't discern others' power levels, but that was the past him. His treacherous steward was said to be a Disciple realm expert.

"Nothing is written in stone. This world has its methods, and mysterious techniques, treasures. Be cautious until you have sufficient strength." Akatsuki warned sternly, sensing his thoughts.

The informative info floored Ryu. He initially knew the Hwedo clan personally had three old monsters in the shadows. But since the Hwedo clan was one of the big four hegemony of the Holy-Flame Empire, it wouldn't be a lie to say they maybe have a deep-seated figure protecting the clan foundation.

His face paled. And his psyche was shaken. There was a possibility of his revenge being halted by super-expert hiding away inside the clan in secret.

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Could he reach efficient strength to sweep them away?

"Host, never lower your head. You're underestimating yourself and not giving me a face. Why should you waiver with me, even if they had a Saint? Even an Uncrowned God," Akatsuki harrumphed. "This can't compare to me. Wouldn't I, Akatsuki, be considered your Ace in the shadows!"

"I can wait to become a Kage. First, I need to establish my organization and reach grander-tier strength than the forces behind my old clan. I would need a base. No. I'm thinking too small. A city would work. I'll also bring forth this world's first hidden Shinobi village." He exclaimed loudly. 

He looked around himself—eyes shining with glee and mischievousness. 

"What better place than here? This magical beast forest would be the perfect place to take out my village from the store. Then I can swagger about this Empire without care. But who said my sights are just to become a Kage of a Strong force? I sure didn't. So Why should I despair? I have the might of the Elemental Nation in hand."

He raised his balled fist toward heaven and bellowed. "Curse you bastards for Calling me trash, abusing my noble person for all those years. I almost committed suicide because I couldn't bare it all. I'll show you, the Hwedo clan, and all those conspirators in my assassination; wait on me to sniff out your guilt and come strolling into your clan seeking compensation."

'With this infamous system, I'm unlikely to lose to anyone. What can a magician do? I have Ninjutsu. Warriors, Ha. Come close to that explosive battle Qi; I will utilize Taijutsu. And you so-called illusionist don't even bother pulling the curtain on stage; I have already seen the trick you have used, simple sleight-of-hand technique, with my Sharingan, it's nothing.'

Ryu bolted up. "Akatsuki, why don't you give me a breakdown of the different systems I have at my disposal."

"Certainly, Host."

"Inheritance System is the most unique; In my opinion as the administrator. This system allows the Host to Inherit accumulated knowledge of a random Shinobi of Naruto. This can only be undertaken for every member of Akatsuki Host obtains.

"There is no limit to Akastsuki. I strongly recommend having a core group and an outer group; the core individuals can be your significant hitters and leaders. The system is based on lucky rolls. The Host also has one free roll as an added benefit from the system."

"Hand that over," Ryu said, jumping from the grass, his natural sword wavering in the wind as his clothes dried on a low-hanging branch.

"Host, need not rush. Let me continue."

"Ninjutsu System: Covers all Jutsu, even forbidden Jutsu and a myriad of secret arts; if it was a whisper of a Jutsu in Naruto World, then it's located here. There are some hidden requirements and gratuities on the most obscure skills inside Ninjutsu System. But the majority of them are based on your strength. I strongly suggest you take a look."

"Store System: Has everything a ninja would need, even the seven swordsman blades, those locked away sage items, pain-killers, shuriken, detonating papers, even Konoha village is inside the store. If you have the cash, walk down this aisle and go on a shopping spree."

"Dōjutsu System: is the smallest of stores but the most profound; it has all manner of DōJutsu. Unfortunately, the prices are extremely high, but since the Sharingan is in your head, wait to unlock Rinnegan. If you want to see 360 degrees around you and lack blindspots, wield Blood with your eyes, tell the future at a glance, or use water drops to track opponents with your wondrous eyes, insert some coins into the system; it's here, that's if you have the bank."

Summoning & Bijuu System: Has all summoning contracts; Host wants to summon snakes; go right ahead. Also, Bijuu is locked away here. Do you claim to have the strength to release & control a tailed beast? Best be sure. Naturally, these walking thinking calamities would cause havoc strolling around here. But you have me, Akatsuki, to help you with these unruly pets."

"Mission System: Provides mission to the Host, completion of this mission has myriad rewards; the Host can randomly obtain DōJutsu, Bijuu, Summoning Contracts, system money, and items. The Host can also lose greatly upon failure. Missions are automated or obtained from random encounters. I lack outright control here."

He was lost in thought after carefully listening to the system; after some time, he asked the system.

"All good. But hand me this Inheritance, let me get Pain, hand me the dice, let me tell you, in Chicago, I cleaned up many corner spot dice games." Said Ryu patting his chest.

"Host has never played dice on the streets of Chicago. The Host is also from the suburbs. The Host must be joking. Implementing brain surgery....." the mechanical feminine voice said smugly.

"Ah. Wait. I'm mistaken. I have never played dice, and I'm only acting tough." He said, waving his hand and looking for a place to hide from the brain surgeon A.I

"Humph. The Host does not need to embellish himself." The system said in chastisement.

"I guess that's system equivalent of these powerful families Inheritance & Bloodlines." Mumbled Ryu trying to change the topic.

"Indeed, the Akatsuki system does not lack anything."

"How can I obtain system cash?

"Host can obtain that quickly by completing missions and killing magical beasts and other human beings. Just getting this system has given Host a 100,000 balance.

"Sweet baby, Jesus. That's a lot of money." He said, rubbing his palms together in understanding.

After listening to the system lecturing him on the system, his undertaking skyrocketed. This 'Akatsuki System' would facilitate his vengeance. In his hands he had ninjutsu, genjutsu and taijutsu.

He reached for his magnificent clothes but stopped. He quickly began meditation to find this charka in the air; once he found what he sought, he felt invigorated. A wide smile surfaced on his face.

"Congratulations. You're an Academy-level fighter." Akatsuki Said, smoldering his burning fire of accomplishment. Ryu cursed inwardly at the system.

"I would like to purchase the Akatsuki wardrobe," Ryu asked nicely. "Also, I want the Tobi mask he wore around." He was bubbling with excitement. Who said clothes don't make a man? They lied.

"No need to purchase Akatsuki gear, and Shinobi standard equipment is free long as you have a positive balance."

"That's sweet. Thanks!"

"You're welcome. I'm glad to be of assistance."


Ryu was startled when a subtle explosion of white smoke suddenly happened before him. He calmed down when he realized what it was. His outfit and gear were before him.

Members of Akatsuki wear long, black cloaks with red clouds, a red interior, and a chin-high collar. The red clouds represent the rain of Blood that fell in Amegakure during its wars and were viewed as a symbol of justice by its original members.

"These robes are distinctive, allowing members of Akatsuki to be easily identifiable even from a distance." He said in appreciation.

He continued cultivation. He needed to facilitate his body since it lacked natural essence. Unknowingly, this made him 10x more handsome.


Time passed.

Unknowingly he had been cultivating for about 12 hours. His eyes opened, and he drew a deep refreshing breath before standing up.

He stretched and yawned before looking around. It was already evening. His stomach rumbled. He effortlessly reached his pouch on his leg and took out some finely wrapped rice balls and sushi; while he munched, he browsed the system store.

He burped loudly and rubbed his rotund stomach. He was glad to be satiated. While cultivating chakra, the body is heavily taxed, so the cultivation of chakra demands a significant amount of food.

He stood up, placing the orange mask Tobi wore on his face. He discovered a path and walked forward.

"System, let's roll this dice before we forget. I'd like to see what I can get for free before spending some money."

"As you wish."

"Inheritance System activated.

Ryu mentally rolled the dice in his consciousness. It was two giant black dice; they seemed to have infinite sides, and it was a bewildering sight to see.

They rolled across his mental space. They slowly slowed to crawl before tumbling a final turn. his excitement rose to the skies. 

"Come on, let me get Madara or Senju Inheritance.." He said, pleading and praying.


It stopped. He ran over and took a look.

His face drained of color.

"Cheat!" He exclaimed loudly.

"He reached for the dice but then vanished, and he was forcefully ejected from the game.

"Noooo. this can't be happening." He was on his knees crying like a baby, snot poured from his nose, and he sniffled loudly.

"Host, please prepare; inheritance is quite a painful experience, and your appearance may change somewhat."

"Ah," he stopped crying quickly. "Akatsuki, please... Don't do this to me; how can I get this." He said, calling about his role.

"Host is a retard. Kidōmaru of sound four was a formidable Shinobi. Unfortunately, Orochimaru had a hold over him. He has the curse mark without the nasty Orochimaru-tainted soul stuff inside it."

"But, I don't want to be a mutant-spider. If this was maybe marveled world, and I was Spider-Man, I wouldn't cry. But, the girls here wouldn't love me. Wuwuwuu." He said, crying again.

"Oh. That was your worry. Don't fret. Having six other arms would be a cheat. Imagine performing Eight different Jutsus simultaneously. Since Jutsu is based on performing hand-seal to some degree, it's plausible. That is too good for you to have easily."

"It's like this. 1st stage of the curse mark will give you two additional arms, quantitative charka increase and increase physical strength and mobility, and the 2nd stage would compile on the first. 3rd stage would multiply the 2nd, and you will appear similar to Kidōmaru when he fought Neji all out." Akatsuki explained.

Ryu froze, and his funny face quickly became routine. "Oh. Well. I guess. He was like a super-archer or something anyway."

"Also, you will get his wardrobe and spider summoning contract. I'm not sure if the Boss-summon will approve of you if it heard your earlier remarks anyway." Akatsuki Said with an icy voice.

"Hold u-" Ryu started to fire back when a wave of Pain assaulted him, and his consciousness went blank.


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